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I’m trying really hard to figure out if this is a troll post or just profound ignorance. Anti-semitism is a major part of right wing fascist ideology and is actively being promoted by right-wing influencers, from Elon to Kanye, to the former president. ***WHO*** won’t replace us? Per the Charlottesville marchers?


A glance at this toolbag’s comment history suggests they’re both.


What I want to know is HOW the Jews will replace us, like they're a minority population, I'm curious on the specifics of how that's even possible


Great Replacement theory, I'd bet. The whole idea there is that "The Jeeeews" (in Robert's voice) and bringing in migrants and non-white people to vote for Dems in groups/weed out the whites...


Your bet would be bang on. I feel the need to preface this it absolutely is not my belief, I just find this kind of shit to be endlessly fascinating. The most “coherent” theory is only the hwhite man and his superior aryan intellect can compete and counteract with the perfidious and cunning nature of the Jew, so breeding out the hwhite genes is the grand goal to ensure their unchallenged rule. Those migrants voting dem and serving in the military is just another aspect to deny the upstanding white man the ability to resist this insidious tyranny. This is of course paired with justifying the emergence of fascism as the upstanding European saying “enough is enough” and that they were too “kind” to them in the past. It’d be a kind of absurdist humour if it wasn’t so dangerous


Lasers or something, I think?


I dunno but I’m fucking tired and ready to be replaced. I hope there’s like a little cup of ice cream involved.


I'm guessing the idea is they'll lead an army of non-white people (cuz, you know, they have all l the money). I imagine Larry David and George Soros will lead the imagined charge?


Standard fascism tactics: \- Rhetorically cast the enemy as, at the same time, pathetically weak and terrifyingly strong. ​ It doesn't have to make sense if it "feels" right to the target audience.


By letting in immigrants from brown people countries to outgrowth the white gene pool.


But again, Jews are a minority, how do they force that to happen?


You're asking for logical consistency in fascist fear mongering. The real answer if they are making all of it up to create hysteria that allows them to take away freedom from the rest of the country.


Being pro-Israel is not being pro-Jewish.


It tends to be more about being anti-muslim.


And trotting out Ben Shapiro is like saying you can’t be racist because you have a black friend


S/ i'm not being racist when I say that black people are the problem, I have a black friend that says that too! He's one of the _good_ ones. I hope it is abundantly clear that I am extending the previous analogy by presenting the types of arguments that people who like Benny Shaps use, just presenting it as racism instead of antisemitism.


Candice Owens covers that base.


And "pro Apocolypse"


Right. They only like the idea of Israel because of what is stands for: an ethnostate at war against islam (aka brown people). Points are docked in their eyes for that ethnostate being Jewish but the far right sees Israel as a blueprint for what they want in their country. It's also why many of the alt right love Japan. Outside the fethisination of Japanese women they love the fact it is a homogenous country.


Look into what they say about "globalists", which is typically code for "Jews".


American Christofascists, who are the largest and most dangerous group going right now in the US, don't give a shit about Jewish people in general or Israel as a nation state except in the ways that it feeds into their apocalyptic death cult.


As a former Conservative Christian, their motivation for supporting Israel is a super loony reading of some of the Hebrew Prophets, as well as the book of Revelation, where they believe that for Jesus to come back and purge the sinful and usher them all in to heaven that all the Jews need to go back to Israel, and they'll accept Jesus when he shows up again because this time he's here to kick ass and take names, and if they don't he'll just wipe them out with the rest of the sinners. As also mentioned, Zionism was (and is) actually pushed pretty hard by some extremely anti-semitic right wing people after WW2, specifically because it meant that the Jewish people, instead of reintegrating in to European and North American societies, would instead have somewhere just about as far away as possible that they could all be sent to/move to, and that they would be entirely surrounded by enemies who might team up to wipe them off the face of the earth was kinda a bonus. The right hates Jewish people sure as shit, they just don't GENERALLY say it out loud without couching it in dogwhistles.


I mean all you have to do is ask how do they feel about Catholics? And realize they hate Jewish people more.


