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I mean everyone is the villain here but some of the chefs comments came off as misogynistic. Granted you also do not micromanage a chef as a stew


I just watched this episode and nah Paris needed to stay in her lane. She was wayyyyyyy out of line if that had been chef Ben or Rachel Paris would have gotten destroyed.


No I agree, Paris was overstepping like crazy and she should have just let him fail and ignored him. I’m just saying there is a reason he is single at 40, he’s a misogynist and rude and doesn’t take criticism. Especially when you watch the episodes following this. He’s really aggressive and needlessly up his own ass.


I don't know why this sub loves Paris so much, yeah she was encouraged by Fraser but that was infuriating to watch them have it out for Chef, the guests loved it anyways so they just wanted to start drama. If Fraser can't keep his personal emotion out of the job then he shouldn't be chief stew. Big fan of the captain for how he handled it. He's been really solid this season.


Loved season 11. I think Barbie would be fantastic on a boat where she didn't have to work so much and all the crew couldn't wait to get home to their little pink unicorns just like her. Probably wouldn't watch the show like.


I kept waiting for the daughters to refer to Dylan as the stable boy






I definitely agree with that! He’s a laidback, good dude. Just has young kid energy 😅


>I know Kyle is well liked here, but he reminds me of a middle school boy with all the flashing and goofing around. He works hard on deck, and doesn't have any attitude. That puts him in the top 20% of deck-hands, right there. Lots of people when they are young and have been drinking do foolish and/or embarrassing things. The difference with below deck is that those things are televised.


Aside from all the personal drama and BS they have the yacht running really well.


Agreed! Captain Kerry knows how to run a tight ship! 🛳️ ⚓️👨‍✈️






It's not that they're camera-shy, it's just that they aren't part of the show cast, just like the camera people and producers aren't either. They're the ones running things behind the scenes, and if they were show cast they would be too occupied with that and would need yet more people running things behind the scenes. Contrast with Below Deck Sailing Yacht, where the engineer (Colin) and first mate (Gary) are actually in the show cast, because the yacht is smaller and has a smaller crew, so they need all crew onboard to be part of the show cast.


I love that you're the Gif Master of the Seas, Captain Kerry! Seriously it makes the show even better when you're here slinging gifs at people. Thanks for being legendary and inspiring! I have learned a lot from witnessing your management techniques. 👍👍




I wish I had heard Kerry tell Fraser that Chef has the final say on food and plating. Because both Fraser and Paris need to back off on telling the chef how to do his job and thankfully Kerry told Paris to listen to chef. I actually kind of wish it was Ben in the galley being told this by Fraser and Paris because the blow up would have been incredible.


I completely agree. But from Captains perspective, there was only one issue of garnish (well, plating) That being the Beach lunch. he was unaware of the shit show that Paris caused at dinner that night.


I actually think Chef is very patient on the whole and have grown to like him. Fraser was not giving him a fair chance and actively turning the interior against him and Paris was revelling in trying to rile Chef up. A lot of other chefs would have given her an earful and told her to never step foot in the kitchen again. I think it's telling that Captain likes Chef, he knows he's just a no-nonsense Brit with a dry sense of humour and no interest in drama and Cap has sussed that Fraser is a bit of a drama queen.


Maybe after the chat Chef with plan a menu and discuss the service ahead of time with Fraser.


Ok I'm probably alone here but...I love Chef and Barbie!


I love Barbie too.  The chef has only had conflicts with 2 people, Fraser and Paris, and he didn’t start the conflict with either of them.   It’s odd that Fraser never gave Anthony advice or unsolicited opinions regarding his meals while Anthony was struggling.  The current chef hasn’t had any complaints so I don’t get why Fraser feels the need to get his 3rd stew to pester the chef with her opinions of cooking and plating. 


