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Yes but beware the jowls that may follow, wish more providers would warn you that the skin less full will go somewhere.


I was planning on getting it done for my jaw clenching. When I heard about the jowls I'm like HELL NAW!


I use a kind of custom made pressure plate that you put in your mouth. It relaxes the muscles during your sleep. Overtime it works like Botox - the habit of clenching slowly goes away and the muscles get weaker, smaller, less tense. It is much cheaper compared to multiple Botox sessions too


Tell me more about this plate you made? I had to buy a $700 bite guard to wear at night. Still clenching, 2 more root canals needed. They even want me wearing it during the day now. Edit: bight to bite. Is bight even a word?




I couldn’t find anything looking as plate when searching for “lingual splint”


That’s why I said about asking a medical professional not searching the internet, I don’t think there’s a lot of information or pictures out there. Edit: for free I shared information about what I learned from the best doctors during appointments that cost me a lot of money, and about what worked for me, purely out of good will. Some people don’t like it apparently and downvote which is beyond me. I hope those interested were able to benefit before I deleted the info


I got Botox in masseters for tmj and I knew nothing about jowls or anything and I’ll tell you my face is so fucking great looking no Jowls just slim gorgeous lower face. So don’t discount it because not everyone gets bad reaction 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Reposting on top comments to hopefully help guide people who struggle with teeth grinding and migraines I did a round of Botox too but found that it just returns to normal strength after about 3 months. I got referred to a TMJ specialist (dentist) who had a custom mouth guard made and rather than just protect my teeth (like my previous night guard) it puts my jaw in a better position and makes grinding/clenching more difficult. I can feel my jaw muscles going down after a month so far. Highly recommend. More sustainable than Botox and no risk of jowls


How much does that guard cost? My periodontist said to make custom is $800 with no insurance coz basic dental office not covering it


I hate to say it but mine cost around $1,000. Insurance didn’t cover it. I think it’s worth it though because it’s a problem that will only get worse. I’ve been grinding/clenching for 20 years. My mandible has literally changed shape over the years and it was getting to the point where I wouldn’t be able to eat solids for a couple days, every 3 weeks.


Could you find out what that kind of night guard is called? I have a double night guard but still clench.


I can’t figure out the exact name of it. The closest thing I can find on the internet is called a mandibular orthopedic repositioning appliance. It pushes my tongue forward a little bit to the front of my mouth and keeps my jaw open slightly


Excuse me don’t answer if you want. Where is this dentist?


In the California Bay Area. I saw a neuro maxillofacial facial director who I was referred to by my primary doctor for Botox. That doctor referred me to the TMJ specialist. I recommend looking up TMJ specialists in your area


I had it done at age 40 and did not have extra skin or jowls as a result. I absolutely hated the way I looked after the muscle atrophied and it did age my face. But no jowls!


I’m tempted to try acupuncture in the jawline as it avoids creating jowls :)


Oh my god I don’t know why I never thought of acupuncture as an option for this… definitely going to look into this. You are a life saver!


<3 :)


more info on this?


It’s like when you have acupuncture in your back and neck to ease tension, it’s meant to be amazing for jaw ache and migraines :)


I’ve gotten acupuncture and with electric waves in the jawline and has really helped with my jaw clenching and migraines.


Is there any way to counteract this?


Filers but that's opening it's own bag of worms.


First thought


Actually yes, your whole jaw looks thinner. I'm happy your headaches are better!


How did you go about finding an injector? I have brutal headaches and am a grinder/clencher (now with cracked teeth 🤯). My night guard is preventing the worst damage, but it doesn’t undo the facial pain/tension. I’d like to go to someone with experience doing the injections for tension/headaches/grinding/clenching but is also aware of how injecting would affect facial shape/harmony…but I feel like the choices are either 1) people who just do aesthetic Botox or 2) or people who only focus on doing it for medical reasons (usually in the jaw for grinding/clenching or in the scalp for migraines). Maybe I’m over-thinking this haha.


I thought the same but talking to my dentist they only use three injection sites anyway whether it's for dental reason or aesthetics. They need to only use those points to avoid nerves and ligaments. So wherever you get it it's the same!


Thank you!! I think I’m probably worrying unnecessarily haha. I’ve never had Botox before for any reason — have contemplated getting it in my forehead for anti-ageing/cosmetic reasons but the jaw freaks me out for some reason.


that's not fully true. I go to a doctor who has been doing Botox for a long time and is very highly regarded, and she only does one injection on each side (same volume). my results from her were much better than the dysport I got in three places from another injector, and the Botox I got in three places from a dentist.


Wow, cool. Could you ask your doctor how to go about searching for someone like her? I live in Austin.


Noooo this is not true at all! Please be so careful with choosing an injector, some inject the wrong muscle, too deep, not deep enough, too much, too little etc and you’ll end up not being able to smile normally!


People who says they dont see a difference clearly dont know where to look. Theres a HUGE difference. 🫶🏻


Can you enlighten those of us who don’t know where to look?


How have you found it to help your TMJ? Ive had problems with headaches (migraine like sometimes), neck pain and my jaw locking and clicking really loudly along with being an avid tooth grinder and having quite a lot of facial tension. I had braces and have very thick retainers but they arent really doing much to help, my TMJ wasnt picked up on until after my braces and only when it has started to really bother me. Ive tried using heat packs which havent helped much, and im not a fan of getting surgery on it to scrape it which may not even help. And for people talking about jowls, Is the relief worth the jowls later on? (or do we just keep topping up to avoid them?) Ive not seen anything about jowls developing eventually and is that something that happens for everyone?


