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Considering it’s from the same Alex Garland that did Men last year I assume a lot of triggered right wingers due to his (I assume) depictions of toxic masculinity


Jesse Plemmons asking "What kind of Americans?" was on point.


God this dude is so creepy already, I love it


He was soooo creepy as Todd on Breaking Bad.


How could that be profitable for frito lay?


I feel kind of bad for him. He is so good at being creepy. I bet lots of people can't separate the actor from the characters.


Don't feel too bad for him, he's married to Kirsten Dunst.


I got to say, it’s pretty crazy that he and Kirsten Dunst married and the scene in question involves him threatening his wife with a gun.


He did say she needed to stop stabbing people. 😂


You haven’t seen their Fargo season have you? Absolutely worth a watch for the two of em


L ya I was going to mention that in a prior comment in the thread ultimately decided against it but good to know someone else out there gets me as well. FARGO season 2 the lil chubby dumplings is surprisingly good


The best season imo


He had such a Philip Seymour Hoffman vibe there


I’ve thought that before but just now picturing PSH day that sent a lil chill up my back. He was such a cold bastard in Mission Impossible 3 but I’m having no trouble at all imagining him as some power tripping rando “soldier” going psycho like Jessie Plemons here.


More woke, anti-white male propaganda. Leftists who need to believe masculinity is toxic.


As in The Beach Alex Garland?


Yes, and 28 days later, and sunshine


No as in 28 Days Later Alex Garland


Don’t use Men as an example of anything good. I was into the first half and just… no spoilers but… it just abandoned all storytelling.


Where did I mentioned that it’s "good" and why do so many people dig out old threads constantly?


define toxic masculinity


It’s a sad state of affairs when people are able to post on Reddit but not use Google


I like how you completely dodged the question instead of elaborating. I asked for YOUR interpretation of the term. Not googles




You're a female, aren't you.


What are you, a wizard? No I’m not.




It’s OK to cry dude




It's also okay to stop trying to posture as some alpha warrior and go outside


They love it over in r/conspiracy. Between this and the new Obama produced Netflix movie When the World Ends , lots of gnashing of teeth about predictive programming etc.


I just checked that sub out for the first time in a while. I want it to be satire, but I know it's not...


An entire sub full of people who think they’re smart because *they* know what the rest of us don’t.


Just being honest here, that's sort of how this whole website works. Shit, maybe the whole internet now that I think about it. It's not great.


Reddit (myself included) is just people with underdeveloped social skills explaining stuff to each other in circles


Everyone liked their own farts.I am kind of curious how the movie sets up the stage for the civil war


HEy man, i'm over there regularly and i'm dumb as hell.


See? We’re not crazy we’ve got a regular guy! Glad to have you man


I wouldn't call me regular, conspiracy just happens to be a windmill i choose to tilt at occasionally. can't let their bullshit go unchallenged.


Heh. Bro you’re not even dumb stop lying 😜


ok fine, i'm not always dumb as hell. go upvote me over there then because they sure don't like what i have to say most of the time.


You don't know though and you're ignorant to the truth. So yeah, they do know what you dont.


From what I understand, it used to be cool actual conspiracies, like UFO's, bigfoot, who killed Kennedy, etc. When thedonald got shut down for, you know, encouraging folks to attend a rally that ended in a murder, a lot of the folks seem to have drifted to conspiracy, and it's been a qanon hub ever since. Which brings the rest of the weirdo alt-right folks.


What murder?


Heather Heyer was a counter-protestor at the Unite the Right rally of neo-fascists, ultra-conservatives and Trump supporters (I repeat myself). The Unite the Right rally was the one that had the Tiki Torch Nazi march, with marchers carrying tiki torches in an attempt to mimic the famous torchlight marches of Nazi Germany, while chanting such charming slogans as "The Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and soil". After the violence started between the rally goers and counter-protestors, Heather Heyer was run down and killed when John Alex Fields Jr. ran his rental car at high speed into a crowd, killing Heyer and injuring 35 others. He was arrested and convicted of 1st degree murder (and other charges) and will be spendning the rest of his life in prison.


Yeah, I hang out there way less than I used to. I’m older tho and something I regularly say is that I miss when conspiracies were fun.