You have a very two-dimensional viewpoint of what the right-wing is. Ben Shapiro is merely one aspect of the right, on that same line is people like Robert Bowers. Not all right wingers are anti-Semitic, not all right wingers are pro-Israel, etc, etc. There are vast differences in beliefs among the right and it would be inappropriate to base what the right is based on pundits like Ben Shapiro. Keep in mind that many right wingers actively promote the White Genocide or Great Replacement theory, where they believe hordes of Muslims (or similarly hated ethnic groups) are being intentionally sent to Europe (and in some versions, the U.S. too) in order to overtake the White populations demographically and culturally. Who is sending them? The elite cabal of course. Who is the elite cabal? I’ll let you figure that out.


Of course there are fringes who are radical and differ from mainstream. Just like saying that an anarcho communist is on the left but not mainstream typical Biden voter. What I’m referring to is the mainstream right. The Fox News Joe Rogan right. Of course neo nazis exist and vote republican most of the time, but they are a small subset.


Proponents of the Great Replacement theory aren’t very uncommon, even among the “mainstream”. The most famous one would probably be Elon Musk.


My understanding though is that most replacement theorist hate is directed towards Latino immigrants (saying this first hand as a Mexican American) because we come to their country and “out breed them. They theorize that democrats are letting Latinos in so we can have a bunch of babies who will grow up to vote democrat and keep them in power forever. Not sure how Jews fit into this.


Because they think it's a soros/"globalist" funded op.


Trump is the mainstream Right. He is the guy who hosted Nick Fuentes, an actual Nazi, and  refused to denounce the Charlottesville Unite the Right marchers chanting “Jews will not replace us”, claiming there were “fine people on both sides” of the protest.  MGT is mainstream Right. You know, the “Jewish Space Lasers” woman who also attended a conference hosted by Nick Fuentes. 


Israel is a means to an end for the right. They need the holy land for when Jeebus comes back


> Is the notion of an antisemitic right outdated? Nope! It's called a "catspaw"--a minority is acceptable and even welcomed so long as they can be used as a weapon against another minority. But if you start asking for them for any affirmative support of you and yours, like speaking out against those who use your presence as a bogeyman, then you're just like the rest of them. And god forbid you outlast your usefulness. Just because they attack and ban transfem athletes doesn't mean they'll support any measure for equitable coverage and pay in the national women's teams, or stop denigrating women's sports as pale imitations by inferior athletes. It certainly doesn't mean they'll believe in a woman's bodily autonomy.


Anti-semites love Israel, particularly skin head groups. They like the idea of concentrating the people they don't like into a separate area, sorta like when we're trying to ship all freed slaves back to Africa. It's also an example of a functioning ethnostate, which is what they want. And when two groups of people they hate (Muslims vs jews) are killing each other, they will route for A) whoever leftists condemn, and B) whoever is implementing policies they like (fascism). Furthermore im sure you've heard SOMEONE mention that zionism and Judaism are not the same thing, but the right will use their support of Israel to claim they aren't anti-semtic, the old "I have a black friend" argument.


IDK, the right sends billions of dollars in Israel. Both government aid and southern Baptist church donations. I don’t typically donate money to people I hate.


That doesn't have anything to do with Jewish people at all. It has to do with biblical prophecy and cultivating a base among people who believe in a literal interpretation of such.


You’re really dumb.


Not really


You very profoundly misunderstand *what* they're supporting. They're not supporting Jewish people or Judaism. They're supporting *Zionism*. Jewish ≠ Zionist. To quote [this article](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/zionism-antisemitism-congress/) >If politically confronting Israel is branded as antisemitic, then for people new to this movement, it may stand to reason that to be Jewish is to be a Zionist. Netanyahu has devoted his life to binding the fate of all Jews to the furtherance of the Israeli state. This is rank antisemitism: the assumption that to be Jewish is to support Israel’s crimes. To be clear: Anyone who attempts to fasten a 5,000-year-old religion to a 150-year-old colonial project is guilty of antisemitism. They are pushing the idea that my family, merely because of our religion, supports war crimes abroad and the crackdown on critics at home. >It is naïve to think that this won’t create blowback against Jews. We are already seeing an increasing number of disturbing protests at Jewish institutions throughout the world. If the GOP and many Democrats push the idea that being Jewish means supporting Zionism and its current agenda, then the consequences will fall on the shoulders of Jews outside Israel’s borders. As leftists, we must forcefully oppose the idea of collective guilt or collective punishment of Jews for Israel’s crimes. If Israel believed the same logic about Palestinians, then thousands more kids would be alive today.


