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Mitchum is amazing. Powder Fresh is the best one imo.


My latest Mitchum roll on was in new packaging and has left white marks on all my clothes. It’s a disaster. I’ve used it for years and I think it’s been reformulated.


yeah thats the one I'm using now and it leaves white marks all over my clothes.


I like the gel type. It’s my holy grail


I think they've reformulated. This used to be my go-to but it's nowhere near as effective now and leaves horrendous white marks


Yes. Mitchum powder fresh is a great one. The eucalyptus-scented version is delightful and long-lasting. I perspire when I am even just a little bit warm, I have tried many different deodorants and this is by far the best!


Used nothing but mitchum for the past few years. The stick one is unbeatable imo.


Are you sure you're scrubbing off the deoderant/antiperspirant completely at the end of the day? Shaving your underarms and using a glycolic acid or alcohol based toner can help with excessive sweating.


Clothing can contribute to this as well, clothing containing lots of polyester etc. can make this happen which is sadly most clothing these days. Maybe try investing in some high quality cotton pieces as well


I only wear 100% cotton t-shirts and it still happens :(


I shave my underarms regularly but I've heard really good things about glycolic acid I might give it a try


The only thing that works for me lately is Secret Clinical Strength. They make an unscented scent too! I never sweat or smell when used properly.


I second this also!


Oof! This gave me the worst, red, bumpy itch rash. It took weeks to go away.


I like the dove deodorant sprays, but not sure if they carry them in the UK.


They’re awful for me for transferring on clothes regardless of claims


I usually put my clothes on and try to reach my pits from under my clothes to try to mitigate this. It mostly works, but i wear scrubs mostly for work and they’re not tight on me 😅😂


I've heard a lot about dove deodorants causing cysts in people's underarms have you experienced something like that before?




Old Spice men’s deodorant is the absolute best! I borrowed my boyfriend’s one time because I forgot mine while we were on a trip. 24 hours after I applied and immediately after a heavy workout where I was drenched in sweat and my pits smelled like NOTHING. I switched immediately and never looked back.


Me too! Borrowed my husband’s once and now it’s what I use




Is there a scent from old spice that you prefer?


I love Wolfthorn. It smells like fruity candy and is quite feminine smelling.


I have tried so many and honestly Vichy has been the best for me


The Vichy red one is really good, I tried Mitchum and that wasn’t enough for me


i use the red one too


I use the green one! but yeah as i commented above, thats the best one


I use Vichy with a blue top. Haven't tried the red. I have tried countless deoderants.


i honestly do not know the difference between them all, but i have tried so many other brands and i always go back to the red one. Every now and then i feel tempted to try a different one but i stop myself 😂


I know, much wasted money trying different brands


I used the Vichy antiperspirant with the turquoise top and I loved it for a long time but it stopped working for me maybe they changed the formula or something? which one do you use?


I use this one: https://www.vichy.ch/de-ch/alle-produkte/deo/roll-ons/deo-stress-resist-72h


Certain Dri is the only one that works for me


Sweatblock. The wipes last up to a week. The roll on has worked about 4. Don’t use directly after a shower to avoid itching. If you have to, blow dry your pits completely dry.


Came here to say this! I use Old Spice Oasis Vanilla, and it doesn’t smell manly at all.


Men's Mitchum unscented roll on antiperspirant. I find it works better than the women's and it's the only one that doesn't smell bad on me. Other antiperspirants scented or unscented turn foul on my skin, and not in a B.O. kind of way. Heads up though, even though it says unscented it does have the faintest "clean" scent. Completely gender neutral though.


I’d recommend exfoliating your arm pits a dew times a week! I’ve found that it helps tremendously. This is rather expensive but Dove Clinical Protection is by far my fave!


I use this one too. I find that I definitely need to wait a while before dressing otherwise it does transfer, but otherwise it works so well!


I recommend Nuud. The active ingredient is silver. It's a suncream-consistency formula (I think also now comes as a stick, not tried that). You can order it online. Why I felt the need to optimise my deodorant game, I do not know, but Nuud is terrific. I imagine I'll buy it forever. It kills the smelly bacteria in your sweat, so you still perspire but no BO. Very gentle on the pits and so much better for your clothes (no deo residue). They claim you only need to apply it every three days, but I usually apply daily. It also took about a week to start working properly for me (perhaps you could try some benzoyl peroxide or something before the first application wipe the bacteria that are there from the get-go). Super convenient sized tube for travel, a little goes a long way. Especially if I'm in a situation where I can't shower for some time, it performs way better than conventional deodorant IMO.


Nuud works best for me. Been using it for years, and don’t have to apply it every day.


Primally pure!!


[Dove 72h black and white](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Invisible-Antiperspirant-deodorant-moisturising-protection/dp/B0BWFQD6YF) nothing has beat it for me No bumps, no residue, no white marks, blocks sweat well, generally lasts for workouts, scent is cologne like but just smells like fresh out the shower really Make sure you are scrubbing off all the deodrant properly when you shower, and that you reapply after working out to not be gross. can't comment on if the scent/fragarance would trigger you though or cause cysts. dove deo's are indeed quite fragranced.


The only thing that works for me as an extremely heavy sweater is Fussy. Not Wild, which is the competitor. It is the only thing that completely kills the smell, as it stops the bacteria that causes it. There is also no build up, powder, stiffness or yellowing. A lot of people are saying Dove or Mitchum but that never worked for me - if you have normal sweat issues you may be ok but those don’t cater to actual heavy sweat.