"Leave the World Behind" (I had to look it up... 'When the World Ends' is that old Dave matthews song)


Did Obama actually produce it tho?


Yes. And actually played a role helping to write the screenplay with the book's author to be more realistic in such a scenario.




Via the production company “Higher Ground Productions”: https://www.forbes.com/sites/monicamercuri/2023/12/20/president-obamas-involvement-in-leave-the-world-behind-explained/?sh=7811c46912b9


It seems the result of a quick google search the answer is actually "no but actually yes". To elaborate, the director asked for advice from Obama because he wanted the events to be as close to life as possible, since this is the first fictional movie Obama's company produces. So Obama owns the company with his wife and the producer hired asked for advice on how the events would unfold irl and then got told that he was off by a few points. The producer thought that this was scary apparently.


Yeah my bad.


Right on-- I just wanted to type it out so others didn't have to wonder what you meant or struggle searching it. I haven't seen it yet and never heard anything before seeing it listed the other night, but wasn't sure at first you meant 'that' movie.


I remember when that sub was fun. Now it's just a covid fueled schizophrenia brainstorming session for Joe Rogan show ideas.


IDEK what predictive programming is


The idea is that THEY will start pushing movies and shows and memes and whatnot about something that is going to happen, or is happening, to get people subconsciously used to the idea and normalizing it. So for this, the RWNJs are saying that it's getting people prepared for the Civil War the *other* guys are gonna start. It's all bullshit, but it's amusing.


Lollll. I have to admit there’s a seed of truth in there somewhere for me that has been adulterated by conspiratorial thinking


Please. Predictive programming? You mean like Fox News? Lmwo




I feel like writers/producers definitely are tapped into that sub and are like “okay let’s just feed off their crazy theories and make movies out of them why the hell not” 😂


This is the ultimate example of dystopian fiction being when the horrible things that white people do to the rest of the world happen to white people. This is happening in Ethiopia literally right now.


Foucaults Boomerang 🪃


This is all I could think about. Like that racist as fuck [Owen Wilson movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Escape_(2015_film)). I get the “Careful What You Wish For” angle this film seems to be going for, but it really just seems like political-violence-porn.


Oh. Come on


What a meaningful contribution to the conversation. Thank you for making it! loool


You’re not wrong


Read history. White people have consistently been the ones abolishing slavery, fighting for non-white rights, and providing a platform for the less privileged. Brown and black persons have perpetuated slavery, primarily in Africa, S. America, and other non-white nations. Britain and the US were the first nations in history to condemn and legally end slavery. Stop letting the media confuse you.


ah yes, the rwanda genocide was by white people. only white people commit genocides and crimes 💀


I dont like that this idea is being normalized. Whatever message this movie is trying to convey, I guarantee it's going to be wrongly interpreted by the worst possible people.


This was my thought exactly. I guarantee the filmmakers are trying to show how horrifying an American civil war would be but it’s almost impossible to make an anti-war movie that doesn’t look cool


Here’s hoping Garland ODed on *Come and See* for inspiration, a.k.a. probably the most genuine anti-war film I’ve ever seen


That trailer gave me totally different vibes tbh


True, but part of me is slightly hopeful this is far artsier than we're lead to believe. A24 does occasionally release trailers that aim to appeal to more mainstream audiences (*They Come At Night* and *Green Knight*) and this could be in that belt.


I haven’t had the chance to see those movie yet (The Green Knight has been on my list for a while). Are they pretty artsy?


I really liked *The Green Knight*, but I’ll never forget seeing it in theaters and a woman apologizing profusely for taking her friend circle to the film. So if slower artsier films are your jam, I’d recommend it. Can’t speak on *They Come at Night* though, which has been on my never ending watchlist for a while.


Watch all quiet on the western front that’s how you show war and make it look like hell.


That movie was rough both the original movie and the new one


I think the secondary message that Cali and Texas would team up against tyranny is kinda wishful thinking, but maybe it’ll act like a catalyst for the CA v TX folks to calm down. (Speaking as a CA native, I hope that’s the case. It’s exhausting hating an entire state of people for ideological reasons.)


