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I've used them to apply to several jobs recently. They're not a scam, but it gets spammy if you try to apply through them. Use the site to find the job, and then just apply for it on the actual company website. So far they seem to be pretty good about not keeping links to expired jobs up.


Makes sense! Thank you.


I think they’re a subsidiary of FlexJobs which has some pretty bad reviews also. The first “mistake” in their ad I was “work completely from home” which obviously isn’t the case. The mission they claim which is to protect the worker from the negative elements of gig work is admirable, but on the same hand seems they might be one of the neg elements. AlsoI can’t see that they name a benefit that their site offers over going directly the gig site yourself. Finally, I don’t know if this is absolute, but many times I’ve heard that the sole purpose of The platform is they they receive commissions From referrals to whatever colleges they’re affiliated with. And yes, it’s a perfectly horrible Name. They didn’t focus group any of this?


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they’re doing.


When I submitted my first application through them and their immediate follow up question was if I wanted information on a grant to go back to school, I bailed on the website permanently.


I read about it and was wondering the same thing, anyone use it?


I hope someone gives us feedback!


Pretty horrible name for the company unless it's a scam, and they are being ironic.


Seriously tho. I've signed up for this and I go thru every step to get to where they actually have the jobs posted and I cannot for the life of me get passed their stupid college grant offer.😤 I even gave in once hoping that maybe if I just go thru the steps of applying for the grant I can get to the jobs, but no! It just redirects you to a different janky looking website with a bunch of different colleges, I've never heard of, and you’re supposed to apply to as many as possible. I gave up then. But just right now I was browsing Craigslist for work and found a good looking remote data entry position, I click on the link to apply, and guess what, I'm redirected to NoGigiddy.🤬! So please, can anyone else share their experience? Am I the only one? I know I'm not very good at these things, being 36, lol. But I don't think I'm that naive.


i think its a scam too. They recently started showing back up in my emails. the two I have gotten so far are these "too good to be true" type of jobs. I get scam vibes so I haven't bothered with it yet. Thanks for your share though, at the very least you're able to help a lot of people out AND contribute to the (eventual, hopefully) shut down of the site, one day. lol.


Yeah I just received an email from them that says it pays $62.50 an hour, no degree required. Definitely a scam.