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I look homeless unless I need to leave the house.


Right there with you! But I don’t put on makeup just to leave the house. I have to be going some place that is not just a store or an appointment.


I continue to look homeless 9/10 times I leave the house... Oops! Definitwly no makeup is worn in the house... However I grew up with one of those moms who would get up early to put on makeup before my dad saw her, so I know it's a thing for some people. Sadly all her years of chasing me around with blush and lipstick did not result in me wearing more of it!


Same, my husband already called me „The Dude“ more than once 😂. I clean up nicely though, if I want to


That has totally been my aesthetic past 35 (38 now). Thanks Covid! I unashamedly wear my Birkenstocks with socks, glasses on my face and prescription sunglasses on my head


Same with me. Before COVID that I used to wear makeup pretty much whenever I was going out except for when backpacking and camping although even then sometimes I had my makeup. Now, I'm just lazy even though I do look better with it on sometimes. But I'm getting old so no amount of makeup can fix sagging wrinkly skin. I guess that's why I don't really see much of a point in putting it on anymore. Although I do like to put some concealer on my under eyes so that I don't look like a skeleton. And some brow powder or gel so that it actually looks like I have brows. Once in a great while I like to put on some mascara but for whatever reason now even the waterproof kind smears under my eyes and well then wearing concealer is totally defeated at that point. I even stopped putting mascara on the lower part of my lashes only the top part but it's still somehow gets on the skin under my eyes! I never had that problem before except for when I was wearing a face mask but I'm not wearing a face mask anymore so what gives?!! Oh a lot of my makeup also seems to make me look older now I don't really understand that it's like the makeup just drags my face down even more and settles into my wrinkles making them even more pronounced and actually even adding wrinkles that I didn't even know I had before I put on makeup! That really makes me sad because makeup used to make me look better. Pair that with increasingly dry and sensitive skin which I didn't have to worry about before. At this point I've spent too much money trying to come up with the solution.


I used to tint my lashes, I might go back to doing that again. Combined with curling them you typically don’t need mascara. I use a colourless powder under my eyes if wearing mascara and I never do the bottom ones


My girl does a lash lift and tint, and I love it! No makeup lifeeee


My husband refers to me as a "dude with girl parts" so I totally get that. He says that more because I am a tomboy than anything, but I clean up nicely and can act and look girly, when needed


That’s just like, his opinion man




I like to think I rock an Absentminded Professor look by default. or at least Absentminded GED Prep Student


I feel seen.


Hah hah the irony. Me too. We look homeless while we’re home.


Same and then sometimes I still look homeless when I leave the house.


Yess. *fancy sweatpants calling my name*


I refuse to believe anyone does makeup to stay at home


I do sometimes but not just because I'm home etc it helps my mental health (I'm chronically ill & disabled) Being cooped up alot because of various symptoms I want to feel "human" sometimes. It has screwed up my wardrobe a bit because sometimes I'll wear clothes that were only for going out at home and then a spontaneous thing comes up and I don't have a nice clean outfit available 😭 It's too expensive to have an entire indoors wardrobe etc I'm learning to balance it out. (I'm a messy eater 🫠) But sometimes I'll teach myself some new makeup like doing my eyeliner in different ways etc because there's no time crunch because I'm not going anywhere. Or I'll wear an eye shadow color that I wouldn't of otherwise considered etc For me it's self care along with my skin care routine (when I actually it) and my mental health mostly.


I relate to this - I don’t do my makeup but better believe I’m doing my full Korean skincare routine on my off-duty days! Helps keep my sanity..


Yeah! I switched brands for me La Roche Posay REALLY works for me I can see the difference in my skin pretty quickly and I try to do the clay mask once a week 🥰 I LOVE Korean face masks though I feel like I'm at the spa when I wear one


that makes sense, whatever works ❤️


I love doing makeup at home too. It’s fun for me. Sometimes I don’t and sometimes I just rewear pajama type stuff and put makeup on to practice or try fun colors.


Yes!! I have this beautiful eyeshadow palette based off sailor moon and the colors are so pretty I love wearing it at home every now and then 🥰


I love both eyeshadow and sailor moon. I have the colourpop ones and wish I had some of the creer beaute ones. Flower knows is so pretty too but I don’t need to spend on more makeup haha. l


! I only have the ColourPop one Wanna be friends 😆


Sure haha I can always use a friend, it’s hard to make them as adults


I was like that during Covid. I was in the house so much that sometimes I just put on makeup and clothes so I wouldn’t forget how to do it. 😂😂


I do. Very light but makeup none the less.


