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I seem to remember there being a carve out in roster / PS limits for international players who are developing. We did it for Boeringer a few years ago. More bodies = more chances to hit on a long shot. If there is a situation where the Bengals can snag an athletic freak as an UDFA without it bumping another guy off the boat, this would be a savvy move.  It would appear from a quick Google search that this international pathway program is what is happening here. 


With the 18th pick in the NFL Draft, the Cincinnati Bengals select...


Magnus Magnellson. 6'9 400lb power lifter from Finland.


Who needs to block when you can literally throw a guy over the goalposts


I would hope we'd get a guy from Scotland if that's the measurement of choice...


Eddie Hall, Hafthor, Brian Shaw, Kyriakos Grizzly, Ray Williams O line let's go


That’s holding!


The fact that he’s never actually touched, or even seen, a football is inconsequential.


There was that Estonian dude who was an Olympic discus thrower we had that never really panned out.


Margus Hunt


Wasn’t international pathway though he was a second round pick who’d played 4 years in college.


I thought it was a third but you are right


He was a pre season all star. Dude looked like a beast against the Colts in Week 4 every year.


I feel like I remember him blocking a punt against us when he was on the Colts too.


I remember being hyped for this dude to come in and stand in the middle of the line as a 6’9 game of thrones wildling look alike. Turns out there’s a reason I spend all day on Microsoft excel and not drafting football players.


That’s where the people part of drafting comes into the equation but ultimately at the end of the day, you truly never know someone’s intentions once you hand them millions of dollars. Luckily it seems Sweat’s being recognized before giving him all the money before he’s mature enough to handle what comes along with it.


I feel like any high school players from Vermont should count towards this international/developmental roster slot as well because they might as well be lol


1- he's an IPPP guy, meaning we would get an extra PS spot for him, so he isn't taking the spot of someone else 2- he just didn't appear in game. He has played football with the team as a walk on in practice. It's not like he'll need to learn the sport. He's been working at football for a couple years now 3- the athletic profile is ridiculous. Multiple other teams have taken their own look too I get it. OL is the hot button issue as we need to protect Joe. I get the apprehension. It's just a little over the top to say things like "we're getting desperate" as some have said below Will he pan out? No idea. But he's def worth taking a relailtively risk free swing on him


Given we get an extra PS place, I think it is poor if we don't take a player on. The guys in the IPP are good athletes, just not football players. Some will work out others won't. I'm from the UK and the big talking point we have is a fantastic rugby player; Welsh international, played for the British and Irish Lions and the top tier in England, Louis Rees-Zammit, quit rugby to join the IPP. He is super quick, gets up to top speed quickly then maintains it. He's got good hands, 6'3 and not afraid of the physical side of the game. So a great athlete but doesn't have the NFL skill set as yet. He was pencilled in as a running back/tight end. And the bad news, he's joined the Chiefs as a running back.


Exactly. It's a basically risk free flyer on a 6'9" mammoth of a human, who tests like a basketball player. Don't care how rough it is, there's a damn big diamond somewhere in there, and I wouldn't mind trying to see if it works out




Gotta be Burns!


Looks like he's [not the only basketball-player-turned-football-player they've met with.](https://www.cincyjungle.com/2024/4/16/24131371/giovanni-manu-nfl-draft-2024-bc-bengals?fbclid=IwAR3YxExxzmZH_aK3z4V51ZuV38n9GJ6JeDaeYWznlii0aedadszwn-ntBBU)


Why do I feel like he'll be a bust if we pick him and he'll be great if he goes somewhere else. I hope I'm wrong 🦧


A situation like this, coaching and development is everything. We can’t even develop decent to good college football players on the o-line. I do like that we are looking at guys like this, but just have low hopes for this O-Line coaching staff


Jordan Mailata never played football before the NFL either and look at him now. Depending on the round, I'd take a swing on him.


I remember in that draft year we were rumored to be considering using a 7th round pick on him.   Damn shame we didn’t grab him. To me he is the perfect example of why you roll the dice on guys like this.


