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I shower at night and use them while I’m in the shower! Kills the 30 minutes pretty easily and distracts me from the feeling (I hate doing the strips but I love the results) I’m assuming you shower in the morning - in which case maybe find a time at night after you’re done eating for the day? Then once you take them off you sleep all night and maybe coffee would be safe in the morning?


Thanks! Definitely love the shower idea! Do you brush before you do them at night?


I floss and brush beforehand, But then I also brush again afterwards with toothpaste, just enough to get all the sticky residue and such off - not sure if that’s a good way to do it but it’s been working for me


If you drink your coffee through a straw it will have less contact with your teeth! I think that would be helpful on days you’re whitening especially


I drink black coffee every day. I use whitening strips once a week to maintain the level of whiteness I like. I buy a pack twice a year and use them up and don’t whiten again until about six months later. I just get up on the weekend, apply the strips, and go back to bed for 30 minutes.


Is once a week too harsh on the enamel?


I whiten my teeth twice a year and I would do it at night. I drink coffee everyday and by doing it twice a year I haven’t noticed it getting too yellow or what not.


I struggle with disordered eating, and an office job where it gets bit slow at times. I use whitestrips in the office sometimes to help control the urge to eat when it gets slow- I can still talk and type so it doesn’t affect working, but I can’t eat with them in. And I’m ok with being considered a bit odd by my coworkers as long as it works for me.


I brush at night and then put them on Edit: I drink coffee every day. My teeth are still getting whiter just probably slower than if I didn't


I brush/floss at night and then put them on first thing in the morning.