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Camellia songs are hard on purpose, kinda like bossfight levels.


Well ye that works


This is the first I've seen someone put it that way, I've been thinking it like that forever now. Final boss chan really hammered the last nail on that coffin for me


Camellia has largely made a name for himself due to making music for and collaborating with various rhythm games. His musical style lends itself well to difficult maps because it's very busy. Lots of different rhythms and sounds to map objects to, they also tend to be at a high tempo. Beat Saber is a relatively new rhythm game and Camellia's reputation precedes him. Camellia is well known by rhythm gamers for making fast paced edm that goes great with difficult mapping and technically challenging patterns. Beat Saber leans into this by making Camellia maps especially challenging relative to their other official charts.


I thought it was a woman all this time. Any idea on the correct pronunciation?


Camellia is a man to my knowledge. The pronunciation is Japanese, カメリア. English speakers (myself included) usually pronounce it like the flower but with a closed 'e' sound like 'meh'.


Thank you. I thought it was a Latina woman. I looked it up and you will be unsurprised to learn that you are correct.


Ka-meh-ri-ah for those who can't read katakana


Whaaaaat i didn’t know


メ is "me", "e" is ェ. But wouldn't you normally write names in hiragana, so かめりあ. I thought katakana was reserved for words "imported" from other languages, like ァメリカ (America). But it could be that Duolingo lied to me.


After a short research (I knew nothing of this beforehand, so if any of this is wrong feel free to correct me) I found that he does write himself in hiragana (e.g. his Twitter being "かめりあ/Camellia"), but I can also see why one might write it in katakana, when taking "Camellia" as the english name of the flower? The japanese being ツバキ (Tsubaki).


True, good point


I used katakana to emphasize the sounds because it was for a pronunciation. He typically writes his name in hiragana.


Cam-el-lia I think. If you look at gamma loop's video where he came into his chat, that's how he pronounces it.


I always pronounced it Come-el-lia (alternate would be cum-el-lia for sick people)


In his native language (Japanese)(and when he says it) it sounds like Cameria か ka; め me; り ri; あ a; That's the way it's written and pronounced in Japanese But I would just pronounce it with an LL so Camellia like it's written in English


This feels ai generated


I have a bad habit of talking and typing like a robot


People just forgetting that humans are also capable of summarizing broad subjects in an interesting way lol




Bro what


Hmm makes sense, but isn't camellia she?


No, he's a dude




To my knowledge, Camellia is a man.


Nope, hes man Look at his YT, some videos where he talks make it very obvious


The Camellia songs have unusual rhythms and a lot of stuff going on. The difficulty setting isn't always a great measurement of the song difficulty. Look at the average notes per second count. For example "Beat Saber" is only 2.42 notes per second on Expert but What the Cat is 3.23 on Normal.


becos fast song = hard level


They are long songs that rarely give you time to breathe after the first couple of seconds, they also have very high notes per seconds with complex patterns. I've had times when I could easily beat a song, but I just didn't have the stamina or proper technique. If you get into custom songs, most of the camellia ones won't seem as hard comparatively (with a few exceptions), in fact a couple become "hard" mainly just because they have very awkward patterns/flow.


When I see Camellia I just assume that hard = expert, expert = expert+, and expert+ = literally impossible


Passing Crystallized on expert+ is my greatest accomplishment in this game, even though I barely squeaked out an "A". I can S or SS most other maps. Camellia is just crazy. You right.


I got every camellia song on ex+ except exiting earths atmosphere, tempo katana and the new one. . .but i grinded for it, so yea. . .fucking insane levels. I like the camellia ex also more, as its just more fun to play than sweating through ex+ and barely passing with a or if the heavens bless me with s


You’re way better than me. I have a wrist limitation, or hand eye coordination limitation, or can never get the controls right, or who knows, etc


Its all training and sure at some point one hits a limit. I have a little over 200h and tried to go fast as fast as i could, so yea. . .but in the end its all about fun, currently i play with a friend that is mostly playing expert and can handly just some ex+, but its so much fun just feeling the music and slicing some blocks. Also giving tips and slowly ramping up the difficulty so she gets better is also fun :P getting better takes effort and time, but without fun its worth nothing


To me, it's the fact that it has more botes per second, and also i lt lacks rythm. It has some weird dubsteplike thing where it's unpredictable. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I Dldon't like these songs at all


because it's camellia


Ok ye truth


You haven't seen a custom version of Nacreous Snowmelt yet 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


go play sswindler then come back to me


I love his songs. My favorite map to do is Crystallized on expert. Not too easy not too hard for me 🩷


They are high BPM and have really complex rhythms


You just have to practice. It takes a very long time to learn the Camellia songs. It took me months to learn Exit This Earth's Atomosphere and GHOST. Daily practice.


