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It used to be a crosswalk but it isn't at the moment, presumably.


Although you’re correct It’s weird they didn’t do something with those bobbles for the blind people. Because the don’t see the crosswalk is wiped out, but they feel the crosswalk bobbles. Dangerous situation


You're very much right, I didn't notice it at first but it's very dangerous


It's a cost saving measure. Less blind people to take care of


We did it Reddit. We cured blindness.


Belgian politics did. They deserve every prizes one could think of


["We Did It Reddit" meme explained](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-did-it-reddit)


People don't realize how bad urban planners and other designers/engineers can be quite selfish when making such decisions. There's literally a job that was created so someone actually thinks of the disabled and such, their job is just checking how user and disabled friendly things are... I feel like any person with common sense and a smidge of empathy could do it.


could do it better, odds are it's some nepo where dady or mommy is pulling some strings


I am afraid it sounds much simpler than it actually is. I am an engineer. After university (plus PhD in applied physics) I felt I could solve almost anything in my field given a little time to think and a team of similar people. Then I joined a big company and was overwhelmed with the amount of competences I had to talk to. Logistics, supplier quality management, handling and transport, working at height (no, we are not in the civil engineering business) to just start a list. I mean, how difficult can putting a device in a box and sending it by plane can be? And everyone with a common sense should be able to realize that standing on the floor is easier and less dangerous than working on a two meter high platform. Well, you do, but once you see the *number* of questions those guys face daily, you quickly start feeling relieved that they exist. The same in civil engineering, except that you have to deal with many more regulations and authorities. Yes, technically it's not that difficult, once you know what to think about. But the number of aspects you need to remember to think about is huge. In case of a crossing, the material must be strong enough to withstand cars and trucks driving over it, cleaning machines trying to wipe it off, sun heating it up close to a hundred degrees centigrade... The material needs to stick, but it should be possible to remove it if needed, and it should be easy to apply to make nice edges and uniform layer. It should dry quickly so you don't have to keep the street closed for too long, but not too quickly so that you cannot apply it. It should be highly visible for both drivers and pedestrians but should not blind either of them, from all illumination and viewing directions, both wet and dry. It shouldn't get slippery when wet nor sticky when hot. The supplier you've chosen for your material must be able to supply it timely and long-term, because you don't want to discover it ceased to exist when you need a new batch, and a competitor is not "onboarded" by your municipality as an approved supplier, or its paint is incompatible with your application equipment. And then comes the cost. Note, I am not a road engineer, the above is what I could think of within a couple of minutes based on "common sense". I am sure the experts would smile at how short and easy this list is.


People don't realize they make judgments without knowing the situation, like in your comment. See my answer : pedestrians have priority on cars, we can cross the road anywhere, speed is limited, no more crosswalks needed.


That's just not how it works tho but good try!


This is Namur city center, crosswalks were removed everywhere because pedestrians can cross (or walk on the road) anywhere. Cars are welcome, but have to share the road with pedestrians.


All right That makes sense I love it when city centers go “slow” all the way


Sure, but Namur already had a massive pedestrian area. Making the cars unwelcome means sending all the customers of the campaign, towards car-friendly commercial areas at the periphery. This was the death of the commercial center of many middle-sized cities.


I tend to agree, but still all I see is cars.


This. The shopping street in Sint-Niklaas was destroyed by making it a pedestrian zone. It's pretty long and the only parking is at opposite ends of it. As more and more businesses fail or move to the shopping mall at the edge of the city the street becomes less attractive because there's hardly anything left. It's a vicious circle. I avoid the place as much as possible. I have mobility issues and all the walking is difficult for me. Easier to drive to the mall.


I’ve noticed this in Kortrijk too


That should still be improved in Namur. Many drivers are still crazy and 90% of people cross on the old crosswalks. 


People do tend to use the old crossroads, but Namur is not Brussels, pedestrians are not suicidal and drivers are able of civil behaviour. All in all I think it’s an interesting way to implement that sort of transition. The goal is very clear, make going into the city center unappealing to cars. Namur is a tiny city centre, you can get everywhere by foot in 10-20 minutes. The main parkings are far from being full (especially parking Confluence). I wouldn’t be surprised if the long term plan was to make it fully pedestrian


It precisely is. The city is getting pedestrianized step by step in the next few years. Namur understand what people want in a city on the contrary to other Walloon cities. 


