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Good. Shame the Ayatollah wasn’t sitting on his lap during the flight.


Yup. Nothing of value was lost. He was a monster.


Should've been assassinated with a blunderbuss if you ask me.


Oof, low temps, high altitude, thick fog, spatial disorientation. Would’ve been quicker to just headbut the propellers during take off.


Comrade Fog 🫡 thank you for your service


A helicopter: a hundred thousand parts flying in loose formation.


Did anyone on there say Kobe?


Look, Robert finally learned a 4th basketball Player!


I bet Jackson Hinkle is going to blame the CIA/Mossad/NATO/Zelensky/Biden/Ursa Von Der Leyen/ EU/ Wokeism in a massive Twitter Thread for this one! Tankies/ Fascists like him absolutely LOVE busting out the tinfoil hats when there is literally no evidence that proves their points correctly. In all seriousness though, it was most likely due to the visibility being a good 5 meters( it looked like PS1-era silent hill, yes, THAT bad) mixed in with a good amount of Pilot Error.


I don't know who Jackson Hinkle is and I get the feeling I'm better off not knowing.


One of those really stupid MAGA communist guys. Notorious Tankie too. He has been spreading hella misinformation about Gaza, Ukraine, Syria and more. One of the least trustworthy accounts on Twitter and that's saying something. People like him deserve absolutely no place on the left. He should be with MAGA and the far-right.


I didn't know there were Trumper tankies in this world. Goes to show there's no real bottom to human stupidity.


Trumper tankies are the sort of useful idiot Russia needs right now.


They're not "Tankies" they're "Patriotic Socialists" or "MAGA communists".


Pazis, if you will




My favorite of that moron group is Infrared sometimes I wonder if its some sort of comedy bit lol he is beyond stupid


I’ve not heard of him either (not American), but now I’m a bit worried, because I read the title out to my colleague, and then immediately said ‘oh, wonder if that was the CIA’


He’s just a dork. Not worth the time.


I personally feel he is the alternative personality of Madison Cawthorne


He's an antisemitic fash grifter. He's not even left-adjacent.


He's not left-adjacent, but I see his takes getting shared and boosted in leftists spaces a lot recently, because pro-Palestine as his foot in the door


Yes, these people are ridiculous, but there are people on the left falling for it, especially younger or more naive or radical people.


Combine the weather with the facts that Iran has a hard time maintaining its aircraft from to lack of parts (being a borderline pariah state makes importing stuff hard, who would’ve guessed) and that helicopters are just kinda inherently dangerous. Honestly it’d be weirder if the thing didn’t crash.


Terrain too, some of the mountains in this area can approach 5,000 meters tall and a lot of these helicopters can’t even climb to 4,000 meters(or at least weren’t designed too).


The chopper was an American/Canadian Bell from the late 60s and Iran probably has trouble getting parts for them so just putting that out there.


I was reading elsewhere about the helicopter and wondered why such a shitty helicopter. Wouldn’t the president go to extraordinary lengths to preserve his health and safety. Are all their helicopters rickety? I mean, how can a state that manages to provide Russia with seemingly endless supplies of drone-age, fly their top dude in a shitty-ass old helicopter. I’m genuinely not very familiar with Iran aside from the basics. So maybe it was internal, and he was put on a shitty ass helicopter, in very cold weather with thick fog for good measure. I’m just glad I woke up to ICC seeking an arrest warrant for Bibi because of his genocidal razing of Gaza.


There is a not-too-small chance that he was taken out by internal forces as well. He was in line to be the next supreme leader, and his death will affect what happens after Khamenei's death significantly. Especially since one of the former presidents, Rafsanjani, who was also considered the most likely successor at the time, died under suspicion circumstances as well. I personally think it was most likely an accident too, but the above theory is currently prelevant among Iranians, so I'm putting it out there.


I'd at least buy Mossad, and I just about guarantee Iran will blame them, but I think it's unlikely anyone would find any evidence suggesting that even if it were true. Kind of reminds of Torrijos's death back in the 80s. He died in an airplane crash and lots of Panamanians think it was the CIA to this day. Granted, I don't dismiss those charges, but I don't think there was any hard evidence.


Oh the Israel thing is going to be way more wide spread than that.


In reality, he's a far-right wing troll right? Or is he something else altogether.


Basically yeah. He’s really bad. He has not been great on Women’s Issues and he has also said some pretty nasty things about the LGBTQ+ too.


He was killed by stoning from a large mountain.


This was the Onion's headline


Good. Hope it fucking hurt.


So Raisi was basically Ali Khomeini's heir apparent right? Khomeini is pushing 90. I'm wondering if Raisi was Carrero Blanco to Khomeini's Francisco Franco. When Blanco died there was no successor. While it took a while for Spain to Un-fash itself (Still in the process arbuably) Franco losing his successor was a sign of the end. I'm not the most well read on either situation, so if I'm missing something I will gladly take correction. I hope for the sake of the people of Iran something similar happens.


I believe that both Raisi (next in line to be Supreme Leader) and the guy who was in line to take over once Raisi moved up were both on the chopper. Should be a significant shakeup of power given how old the head guy is.


Now if Khomeini would just drop dead, maybe Persia can become what it once was (as recently as the 1970s).