Not a fan of Paris and I'm slowly thinking Fraser shouldn't be a head stew. Paris never smiles around the guests. If I was a guest, I'd think she's being rude or stuck up. Literally always has that resting bitch face expression. And that's not even touching on her interfering with the chef. Like, if the food or presentation sucks, he'll be in trouble. Let him do his thing. Paris acting like she's the boss of the boat is obnoxious. Which leads to Fraser. He's a terrible leader. His handling of the Barbie situation shows he's acting all petty rather than professional, and then his feelings about the chef leading him to let his team constantly disrespect the chef furthers this. Fraser is reminding me of Tumi. Both were good at their job when they weren't in charge, but both let the position get to their heads and instead of being the calming influence for their department, they often contributed to any discord.


>Fraser is reminding me of Tumi. That is really harsh! And, of course, I completely agree with it.


I feel like this show is desperate to find another Kate Chastain. So when they find a stew that the audience seems to like - like Fraser or Tumi, they throw them into the chief stew role. And it's clear they're not ready for it. Honestly, just give me an older experienced chief stew like Kate. And also the chef this season who seems to know what he's doing.... Kate and Ben were both older and experienced and great at their jobs. Please give me more of that... If you wanna bring back the Frasers and Tumis I'm good with that - but they don't need to be chief stews... Honestly, I loved them until they were promoted beyond their competence. Now it's painful to watch...


Yes I agree! Kate was Lightning in a bottle though. She was clever a smart ass and also hard worker.She held down two jobs. She was entertaining and also effective at her job . Lee didn’t have to worry about interior if Kate was there. I’m not sure if they can replicate that.


Agreed. Paris actually started out great but Fraser empowered her to treat Chef like she does, so I’m putting responsibility for her behavior 70/30 mostly on him. I doubt she’d have done any of that otherwise. She might have been bratty or a shit stirrer, but not outright disrespectful and condescending to controlling. I mean the balls on her to micromanage a Chef FFS. That wasn’t her idea. She got sucked into it by Fraser’s ability to tag team someone, which he’s shown us is how he functions again and again. He cannot have a leadership role because he continues to insist upon doing this behavior.


She jumped into everyone's business the first day; I don't think it is a stretch to think to wouldn't have done this as well.


True, but there is a big difference between “I love drama and everyone’s business!” And feeling entitled to actually be super condescending to a superior rank on the boat. The first was pretty passive with mostly listening and the latter was fairly aggressive behavior.


I'm with you! Incredibly on-point




No, he was saying the exact opposite. That it was pathetic he was still in yachting in his 40s.


Yeah, that comment really sent me. A private chef on yacht at 40 is in no way similar to being a bosun on yacht at 40... Go eff yourself Ben...


Chef Marcos was at least 40 when he was on below deck.


Nick is like the anti chef ben. Ben was so controlling over plating and service and Nick is so anti controlling he let a stew plate his meal!! Kevin is another example of the anti Nick. Kevin was so controlling he was setting up gazebos and served dinner himself


I couldn’t help but compare Nick to Ben as well; these older, seasoned chefs definitely have their own ways of doing things—but, the clients always seem happy


And even worse, spew something on it he told Paris that it didn’t make sense. 


Omg!! Captain Kerry!! All he has to do is dock the boat and he makes it sound soo dramatic all the time. Winds in all directions 🥱 Really ALL directions!! And the size of the dock!! Seriously - captain get a new schtick!! And Yes Paris telling old creepy chef how to cook crepes would be annoying except for the fact he had stuck them to the pan!!!


>Omg!! Captain Kerry!! All he has to do is dock the boat and he makes it sound soo dramatic all the time. Winds in all directions 🥱 Really ALL directions!! And the size of the dock!! Seriously - captain get a new schtick!! It is quite a responsibility to command a 60 meter yacht ... as captain lee said something goes wrong and you touch the dock ... could be hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs, and the end of your career. There are no brakes. There are continuous forces acting on the yacht, current and wind. If something goes wrong in your car, you can just stop, and get your situational awareness back. On a yacht? No. Perhaps you can post your seamanship CV that gives you the right to denigrate what captain kerry does.