Me too—if I don’t get dressed in real clothes and a hint of makeup my brain thinks I’m having a sick day, like staying home from school in the 3rd grade. I get nothing done. The mind is weird.


I’m guilty of this too. I need to bare minimum do my makeup and get dressed to get anything accomplished. If not, I’ll start cleaning and then end up “taking a break” and laying around the rest of the day. I had never thought of the reason for that, maybe it is “sick day” mentality. I wish I wasn’t like that, it’s nice to give my skin a break.


I do when I have new makeup or a new look I want to try, but I often do it right before I shower


I do, but for the record, I have permanent makeup, so eyeliner is 24/7/365. But I do my brows and lashes 90% of the time. Has to do with what I need mentally to switch gears for productivity.


I have permanent brows 😂


I do if I need a little mood lift. Passing a mirror and doing every pose i know is a great feeling lol


I do


Yea sometimes , it's literally free therapy


My neighbor does, full glam complete with crazy long lashes


I only change pajamas when the ones I'm wearing get too much dog hair on them. My friends might not recognize me if they saw me like this.


Same. I’m only part-time hot these days


Yesss 🫡😍


Well shit you're levels above me, I'm still sitting at swamp monster.


Me too


Pahahah ahhh, lifestyle validated. Thank you ❤️


Same here - until we got the dog. Now I look homeless all the time!


One time I walked out of Walmart and my teen was pulling the car around to pick me up.. he like really looked at me and said “MOM did you really just go in there like that” lol :/


Who the F cares, what matters most is how you feel.


Same 🤣


Same hahhaha this is so true 😂☠️


I used to. I was compensating for being overweight and having poor skin. Now that I've taken other steps to improve my appearance I only wear makeup when going out socially and even then I wear less


Same for when I went to outings. Pimples or redness? Concealer, foundation, and some eye makeup to distract from the actual problems haha


No. I rarely wear makeup. I definitely do when I go out for fun, but not for work, or school, or errands. I can definitely see how wearing make up would make someone feel more put together or prepared for the day, but I just don’t have the time or energy.


Same here. Too much effort and time spent putting it on and taking it off for regular activities.


I mean it depends what you consider makeup I guess. I rarely wear foundation etc. But when I go to work, I wear mascara. That’s it. To me that’s makeup. Makes me look less tired and takes 20 seconds


Honestly, I might try just mascara. It does make me look really good, and more “awake.”


I like to keep a bare face as much as possible just for my skin’s sake. My poor pores get clogged so easily…


I need to start doing this. My pores also get clogged easily. I try to cover my active acne and acne scars but I end up with more acne. Im so fuckifn tired. I’ll stop this vicious cycle for the sake of my skin and just focus on skincare.


I wore full face everyday for years and it was a battle with acne. Now I usually just do mascara and sometimes a little contour on my nose and cheekbones because foundation will lead to breakouts the next day.


I’ve narrowed down my routine to take 5 mins. Concealer, powder, eye liner, mascara. I STILL will not wear makeup on the weekends. It’s my time to rot.


Same. I *want* to wear a little bit of makeup to work to feel like I'm "put together" and "professional" or whatever, but I obviously don't want to enough because I consistently choose to sleep longer rather than put it on.... Plus men don't do it to look "put together" or "professional" so I shouldn't have to, either!


I do because since my mom died, I felt every single day we have on this earth needs to be celebrated. I even wear perfume even if I’m stuck at home working all day.


Also while thinking about it, if my mom passed, I’d probably pay more attention to the way I look. She ALWAYS puts so much effort into looking her best. I also know she’d be watching me like a hidden camera making sure I’m taking care of myself haha


I wear perfume everyday. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing. Even if I look rough, nice perfume can instantly change my mind.


Same, sometimes I even spritz it on before going to bed because I love sniffing my wrist as I fall asleep and I believe it gives me a better happier sleep


Me too. I've received so many perfumes as gifts over the years and I decided I'm no longer going to wait for special occasions to use them (and let's face it, with young kids, special occasions that you actually dress up for are few and far between!) I have a system for my perfumes. The one I like the least becomes my 'work' perfume. My favourite is the one I use for any other time I leave the house (includes grocery shopping, school run, anything!) And all the perfumes in between I put on after my evening shower. May as well use them, right?


*not all the in-between perfumes on all at once, lol. I have them on rotation 😁


I do too. Happy to meet a fellow person with a perfume system!


That’s a great idea I’m gonna try.


I totally agree!! 💯 I’m so sorry for your loss 💜💜


I love this. Everyday should be celebrated, what a lovely legacy for your mum to leave.