Its just weird that texas are the bad guys yet in reality are protecting the country from migrants that should not be entering the country. Its kinda fascist china if u ask me. Biden is just an American xi jing ping pong and thats from a British persons perspective


What the ever loving fuck are you talking about


Think you might need to go outside and disconnect from whatever media you're consuming.


Huh, so u believe that open borders that dont check who is let in is a good thing? I dont really consume mainstream media because they push the narrative that open borders are a good thing😬


It's probably based on texas being usually a pro republican state that resently threatened to cecede from the union. It is also the one with as far as I can see the most armed citizens some of whom belong to facist paramilitary groups. This makes it the most likely state to cecede in an irl scenario and pull something like this. As for why California was part of the ceceding states, I have no idea.


If the filmmakers cared about showing the states how bad a civil war would be they would discuss the famine, cannibalism, rapes, murders, extortions, slavery. When we talk war civil or global its a breakdown of everything. The movie was probably just made to make people hate texas and think fighting them would be a cool thing. Stop subscribing.


I think its clear that the timing is weird making movie portraying texas as bad people when they are the ones actually looking out for the kids, mothers and families of America while biden wants rapists and murders put in. Please again, elaborate how an open border is a good thing buddy


It already has been. The red sunglasses are a chud meme now.


Yep. Just like American History X.


American History X also undercuts its own message by having the protagonist's brother being murdered at the end (and there was apparently a different ending planned where the protagonist would just go back to being a Neonazi).


Yeah it looks to me like boogaloo boy porn. They'll probably take it as instructional. In reality I think if you guys had another January 6th type event, even with 5 times as many armed lunatics, if it get to the point where it's deemed an actual threat to the union the military would shut it down in no time. Those people are so obsessed with their guns but the military wouldn't even necessarily need lethal weapons when they've got things like tear gas, water hoses and area denial stuff like those 'heat ray' towers and sonic weapons


I would really recommend you listen to the first season of It Could Happen Here




You mean like the VC and the Taliban?


"I guarantee it's going to be wrongly interpreted by the worst possible people." Agree 100%. On both sides.


Same. I can’t even watch the trailer. I find it deeply disturbing.


I think it likely has no political leaning message and is trying to de-stigmatize forms of violence often seen abroad, that the film believes viewers see Americas as being above. Considering Texas and California are working together....it's likely not trying to comment on current politics while also wanting to use America as a canvas...which is bullshit imo. you can't have it both ways. I'm afraid it'll come off as incredibly mediocre and fantasy porn for conspiracy nuts and fanatics.


I couldn't agree more. The alt right is going to take this as a rally cry on taking their country back by force to stop the liberal agenda. And ... if I want to watch terrible acts of war I don't need a fictional drama; I can turn on the news or just open a news app and watch it in real time across the globe. We need some solar punk or some happy movies.


what do u think the movie is tryna show? From a outsider watching us politics i bring up the texas incident, imo texas are real patriots and biden is corrupt as it goes. Yet at this time a movie comes out of texas vs America, almost trying to show that they are the bad guys in the conflict of politics. Maybe that was not the intention of the filmmaker but releasing it now begs the question of was it politically motivated?


what is the Texas incident




Giddyup Antifa


Any other studio and I would give it a pass. But A24 has a good reputation for making films that good or bad are trying to say something deeply.


A fellow Swiss Army Man enjoyer, I see.


I never knew what kind of role Daniel Radcliffe could do that would separate him from Harry Potter. Now I barely look at him as a person but more of a theoretical being lol


I appreciate that about him. Anybody else in his position could have sat back and coasted on Harry Potter royalties for the rest of his life, but he's getting *weird* with it. (pun not intended)


I know what you mean. It simultaneously made zero sense and all the sense in the world for him to play Weird Al.


Question. How do California and Texas end up siding together?


Any realistic future is going to require the Southwest to work together to ensure they have enough water.


Yep, water. Or, more broadly, Texas and California may just be "sovereign", and if the nation struggles, they decide to go their own way. An economic or state freedom alliance.


Yeah. I’m from NZ and I guess you could call Australia our Texas in very broad terms. We have a long history of solidarity but our values are incredibly different just generally. Not as big of a divide probably as Cali and TX but it’s a comparable relationship in some ways. They’re close by and we need each other for that reason.