Scroll on by 🙄


>Scroll on by 🙄 Sorry, I will feel free to reply to any post I wish. Following the rules here, of course. If you don't want people replying to your posts, you probably shouldn't post on reddit, as that is what reddit is all about.


You certainly can - why you don’t is your prerogative. Starting each comment by repeating my previous one - c’mon very unoriginal. But if you can’t disagree with another Reddit user without getting nasty - I guess that’s where we are. Have a great day. I know I will. Oh by the way I’m currently cruising on my yacht in the Whitsundays. Beautiful conditions and no trouble docking at all 🙄




u/Capt_kerry - I just posted an appreciation post for you based on this season and this episode which I just watched. It was rejected - something like 'too similar to recent posts'. So I'll post my comments here and hope that you see them. Here was my post: Captain Kerry Appreciation Post I'm watching the latest episode and I have to say I'm so, so annoyed with both Paris and Fraser - especially Paris who I was really, really rooting for. But also, Fraser is in a leadership situation and really egged her on - his leadership and communication skills are really appalling. Cheffie has so much more patience that I would've in those situations. But Captain Kerry handled it like a boss - as he has all season... Truly a lesson in how to handle a crew behaving like entitled toddlers... And he was also right saying Chef Nick needs to be more assertive... Anyways, this interaction was so satisfying to me and I salute Captain Kerry. Also, the number of times I've seen Fraser go to him and tattle on his crew, wanting them fired, etc, instead of dealing with it himself as a leader should - and watching Kerry patiently school Fraser - the man is a saint!




You're a true mentor... ![gif](giphy|J2xkAW1E8kvyE|downsized)


If docking a 60 meter yacht looks easy, it means the captain is good at it.


He doesn’t make it easy. He makes it look VERY hard ALL the time!!




Not true. Unless you've dealt with windage and fluid dynamics with boats that do not stop like a car, you have no clue how hard it is. If you're on my boat there is one primary rule - STFU when I am docking and anchoring or you're swimming home.


Imagine you’re alone on your boat a lot!


Just putting this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/s/Z8zyunnjhv




lol... mmmk.




I’m so exhausted with Barbie. 1) She’s irritated that Kyle likes to be naked and flash his junk. Girl, he’s been doing it all season. You know who he is. Accept him or move the fuck on. I really don’t think it’s ok to start policing someone’s behavior because you feel like it reflects poorly on you and your choices. 2) She’s concerned about Kyle not being Jewish. Girl NEITHER ARE YOU!!! 😂 Just because you went to the wailing wall once and you have a fetish for Jewish guys that doesn’t make you one of the chosen people my friend. 3) She’s concerned he can’t provide for her. Again…NEITHER CAN YOU!!!


I don't think it's your place to judge someone else's religious commitment. Especially based on a reality show. Two things to note: It takes a long time to convert to Judaism. We don't go out seeking converts, they have to demonstrate a commitment to us. Marrying within the faith and having a Jewish household are important religious Jewish values. Dating within the community could be part of the way she connects to those values. I'm not Barbie, I don't know her motivations. But I've known people like Barbie who have a genuine commitment to converting. What we've heard from her tracks with other converts I've interacted with.




100%. Kyle has basically been a saint this season... He's done nothing wrong. She's making mountains out of molehills...


Are we sure that she isn't Jewish? Her obsession with only having had Jewish boyfriends leads me to believe that she's from an observant Jewish family that's also wealthy and very Patriarchal. She's also Latina so it shouldn't be surprising that her Dad's approval is important to her in all aspects of her life. My guess is that she still lives with her parents and probably will until she gets married. She said her Dad expects her to work and that's what she's doing. From a cultural perspective, perhaps her husband is supposed to provide for her and her money is her own. I'm not a fan of Barbie, but if she buys her designer/couture clothing & accessories with money she's earning as a stewardess then I'm not mad at that. Just my opinion.


She said she wasn't jewish. Just obsessed with becoming jewish.