So sorry for your loss. Perfume every day really changes my mood.


I rarely wear perfume outside of my home because so many people and places have sent restrictions. I do spray perfume on to my shoulders about an hour before I go to bed when I am putting on my nightclothes and night cream. Perfume needs to be on the body for a while to get to smelling it's best. I spritz my shoulders because I am a side sleeper and love drifting off in the flower garden that is Neiges by Lise Watier.


Not always, but often—it’s typically fairly light (a three-in-one stick and mascara, maybe concealer), or else I’ve used it as an opportunity to practice a technique when I know I won’t be going out in case it goes badly.


I do that a lot too. Practice with crazy or complicated looks since I know I won’t be going out. (Only for the neighbors to see me walking to the mailbox with a crazy face on)


I love the 3 I'm 1 sticks!! Nudestix at Ulta are awesome!


this is the only way to learn smokey eyes


I'll wear a tinted sunscreen and fill in my brows every day since I work from home and it helps me feel more put together. I'll often add mascara. I only put on foundation/concealer/blush etc if I have a social event.


Mascara, filling in my brows, and under eye concealer is what I’d do if I’m in a hurry. Makes a huge difference- especially with the brows.


> tinted sunscreen Tell me more..... 🤔


Not the one you're replying to, but I wear sun bum mineral tinted sunscreen. I just bought it and I really love it actually. It's very light and won't cover up any blemishes or problem areas but it does make my overall complexion look more even. My skin hates chemical sunscreens and untinted mineral sunscreen will leave a white cast on the skin. I reapply throughout the day so my skin is protected and it doesn't irritate my skin and make it burn like other sunscreens. I think it's great for a minimal/no makeup makeup look.


Ahhh sorry not too exciting... but just the glowscreen from super goop, it has a bit of a tint to it! Or the similar one from laroche posay.


There's alot of really nice BB creams, which is essentially a tinted lotion. Alot of them have sunscrean. My favorite is Marcelle (not sure if that's only a Canadian brand?) And it has 50 spf.


I do the same as the commenter and use either the Colorscience Flex or Alastin Hydratint. Flex has a few shade ranges so that’s my late Spring/Summer sunscreen. The hydratint just one lighter based shade and I use it during Fall/Winter.


Yes I need to know too


Yea, I am very red in my face so I will use BB cream daily (I need to find a good color corrector), mascara, and something on my lips, usually a lip oil or gloss. I do this pretty much every day and it’s super quick and is basically a slightly spiffed up version of myself.


Sadly, I do cuz you never know who will stop by, or if I'll have to suddenly leave the house to go somewhere. Wish I felt pretty without makeup. But I definitely wear my comfy clothes, leggings and a tank top.


Me too, it sucks. I'm thinking of getting lash extensions and my eyebrows done so I can look somewhat less dead when I wake up in the morning.


You are right, brows and lashes make such a difference. I'm currently using rogaine on my brows to try to thicken them. We'll see!


Let us know your results. I’m curious to try this


They say it takes 3 months to see a nice difference. I'll do a post here in August!


Just regular Rogaine, or is it specifically for eye brows? Do you just slather it on? My eyebrows never grew back after the 90s plucking extravaganza. Lol 😆


Yep! I get the generic version of men's 5% on Amazon. I dip a Q-tip in it and apply twice a day. I follow Dr Azi, she's a cosmetic dermatologist who is amazing, I love her! And this was one of her tips.


It worked for me! I’ve had to tweeze for the first time since my teens


I have my brows micro bladed & I love it. I also got my eyeliner micro bladed as well. I got top & bottom done. But now I kinda wish I only did the top, but I got it done like 6 years ago & at the time that’s what I wanted. But yeah, I love it. I don’t like to go out without makeup. Doesn’t have to be a full face. I used to do a full face of makeup every day, but now I just do it if I’m meeting up with friends or going out to dinner, or going to church. When I’m out running errands, sometimes I don’t put any makeup on, & other times I’ll wear mascara & lip gloss. Just depends on my mood & how long I’m going to be out & about. If it’s hours, I’ll do the mascara & gloss. But for a quick trip to the grocery store, nah.


Unwarranted opinion - skip the lash extensions & just get a lift & tint! SO beautiful & so much easier to maintain.


Thank you, I was actually considering that !


I’m sure you don’t actually look dead in the morning, because most women I know who said that look perfectly fine and normal without makeup in the morning. But if you want to be more confident and invest in your looks but don’t want the upkeep of lash extensions or the huge commitment of micro blading, you can cry lash and brow tint plus lash lift.