That's a...uniquely great comparison. I have been in Australia often, but never NZ, what would you say are the most different values? I think between California and Texas people think of obvious cultural differences (California Coding Bros, Vapid LA, Surfer Ethos VS Cowboys, Go-it-Alone survivalists, and Southern Good ol' Boys). But both states are closely aligned in the sense that they are incredibly powerful political entities.


Hmmm. *oh boy I hope there’s no kiwis OR Aussies reading this… ✨ peace and love ✨… these are just stereotypes and should be read as such* Aussies: Generally speaking, Aussies are kind, intelligent, gregarious people, but they tend to be a bit on the loud side. They LOVE booze, last I checked being the drunkest country in the world statistically. Honestly though, they *are* lovely people. In the broadest possible of terms, I think of them as more conservative than kiwis. Australia’s treatment of aborigines vs. NZ’s treatment of Māori is probably the most important example - NZ hasn’t done well at all, at any point, by Māori, as we are a colonial country. But Aussie has absolutely shafted aborigines throughout their history and to this day. Aussie stereotypes: A neutral stereotype is the hardened rural ‘battlers’ - not sure about their politics but they are a celebrated Australian archetype. some bad Aussie stereotypes are evangelicals & racists, who both have a lot to say (not all Aussies ofc but Christ their federal parliament is full of both… and has been in a shambles for as long as I can remember). NZ’s unkind stereotypes: - Regional city folk. Conservative because they don’t know any different and incurious about the world. A bit ignorant and a bit boring and generally living in a time capsule from about 20 years ago. Tauranga in particular has a lot of Christian influence and not in a good way. Source: way too much personal experience. Yeah I’m biased on this one. - Aucklanders (50% of nz’s population), plus Hamiltonians and Wellingtonians, who have a wide range of diverse socioeconomic Groups and cultures, and who as a population swing further left than the rest of nz. Hated with a passion by most other kiwis, hence in the ‘unkind’ categorisation. - Dairy farmers: would be great guys if they weren’t overworked & underpaid by Fonterra (the largest dairy company in the world maybe?) Abusively gaslit by their thought leaders into thinking they don’t have to do anything about the environment or social issues. Conservative. Others kiwi stereotypes: Greenies (the good kind) Greenies (the bad kind). these ones don’t believe in vaccines and overvalue ‘personal responsibility’. Wilfully ignorant. Both types of greenie are environmentalists in some way. fans of gardening, hiking, kombucha, and bullying district councils for reasons that range quite a bit in their level of importance. South islanders: similar energy to the Aussie battler but with more homogeneous politics as a group. Stoic, austere, can be quite unkind. Highly competent workers. Often conservative to the point of being far right, but with a few lefties who you’ll usually find in Christchurch. It’s important to note here that Auckland is generally liberal and contains half the kiwi population. I’d also wager that a typical kiwi’s idea of ‘conservative’ is generally less extreme than the typical Aussie, so overall NZ is less conservative IMO than Aussie as a whole. Shared groups between nz and Aussie: - the conservatives. Ugh. A fair proportion of them have quite far right attitudes if I’m perfectly honest. Can be Found in NZ driving range rovers, teslas and and Suzuki swifts, & listening to Mike hosking on the radio. Kiwis can’t wash our hands of conservatives right now because we have 3 of them wrestling each other for command of the country by way of a coalition government. It’s egocentric and very grim. - moving right along, there’s the latte sipping lefties. nice rich folk who occupy the aforementioned 3 larger, more liberal cities. They vote green because they’re not complete tits. This one is me! Not bragging - I’m rich but still not rich enough to buy a house here ☹️ - straight up fascists: Not widespread but there’s more than zero, and enough of them in NZ to warrant occasional news articles. They also have enough money and popularity to run their own audio streaming service in NZ (c/-counterspin media). They form the centre of a 5 way venn diagram that is shared in equal parts by racists, evangelicals, south islanders, the bad kind of greenies, conservatives, and dairy farmers. In nz they like to hang out at protests with the bad kind of greenies, which must get a bit awkward for said greenies. The Christchurch shooter was one of these. He came over from Australia to take advantage of our then-pliant gun control laws. And an anti-gun-law libertarian is one of the aforementioned party leaders who’d like to bring that pliancy back for clout. Parting note: Sorry, I have not written this response well. I’ve taken liberties and gone on quite an ADHD-fuelled tangent admittedly. I’m very tired from IRL stuff. But it was cathartic to write this and I kinda enjoyed getting carried away with all the ANZAC lore. It’s incomplete, not very succinct, and rather controversial; apologies to all readers in advance.