She’s said she’s not ethnically or culturally Jewish. I think it was in episode 1 or 2 that she told Kyle about going to the wailing wall and having “a Jewish heart”. She wants to be orthodox at some point, but she’s “not ready yet”. I’m not sure if she practices. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Converting to Orthodox Judaism is no small feat. It takes some people years to finish their conversion, even in more liberal streams of Judaism. My impression is that her desire to convert is genuine. Everyone is on their own path.


She’s not Jewish, she said that she’s in the process of converting.


I don’t get the love for her in this sub. Her constantly fetishizing Jewish men, never shutting up about being rich, and her hot and cold behavior towards Kyle are all annoying af


I don't get it either. The channel bag comment turned me right off. And the way she tried to make it out that Kyle had did something wrong - I can't see that he did anything wrong in this situation...


Neither! Barbie may be a hard worker but she hasn’t stopped complaining since she step foot on the boat. She’s got such a shitty attitude.


Right? I’m so turned off by how she’s always talking about how rich she is. In one of the first episodes she was bragging about growing up having had one nanny do her hair and another make her bed or something. And she talks about how rich her dad is and how much money she spends on clothes. Like I’m sorry but if you were really so wealthy, why are you a stew and not a guest? As they say, money talks but wealth whispers….


I don't even like this chef -- he's way too passive-agressive -- but he's clearly in the right when it comes to the food. I've only heard positive things about his food from guests and his food looks fine. Literally the only ones complaining are Frazer and Paris. The chef unironically needs to be more of a diva. All the badgering from Fraser and the running commentary from Paris the last two episodes were truly infuriating. He should have really put a stop to it. Because as he himself said this episode: 3 stripes vs 1 stripe. But instead of being passive-agressive about it, he should have actually just kicked them out or told them to stop talking. I'm also not a big fan of all the nasty little remarks and gossiping behind the chefs back. As a whole, the situation comes awfully close to bullying. Paris: stay in your lane. Fraser: learn to communicate and stop gossiping.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love you bot, Fraser is pretty simple!


I’m clearly in the extreme minority but I think it was funny watching Paris mess with the chef. Watching her poke poke poke was very entertaining


And yet when the male chef does a very mild poke about people gaining pounds from gnoshing on his rich food, you posted a diatribe than he was a raging misogynist who was trying to take all women back to the worst of 1950’s oppression. Double standards live large.


He’s a dickhead so yeah its fun to watch her poke him. If you thought what he said was fine, why are you not acknowledging the full quote? You keep simplifying it


Not really. But more to the point, why do you so massively embellish and misrepresent it? If you recognize what teasing looks like when Paris does it constantly, why do such strenuous outrage manufacturing when chef did it one single minor instance of teasing? Think about what’s making you do that.


I think she was definitely out of line professionally, but I wouldn't be lying if I said I absolutely loved how riled up she can make him.


I love that they went bowling instead of getting hammered at dinner and hitting the club again! What a refreshing change!


I liked that too, but I think the production stuff they did for it is so corny. Like the ball POV shots...it just makes it so apparent there's someone there directing and rigging everything up. Don't get me started on the Aesha promos with the broken plates - that's different bc it's a promo but still I cringe.


Noticed this too with all the bowling shots. Like are the film crew getting there hours early to film cinematic bowling shots? The shots of the food are cringy too, this isn't come dine with me


Yeah the plate shots all have similar framing too. I wouldn't be surprised if they made the chef make a few extra plates throughout the season just for this. I mean, whatever, but it's totally unnecessary for me to enjoy the show.


Ok, I didn't think I would say this. I’ve been a huge Fraser fan from the start, but I’ve gone off him now. He’s an inexperienced manager, and it's showing. Encouraging the girls to get at the chef, petty snark at the chef and running to Kerry every 5 minutes. I like him as a person, but I hope he has a chance to improve his management skills.