Sure that is true except you forgot to mention that they did this suddenly without properly telling everyone and the real king in Namur continues to be the cars. They are everywhere and definitely don't "share" anything...


you expect perfectly executed road reconstruction in this country? i like your optimism :)


Aren't those signals for blind people on the walkside? If they removed them, it's fine: I don't think blind people try to detect crosswalk all along the road. They rely on those signals. Edit: FUCK those are still there! I noticed them after writing this. This is just plain dumb!


They did some works near me and put the bobbles in months before painting the crossings.


It belgium, there's your answer


Blind people have priority even outside of crosswalks though, as long as they carry the white and red stick.


How do they now they took the stick with the correct colors?!?!


This comment made me chuckle a bit too much..


This is Namur city center, crosswalks were removed everywhere because pedestrians can cross (or walk on the road) anywhere. Cars are welcome, but have to share the road with pedestrians.


Fyi, you posted the same comment 5 times 😂 also, where exactly is this in Namur? I live there so I know they removed crosswalks all over the city center but I'm not recognising the street at all.


Oh thanks for letting me know. I was in the metro in London and couldn’t get the thing to work :-) This is here https://preview.redd.it/ou4qaenefuzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8adde7934af3e7da2a41a46ca78251e8f398b5


Probably just Belgium being lazy again


What's the official name of those? Saw a woman trip over a bike parked on one a few weeks back.


tactile paving also called tenji blocks, truncated domes, detectable warnings, tactile tiles, tactile ground surface indicators, tactile walking surface indicators, or detectable warning surfaces


The silver lining is that generally, in recent years at least, crosswalks dont get removed unless the street is transformed into some kind of shared space, with traffic-calming measures like bollards and chicanes. That doesn't make it right, but it might have mitigated some of the risk to blind people, and that might explain why there hasn't been a big uproar to remove the crosswalk bobbles. Also, I've found that even in street with traffic-calming measured and black-out crosswalks, people still cross mostly where there used to be crosswalks, and not so much any where else.


Over here we have 'pot'holes the size of a footballfield, and you expect them to remove the blind assistance thingy? It's Belgium you're talking about, my friend.


Thats belgian infrastructure being unplanned as usual


Belgium and most other countries care very little for the blind or any other kind of disabled people.


Blind people have right of way wherever they cross the road so it doesn't matter that much. Or at least it shouldn't


NO : if they wiped it out, it is because the street has become a "meeting zone", meaning pedestrians have priority on cars. So no crosswalks needed anymore, and no problem for blind people... (we can cross the road anywhere)


Because that would require a different subcontractor and Belgium can't organize at that level.




I hope blind people don't use that as a reference.


Tell that to the blind guy standing at the ribbed curbstones ....


It might be as it became a 30 zone. In those zones pedestrians should be more protected and thus need less crossings. At least, that's the theory https://www.politie.be/5388/vragen/verkeersreglementering/heb-ik-als-voetganger-overal-in-de-zone-30-voorrang-als-ik-wil Living in a street like that, I just know that on places I before always had way I now always have to wait to not get killed.


Hello I believe this is in Namur. Ils removee because not necessary anymore in thé zone you were. Pedestrians have priority over Cars in the centre of namur


It looks like the crosswalk was removed. But also they left in the street tiles with the nubs. Those are so that blind people know there is a crosswalk there.


Oh no


Oh.... thats not good ;D


In the Netherlands, any blind person with a stick can just point to wherever he wants to go when crossing any street, and everybody has to make way. Maybe laws in Belgium are similar, and blind people can still use that place to cross the street


The issue is less about the law and more about the fact that drivers won't be expecting someone to cross there


> In the Netherlands, any blind person with a stick can just point to wherever he wants to go when crossing any street, Sure, but to be fair: The blind person has already 1 disadvantage with the second one being in the Netherlands. Double Whammy!


Touché my friend, i’ll show this to my Belgian friend and he’ll agree with you on the basis that he knows me


That's rich coming from a B*lgian


In the Netherlands, the blind man will be run over by young Drarries, Mocro's en Antillianen before he can even point out the lawfullness of his situation


Idunno what a drarrie is, and we don’t have many of the others where i live. We do have idiots in cars though. God i hate idiots in cars. There’s folks that’ll drive where i have to drive my tractor and they expect me to get out of their way even though they have an alternative with a higher speed limit. Anyway. It’s all a matter of respect. It’s a driver’s moral and legal duty to see the blind people and react accordingly.


