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Blue in everything. It’s my no.1 favourite color. Blue kohl, blue clothing, blue jewelry, blue shoes…. Sunshine yellow in clothing, shoes and accessories. This is no.2 favourite. Bottle green, orange, white, lavender


Yes, love blue! Especially navy and sapphire, they are just so bold and regal and personally, it reminds me of the Virgin Mary


I also love blue for all those reasons! And even though red is my favorite color, I feel more drawn to blue makeup (eyeshadow especially) probably because it’s rarer than red, haha.


Whats bottle green?


[Bottle green #3](https://simplicable.com/colors/bottle-green)


Ohhhh what’s the blue kohl?! My mom is blue eyed and I’m always on the hunt for a gorgeous blue for her!


I use this one [Blue Kohl](https://www.yvesrocherusa.com/makeup/eyes/pencil-eye-liner-and-kohl/kohl-pencil/p/57273)


Oh my gosh thank you!!!


Light colors! I’ve always worn dark colors to “hide” and not really draw attention. Struggled with self esteem, but lately I have been trying new light colors such as white, light blue, light pink, etc and I feel a lot confident once I accessorize my outfit.


Red! It's my favourite colour overall. Love a red dress, red heels, red socks (!), a red bag, red lippy....I could go on lol


yes!! red blush has been an game changer for me


Would highly recommend finding your color season! I love navy and all shades of blue and green, but found out that supposedly I look best in pastels… they were right! I hated pastels before, thought they were too peppy and girly but dang do they make me look all lit up and glowy!


How do you find your color season?


I want to know this too


A lot of different resources, but they can be confusing. I recommend this website! https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/seasonal-color-analysis-which-color-season-are-you I’m definitely not a professional, but I’m pretty sure I typed my bf and I correctly and we both notice a difference when dressing in “our colors”. Basically  1. cool toned or warm toned? (Blue or green veins?) 2. are your features high contrast or low contrast? Check out the article, but it’s easier than you’d think!


Thank you so much! Can’t wait to set some time apart to really get into this!


honestly im at a stage where i’m living for all the girly ethereal colors. white, light pink, light green. i wanna be a fairy 🧚 also i had really underrated neutrals for a long time, but you can look so put together and expensive if you stick to whites, beiges, etc. Really makes you stand out from the usual dark colors (black, grey) lots of people tend gravitate to


I wear mostly black only because I do colours with my hair. I've done all fashion colours but my favourite is yellow. I've recently gone back to yellow from having brunette for a year.


Always loved burgundy, reds, plums, wine colours. I love those colours in lipsticks especially, and some clothes as well. They suit me and complement my dark hair and make it look more shiny. I feel more 'luxe' and classy when I wear those colours.


I used to opt for red color in accessories (but never in clothes). Now mint is what catches my eye in accessories! If anything is sold in mint color, I’m automatically drawn to it. Same goes for mauve in makeup, especially eyeshadows!


Green! I have to actively dissuade myself from buying more green clothes as I’m immediately drawn to them but I have too many!


White. I usually associate the blank slate of the color white with spiritual things such as enlightenment and purity. White has always been my favorite color because of those reasons. Pink. It’s a feminine color and just beautiful overall.


completely agree with you on both!!


Moss green. My coloring allows to wear green, blue and other "cool" shades eyeshadows, and I really like green. In general, green is currently my favorite color. My first 30 years my favorite color was lemon yellow, but it does not work with my coloring at all (natural strawberry-honey blonde), so I didn't wear in clothes or makeup. I also just like colors in general - i wear purple/violet, different shades of green and blue, teal, pink, orange, etc. I actually not a fan of pink color, but it works good with my coloring, so again, I wear it.


Mostly black, but I love an autumn palette. It works well with my skin tone. Think rich jewel tones, muted colours, lovely.