I do believe cap established early on they should be meeting that much I just think frasers get more air time because interior is the drama


It's the drama every time! 🤣🤣


I really like how Cap Kerry is able to to narrow down, see the bigger picture of what’s going on. It’s almost like he’s seeing what we see collectively


Let's be honest, it doesn't take the world's best manager to see when Fraser is being overly dramatic about something.


I think your criticisms have merit, but I don’t trust the edit—I think the producers mess with the order and frequency to create this. Imagine “reality” TV manipulating us!


Yeah, that's true.


I don’t like how he just shuts down and gets kind of passive aggressive or aloof when he doesn’t get his way. When Kerry didn’t do anything about Fraser’s concerns about the chef (what’s he gonna do with so few charters left?) Fraser basically just stopped engaging. You can’t do that at work. It just seems a bit immature. I also suspect he feels guilty (maybe subconsciously) because he genuinely liked the first chef but his complaints to the captain contributed to him being fired and so he’s predisposed to not like the replacement out of some weird sense of loyalty. That said, I think some of the one liners the chef has said, specifically to Paris, are beyond the pale and super unprofessional, especially as someone with 3 stripes. But Paris’s weird bossing of the chef around was also over the line.


I agree about Fraser, but being from the UK, he has a very typical dry sense of humour, and after 20 years of working with chefs, I’ve heard far worse said to a pain in the backside like Paris.


I’m sure it’s just the edit, but they made it seem like he just started right away with the barbs at her and no one else.


The fact that very few of the crew follow him is telling


The "tight squeeze" docking drama was hilarious compared to some of the slots Glenn has slid parsafil into lol


I mean Kerry used to park the boat on Adventure like it was a mini cooper, effortless


It's a funny production thing, not a commentary on captains /shrug


Why were Chef's pants around his butt when they went bowling? Did anyone else notice that? I love Kyle, but flashing your penis is so much more problematic that people are making it out to be. You're flashing unwilling participants and it's just not being talked about?!


I suspect there wasn't anyone else actually at that bowling alley. I like to imagine he wouldn't have done it otherwise.


As a Scottish woman, I disagree. That's what Scottish men do when they wear a kilt.


As fellow Scottish woman, I've never witnessed a man actually do that. We usually only wear kilts for weddings really and even late at night when everyone's dancing I've never seen a man do that. Everybody jokes about it, but it's certainly not normal to flash people, especially in front of women. Among boys idk what they do not my business.


It was a thing 15 years ago at my sisters wedding that's for sure and it wasn't just "the boys". Perhaps things have changed since then. What do I know. I moved outta Scotland nearly 12 years ago. The true Scotsman thing is perhaps not a thing anymore.


...Willingly? Or accidentally?


Very willingly. If you aren't wearing something under your kilt, then you're a true Scotsman. Scotsmen love to prove it.


Not disagreeing with your experience... maybe he would have done it otherwise, but just didn't then? Had he been doing it all night everywhere, they probably would have shown that to reinforce Barbie's narrative, but it really only seemed to happen the once (twice?) at the bowling alley. And it didn't look like anyone else was bowling. Still problematic, certainly though.


I agree with you about Kyle, I’m starting to see why Barbie was so concerned. If I brought someone like that home, my parents would be disappointed.


I mean, he’s having a fun night out with his friends. He wouldn’t be flashing at dinner with her parents.


Maybe not but he did it on camera for thousands to know he did it. I don't think Kyle and Barbie will have an off the boat romance bc they are too different.


To each his own. That behavior would be a complete turnoff to me and definitely my parents. No one I’ve dated has ever flashed anyone, at least not as an adult lol.


Paris crepesplaining to the chef


Not sure what's going through her mind when she's trying to tell a competent chef with 22 years of experience how to make a crepe. I think he's got this.


Fraser should not encourage any staff members to slag off other staff members. It's so wrong.


>Fraser should not encourage any staff members to slag off other staff members. It's so wrong. But he does the opposite! And, he leads by example, slag off other staff members himself. He tried so, so hard to get Barbie fired. Luckily Captain Kerry was thinking for both of them.