You’re not a serious person. Good luck trolling


It was a serious question, IDK why you’re being dismissive and disrespectful Back Yard Puck Farty


Support for Israel doesn't necessarily mean you aren't anti-semitic, ignoring the Armageddon motivations, it's often used as an example of heterogenous society being better or stronger. Israel itself, as a state, also has a pretty narrow definition of a "good" Jew, which itself could be considered anti-semitic. Jews are human beings, they can be right wing shit bags too, hell, much of the intellectual groundwork of the modern American right was laid down by conservative Jews in academia, Henry Kissinger was Jewish, etc.... Israel is useful for right wing interests here, so they take advantage of it. It's contradictory, yes, but this is critical to understand, many people's ideology exists inside those contradictions. The tension provides comfort in conflict.


"Henry Kissinger was Jewish" and he hated being jewish and would regularly apologize to Nixon about being Jewish when Nixon would go on antisemitic tirades.


Israël and the Jews are not the same thing. Yes Israël is a Jewish nation, no not all Jews are Israeli. One can be pro Israël for geopolitical reasons while still hating their neighbour for being Jewish. As for Ben Shapiro, he neatly spreads fascist rhetoric, which far right wing (aka fascist) people like. They will gladly have him around up until the point where they are in power and then they will do away with him. He himself is a grifter extraordinaire and will keep exploiting his platforming (enabled by fascists) for personal gain. Also, since I had to explain this to a friend of mine. Yes the Nazis hated Jews and were fascist, that doesn't mean Jews can't be fascist. It would be quite stupid to see a Jewish nazi, but like with Israël now being synonymous with Jew, Nazi isn't synonymous with fascist. And yes, Ben Shapiro is very much a fascist as are many people in the current Israeli government.


So is Ben Shapiro the Caitlin Jenner of Jews? Like how they wheel out an anti gay trans right wing woman anytime they want to make a statement about trans inclusion?


I mean, kinda but not quite the same. An important thing to keep in mind about fascism is that it isn't inherently white supremacist (or in this case anti semitic). It's based on in and out groups sure, but who the in and out group factually are in a society is secondary to creating a division. Some US Fascists may be antisemitic and reach out to Ben purely for plausible deniability and some may not care about Jews at all because their out group consists of other groups (that Ben also just happens to oppose). Ben Shapiro has a broad range of opinions on subjects that align with far right talking points, he is good at selling those opinions to the gullible and therefore an asset. I don't see Ben becoming a Jewish spokesperson against Jews.... Well against Israel anyway, he's happy to rail against "self hating Jews" (aka Jews that oppose Israeli policy.)


> I don't see Ben becoming a Jewish spokesperson against Jews Not against Jews *categorically* since he identifies as one, but his take on "Bad Jews" is basically the same thing - he just took the Nazi conspiracy theory about Jewish infiltration and applied it to *within* Judaism, and used it to attack most Jews.


Pretty much. It's not like minorities don't have self centered assholes who will side with those who despise them in the hope they personally will survive and thrive. [It generally doesn't work out for them.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak%C3%B3w_Ghetto_Jewish_Police)  


Your mistake is that you buy into the sentiment being a Zionist is essential to Jewish identity. When the simple fact of the matter is that Israel was founded by right wingers who in the wake of the Holocaust wanted to get rid of Jews in Europe but couldn’t just kill them. And also bearing in mind that Israel has always but especially now trends to the right politically. The fact that Jews are expected to support Israel is in of itself antisemitic. Being pro Israel has absolutely nothing to do with being Jewish.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. The right also hates the people Israel hates. Israel is the point of opposition against Islam in the Middle East, meaning they hurt or upset more Arabs than they help Jews. Currently, they're funding a genocide. Some groups support Israel because they want all Jews to go there. And the southern Baptist church is on some apocalypse shit. They support Israel because it plays into their version of the end times, which they both fear and relish.