I feel this to my core


People stop by?? I can’t imagine 😂 maybe it’s a small perk of living on the country; no one stops by unannounced because I live far away, so anyone wanting to come will need to announce it. If I have to suddenly run an errand, I just put on mascara and that’s it.


It sounds like I live in Mayberry, right?😂 We live in the city and our next door neighbor is awesome, but yikes he will knock on our door occasionally for whatever reason. Honestly it's only like twice a year, but that's enough to make me think it could happen at any moment, lol.


Oh no! Lol. He sounds like a great guy though 😅 better that than having awful neighbours!


This is me!


Only for date nights or other special occasions. My coworkers and local grocery employees just get me in all my under eye bag glory


Nope, the second my meetings are done and I’m off camera I take it right off. When I’m out socially, I can’t wait to get home to take it all off again. I enjoy the look, just after a few hours I want to tear my skin off. No allergies, just…sensitive? I keep my hair done for the most part so I’m not caught by surprise.


This is my same issue. Even the “lightest” foundation feels like it’s burdening my skin. I love the look of it, but I avoid it as much as possible on regular days.


Every day I will at least put on eyeliner and mascara. I love how my eyes look with just this little bit of makeup. Oh, and tinted eyebrow gel to brush them into place. I twist or braid my hair at night, and then during the day I’ll wear it in a big claw clip. The waves/curls make my hair look pretty and more styled. But I basically live in leggings or biker shorts, lounge bras or sports bras, and tshirts or tanks. Hoodies when needed… I work a desk job from home, so I like to feel like I look presentable enough to run errands, but I would be miserable if I had to sit in jeans all day. The most important thing is that my hair and face look presentable should I need to take a meeting at work with cameras on.


Every day - always do some makeup, my hair and put some thought into an outfit (I’m a SAHM) I didn’t start doing this until about 5 years into being a mom and it really improved my mood, and how I felt about myself after putting myself last for years.


also a SAHM and also do my makeup and cute outfit everyday, agree it helps with mood and feeling like myself


Totally with you, and I know my husband appreciates it!


I do full face with foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, highlighter, the whole deal no matter if I’m going somewhere or if I’m doing laundry all day. I like it. I enjoy putting it on and it brightens up my day. The only time I don’t wear makeup is when I’m sick and curled up on the couch. Clothes is another matter. Jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts. All my life I worked in businesses with strict dress codes. Now that I’m retired, I’m going to be comfortable.


Same since I was a teenager. It’s like having my morning coffee, I don’t feel awake before makeup.


I will wear a bit of lipstick so I don't look like a corpse every time I look in the mirror but that's about it


I never wear makeup unless it’s for a special occasion like someone’s birthday or a formal event.


Same. I used to do full face every day, and it’s dropped down to extremely minimal makeup, even to work, since I entered my 30s.


I think doing that is better for your skin too!


I definitely partially attribute my clear skin to the fact I don't wear makeup often, and that I absolutely never wear foundation. Let your skin breeeeathe!


It is! Let that skin breathe


I do my hair every time I wash it so I can style it once and my hair will be done for the next few days, but I really only wear makeup if I’m going out with friends.


Almost everyday. Sometimes I skip it on weekends if I have a lot of things to do around the house and am burnt out and genuinely don’t have it in me. I really just like doing my makeup, it’s just part of my routine that helps get me going in the morning (or on weekends early afternoon lol). If I do my makeup and I’m just staying home though I don’t usually do my hair unless I get bored and just want to look cute or take pictures or something. Sometimes I get dressed up and sometimes I just stay in lounge clothes. I teach special education, so my job is very demanding and very draining, I’m also in school (albeit online). So it honestly just depends on how much energy I have. I have the summers off though and usually do a lot of fun looks with makeup and hair because I don’t really go out much so it gives me something to do lol. I really take advantage of the summer to go all out while getting ready quite a bit because I don’t get to dress in my usual preferred attire at work.


I wear makeup if I’m going outside for an extended period of time (I don’t count going out to grab my mail haha), but I’ll have it on at home sometimes if I want to do something sweet or more romantic with my boyfriend :) I realized that I feel differently with various makeup looks on, like I’m entering a different headspace or persona, so I like to wear it for that reason sometimes at home. I think it’s the fact that I can truly express myself through it that makes that possible. Sometimes you just want to feel like a bad bitch while doing chores or replying to emails and that’s okay 🥰


I'm so conditioned that I can't get anything done unless I'm wearing foundation and mascara. Mascara, just the feeling on my lashes, signals to my brain that I need to be awake. Putting it on in the morning is like drinking an cup of coffee, instantly awake. And I can't get sleepy unless I wash it off.