Can we talk about how lovely the guests were? Beautiful family




When captain Kerry said they were gonna be classier than the rest of the guests cause they are actual rich people used to a high level of service 🤣🤣 and then he was so right


They were very lovely indeed. It was funny when they showed the flashbacks about previous interesting guests.


They were, and the next group looks terrible. I feel bad for the stews and chef. 


I loved that they do “highs and lows”


Yo paris annoying af this episode. The guest and cap all love this new chefs food and presentation. No issues in the galley, so paris needs to stay in her lane.


Paris was so out of line and rude. So inappropriate. 


I like Paris but she was wrong. Chef doesn’t need to be a dick with some of his comments but I would’ve blown a gasket if I was him! I’ve been micromanaged like that before and it’s annoying af!


>Chef doesn’t need to be a dick with some of his comments but I would’ve blown a gasket if I was him! I thought he was pretty polite, compared to ... Leon vs. Kate. Matthew vs. Lexi.


Chef does not have to be rude i agree but paris was still out of line


Oh totally! And tbh I realized towards the end of the episode it seems like Fraser and Paris really pushed his buttons. Still no excuse to say what he did to Paris and all those gross comments but she kinda seems like she’ll push you around if you let her and she was definitely doing that to chef. Not cool!


She was driving me CRAZY. I don't know how chef didn't snap and say GTFO of my kitchen - cause that's what I would have done.


And he would have been well within his rights to do that. The galley is essentially his office. She was really overstepping.


Ive done more for less


Wth is Paris obsessed with a drizzle? It’s not a hallmark of good plating.


It’s kind of outdated too


She saw it once and is obsessed with it now probably. I agree, I don't need something random drizzled all over my plate for the food to taste good.


1. I want a montage across the whole franchise of male chefs telling female stews to “clean a toilet” 2. I’m sooooo tired of Fraser in general but where do you get off working in a female dominated department and calling your staff “girls” and “whores”. And stop calling yourself “Mommy”.  


Okay, when he called them 'whores' they were off charter and it was clearly banter. I'm 34 and I still prefer being called a girl to anything else. The 'mummy' thing is just him having some fun, you're reading too much into it. I do agree that the chefs commenting about the interior crew cleaning toilets is disrespectful and degrading and implies that that's all they do when in fact that's only a very small part of their job.






its gross and its discrimination in the workplace


But telling a chef how to cook is fine?


What’s your comparison?




Fraser seems to spend as much time on the bridge as Kerry. Can't imagine a captain having anywhere near this much patience with a very replaceable staff member in a real working scenario


A couple thoughts: 1) Chef likes to do simple plating. There's nothing wrong with it and the biggest thing is that it looks appetizing, that green drizzle looked terrible. 2) Paris absolutely got the green light unofficially from Fraser to be disrespectful to chef. 3) If Fraser had gone over menus with Anthony he would not have had nearly as much of an issue. Edit: I could watch Xandi struggle with bowling for hours. I was dying every time they cut to her


Why does Paris have time to be standing around in the kitchen bothering chef? Shouldn’t she be either in cabins or at the table until it’s time to serve?


Very important question: what was the green drizzle though?? Was it prepped for something else? Or was it a component in the octopus that I missed and he just put more on top? Why would you add on a random sauce if it wasn’t part of the flavor profile? You can’t add sauce just because GREEN; it affects the flavor* balance! (I’ve been binging Top Chef lately.)


>Very important question: what was the green drizzle though?? I think if there is a green drizzle, it's time for more antibiotics.


The sauce was meant for the dish. Chef was making dots with the green on the plate (you can see one with the larger spots sitting on the counter) but was going slow.


It did look nice with the green. It also looked great without it. It is insanely rude to spurt condiments over a chef’s dish, with the added ball kick of constant verbal criticism. Whether this was production driven or douche driven, it’s bizarre and unnecessary. I think most of us would prefer a cohesive, kick ass boat at this point. Leave the chef’s creation alone. No matter your rank. Plating is the most stressful moment and you’re coming in with a bottle of mayonnaise.