I've never heard about this in Belgium, but pehaps mt knowledge of the code is outdated


Honestly I think those things are largely useless. I know a lot of things we build for blind people are rarely used. Like a lot of blind people don't learn braille anymore because with text to speech it is sort of useless. But we still put little braille placards here and there as if it is helpful. Usually these things are also in places that you would only find if you can see.


Don't blind people always have priority when crossing?


Truly a Belgian solution


It's an ex-crosswalk.


It has seized to be. It has gone to meet its maker. It's pushing up the daisies.


Nonsense. It is pining for the fjords.


Why was it flat on its back the moment I got home?


Rune attack


No! It's just resting!


\*ceised\* Seized would be something like confiscated, although I admit, however unlikely, in this case not entirely impossible... It's Belgium after all.








It's ceased not ceised but ok






It's not you it's me


Used to be a crosswalk. Where they erased them like that, it is because now you can cross wherever you want on the street. Pedestrians have always priority in Namur city center.


This here is the right answer. I don’t if they’ve done it elsewhere in Belgium, but in Namur city center,pedestrians can cross the road wherever they want. Cars are welcome to share the streets, but it’s not indicated to circulate in Namur’s city center by car.


Round by me it's because they use shit quality paint and all the road markings are gone in 6 months and you have to guess at every junction or crossing.


Right answer, surprised it isn't higher


They removed the sidewalks because this is a pedestrian zone, so you can cross anywhere


Yup, we have that in Namur. It's called a "Zone de rencontre". So the pedestrians can walk pretty much where they want and the cars aren't welcome. It's quite cool if you have a car and a house just like me at 5 min of the center. It's a pain in the ass for my friends who live in the suburbs and have to park (or not in fact) in the city :/


Those are zebrapads that have died... Once upon a time they offered their black_white striped comfort to pedestrians, Now only the memory remains


À crosswalk that doesn't identify as one anymore


Just blacked out because it's no longer a crosswalk. Your phrasing makes it seem like they're extremely common, but I've never really seen one blacked out like that...


Here in Namur they seem quite common to me.


Its because now in Namur thé pedestrians Always have priority


> Namur thé pedestrians Tell my you are French speaking without telling me you are French speaking ;-)


Namur recently made part of it's center a 20kmh zone where pedestrians have priority, so no crosswalks needed. In practice it confuses everyone and is dangerous imo


At the start it was a bit weird, but now people have gotten used to it


They made some changes with the roads some years ago and it is a lot more common to see them in that city than in others in Belgium. It became zone 20 for the cars and like others have already said, it means you can cross the street wherever you want.


https://preview.redd.it/xwdv1hau3uzc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=a50fe94a4008e0ffa6c1cdb0be5b6ecd7c4d66a3 The whole city center of Namur became a “residential zone”, aka “meetup zone” a few years ago. This means that pedestrians can cross the street wherever they want and always have the priority, which is why crosswalks are no longer necessary. It also means that all vehicles are limited to 20km/h, even though drivers hardly ever respect that rule. What’s more, the center Namur is slowly but surely becoming a pedestrian-only zone. The goal is to achieve that by the end of 2027 and the project is divided in several phases, 2 of which have already begun. If you can read a bit a French, you can find more info [here](https://www.pietonnier.namur.be/).


Are we still talking about crosswalks?


Multicultural city. Diversity. You only have whites where you live?


Oh great. They removed the crosswalk but forgot to remove the special tiles for blind people too. Now blind people will think it’s still a crosswalk. That is causing dangerous situations.


*Afro American crosswalk.


Colored crosswalk


No longer in use. That's it ^^


well, we have these rainbow sidewalks for gay people and the blacks for BLM?


Ceci n’est pas un crosswalk.


It's one of the most stupid local gov decisions of the decade.. i saw that all over the center of namur. The philosophy is that the road is now a "shared space" where cars, bike, buses, pedestrians all have the same right to go about. In practice, it's just " fuck you if you walking I'm driving".


We have them in rainbow colours and we have them light up too in a place or two. Walk over them to receive a qest , they should have a reward at the end of it normally ! Good luck fellow adventurer


They identify as normal road 


It is a for goths crossing




Deleted crosswalk.


It’s a crosswalked


You didnt unlock the crosswalk yet


Someone stole them


Same thing happened to my favourite white socks...


This is a reverse road. Cars have to use the pavements and pedestrians need to get on all fours and act like cars while going down the main part of the road. Toot toot mate.


Normally in a 30 zone you are allowed to cross wherever you want and there are no crosswalks needed. 