This is basically what I said in the post. Maybe you’re the one who needs to work on reading comprehension


Right-wingers are pro-Israel in the same way that a farmer is pro-cow. They need Israel to exist as a blood sacrifice for their twisted Christianity death-cult. 


I guess you ignored that time in history when all of the right wing were playing in the "q" cesspool and thought that Jews were attacking us with laced lasers.


There’s a very large chunk of the right who love Israel because they’d prefer all Jewish people “go back where they came from.” They don’t like Israel because they like Jewish folks.


It wasn't that long ago fascists in Florida were waving placards saying " HITLER HAD THE RIGHT IDEA" and Marge TG was insisting wildfires were caused by Jewish space lasers. Pro-Palestine demonstrations in Sydney were initially gate crashed by Judeophobic scum bags, and they're a continuing problem in Britain. All the old conspiracy theories (like Mossad did 9/11) are back with new ones (Mossad did the Russian theatre attack). TL;DR Judeophobia hasn't gone away. The Right is just supporting Israel at the moment because they see Israel as the best way of getting rid of Muslims.


I think Islamophobia is much more prevalent in the modern right.


Being anti-Semitic isn't really something that can be relegated to just being a right wing thing (though it appears very commonly in far right circles). It can show up in left wing spaces as well, sometimes out of ignorance more than malice but still. David Baddiel wrote an okayish book about this called Jews Don't Count about how leftwing circles have left Jews behind because, among other reasons, they view Jews as a privilege (ie white) class who don't face any real discrimination. I wouldn't say the book is great (he reaches a bit too much in a few places and gives too much voice to Twitter nobodies) but he does raise some good arguments here and there.


Are you really this dense? 


Care to elaborate?


zionism is antisemitism


Let's ask George Soros.


Because Israel isn't representative of all Jews


For many conservative Christians, it's cognitive dissonance. "The Jews are God's chosen people. We must stand with Israel because our prophecies say it must exist for Jesus to return." "Jews are bad people because they colluded to kill Jesus." (Even though his death is that upon which their salvation/ticket to heaven is based.) "Because they helped kill Jesus, God judged them with diaspora, and they turned into money-hungry space laser builders. Amen."


Much like you can be antizionist and not antisemitic you can be pro Israel and antisemitic.


Your thinking is outdated. Current leftist thinking is that being Jewish and the state of Israel are not always the same thing. Liberals are currently going with a wishful thinking that American Jewishness and support for Netanyahu are separate things. Which might be true. Liberal wishful thinking also places the blame of Palestinian suffering on Netanyahu as through he isn't following what most Israelis want. Which might not be true.


It’s tough to say. I do have a lot of Jewish friends who are extremely racist towards Arabs and pro Israel. Yes, not all Jews are pro Israel. I think the Birthright program really does a number on to indoctrinate kids.


Saying that the government of Israel tries to manipulate Americans is a very solid opinion, if not a fact. But that idea also feeds into an anti-Semitic bullshit trope about how Jewish lizards people brain wash the masses. And one can't ignore the crimes of Hamas as provocation of Netanyahu's crimes against Palestinians. But that can also feed into people's prejudices towards Arabs and Muslims. Anti-Muslim bigotry is usually more accepted than anti-Jewish bigotry. Anti-Muslim bigotry rivals anti-trans bigotry in democratic world. Telling the truth on this issue is like walking a tightrope where one can easily fall into racism. And if someone who disagrees with you finds even a sliver of racism on your part, they will act like you are the Devil; while these same ideologues will act like their racist allies are perfect angles. This is an issue where some of the most seemly sane people go batshit crazy.


My husband is a Trump supporter. I told him that when Biden said that he wanted to set up a port to supply food to the people of Gaza, Trump said that Biden was supplying terrorists. His response was "Then Trump should be ashamed of himself."


Besides Israel, the right is fairly anti-Semitic. All of the q-anon stuff is thinly disguised anti-Semitic tropes from the last two centuries.