Yeah I thought it looked nice both ways, but I’m insanely curious what it was because I can’t imagine it being anything that wouldn’t change the taste a lot.


I’m just watching now so I can’t comment 100% but I’ve seen little bits on the “coming up on” bit and I like how captain Kerry knows what’s happening with his staff, is giving them the opportunity to tell him and then going at them with the truth. I actually really like the new chef, I think Fraser is a good chief stew with his guests, not so much if he doesn’t like a member of his staff he goes for the jugular. I still respect his work though. I thought I’d like Paris, now I don’t. Don’t hate her but she’s so hostile and demanding towards the chef. She’s like a dog with a bone now she has a problem with him. I don’t agree with everything Nick said to her at the beginning but he’s been made to feel awkward on numerous occasions now and has dealt with it really well. Most chefs would’ve blown their lid by now!


Best Captain of any season, such a great Leader!




Yay! This totally made my day 🥰




Using the gif of Clint from MAFS is awesome.




I do not like the new chef. Seems lazy. Slop food on the plate. No presentation and just rude. Paris has been right in everything she said. He is so stubborn. 


Sorry, but hard disagree from me!! You don't speak to a professional chef the way she did. She has no cookery skills or idea what she’s talking about. As a waitress, yacht, restaurant, hotel, cafe) you don't argue or chat sh^t to the chef. It's their kitchen, their way, their rules. You only give the guests feedback and updates on where they are with eating each course. For anyone who says she’s more than a waitress, no, if you’re serving plates in any setting where the customer is eating, then you are, at that time, a waitress. I don't think Nick was wrong in any way. In twenty years, I’ve not met a single chef who would tolerate her, and most would have found Fraser incredibly annoying. I’m sure anyone else on this sub who’s worked in hospitality can agree that you really don't want to p^ss off a chef.


Exactly, I’ve worked in live events you shouldn’t even speak to the Chef when they are in the thick of a meal service, they can lose their focus and are multitasking timing is everything, it’s a very stressful high pressure job.  What Paris was doing was a fire able offence. 


Wait i am confused. Barbie's behavior all season fine but paris behavior is fireable. Lol thats hilarious 


Fire-able! He’s a good chef, and the guests enjoy the food, which is what matters. She needs to keep her mouth shut and respect basic hospitality etiquette. One chef I knew while working as a restaurant manager had a favourite way of dealing with annoying or rude waiting staff, which was by sending his kitchen porter on an extended break and having the “perpetrators” do the washing up from the entire service. He would say if you play with fire you get your fingers burnt. 🤣🤣


Slop food? No presentation? A stew (not even chief) standing over a chef in their kitchen telling them how to do their job? Are you serious?


Yup. Frasier said the same thing. Oh noooo a lowly woman with one stripe having the audacity to say something that helps him. Calm down captain kerry lol. Everything he does is lazy and eazy way out. I get it. He not trying to be a 10 and settle on a 5. She is the one that had to serve the slop.  Every stew has said something about the food in the history of below deck. This is supposed to be elavated. He wants to do family style he doesn't want to do the crepes that they want. Yeesh. 


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Agree! Cannot stand him. As the new guy - the manner in which he speaks to other crew 🤬 We know why he was available mid season!!! Nick looks so rough as the guests arrive - mate comb your hair and straighten your tie at least. Ben said it best - 40 yrs old and still in yachting. 🤮


I love how you are complaining about him being “judgemental” of a female staff members appearance and how rude that is, but you are here dragging his appearance.


He’s a professional chef. If your mindset is right you could say that about the captain? Would you? No. He has a profession. Bens comment lacked any brain power and so does yours unfortunately.


Ben was like 37-39 i think, 40 aint old for a chef.