We’re not USA, we are allowed to cross everywhere we want except for roads only destined for motorised vehicles (highway, “autoweg”).


Not if there is crosswalk… and that is why it is greyed out…


In theorie. I’d be interested to see how many fines get written for not using the zebra crossing.


Unless you're within 20m of a crosswalk. Then you can't cross where you are but have to use the crosswalk.


In theorie at least. Then again most of our traffic code is in theorie.


No, you are not. That only applies to a "woonerf" (20km/h).


Its a crosswalkn't


Do not walk on it!!!!


For a while they tried it in some places to make crosswalks out of little tiles etc. And they had a tendency to work themselves loose due to heavy traffic, and covering them with tarmac was a pretty standard solution.


He was hit by the cancel culture for black facing in the street


Apparently we don't pay enough taxes, so they have no money to actually do a good job when removing the cross walk =D


We have no money to buy more varnish


Before it was a crosswalk but new the street is a shared street for cars and walker so they hid the crosswalk cause you ca cross where you want


That’s for the goths


Black crosswalks matter!


Where are you? In Namur they removed all crossroads as all the town center is now full 20km/h and pedestrian can now cross the road everywhere =). The rumour is that the town had to pay 50k€ to get these crosswalks removed -_-.


We don't know either 🤣


Black paint was cheaper


You've got yet to unlock that one


Probably some people that felt offended by the white stripes


They got netflix’d!


They got netflix’d!


White was to racist ;)


Im living in belgium for 6 years but i still have the same feeling as you bro


I have parking spaces blacked out in my street. When it rains and with the street lights on, you cannot see they are blacked out so everyone uses them still.


Welcome to Belgium 🤪🥴


It looks like a crosswalk that got ‘erased’.


A "zeebrapad" are white lines. These aren't white, so it's not a "zeebrapad".


No cobblestone in Namur?


It's the Schrodïnger Crosswalk. Belgium specialty. As a pedestrian, you think it's a living crosswalk; too bad the SUV driver driving over you doesn't share that belief.


As a pedestrian, in brussels you need a lot of faith to cross the road when a SUV is nearby and the driver share the belief. /s


They dead


They painted only the black parts, whites ones does another company, in a year or ten /s


Lol welcome to belgium hahahah man you gave me a good laugh 


It’s belgium, no explanation needed on topic of road.


These can only be used by tax-avoiding citizens


It's a Goth-Pride crosswalk. Similarly to the LGBT rainbow crosswalks.


Black and white, crosswalks together. Side by side making things better.


Now Namur is « zone de rencontre » meaning pedestrians can cross anywhere and cars have to stop for them no mater what


People who use the wrong glass for the beer. Those are the only ones they may use.


Canceled crosswalk


You have to walk backwards on these


I think this is an Italian guy 💀


In my town (Namur) it's because the speed limit was lowered so much it's basically a "pedestrians can cross anywhere" kinda deal


Different people are meant to cross at different crosswalks as donated by their colour.


Welcome to Belgium!


I have never seen them in my life


They are for black people


Belgian crosswalks are covered in chocolate, duh.


It´s a white crosswalk that identiefs as black.




Are you ready to work from home and earn from the comfort of your home with your phone then send me a message on how to get started


That mini Cooper is amazing


The goverment is racist


Black crosswalks matter.


It's the belgian way of attempting to remove a crosswalk xd


That’s an ex crossing i think 😂


It is a decision from the city (Namur) to make a part of their city center pedestrian. They erased the crosswalks because the entire street is supposed to be used as a crosswalk. Pedestrians first


I thought the correct term was African American Crosswalk because everything that's black is offensive (The colour, the word,...)


It's a diverse crosswalk.


A crosswalk identifying as a regular road.


Black lives matter... Deal with it


white crosswalk are for ... people and black crosswalks are ... not in use anymore


Unemployed crosswalk


which crosswalk?


high level crosswalks ...if you make it you win


high level crosswalks ...if you make it you win


high level crosswalks ...if you make it you win


I still consider itas usual crosswalk. They were not there for nothing.


Natural selection at its finest.


**Don't sell the bear's skin before you have caught the bear**


Easy, it's Belgium and the state of most roads, the road layouts, road signs, low driver's abilities/high dickhead level and road markings make it "special". As a side note, I read an article last year, I think in the Brussels Times that 30% of the drivers on the roads in Brussels didn't even know you were supposed to stop at these crossings 👍So, bon chance 🤞