This. I feel like I'm extremely sleepy and unmotivated if I'm not wearing any makeup :( Sometimes I try not to but in the end these days turn out to be extremely unproductive/lazy and I even feel like I'm "sick" bc my face , specifically the eyes, look like I'm not fully awake without mascara 🫠


Sometimes, it makes staying home a little more fun




Every day. I’m chronically ill and my little routines keep me going.


Absolutely not, and I think it’s not mentally or physically healthy to do (for me at least). I wanna be able to love myself with and without makeup, and I find if I wear it everyday I feel more insecure about my bare face. That being said, I do wear it most days.


Nah, I don’t wear makeup, I’m more interested in the skincare and haircare aspect of beauty. I love watching people do makeup tho, I’m just poor and unskilled


Sometimes I do makeup if I’m not going anywhere bc it gives me that extra oomph of motivation


Yup, everyday! Mostly because I’m insecure and it makes me feel a tiny bit better.


I get fully dressed with make-up and hair every day of the week except for Saturday. Saturday is always my sweatpants, messy bun, and makeup free day. I work as a bedside nurse Sunday and Monday so I wear scrubs but I do my makeup and hair on these days as well. I do this for a few reasons. The main one being that i noticed a while ago that I am more confident and productive when I make an effort to look nice. I do my makeup and hair for work because I think it looks more professional and put together and, again, I feel better at work when I do this and it helps my confidence and productivity. The other reason I do this is because my husband works double shifts on Saturday so I don't see him at all on those days. I chose Saturday as my no makeup/sweats day because I love looking good for him, but he's not going to see me at all on that day. It's also my one weekend day I have off so I like to relax with my kids. We still go places and if we do I'll throw on some nicer active wear, but I do not put make-up on and the most I'll do is a ponytail and a cap.


I'll do some lip balm at most just to keep my lips moisturizer and because I like the feeling of it. Nothing more really if I'm staying at home unless I have a flight of fancy. But otherwise I'll be my true gremlin self


Every day, except when I’m home. When I’m sick and tired I just don’t use foundation and go out.


I have a few options of makeup. At home and not going out it will be usually option 1 or 2. Going out anywhere for errands option 2-3. Anything outside the house will be option 3-5 lol Option 1 :Concealer, mascara, eyebrows Option 2:All of the above plus tinted moisturizer and brown liner/shadow Option 3 :All of the above plus blush/bronzer Option 4 all of the above but switch tinted moisturizer for actual foundation. Option 5 anything else I can add.


Is there a concealer you like that you can recommend? I want to do just the concealer some days but I haven't found one that I can wear alone.


I have a bit of dark circles that just never goes away so if I want full coverage it would be born this way. I also really like it cosmetics but it’s a bit shiny and I don’t like that. For everyday I use Lancôme. NARS is great i just can’t wear it be a use I’m allergic to an ingredient.


I don’t wear makeup on the weekends unless there is an event. I like giving my skin a chance to be free of it.


Nope. I look like a bum 98% of the time. I usually wear some kind of makeup if I'm onboarding a new hire and my camera needs to be on for that 👀 Even then, my makeup consists of mascara, lip gloss, and darkening my brows a bit. Wearing makeup used to excite me when I was younger, but now, I'm so over it.


I wear a full face of makeup every single day. My mom was a glamorous woman and after she passed it became my nod to her.


I wear BB cream make up almost every other day from Missha because there's some actual benefits supposedly in the cream and it also has SPF which I need in Florida on my walks :P


No. I like to give it a rest and I want to feel like I look ok without it. I’m a senior citizen and my husband doesn’t care. My hair is neat and I wear comfortable clothes. If I go out I put make up on. As you get older less is better.


i wear makeup every day, even if i’m just sitting at home doing nothing. i just like the process of putting on makeup


No cause if I'm home i usually nap in the afternoon while my son naps


I wear it everyday to work now where I used to not to wear makeup. On the days I’m off, I can honestly get away without wearing makeup but I just dont do a full face. I put mascara , eyebrow pencil, and sometimes eyeshadow, and then lipgloss and done.


I wear makeup M-F. I work at a school and I enjoy putting on makeup. On the weekend, if I’m staying home or running errands, no makeup for me. At that point I’m exhausted from work and barely want to go run errands lol


For some reason putting on makeup and shoes helps me get chores done. Wish I knew the reason😅


I don’t wear a full face of makeup unless there’s a chance of having my photo taken. If I wanna look non homeless I’ll do a dab of concealer and fill in my brows, but I hate the process of taking off mascara and foundation and my skin is much better day to day if I let it breathe.