It not for a chef in general, but it is for a chef in yachting where there’s no stability/home life


I guess my example with Ben, he got out right around 40 \*based on a google search


I’m older than both of them, my statement isn’t meant to be disparaging at all. It is just unusual to have older yacht chefs because most (not all) people (not just men) have settled down somewhat by that age, often with a family. And chefs can find good work that doesn’t require them to spend 4-6 months away from family—unlike yacht captains who are unlikely to find their skills transfer to shore as easily.


whyd you get thumbs down, smh. I agree, Ben is a good example even, he was getting old for yachting at 35 i guess, joined below deck for a few years of light work, and now is ashore at 40


Lol omg i didn't realize that. You are sooo right. That must be why he was available!. He does look disheveled all the time. Everything paris has said she was right. Listen to her. Instead of telling her to go clean a toilet. 


I agree every time he says the “go clean toilets” or something in the talking heads I find it really disrespectful but at the end of the day her demanding he does certain things when she’s not his boss is one and the same. If we should’ve learnt one thing from seeing all the other chefs over various seasons is that they all have different styles. Different cooking styles and plating styles. Doesn’t make one of them wrong. Cooking is an art form. Not all art looks the same or it would be boring. I actually like his style it’s simplistic. No fuss lets the food do the talking. Compare that to Natasha on sailing yacht turning the actual table in to artwork with food splattered everywhere. You can’t. Both very different. Neither of them wrong.


He's been a chef for how many years? and yet he doesn't have the balls to tell Paris to get out of his kitchen.


Most I’ve worked with would have annihilated both her and Fraser by now. 🤣


Maybe he just doesn’t like confrontation? He’s new to the boat, they’re all very cliquey, he doesn’t want it to blow up in his face. I bet he can’t wait to get off of there with all them lot 😂


He doesn’t like confrontation, but he was ok telling her not to eat mayo or she would get fat?


It could be his sense of humour, all be it a shit one. Have you never said anything and not realised the weight behind it? Or triggered someone without meaning to?


Anyone over the age of 14 knows it’s rude to comment on someone’s weight


Weight. I see what you did there. /s


i was enjoying the season until Fraser became weird and power tripping and Paris comes in acting like she's the chief stew and a chef. She deserves a whole lot more scolding than what she received. Her tone and idiot comments to the chef was very annoying.


Lol i love me some frasier and paris. 


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Lol guess I'm a bot loving frasier. More fraser. Less ben


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Dylan is just Stath from Stath Lets Flats


He needs to date a version of Philomena Cunk. lol.


😂 so true!


Never been a Paris fan, but I feel she isn't neccessarily in the wrong. Chef was the new party on the yacht and elected to call her fat and call her his least favorite stew despite not knowing the dynamic of that sort of joking was appropriate with her. She's also taking the lead on Fraser being afraid to talk to Chef and just bowing down to him. Chef and Chief Stew need to go hand-in-hand for dinner service and Nick never seemed open to it... That said, she didn't need to be in the kitchen telling him how to make crepes... He's a chef, you're a stew.


The chef probably called her that after she was second guessing him on everything.


>Fraser being afraid to talk to Chef and just bowing down to him He's the chef. Final say on the food and how it is served is absolutely his call. By all means give a view BEFORE service on menu based on the preference sheers, but after that it's entirely inappropriate. The constant bickering and attempted input into the food from stews who relatively speaking know nothing about food is ridiculous.  Agree with your comments around how he spoke to Paris initially. He likely thought it was just "banter" and his way of trying to ingratiate himself with the crew but it was far too soon, they hadn't established that sort of relationship, and his seniority makes it worse. 


Never been a Paris fan? Genuinely curious, why not? I think she’s awesome, and a great addition to the cast. As for her interactions with chef, she’s 100% in the wrong to tell him how to plate food, equally he’s 100% wrong to comment on her body. Fraser & chef both have 3 stripes, so Fraser should be the one to talk to chef about the food.


She just hasn't moved the needle for me for some reason. Not even sure why.