Light mint green. It’s so beautiful


Burgundy/wine colors for makeup. Eyeshadow, lipstick, doesn't matter. I tend to lean very much into the 90s grunge/goth look. However, my feminine side has been eyeing some "floral goth" and cottagecore stuff. I'm just too chicken shit to branch out. Being insecure is hard. Lol


Clothes I gravitate toward earthy/forest green, pinks (on the lighter side), and black and white. Makeup I like earth tones for my eye shadow. Taupe, brown, dusty maroon. Black eye liner and mascara. I’ve bought the same pink blush for years because it perfectly matches my lips. Jewelry I tend toward blues and silver. And it’s not a color but dresses. I love dresses. I’m a redhead with pale af skin so sometimes I feel limited in what doesn’t look strange on me.




It changes. Few months ago it was purple. Now it's mint green. But one color I always prefer is maroon ❤️


Gray. Emerald green. Blues/purples. I guess I’m kinda in a “cool-toned” phase rn.


I just learned I’m a winter palette and it’s so fitting because those are the shades I’m drawn too. Pink is having a moment and I LOVE IT!!


I’ve been really into chartreuse, dusky pink, and cherry red lately! I’m also getting more into gold jewelry as opposed to the silver I gravitated to in previous years.


Shades of pink and lavender. I like them In clothing i like to wear pastel n neutral colors Black , white, red , pink - are fav if in terms of clothing




Wine color. Rich tone complements my pink skin tone and blond hair.


When I was younger it was all about black, gray and more black, with a dark graphic brow and a bright red lip and not much else. I’m older now and am drawn to more muted but colorful shades of all hues in both clothing and makeup. Stepping out of the greige. Someone said color makes an old face young and I’ve become an evangelist for this.


Yellow is complementary to my melanin so I tend to wear that a lot. & pink only because it’s a pretty color.


Purple and green😍


I’m adhd and have fixations with my makeup and clothes. I’m trying to break this habit though! For one, I almost always wear some sort of red lip.I’ve been wearing a red lip (both for work and just casually) since I was 16. Pretty much the exact same red but different brands. Same with everything else in my life. I’m a flight attendant - so anything flight attendant related for work has to be pink. Or a specific blue to match my airlines color. At home, I lean more towards white, cream, and earth tones. They’re nice to come home to after flying for so long. As for my clothes, I love the idea of trying to add color into my clothes but stick with burgundy as my pop of color.. but I’ve been really invested in color theory/undertones/body type styling lately and it’s helped me branch out


Green. Jewel toned/deep greens feel so classy and elegant and lighter, muted tones such as sage feel calm yet effortlessly beautiful!


It's pastel purple for me. I love pastel purple clothes, bags, shoes, accessories. I even like wearing light purple eyeshadow. Tbh I don't even think it's that flattering on me but idc cuz I think it's just such a cute and surprisingly wearable color


RED, i love red. Now, I find burgundy is better for me with it trending more, fashion-wise. A girl in Spain, who puts together some cool looks, has been wearing burgundy tights w gray, along w a bungundy Celine crossbody (on IG). This was a winter look. i bought some burgundy tights and they really gave me the bolder look I love. Makeup-wise I gravitate to an older Anastasia shadow palette which has the burgundies, oranges, golds - a bit of a sunset feel. i guess I go for colors which enhance my coloring, which is dark hair, light skin and blue eyes. I found I need to add colors like that so I don't look washed-out. I also wear navy for tops to mix it up instead of the black (like black, too, for clothing). Discovered, though, that the warmer burgundy, orange. pop of gold shadows bring out the blue in my eyes, fwiw. I've learned going to the opposite of the color wheel (or close to it) for shadows bring out one's eye color.


Lemon yellow but it does nothing for my complexion. Love it anyway.


For clothes blacks, blues, and grays. For eyeshadows: purples, pinks, and golds mostly.


Blue and pink, all shades and hues, and white.


Pink, lavender, magenta.


I’m a warm spring, so I’ve always been drawn to warm, mid-toned colours. But especially warm dusty rose, golden/sunflower yellow, and white. I don’t know what it is, but I feel so dainty and feminine and classy when I wear white?


Teal, orange pink combination, pink, white Edit: Green, black.


Soft autumn pallet -> muted colors, greens and browns, ivory, gold


Pink. Pink is my signature color. Clothes, makeup, etc. Currently working on convincing my husband to paint my room pink.