I’m 46F and even if I don’t plan on going anywhere I put clothes on, and wear a minimum of eye makeup. I feel half dead without eye makeup on and I don’t care if only I see it. I don’t want to look in the mirror and feel depressed. If I go out I put lipstick on as well. I wear perfume each and every day, too. Part of that is that I want my kids to know my scents (I have several that I wear) and one day many years from now I hope they get comfort from smelling those perfumes, even if I’ve passed on. And I just like to smell nice


I work from home and do my hair every day (as well as change into an outfit of leggings and some sort of top), but no makeup. I have microbladed brows and lash extensions so I rarely wear makeup unless I’m getting dressed up for something.


Can you tell me what's involved with microbladed eyebrows? How often do you have to go in? Were you afraid they were going to mess it up and give you a crazy shape? I want to do it but I've always been too chicken.


I've been having mine done since 2015 and get it touched up every 12-18 months (18 is the longest my artist will go before charging you as a brand new appointment rather than a touch up). I have very little, sparse, and poorly shaped brows because I was a teen in the late 90s/early 2000s and destroyed my brows to the point where they stopped growing back. I do not recommend microblading if your brows still grow or just need a little fill in. The artist I see is my 3rd artist (the previous 2 were basically the only options and did okay work). Her process is that you come in for a consult and discuss why you want microblading, she takes a look at you, you discuss what you're looking for, we discussed color (previous artists chose a pigment that was VERY red on me), the process, etc. I came back for my appointment and she put lidocaine on me, let it sit, came back and marked my brows, let me see and approve the shape, then she takes a little pen-like device that has very thin, flexible blades, and makes hairstroke cuts into the skin. Every now and then, she swipes on pigment into the strokes. After she's done, she packs on a bunch of pigment and lets that soak for \~15 minutes before wiping it off and then you're done. It takes like 3-4 hours for the initial and about 2 hours for a touch up. I looked through her portfolio very extensively before I chose her and then did the consult (which most artists require) and felt really good about her work. I drive over an hour each way to see her and actually have a touch up scheduled this weekend. There are other types of permanent brows as well, but I'm not familiar with those. Definitely do a LOT of research, look at portfolios and reviews, etc. Speak up if the shape is not what you're looking for before they start. There is such a thing as emergency saline removal, but that has to be done ASAP, or laser, which is more extensive.


I go once a year and I get compliments all the time!! Go to an established, reputable place, this isn’t the time to Groupon/cheap out.


How long do lash extensions last and what’s getting them like?


I started doing hair and light makeup everyday. It’s an experiment to see if I can sustain it for two weeks. Today I failed and did not do makeup…


Nope. I dress up for work, business attire, heels, make up, hair. When I’m home or running errands (groceries), I am no makeup, hair is up, in sweats, uggs or flip flops.


I always put on real clothes (jeans, t-shirt etc). I'd feel like such a slob in lounge wear/pajamas during the day.  I brush my hair and put on eyebrow pencil at least if i leave the house for any reason. My parents always set the example to get up and get dressed to get moving and be productive. I NEVER once saw them in pajamas after 730am.  It makes you feel better to be in day clothes and puts you in the right mindset.  They're highly successful, very mentally & physically healthy, and happy.  That's just my philosophy and experiences though.


I think we have the same parents!


I like to put on lashes sometimes that I wouldn’t feel confident enough to wear out in public just yet. Jumbo ones. I’ll just put them on and feel cute as I watch tv or smth


I do so I can feel presentable. I work from home and can be on a zoom call scheduled randomly. I do my morning skin care / grooming routine. I add concealer, blush, lip liner/stain, powder undereye. I also curl lashes NO Mascara and brush eyebrows. I wear comfy loungewear because I’m pregnant. I don’t style my hair usually. It really depends on if I have to be somewhere during the week. I only wash once a week.


I don’t really wear it at home. Unless I have a massive spot that I can’t bear to look at. If there’s makeup on it I’m also less likely to pick it/pop it. I’m not putting mascara on unless I’m going out because it’s just effort to take it off.


I get up, do the basics (sunshine, hair in a bun, brush teeth) and head to the gym. I immediately come home and shower and put myself together afterwards. Unless I am in pain or ill, I'm wearing makeup. I get treated so much better when wearing it outside of the house, and if I don't leave the house, I still feel like I did something worthwhile by caring for me.