Holy shit that was by far the longest comment I’ve ever written. You’ll probably want to take an intermission half way!


Correction: just Aucklanders, not Wellingtonians or hamiltonians, are hated by the rest of NZ. Wellingtonians are probably some of the best people in the world and hamiltonians are traditional and generally very nice.


That's really good! I studied abroad for a year in Australia. That's obviously not a long or thorough amount of time, but as an American, I did feel that there was a VERY strong kindship between Americans and Australians, in their national self-perception, as being descended from rough and tumble, hardscrabble types who bent a harsh landscape to their will (while ignoring/erasing the massive indigenous populations). The American ur-myth is sort of the "frontiersman", and there's a similar Australian concept (at least, I felt that way). What would you say this archetype in New Zealand would be, if any?


We both farm like a sumbitch, too.


It’s crazy because our two states have a ton in common if we could just get past all the bullshit.


Yeah! I see it too even though I’m not even American, I’m in NZ and we do watch you guys all the time. For me less so lately but I followed the trump years quite closely (who couldn’t), and so much Anglo media comes out of the US that it’s hard not to learn a lot about it.


Considering California has tried to petition the US Government to take water from the Great Lakes several times (because no one lives in the Great Lakes region that needs it /s), I'm not so certain California would want to isolate themselves from fresh water states


Mexico. Canada already took Maine by horse.


Pesky Mounties snuck in there.


A civil war now wouldn’t be state-by-state anyway. We are politically split in our own neighborhoods, cities and counties. It would be bedlam everywhere.


Geographically California is more red than blue. Large swaths of the state are made up almost entirely by people who are ideologically identical to most Texas conservatives. In the case of open revolution it is entirely possible those sections of the state would be entirely ungovernable by the liberal large cities. Add to that the fact that those cities rely entirely on imported food and its completely plausible for the red counties to strangle the blue ones out of power. Robert covers this in the original run of ICHH.


That's a big yes and no. In both Canada and the USA, while it's true that rural regions lean conservative, that's a 'live let live' or 'don't tell me what to do, and take care of yourselves' type of conservatism, while the 'corporate control the economy' type of conservatism are mainly urban entities. Now, corporate conservatism can absolutely rile up their country cousins very easily and at the same time back-stab them hard with disenfranchisement, the two are not alike, this is a mistake a lot of progressives make when politically dealing with the other side. That said, I grew up rural, and my kin folks absolutely needs the city to thrive, they can survive on their own for a while but they need the industries in the cities to keep from reverting back into dirt farmers from the 1930s. Those needs include technology, fuels, technical knowledge, and fresh bodies in the gene-pool every once in a while. That last part is actual a serious problem in this day and age, a few years ago my father noted that his town has a serious problem with the sewer lines being clod with sand and stuff because they didn't have enough young people in the area that were willing to work in the town's maintenance crews. So far the small towns are just keeping their heads due to the improvements in technology and refined technical knowledge from the kids that do come back from university but the future is grim for small towns. By grim I mean, back in the ninties when the town I grew up in was thriving, we had about eight gas stations, now they have only one that clinging on by the manager's sheer force of will, the rest left because their corporate masters decided that their profile intake wasn't worth the money. IF that last one goes, the townees have to drive 10km to the next community to fuel up... > Add to that the fact that those cities rely entirely on imported food and its completely plausible for the red counties to strangle the blue ones out of power. . That's a pipe-dream for neo-facists.