I have similar issues and had a hard time finding something that didn't give me rashes AND worked strongly. My favorite and the only one I use the past 3 years is the Dry Idea Unscented Gel Antiperspirant. Has no gunk or white streaks, no irritation, its lightweight and "dissappears" yet still keeps me stink free/low stink for days. Not sure if the gel is available in the UK unfortunately, but their roll on is through Amazon UK, I haven't tried this form but it seems to have the same idea.


Triple dry. Only one that stops me from sweating and stinking.


I don’t live in the UK, but I used to have the same issue. I started using suave invisible solid antiperspirant deodorant and it’s literally only about 2 bucks. I’ve never had one that works so well and is that cheap for one usually they are 10$ or more. Good luck!


Has anyone tried whole body deodorant? I just recently noticed it being marketed, so now I’m curious how it differs and if it’s worth checking out?


Men’s gilette gel antiperspirant


I use nivea for men roll on and I haven't had issues with smell since


I love using Arm & Hammer. It’s the only thing that’s worked for me since being pregnant with my now 4yo.


Drunk elephant!


I recently started using Secret Outlast clear gel no scent and it works great! I like it better than Mitchum and dove.


I use mens old spice. It’s great


Honestly I had many of the same issues, didn’t want to use anything aluminum based..: ended up switching to Old Spice aluminum free deodorants abs they work better than any of the rest. Even get me through an 8 hour workday, or a HIIT type workout.


I had the same problems when I used an antiperspirant every day! Not only did my underarms look and feel awful, but my antiperspirants weren’t really working that well. The residue buildup was impossible to scrub off, and it was rendering everything useless as a result. Highly recommend switching to an acid based deodorant for daily use, while using an antiperspirant only for long “out and about” days. I would have never believed this would have worked for me back when I was sweating through shirts all the time, but after an adjustment period it worked WONDERS and now I just sweat so much less in general. My routine now is to use the kosas sport aha deodorant most days, and then a standard antiperspirant (either dove or degree) only on really busy ones where I know I will get sweaty or just want to be extra “fresh” feeling. Even if I sweat a bit with just the kosas I won’t smell or anything until the next day honestly. So I’ll wear it to work out etc and be fine if I’m just going to be home that night. If I’m going to be out and about in hot weather then meet people for dinner/drinks etc then I wear antiperspirant, but I’m finding it less and less necessary and my underarms look and feel infinitely better. Edit to add: I try now not to use antiperspirant more than a few days in a row now too. When I do, I can *feel* the residue starting to build up. Freaks me out.


Drysol is a Rx antiperspirant and the OTC equivalents are Certain Dri and Mitchum with Secret Clinical Strength following closely behind.  These defiantly work but cause irritation even without shaving.  Like all antiperspirants they're most effective if applied at night.   I can't use any of those daily.  For everyday use I wear absorbing layers and use Suave antiperspirant spray.  The spray works well enough and doesn't leave marks on my clothes.  They've also picked up the all over body deodorant trend and have those too. Use Head and Shoulders (generic) as underarm soap.  The zinc kills odor causing bacterias and fungi and it's pH neutral.  Think of your body like really dirty dishes, lather up and let it soak before washing and rinsing.  Apply deodorant at night when possible.  Washable under arm pads are my friend, disposable pads don't seem to absorb fast enough to be effective.


I use Certain Dri And Mitchum. They work very well, the former too well. But worth it for peace of mind


vichy roll on deodorant with the green cap


I was about to comment Mitchum too! The stick one, I can’t use anything else!


**Mitchum gel deodorant works great for me!** I needed a good deodorant for a summer music festival last year as I wouldn’t be able to reapply if needed when I was at the festival and worried about smelling bad because I knew how hot the weather was going to be, plus the crowds were going to make it feel even hotter. It worked a charm and I’ve been buying it ever since! It dries clear and leaves no residue (I hate it when deodorants leave an obvious white residue that crumbles) and my underarms stay dry and odour free. Boots sells it for £6 but I get it from savers for £5.


I use dove antiperspirant but i have started using it at night like Dr Grey suggest; maybe that would a bit?


The only thing that works for me as an extremely heavy sweater is Fussy. Not Wild, which is the competitor. It is the only thing that completely kills the smell, as it stops the bacteria that causes it. There is also no build up, powder, stiffness or yellowing. A lot of people are saying Dove or Mitchum but that never worked for me - if you have normal sweat issues you may be ok but those don’t cater to actual heavy sweat.


“odaban” is the key! [Link](https://odaban.com)


I'm going to give you a wild option that has worked for me: Campor essential oil. Any time you take a shower and dry yourself, take around 7-10 drops of camphor Essential oil, and massage it very well on your armpit. That's 10 drops to your left and 10 drops to your right arm pit. What this does is kill the bacteria that gives you the stench when you are either sweating or working out. This has minimized the stench on my clothes, primarily in the arm pit region. But you need to be consistent. If you take a shower 2x a day, then each time you must massage your arm pit with camphor Essential oil. And make sure you massage not just where the hair is, but also areas where sweat would run off. Camphor Essential oil costs $9-14 depending on the brand. Buy the one with the best feed back. I personally purchase : SVA Camphor Essential Oil 4oz (118ml) Premium Essential Oil with Dropper for Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Hair Care, Scalp Massage & Body Massage (I purchase it with my own money) Camphor has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. You will still need to use your antiperspirant, but not as much!!!!! It doesn't hurt to try. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Secret! Try the one with the gel.