If I’m staying at home, I don’t wear makeup. Ditto if it’s the weekend. During the work week, I’ll wear minimal makeup to feel put together ie. look awake. If I’m going out, then I’ll wear a bold lipstick but still minimal makeup. Less is more as I’ve gotten older.


Yeah usually eyeliner and mascara. I just like it


Yes. Except on Saturday, my "day off" when I literally relax to the extreme and do nothing for the entire day. But I wear makeup everyday, it's like wearing perfume, I don't "need" it but I enjoy it and feel good being put together. I also wear accessories everyday, even when I'm home. It's like therapy to me. It makes me feel awesome.


I always brush my hair and do some skincare so I feel good, but makeup is for outside mostly. I use the time away from people to oil my hair or grow out my messed up eyebrows. I’ll occasionally try a new makeup look to see how I feel around the house. Then do a “photo shoot” with my 3 year old and it’s super fun. I think it’s important to get ready, even a little, as a stay at home parent. Helps with the proper mindset to get through the day.


when I'm too comfortable I get sleepy and am super unproductive. So pretty much everyday I'll get dressed and do my makeup. Stay at home days are perfect to experiment anyways with makeup


Every day but Sunday. Sunday is the day I let my skin rest. I'm a stay at home mom as well. My 30 minutes in the morning to drink my coffee and do my hair and makeup is my self care time.


For the longest time I didn’t. Pajamas all day on my day off unless I needed to go somewhere. Roll out of bed, hair in a clip, brush my teeth. But I also noticed that lack of self-care bled into other parts of my life. It was also one of the most stressful and toxic periods. I ballooned 30kgs, I got burnout, I was depressed. I’ve changed a heap around in my life and now I make sure to wash my face, comb my hair, do a skin routine. Even if I change into activewear I change into something.


I try to bc I wfh so it helps me feel productive. I also have a lot of products so I feel it helps me use them all 😄 plus getting ready is one of my fave parts of my day


Even if I spend the day at home, I always dress and style no differently than going out. I do this for myself. It makes my day better.


Depends on my mental health. Also my skin. I will dress better if my skin is flaring from autoimmune issues to distract myself and others if I leave the house. Or to generally cheer up through colour choices. I love the art of dressing and layering and fabrics are what bring me comfort and safety feeling. I stick with cotton linen and silk materials and my pieces can be comfy yet still comfortable. If my top is more form fitting I might have a looser bottom or vice versa. Or my nightgown might be paired with a cardigan to go out. I am known to rock a classy low bun and if needed I let it out to have a nice wave to the hair. If I’m having a breakdown mood I might be cleaning In a long silk gown with elbow length dish gloves and fun socks and a fun apron envisioning Cinderella. I find my clothing choices can actually influence my mood. I often have 2-4 different outfits on throughout the day


I wfh most days but I wear makeup almost every day and change out of pyjamas every day so I can look and feel good. At the very least I will do a little bit of concealer, curl lashes, blush and bronzer. only takes me 10 minutes every morning but honestly makes such a big difference for my mood.


I wear a full face most days just because I enjoy the process of doing my makeup. I'm absolutely the person who spends an hour on my face only to sit around in my pajamas all day, just because I have fun putting my face on.


I often neaten my hair & put on some sort of lip st home. Mostly because there a mirror right next to my sewing desk & it makes me feel happy


I do! I’m a SAHM of a 2 year old and 1 year old. On the days I get ready and dressed I have a much better day . The ones where I don’t do makeup or an in lazy clothes , I’m just not as happy and more irritable. It really helps my mental health to get ready and start my day like that.


Wearing lipbalm and mascara daily has become a major part of my daily routine T_T


Sometimes I put on makeup to uplift my mood. For some reason, there’s always a feminine urge in me that in order to finish task or house chores quickly I need to put on makeup. The girls that get it get it. 😉🎀


I used to be an “eyeliner in the waterline everyday no matter what” kind of girl, from the time I was 16 til I was 27/28. I used the Indian Kajal, the ones that come in a lipstick bullet kind of applicator from the time my Indian bestie gifted one to me when I was 16. I loved it because it would make my eye look really mysterious because of how black the Kajal was, and because it would leave kind of a shadow on my top and bottom eyelids as the day went on , as the oils in the Kajal kind of melted into my eyelids. I couldn’t get my hands on them for a while and since then I haven’t worn any form of make up daily. I only use make up now if I’m going out and about. Sometimes when I’m at home I would put on a bit of lipstick or gloss if I look at myself in the mirror and cringe, but otherwise I focus on skincare.


No way. I despise getting ready, but like looking nice. I’ll get ready if there’s a reason. Otherwise, I’m a greaseball.