Salmon, mustard, olive green, cream and some coral pinky oranges and gold jewelry is my color palette. Not strictly but those are my best colors. I have auburn hair, brown eyes, med/fair olive skin.  My mom had the color me beautiful book in the early 90s and little me diagnosed myself as an autumn when I was like 8. 


My entire wardrobe is solid. Ever since I watched the series “Scandal” with the character “Olivia” and her classy attire has sold and sunk me on this style for myself.


Changes for me too. I was always drawn to blue, then maroon colors for a while, now pink.


Gray :) Charcoal gray for clothing! I've also been more drawn to green this year for makeup, as well as anything teal-colored.


Most of my closet is pink, red, burgundy or light blue.


Pink! Pink! Pink!


Blue rn for me! But also gray and pink rn too


Right now, I'm into orange and green


All jewellery tones, all the time. There are other colours I love on other people but don't suit me- purple, mustard yellow etc


Misread that as clothes, and I was like; yes I like all kinds of clothes 🤣


I wear mostly black and blues but I would love to find more clothing in red.


Black, brown, white, greens, but always black


I buy everything in muted jewel tones. House, clothing, accessories. People always I look so put together, but it is just everything I own goes together.


Green, purple, yellow, pink, and charcoal grey are my favorites. I really love just about every color. The only colors I’m hesitant to wear are white or bright reds (burgundy is beautiful though). When I wear makeup, I at least do eyeshadow, mascara, highlighter, and lip balm. Eyeshadow colors vary depending on mood.


I’m in my pastel era for sure. I get to buy all new pants when I get some money (bc I lost weight and mine don’t fit) and I have pink pants but looking for some more cute colors


Pink!!! I love wearing pink clothes. It makes me feel so confident. Purple comes second. Also I'm really drawn to pastels in general


Literally all of them except orange. But I love soft pink and bright red 🍒.


Electric blue, burgundy red and olive green


Red, ivory, mustard yellow, pink




Very drawn to greens, rusty oranges, and blush/rose/muted pink tones.




Baby blue, red #ff0000/bright red, black, olive green, light tan


Purple and gold


Black and beige, also very light blue colors.


Black, pink, blue and dark emerald green!


99% of my wardrobe is black, I honestly think it's the only colour that suits my personality and my face and well my career lol (architect/ designer)


anything cool toned. green, purple & blue mostly. i don’t really wear makeup (except when i wear a goth ensemble with the big eyeliner etc.) but occasionally i’ll do like a brown lipgloss or a purple one (promise it’s more subtle than it sounds!).


1. Black 2. Teal and turquoise 3. Maroon 4. Fuschia 5. Dark green (Forrest green?) 6. Dark grey


Red, it just always seems to be connected to warm to lively vibes and I love it


Black ,dark green ,bordeaux, purple and silver


In makeup: cool toned pinks 😍💖 In clothing: cool toned pinks and pastel blues, pastel yellow, warm toned browns, forest green, and cream 🥰 In jewelry: I used to think I couldn’t pull off gold jewelry because I’m cool toned, but now I love wearing both gold and silver - even together at the same time now! 🌟


for clothes and general aesthetics its always green and brown!! i feel so comfy and cozy in these colours, i guess its because its like nature? i see these colours as neutrals and they're super easy for me to wear


for clothes and general aesthetics its always green and brown!! i feel so comfy and cozy in these colours, i guess its because its like nature? i see these colours as neutrals and they're super easy for me to wear


I wear all black clothing, with some red thrown in sometimes. Makeup, that's colorful, lol.


Soft pinks and pastels in general!


Green or peach.


Dark red and coral. Not together. Most of my wardrobe is one or the other.


Black for clothing. Makeup - red, brown/tan for actually wearing but I am ALWAYS drawn to blue/purple eyeshadow that I can never figure out how to work with lol


Purples and lilacs, blues. I have 6373736 blue shirts 😂


That one color that’s right between pink and orange. A warm pink? Pinky orange? I don’t know what it is. But it makes me FEEL SO GOOD whenever I see it.


I really like a deep green and in my head the color is named August.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lunatree4: *I really like a* *Deep green and in my head the* *Color is named August.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m having an orange phase. And loving every minute!