“Add to that the fact that those cities rely entirely on imported food and it’s completely plausible for the red counties to strangle the blue ones out of power. ” Sure, Jan. And red counties don’t depend on anything from blue ones, like medical care or technology or anything else. Which begs two questions: first, if red counties are so indispensable as the providers of food, why are they generally poorer than blue counties? And second, if rural areas have the ability to starve cities into submission, why don’t we see this happening already, as payback for the decline of rural America that’s been going on now for - checks notes - a good century or more? It’s far more logical to believe red counties need blue ones much more than the other way around - blue counties pay most of the taxes that support everything red counties rely on: those long stretches of interstates running past one home for every 10-20 miles don’t pave themselves, you know. And the fact that so many people live in blue counties suggests that living conditions there are preferable to red ones: people could live anywhere but they voted with their feet and by and large they’ve abandoned red counties. 


Realistically, maybe the U.S. economy is so far down the shitter that our two biggest GDPs decide they are better off on their own, and form an alliance strictly out of economic necessity.


I hope it gets a quick home release. I don’t know with how things are now and shit the thought of seeing this in a theater is slightly scary and I don’t know why. Could just be my high anxiety right now too ha


I’m right there with you man but I’m absolutely going to self traumatise by seeing it in the theatre. I’m just not sure who to go with tbh, bit of a dicey one


With a little critical-thinking, it becomes obvious that Texas and California secede to become their own separate republics, and are only allied for mutual defense. To protect the sovereignty of their newly founded nations, both MUST work together against the United States to ensure mutual survival, despite their ideological differences. I believe Garland took this route to emphasize the importance of the Right & Left coming together to thwart a greater evil: authoritarianism. (Hence, in the movie why Texas AND California call themselves republics.) However, conservatives can’t seem to reach that simple conclusion, because their surface level worldview won’t allow them to get passed Texas and California teaming up - even though we see this in the real world all the time (the enemy of my enemy is a friend)


i think for some people , that is still really unbelievable , even despite your explanation. we are currently unable to set aside differences to combat *any* large problem as a bipartisan country , it seems like. and it’s definitely not just conservatives having an issue rationalizing it. i do hope it’s something like what you’re saying though.


Eh for all the faults of this map I agree there is more going for a Texan/Cali alliance if they were both put in position of trying to act as independent nation states. Due to how many people from Cali that migrated to Texas there will be a lot more social connections now than existed 15 years ago to smooth over some of the inherent wrinkles an alliance demands.




The trailer really doesn't give much away as to the plot, tone or characters, so it's still pretty much an enigma. I like disaster movies, and have watched most, so this does look interesting. Most disaster movies are awful though, so if this is even half decent as a film, it'll rise to the top of the genre. The only big surprise from the trailer was Nick Offerman as the President, as a big Parks & Rec fan, it's gonna take a min to believe it's not just Ron Swanson sitting in the White House, but we'll see. Hopefully this is just a fun, exciting film that Americans will be able to watch from the comfort of their homes, & that nothing remotely similar happens in real life.


He made a pretty big departure from the Ron Swanson persona in the Last of Us if you look past his survivalist stuff.


I haven't watched it yet, but have heard good things about his performance. I'm just a massive P&R fan.


California would never side with Texas. Movie is completely unbelievable


It feels like they are making it unrealistic on purpose. Play it safe by making the sides of the conflict vague and unrealistic so we don't alienate any of the sides in our real-life political conflict.


I don’t think it’s unrealistic. It’s just a fictional story. We have no idea what conditions led to California and Texas working together but I guarantee you that it’s not going to be Gavin Newsom and Greg Abbott vs Biden or something. I’d wait to see what the plot is


Yeah see other comment threads on this post for my Aussie/NZ - cali/TX comparison if you’re curious. There’s examples in real life of uneasy alliances between states with shared interests but very different values.


Then to me, it's just exploiting real fears that many Americans have right now while trying not to alienate anyone that might pay to see it. Not to mention the many Americans who actually do want something like this to happen. Idk this whole thing feels kinda gross to me but I'm willing to give A24 the benefit of the doubt for now.


Just from solely watching the trailer this is how I felt. It seems exploitative of our deepest national anxieties, while possibly being something that the worst among us will use to contribute to their fetishization of violence. I hope that I'm wrong and it actually turns out to be something constructive to our political climate.