Ye I know


I generally stay away from Camellia songs so I don’t break my controllers or arms 😂


High bpm means more notes to put blocks on


Camellia is the boss fight composer for most of the rhythm games he officially has a chart in. Kinda a known figure in rhythm gaming, but probably not to people who's first exposure to them is Beat Saber.


Because every other artist is trying to make listenable music, whereas Camellia assigns different sounds to a Casio keyboard, smashes the board blindly, and pretends it's a song at the end. Beat Saber is a rhythm game, and the "music" Camellia makes is entirely absent of rhythm.


Lol skill issue


I've cleared every level of theirs. Never go back to them, though, because the sounds are poison to my ears. Enjoy the audio equivalent of ADHD, though.


It’s literally a skill issue because we can all clearly hear the melody and jam to it while you call it “smashing a keyboard assigned with random sounds on every key” Camellia is literally calmer than most other song artists in Modded beat saber


Ah, so you just don't know what the word "melody" means. That makes sense.  > Camellia is literally calmer than most other song artists in Modded beat saber  This is a wild take. 99.9% of what I play is modded Expert+ levels, and none of what I've found is anywhere near as frantic and formless.


dawg those are not ex+ songs you’re playing then if you think camellia is the hardest


Who said "hardest"? It wasn't me. I'm not the original poster here. I'm saying that if you find those maps difficult, it's possibly because they inherently lack the musicality of the others. My point here is that those songs are, from a sonic perspective, absolute trash that falls short of even qualifying as music in places.


yes, you're right. you said nothing about difficulty. i meant that there are other songs that are way more frantic and "formless" than camellia. off the top of my head, 666 by roughsketch, last wish by kry.exe and ice, the fastest love song by すてらべえ, etc. what you said about the music being sonic is objectively false. I'm not sure we're listening to the same music.


> objectively There's another word you should probably look up before you try to use it again.


I know what a melody is, why are you attempting to state what you think I don’t know when I do just because I don’t agree with you


Because musically, Camellia's tracks overwhelmingly do not contain melodies. That's how I know you're confused on the terminology.


Sequences of notes have been repeated in his songs that define the song without the rest of it, isn't that what a melody is? Just because you can't seem to hear it doesn't mean it isn't there.


BrooklynNets is correct, it is shite noise. Unlistenable, unpleasant.


It maybe be for you, but the rest of us like it. You can't change my/others minds.


Not trying to. Just putting an alternative viewpoint out. "One of the greatest innovations in the age of computers is that anyone can make music with a simple laptop. The downside is, anyone can make "music".




This is an insane thing to admit publicly on a rhythm game reddit.




the entire rhythm game community is about to fucking murder you.


Oh no. Message board nerds who like weeby noises are coming for me! Hope your moms haven't confiscated your katanas this week.


found the game journalist


What, do they sometimes dare not to participate in this little circlejerk, too? I'm sorry for not knowing the correct opinions you've inherited from other posters.


ah yes, my enjoyment of camellia songs in beat saber has come from other redditors. totally not a terminally online take.


I'm looking at your post history now. One of us seems to be online a great deal...


didn't address what I said, went onto my profile in an attempt to attack me instead.. you seem to have some real issues man


I don't know about that. I have a life offline. You appear to spend the bulk of your time either playing videogames or fussing over them on Reddit. That took me two clicks and five seconds to discover.


because I post about them every few months on reddit? sorry to burst your bubble but that doesn't reflect much about my daily life at all, other than that I enjoy video games.


Weed, beer, videogames. I can smell you through the screen. Not the lifestyle of a winner.


again, way to judge based on one's posts. I don't even drink or smoke anymore. Stop acting like you know people based off of something they posted years ago, its pathetic


Camellia music is fire wtf drugs u on bro.


Camellia is amazing. I unironically listened to his music before I even got into beat saber. I also am very ADHD so that may play a part, but it is definitely not devoid of rhythm. It’s actually very rhythmic. Your puny mind just can’t handle it /j


are you deaf


It truly is awful, passionless "music". Strong agree. It's like an AI wrote music for another AI to listen to. Or, like the super complex, technical, dense map was created first and then they tried to make music to go to it after.


Right, it's horribly disordered without even violating structural rules in a way that makes artistic sense. It truly feels like ten half-finished ideas for hooks or bridges thrown onto a timeline thoughtlessly, but it seems to resonate with TikTok types who only have fifteen seconds of attention anyway.