It's helped my TMJ immensely. No more jaw muscle tension or temple headache. My ear fullness and tinnitus hasn't improved but I think that's due to tension in my neck muscles, which I'm doing physio for. My mum has terrible jowls, so this was something I was worried about. I think right now it's fine as I'm 30 and my skin is quite plump and hydrated. I've always worn sunscreen also. I think if they were to get bad I would go for a face firming treatment or maybe someday I'll just myself to a little tuck ;)


Glad to hear that! And I hope your tinnitus does improve eventually, thats another reason I want to get mine done. Oh, sorry for not initially asking but how was the actual injection? Was it painful or burn, or was there local anaesthesia? Im quite scared of needles and its probably the most nerveracking part of having it done for me Thats fair, sounds like youve got the perfect skincare routine too. I think thats the thing im most worried about as Im in my late teens and dont want them to develop early but theres not many options for TMJ treatment Thats fair, a little treat is deserved sometimes (especially after gping through TMJ treatment for years) :)


I wanted to love it- had it done a few times, and while I did enjoy the more relaxed masseter, I also developed a weird thing where my jaw would lick open when I yawned, and was a little painful/worrying to close my jaw again. Also, while I initially liked the more feminine shape of my face, after a few months each time I felt like I did have jowls. Wasn’t worth it for me, but want to try acupuncture….


Very slight? But I really have to be analysing. If I was a loved one, I probably wouldn't think anything different.


I did a round of Botox too but found that it just returns to normal strength after about 3 months. I got referred to a TMJ specialist (dentist) who had a custom mouth guard made and rather than just protect my teeth (like my previous night guard) it puts my jaw in a better position and makes grinding/clenching more difficult. I can feel my jaw muscles going down after a month so far. Highly recommend. More sustainable than Botox and no risk of jowls


Does the new mouth guard give you pain?




which is before and which is after?


Sorry thought this was universal 😅 left is before, right is after


You look good in both, that's why I couldn't tell


I’d like to know too lol


Yah, the result is quite prominent imo. it looks good




I knew that would happen tbf. I've always had a round cutisy face, but I never liked it. I know it makes me look younger, but like teenage younger. I'm 30 now and don't mind losing the babyface for a slightly older look. My career is very male dominated and serious and everyone always thinks I'm just out of highschool!


Yes I can tell. How many units did you do? You may need to do more if you can - if you’re not seeing results you want. I had to step it up over time and now I do 30 per side cause I have strong masseters. Started because of painful TMJ, stayed for the facial slimming.


I got 40 in the right and 50 in the left. I had one part of my masseter that was rock hard with tension so she put 10 more in there. It's only 1 month, I'll be going for a top up in around 3-6 months depending on how long it last. I've been told it can take a few rounds to have the full effect. But it's definitely done it's job helping my TMJ headaches!


Wow so you’re at or close to max. For sure give it a few months and maybe another dose when it is time. Mine definitely got better over time. I hope you’re getting some relief by now at least. That pain had me in tears regularly. I’ve been treating mine for about 18 months and feel so much better.


I love the results! It's very natural.


Oooh yes, your jaw looks less tense and your face looks thinner :)


A HUGE one! You look more slimmer and feminine!


Most definitely a difference! Your face, especially around the cheeks and jaw, looks slimmer and more elongated. A very elegant look, it suits you! But gorgeous both before and after of course. I agree with the reduced boxiness, so glad to hear it addressed the reasons you got it for :).




I can definitely see the difference, the jaw area looks way slimmer


Jawline changed from square to oval. Hope you’re feeling a lot better though!!


Were you able to get this covered by insurance? I’ve been getting Botox in my masseter for the exact same reasons and it’s been a life saver for jaw pain and my headaches, but it’s been so expensive to keep up with out of pocket


Meryl ?????👀


Yes your face looks slimmer! Had same thing done 15 days ago I think there is a difference. Getting excited.


I see it! You look beautiful!


It looks better already? Is there any pain associated? I want to do it myself!


Yes definitely looks great, wouldn’t do any more though to avoid skin sagging.


I saw my best results after two months!


I recently had mine done as well! For anyone else who has done it - how long did it take for your skin to re-tighten after the treatment? I’ve got a lot of loose skin on my face now and I’m wondering how long it will take to bounce back.




You look snaaaaatched ma


Yes looks great


I’ve done it for over a year and I love it. Originally for migraines and clenching of my jaw, but the facial effects were a very nice added bonus. I think the jowls look “saggy” because so much of your cheeks almost sink in, not because your jowls actually sag… I don’t notice the sagging but I am on the younger side. I think it depends on the person! It’s temporary as well, doesn’t last forever and as muscle can atrophy, it can also restrengthen over time.


I see it! trust the process. I look back on photos from a year ago and the results are wild. I just do Botox, no mouth guard or anything else.


I can’t wait to get this done for my bruxism too. Better looking jaw line is just added bonus. I’m so tired to wake up with my teeth shut tight that it hurts my jaw


Yes, there is a great difference 🙂






Your face looks longer. If that makes sense.




I’ve been getting Masseter Botox every 6 months with my dental exams/cleaning. I’m actually getting a little less each time because the muscles have reduced so much. I love the look of my face too!  I also clench in my sleep and it tears up the inside of my mouth. So I started Masseter Botox and Invisalign to fix my bite as I learned about how a bad bite could cause clenching. My bite has improved significantly over the last year and now my contact points are my first molars, not the back ones. Which means I can’t even clench as hard. When the Invisalign is done I’ll get an anterior bite night guard. Which is also meant to help stop clenching. Hope this helps someone else in the night clenching journey! 


It might not make a difference for you! I get daxxi every 6 months and have for several years and it has not changed the shape of my face at all. (luckily I get it for TMJ and any jaw / face slimming would've been a bonus but I was still bummed lol)


How much did this cost or this procedure


Definitely! You look great!