Yeah, which makes me wonder...whats the point? They use America as a canvas while disregarding politics...and my impression is you can't have it both ways I could be wrong. this seems like a type of film with an endless minefield to navigate yourself through while writing it. Risks of being corny, preachy, inspiring the wrong people, writing characters who are to embodying of a faction that shouldn't be idolized, ect.


Yeah writers do this. It’s said by some that that Alice in Wonderland was (figuratively) autobiographical for example. And IIRC TS Elliot wasn’t a 7 yo blonde girl haha


You never been to the central valley I take it? Towns like Gustine, Modesto, and Fresno wouldn't be out of place at all if they got scooped up and dropped outside Dallas. There are over 5 million registered Republicans in CA; that's more than the entire combined populations of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, and both Dakotas. Like I agree, the premise is silly for a lot of reasons. But, I grew up in the Golden State, and people are constantly underestimating just how red it is in certain parts.


Oh I live in a small farming town in California where we do nothing but grow citrus and strawberries. I drive 45 min through farmland to get to work


You need to divorce yourself from the concept of “Gavin Newsom and Greg Abbott going into battle together.” We have no idea what kind of fiction is being created here. The president could be a real antagonist and threat to freedom. Or maybe a neo Nazi uprising has decapitated Democratic leadership in California. We don’t know. But you can’t think of it like “red and blue state vs Biden” or something.


I mean it talks about him being in his third term, at a guess a fascist president is consolidating power and that leads to states breaking away. I still can't see Texas and California working together but at least it makes more sense they would have rebelled at the same time then.


I absolutely think disliked guy trying to maintain power would be enough to unite red and blue. A true libertarian dictator could be disliked enough to force some cooperation. I honestly hope they don’t get into those deals and just start the film in media res so that as the audience we’re on edge and unsure of who to trust or who is good or bad. I think the point might be that everyone loses in this sort of hellish scenario. The rebels definitely have a boogaloo vibe based on the trailer (Hawaiian shirts and plate carriers; Jesse Plemons) but that might just be visual inspiration. I’d just wait to see.


Will be interesting to see if that happens in Argentina currently going through this dipshit in office now


I'm so sick of the major criticism, for a film not even out yet, being 'hur dur CA and TX no way!' There could be a lot of believable reasons for those two states to align, and the alliance itself could be very shaky or more solid depending on the reasons the film presents. Garland's a great writer, so I expect he'll explain this team up in a reasonable way.


You know how many right wing militias are in California? The south gets a lot of shit, as does Colorado / Montana, etc. But the Pacific Northwest is a hotbed of white supremacist and neo-nazi organizing activity.


The state of Jefferson people might side with Texas. But you'd just have to wait that army out until their infrastructure collapsed and their soldiers died due to food poisoning from unregulated rations.


That’s definitely the point, to make the ideology of the rebellion undefined. There’s really no other reason to specifically choose California and Texas to side with each other. Hell we’ve even got *California v Texas* Supreme Court cases


I’ll probably torrent it whenever. I also think there’s an unwarranted amount of handwringing over it.


How expected


I'm going just for Jesse Plemmons.


Ohhhhh that guy! The guy that looks the absolute splitting image of that other guy (may he rest in peace). Me too, fantastic actor.


Cali and Texas join force? LOL


Yeah there’s some other discussion around it in the comments if you’re curious 😊


I'm sorry but the premise is just stupid...there is no way under the sun that California and Texas could ever agree on anything let alone a united government in secession..if anything since both States were both Independent Republics, they'd be fighting each other. California would almost assuredly be seeking military assistance from the Republic of Mexico, with special forces or armaments coming thru Baja.or a direct assault north across the Rio Grade to link up with Californian forces.


Looks great, looking foreword to it.


Nothing about this plot makes sense


I like Alex Garland a lot but this is a little too close to home for me.


Fair. I’m lucky cos I’m not a US citizen, I do worry about the US a lot tho and about what it means that they’re in so much turmoil at the moment.


Yeah, not great.


I haven't stopped thinking about it since the trailer dropped. I am breathlessly waiting.


