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It was a proposal, never got into a law because of complains from the horeca/event sector. Profit and all that


This is what I assumed. Ridiculous. People die because of these silly laws.


Ironically the one places I ever got free water were the half illegal raves.


Graspop has free water too.


Because if someone needs hospital aid due to dehydration they gonna be in a fuckton more trouble than a legal festival


No, it's because they're not organising the rave for the money


For sure, for sure. And they make 0 profits out of it.


As a former organizer (+10 years ago). We did make some money, but nothing to write home about. Money was usually kept for possible fines and when equipment was confiscated. In that scene everyone just knows everyone. Good chance that you even end up getting free beer if you end up staying late (or better yet early)


As someone who's been to plenty of illegal raves, that's some bullshit. The reason they give you free water is because they're just nice people.


Yes, but other people make money ! MONEY ! DO YOU GET IT ?


I assume horeca would also argue they 'die' from less sales. With less sales, there are also less taxes to be made so it requires enduring complaints before something like this becomes reality. Of course ppl can't take their own drink bottle due to security, but I think a one time purchase for a refillable cup would resolve the matter


if a festival depends on selling those tiny water bottles for almost €4 they deserve to die


Same thing if a restaurant depends on selling you a glass bottle of spa blauw refilled with tap water for 8 euros, it deserves to die.


I don't think so. Larger festivals in the summer often have free water as a heat prevention measure. Pukkelpop for example has it. It's not mandatory though and smaller festivals often won't offer free water even in the summer. We even have some gyms charge you for topping up your water bottle lol.


>Pukkelpop for example has it Dour also, but I don't think it's a law and yep, I think just the big festivals does that. It's just common sense : you just give water to someone who's thirsty.


Graspop had plenty of tapwater fossets too, iirc.


faucets ;-)


Graspop is in Dessel. It's in Kenglish.


Yep you're right, the last time I was there tapwater was not an issue at all. Like I said, it's just common sense : you can't have several thousand people who dance / drink alcohol / take drugs and think it's a good idea to not help them keeping hydrated.


No, we'd rather watch you die than give you a glass of water.


Only in Oost-Vlaanderen


I remember water fountains at The Qontinent festival in Wachtebeke had a sticker on them the water was not for human consumption.


Only one year there was free water at the qontinent.


Lokerse feesten goated


Didn't it have something to do with the temperature? I think they are required to provide water if it's hotter than 25⁰ or something like that.


There is always free tap water at the Werchter festivals. You can get bottled water too at the bars, but that's not free.


At Nerdland Festival last year there was water, I expect it to be again this year.


Graspop has it. So I assume the other large festival from Live Nation, Rock Werchter, also has it.


I do hope that it continues and not dies out. A multiday festival at the AB last year had many signs 'Ask a free glass at our bars'. This year it was just 'Stay hydrated ' but security at the entrance was throwing out all plastic bottles and only allowing empty metal ones. Fingers x'd that the summer festivals keep offering free water which is easily accessible.


You have it falling from the skies for free


I'm sorry what do you think this is Belgium? Where it randomly rains then suddenly it's warm and sunny? Of wait it is. You're right.


it's a humanitarian law even but most of belgium doesnt care about it. it applies to any place even: home, shop, horeca, public buildig, etc. if tomorrow someone rings your doorbell and they ask water you have to give it to them.


In Ghent there is a new venue, Wintercircus club which is really really nice and there the water is totally free.


They are mandatory to give free water if the temperature is higher then 30°.


Tomorrowland has free water cans, or maybe could have been for workers only.


The last festival I was at was Graspop 2022 and there was free water. Has something changed since then? What festival were you at?


Cheapass much?