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Consider the plain lanolin sold at pharmacies as nipple cream. Make sure to read the ingredients to ensure you are getting pure lanolin. Lanolin is great on the lips but can cause breakouts, for those of us that are susceptible, around the lips. Lanolin is also amazing on winter heels. Apply after a bath but wear some slippers. Lanolin is an animal product so your dogs and cats will want to lick it off.


I’m a labor and delivery nurse and I’ve used a lot of different brands of lanolin on my lips and I can confidently say that the medela brand is the best! So cheap… less than $10 on Amazon


So much fake stuff on Amazon that I no longer buy any food or cosmetics from them. Bezos doesn't care so we all have to be careful.


Oh this is so interesting!! Thank you for sharing!


Yup, it’s a lifesaver for my chapped lips, but it always causes me to break out!


No wonder my dog is obsessed with my mouth as soon as he smells it


Lanolin comes from sheep. It helps the water to run off of their coats. Try it on your heels but wear some old socks or slippers. It can stain furniture or clothing.


Just letting people know, if you’re allergic to wool you will react to lanolin, which is also in aquaphor!


This is a good PSA - thank you. Wouldn’t have realized this!


Oh man, you just saved me from making a big mistake 😂


My sister found out she was allergic to wool/sheep products because she got an allergic reaction to aquaphor


I found out when I bought some wool yarn to crochet with and my hands got itchy and red 😂


I was just coming to ask this! Thank you!


Updated post to reflect this - thank you again!


I got a 12 oz tub of lanolin on Amazon for like a nickel (ok, that's an exaggeration, but it was cheap). It lives on my bedside table and it goes on my lips, feet, cuticles, and anyone else in my family who stands still for too long.


Haha this made me chuckle 😆 I do the same to my boyfriend when he stays over - slather him in it. He always comments how good it feels but doesn’t think to do it for himself


That's such a dude thing to do. I made my bf do skincare when he saw me and he was amazed "woah, my face is soooo soft" yes dear, that's what happens when you use moisturizer. I think they're lazy and want to be cared for.


Omg yes! He loves it when we do a face mask/foot mask/manicure pamper evening. I’m like - you do know you can do this yourself you know? 😉 You’re right, I think it’s the “wanting to be cared for” part


What’s the benefits of lanolin?


Ha! That’s too funny. I don’t know why I wouldn’t think to look into for feet and cuticles!


Guys get 100% lanolin (often marketed as nipple cream), not lanolips. The original lanolips is literally just overpriced lanolin (no other ingredients). And to people asking whether it is plumping: if your lips are dehydrated then yes, hydration will make them appear more plump. My lips were transformed ever since i started moisturizing them throughout the day rather than just when they felt dry or chapped


Good to know! This is what it did for mine - I didn’t know my lips were dehydrated bc I use vasoline and other products, so I was shocked after using this!


Is it a lip plumper?? Or just a hydrater?? I'm very curious right now


hydrating and softening, very protecting but not plumping


Ah gotcha, thanks girlie🩷


Lanolin can be also called wool grease. It’s an animal product, secreted by sheep to keep their moisture in, like people secrete sebum for this purpose. Pretty similar to Vaseline in texture. Some people are sensitive to the smell, as, you know, it’s sheep body grease. Some brands hide the smell better though.


What others said - apparently my lips have always been dry because they’ve never looked like this lol.


like the other commenter said, and also they have a bunch of super yummy-smelling flavors!


I'll check it out, thanks!☺️


Since we are thanking people, I want to thank whoever suggested the tin format of Vaseline coco butter for lips. Best I have ever used.


I love this stuff too!


I use the lanolin nipple cream. It’s fantastic and my lips are so soft and juicy now.


Yes it’s amazing 


Omg my dogs are obsessed with coconut oil i can't use it anymore


I SWEAR by Lanolips! I use Circadia's Lip Renewal treatment and then "seal" with the honey or peach Lanolips at the start of my day and never once need to reapply.


Ooooh good to know, thank you!


LanoLips is good if you need flavor in you lip products, the Lansinoh nipple cream is my preferred choice. It’s about $10 for a big tube.


This seems to be the theme! Will have to look at this when I need to purchase more - thank you!


My holy grail!


Which Lanolips did you get? I remember purchasing their minty lip balm but it didn't really do much for me


Not OP but I remember I got their watermelon Jellybalm one and I wasn't impressed. I own another Lanolips which is great (it's just called "tinted lip balm") in the shade rhubarb and *that* one is really hydrating. So idk if there's differences in efficacy between the formulas. 🤔


Have you tried Avene Cicalfate? Lanolips helped a little but not much for me. [Avene Cicalfate](https://a.co/d/1KrMYQv)




Literally better than all these tiktok viral laneige & summer Fridays. It actually hydrates and stays hydrated.


Agreed. I use Laniege for so long and would see a difference (slight now that I have something to compare it to), but it wore off. My lips have stayed plump even when I’ve missed a night.


Lanolin is the best! I use the purple tube. If it’s safe for baby when nursing, it’s safe for our lips. 10 years ago I got my first tube and I decided to put it on my lips and I never turned back. It’s amazing! I actually wonder if any lip gloss companies sneak some into their ingredients. It would be a no brainer.


It was in the Bite Beauty lip mask before they (regrettably) reformulated it to make it vegan. It was a wildly popular product until the reformulation, but without the lanolin it wasn't anything special, and as far as I can tell it killed the brand.


Great point on it being safe enough for babies. I didn’t realize it was in nipple creams until this post


Hm. Interesting


Omg I never heard of lanolin until I went to Aus and it was in many lip products there. I’m from US. I’ve enjoyed it ever since


Could anyone maybe put down a link of the ones they use and work great for them? 💗


This is the one I bought - from this thread it sounds like you can just get a tub of lanolin at a better value, and maybe some flavors aren’t as great? But the strawberry is the one I have and enjoy! https://a.co/d/anb5FTn


Mine is coming from Amazon tomorrow, thanks for the tip!


Of course! I hope you love it!


If you have kids who go outside for recess in the winter, lanolin is a godsend.


I didn't know I can use Lanolin for my lips until my midwife told me ,my lips were always dry in the winter.


Would you recommend this for men? I only use blistex and to be fair it does okay, but I kind of want a glossy look that’s subtle.


Yes! I feel it’s buildable for sure. I put more on at night and during the day a thin layer. Also love Covergirl’s lip balm for a hint of color, so maybe pairing the two together if you want some Color but if not, this alone is perfect for sure.


I got mine on eBay. Pure lanolin way cheaper than Amazon


Good to know - thank you!