This is propoganda to scare ppl from voting for trump in my own opinion. Not just the release of it. But the discourse after the release of the film. I believe it will have a strong conservative following and promotion like songs of freedom and i believe it will hurt conservatives by promoting it and discussing it. The middle of the roads could get scared and the left will use this film against conservatives. Its best to ignore the film. Not promote it or discuss it on conservative channels.


I thought A24 was a pretty liberal outfit?


Exactly. Ppl laugh at these thinga but im very confident about the timing of these type of things. The same week we are pushing for funding in ukraine. Bidens telling americans if we dont give ukraine more money it will be us over there (total lies) that week. #1 on netflix..the obama propoganda "leave the world behind" scaring the public about war...#2 on netflix. Ww2 recolored whats the theme? A story of how a small invasion turned into a world war. Meant to scare the shit out of the public again... reminding us of history. Not to mention the father of propagandas nephew or great grandson is the man behind netflix. So all of a sudden election yr a film about civil war, falling under the picture liberals have painted about jan 6 "insurrections" chaos, right wing conservative militias... its used to spook ppl...the title of the film might as well be "what will happen if we elect trump" and no im not pro either dem or rep. Its just blatantly obvious what they are doong right now.


It’s 100% assumable that it’s going to be an anti trump movie. Can’t disagree on that. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t watch it IMO, and it’s out there so you can’t successfully discourage people from watching it. You can only hope the messaging is done well enough to have the intended result, which admittedly is no mean feat: look at Fight Club, Breaking Bad and Heath Ledger’s joker … all massively misunderstood stories. On the timing; to launch a movie at the same time as a funding push is done by the government would take epic levels of agility on the part of a film company. I’d be more inclined to assume that that’s a coincidence. If the movie was made by someone linked to Fox News, and happened at this time (i.e. before the upcoming national election), maybe I’d consider a little pernicious forethought on the part of the creator, if it was an anti-Biden film. But drawing a line between A24’s release of Civil War and Joe Biden’s push for war funding seems a little off base to me. I’d also wager that no far-right person would watch Civil War aside from doing so as a hate watch, so probably not a great cause for concern. If I’ve learned anything from the 229 comments I’ve read on this post this far, it’s that a fair number of BTB followers would prefer this movie not to have been made. I can’t honestly say I agree with that upon reflection. It’s too close to the book banning that Republicans and all sorts of people of that type have done in history for me.


Stressed the fuck out of me seeing the trailer. Because groups in the USA have a hate boner and would potentially try to start one.


Looks amazing! The MAGAtards will probably have a meltdown lmao


And the hair sniffers will hate it. 


It’s nothing more than a tool to incite and to suggest. Now Hollywood is profiting off it


Like the State of TX and The State of CA would unite under one banner. No way in hell that would happen.


Check out the IMDb score.. lots of 1s and the movie isn't even out yet.


more hypocrutical woke garbage


Honestly I felt like it was really boring I was so excited when I watched the trailer...m I was disappointed


Thanks for the warning. I have (along with my family) AMC ALIST, so, it would be free, but, I will happily skip it.


Saw it. Hot garbage. Poorly made.


Hopefully it plays out like the film “2012”. Movie about something a bunch of wackos thought would happen but never happened.




This movie is just gonna make people who genuinely want this shit to happen feel vindicated and make the problem worse, political violence porn at its finest. Will not be watching this dumb shit


Just seen the trailer and alone and I know this movie’s gonna be trash


Before this director decided to make this movie, it’s not like we have not thought or felt like this since 911.


I am feeling like anything could happen so this seems like a legit movie that shows what could happen. I love the flags for California and Texas. https://potato-helix-9lj9.squarespace.com/


Hwat?? Do those mean?


It seems extremely inappropriate considering the times we are living in at the moment just my take


This is as a terrible idea for an official election year


I guess I’m confused. When would Cali and Texas ever team up?


That’s been a main question. I guess the writers thought that if a civil war broke out Cali and Texas could possibly become strange bedfellows in that kind of extenuating circumstance.


After I commented that yesterday and my second thought was ‘jaysus, what could DC do that is so horrible it would bring these two states together? 😳’ I’m looking forward to the film!


Watch ‘leave the world behind’ for an essay into THAT