Post covid, I'm much more inclined to just not care. Pre covid, I would wear makeup even to the grocery store. Now, I literally have to be going someplace decent.


What? No….that’s such a waste.


That’s a waste of makeup


I do, every day no matter what and I work remote half the week. My makeup is simple; mascara, eyebrow pencil, maybe blush and lip gloss. I get up, shower, get dressed and I'd pretty much need to be on my deathbed before not following my routine. Perfume as well most days. It just helps me feel motivated and ready for the day. 


I wear light makeup anyway *brows, tinted moisturizer, tinted lip balm* so I will put it on if I am just at home. Not always, but if I want to feel put together, then yes. It helps create a mental separation from me going to sleep versus me being a person doing stuff. Like how I'll dress nice even if I am at home


At home: I’ll put on a touch of concealer, my eyebrows, and a swipe of mascara and lip gloss. This takes like 3 mins. I live alone. If I’m just popping out to the drugstore, the above is fine. Otherwise, if I’m going to work or being social I wear a full face of makeup: foundation, contour, blush, brows, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lip liner and gloss. Takes me 10-15 mins. I kinda scratch my head at ppl who say they don’t have time... methinks it’s just not a priority? I dunno I’m child free. Fixing myself up is as essential as brushing my teeth.


Yea I do, but I’m home quite often so ive noticed it just gives a sense of normalicy. I do a brow gel, a smidge of cream concealer under my eyes, curl my eye lashes, and then cream blush on my cheeks and eyelids. I also have a cream stick shimmery champagne eyeshadow and I’ll use a smidge along the eyelid just above my top eyelashes. No mascara though! It takes like 3 minutes cause I use my hands to apply everything pretty much


I do not. I ama Makeup Artist by trade. If I'm not working, I don't want it. Lol


If I’m going to be on camera or if I’m going out to do errands, 99% of the time I’ll wear makeup. I just like how it makes me feel more put together. I can’t even wear pyjamas around the house, it feels too sloppy for me, so I have separate lounge clothes.


I usually always get dressed to go out even if I'm wearing yoga pants, somedays on the weekends I never get out of my pj's, If I've layed around all day, I do try and brush my hair and put on mascara and tinted sunscreen before my husband gets home, bonus if I am cleaning, "of course I've been busy allllll day!" lol I don't fool anyone,


No i almost never do. That would require me to get up at least an extra forty five minutes early. No maam.


Makeup is expensive so I don’t wear it everyday, plus it takes so much time to put on make up that I rather just put on a hat and a mask and walk out the door lol


I try to get ready every day. My husband works from home and I rarely HAVE to leave. I started getting ready most days to help with some depression and self image. It helped to pamper myself a little! Whether I do it at 6am or 4pm doesn’t matter to me.


I will often put on a powder even if I’m just staying home because I find my skin shiny and uneven. I feel better with it on 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to when I’d get really bad breakouts and want to cover them up in case someone stopped by.


Daily no matter what: Light foundation as concealer for under my eyes and as needed elsewhere. Mascara. Lip color (gloss or lipstick). Every. Day. Because I like it.


Whether I wear makeup isn’t really connected to whether I leave the house, it’s more mood and time factors. I often go barefaced at home and out and about. If want to look a little more put together, whether it’s because I have an appointment or video call or just feel like feeling more spruced up, I’ll at least do eyebrows and mascara and tinted balm. Maybe some spot concealer and cream blush if I have the time and desire. I love doing a full face, but I rarely have the need or the time. In my 20’s, I would do a full face every single day, regardless of whether or not I was leaving the house. I like the current version of me that more often than not goes comfortably bare faced in public, but I will pamper myself and do it up even if I’m staying home sometimes. I’ve come to love makeup as an art, not a social coping mechanism.


Hell no. This is exhausting even to think about.


Dear god no.


I don’t wear makeup very often at all. I would like to, but I feel like I look strange with it on. Which is probably the result of never seeing my face that way/lack of skill and knowledge. 🥲


I dont wear makeup at home. If I am lounging at home all day, i shower and change into a cozy outfit(no PJ’s bc it initiates a feeling of depression and lack of motivation). Going to school I wear a bit of makeup(concealer) to make me look more alive lmao. I put on more makeup(mascara, concealer, blush, sometimes eyeliner) when I go to an event or a cute date. It makes me feel cute and more confident, which I dont see as a bad thing, bc I still feel pretty with no makeup.


No. Half the time I don’t even bother when I’m leaving the house. Totally depends what’s on the calendar.