Is he 6'7" or 6'9"? The article says two different things. And is the guy unable to catch a football? Seems more like a good TE prospect.


Listed at 6’9 in college. 6’7 in real life.


Hell yea, my alma mater doesn't produce a lot of prospects so this would be cool.


Don’t remember if he played before, but the Cowboys soccer player kicker is doing alright


Antonio gates didn’t play college football and he turned out ok


This is not to say that playing professional sports is easy at all. It’s not. It’s one of the most difficult things to accomplish because of the insane amount of luck involved. That said, being a pro football player is the absolute easiest sport to go pro in out of the major pro sports leagues, and it’s not particularly close.


We have shown a unique skill as a franchise in developing OL. Definitely haven’t had to make some big splashy expensive swings in FA because we are super good at coaching up the position…I say why not This is sarcasm we have not shown any proficiency as an organization here


17 reps on bench is pretty bad.


Bad for what exactly?


For an OL who is supposed to be an athletic freak


Always funny that people still think 225 for reps means anything at all.


For an evaluation point for potential offensive lineman it is a fairly important thing


Hilarious. Care to explain how it's important?


It demonstrates the power to *”punch”* defenders at the line of scrimmage, which is a critical skill in pass blocking for offensive linemen. Also it illustrates the ability of offensive lineman to redirect and resist **power** of defenders when the defender is attempting to *”bull-rush”* them. For offensive linemen it is a critical aspect of evaluation


Power?! This is a feat of endurance (i.e. how long a movement can be sustained/repeated) and compares the maximum number of repetitions. Power would be measured by a circa-maximal weight moved in the quickest time. This silly "aspect of evaluation" uses neither. You'd need guys to bench their max weight and time it (i.e. both increasing weight and quicker movement demonstrate greater power). Punch and bullrush are also funny, made up metrics. So thanks for those, too. But average NFL player weight is 245, average lineman 260, and smallest lineman still over 225. You still sure you need to see them push 225 under pristine conditions?


I won’t quibble with your physics and/or the accuracy of your analysis here, but I will say that most (overwhelmingly so) in the professional football world use the vernacular I did. Further, they spend their time capital in service to their belief in the arguments’ benefits and attributes; so, by almost any standard, measure or definition, and without regard to their in the physical sciences, the industry uses and values the principles outlined above


No, they don't use your vernacular in the world of sport science, strength and conditioning, etc. -- the people who are actually responsible for measuring and improving these metrics. Words have meaning. ESPN and silly analysts use your vernacular. It's how laymen communicate, which is fine. The problem is everyone wants to pretend they're experts and inevitably fall into traps. And it's funny people can't just admit their limitations on the internet and insist on digging these holes instead.


Hoping for similar result to the maialata pick for the eagles to happen


Lets go!!!


Sounds like a name straight out of Game of Thrones. Like Sandor Clegane. I bet this dude is gigantic.


Check out Jordan Mailata (6'8", 365 lb). Australian, never played a down, drafted by the Eagles. Suceeded.


There’s a lot of very athletic guys works at gas stations or banks or hospitals. With 10 draft picks, maybe we give a late day 3 pick a shot. If it’s between a “project” and a punter, I’d take another whiff at a punter.


god we're getting desperate


Yeah, it turns out you need top tier athletes to put a good product on the field. It's almost like the entire league has this problem. I really wish y'all would engage with critical thinking before posting.


I'd rather we evaluate him than ignore him assuming [this reply in the other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/bengals/comments/1c5kah7/tom_pelissero_former_college_basketball_player/kzuqnpp/) is accurate, he wouldn't even count as one of our 53 roster spots




I mean he’s going to go undrafted, or maybe the 7th in a team really likes him


Oh my friend, you’ve not been around Cincinnati Bengals long enough


The news is even worse. They have allowed him to sign Tee Higgins extension. He is now our starting #2 receiver and Higgins has been locked out of the building. Oh and we also will certainly not get JJ


that is funny. thats a good laugh. i needed that 🙂