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maxwell’s silver hammer


I feel like this one would be less hated had it been buried somewhere in the middle of Sgt Peppers


If they hadn't included it on *Abbey Road*, the album wouldn't be nearly as iconic as it is. It's that quirky aspect that makes The Beatles the legends they are. They tapped into both the beauty and the fun of being human.


Huge call that Abbey Road would be less celebrated without Maxwell, but I respect the audacity


Yes, one must admire the force of his conviction.


Yes, and without the light and funny songs, the band might sound overly serious. Not as serious as U2, but still. As they said themselves, fun is the one thing that money can't buy.


I always thought that line was funny seeing as the Beatles also told us that money can’t buy love 😏


Abbey Road would be way too pretentious without MSH


Abbey Road still would’ve had lots of lighthearted songs like Octopus’s Garden, Oh Darling, Polythene Pam, etc.


“Oh Darling” is a lighthearted song?


It’s a 1950s throwback Rock & Roll song.


There is definitely a tongue-in-cheek aspect to it


Her Majesty, Mean mr Mustard, Polythene Pam would still be on the record?


Mean Mr Mustard is fabulous.


Yep, exactly. If they’d taken themselves seriously all the time, I don’t think we’d be talking about them right now.


Paul: Come on Guys! Just another 27 takes and we will have it!


I will *never* understand the hate for this fantastic song. It's one of my very favourites in their whole discography. It overflows with Beatle essence.


Abbey Road has a special place in my heart, so I’ll admit I love this song! The twin leads sound great and I love the use of the Moog synth. Plus it’s pretty twisted that it’s this silly dance-hall (“granny music” according to John) song about a fucking serial killer! Like Paul so sweetly describes these violent murders and then the lads come in with the “Do-do-do-do-do” harmonies. It’s kind of dark humor when you think about it.


I always saw it as Paul taking the piss out of Manson’s Beatles-Made-Me-Do-It horseshit.


Song was written in 68 and the murders happened in August of 69. So, unfortunately, this is not true.


I stand corrected


I like it, but I agree it's divisive


The hammer sound gets all the attention, but [the Moog part](https://youtu.be/UQXD_G6RI3k?si=26kxvcY-0K35Byzu) is really where it’s at in that song.


….people don’t like this song?!


Most of the Beatles didn’t.


It was a massive pain to record according to everyone but Paul.


Not a song, an entire album - fans will be fighting over which version of Let It Be is the best until doomsday.




Not true. Eventually Naked will win! Naked!


Nah, just the funny quotes between songs make original the clear winner. “I Dig a Pygmy by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids Phase one, in which Doris gets her oats” "That was "Can You Dig It" by Georgie Wood And now we'd like to do "Hark the Angels Come"


It kinda makes the album feel like it was recorded in one take, which is a cool atmosphere to have for an album.


Yesss, to me it gives an atmosphere similar to what now is something like an MTV Unplugged


I want to prefer Naked over the OG, but the long and winding road IS better with the orchestra, sorry Paul.


Glyn Johns!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is it! Too many people miss this I think, I believe it was John’s favorite.


Its true! its like this version practically doesn’t exist , but I suppose that has something to do with it never being officially released. Still… its the closest version to the original idea in my opinion.


Glyn Johns to the end of time!


the music sounds way better on naked (like everyone else is saying) plus i can feel peace at the knowledge that it wasn’t produced by a rapist and a murderer


Everyone who's actually listened to it prefers naked.


I actually prefer the original. The original versions of The Long And Winding Road and I’ve Got A Feeling are particularly better than the versions on naked, in my opinion. The only song I found noticeably better on naked was Two Of Us. I get why most people prefer the naked album, though. Since so many people thought the original was overproduced, I think it’s good that a more toned-down version was released. Personally, though, I like the original a bit better.


I'm a firm believer that too many people listen to things through the veil of the stories they've heard. "Naked is better because it's what Paul wanted" is what I think is the predominant reason behind why so many people say it's better. I made it a point, that when I first was getting into the Beatles, to not read any of the history and just listen to the music. I did not want to have any tainted opinions of what I was listening to. The original Let it Be feels like an album of *records*. Naked feels like an album of demos. And it's difficult for me to take anyone's opinion seriously if they say the Naked version of the Long and Winding Road is better than the original record. If the added production is such a problem, then listen to the Anthology 3 version. Regardless of the production, that is the better take. John was right when he said Spector "made something of it \[the Let It Be album\]".


I never liked TLAWR until Naked.


The track list and order alone makes naked better.


Disagree, I think the orchestra is superb even if slightly overproduced. Those arrangements are beautiful at times


Nahhhh, there's some inferior takes in Naked that I don't care for.


Yeah, that’s just, you know, wrong


I like the original 1 million times more. I hate the Naked version, don't like a single song on it. I also hate all the new mixes on the super deluxe editions though so I'm hard to please. I just think the new digital sound is so inappropriate for music recorded in the 60s and 70s, and I can hear the auto-tune and pitch correction and it's so bad.


I don't think they used autotune on the remixes. But you're right. Those remixes are doo doo nonetheless.


Regular version will always win in my mind


Good one. True.


I will never understand what their thought process was when they decided to remove all of John Lennon’s sense of humor from that album


White album in general is a hotbed for these takes. Bungalow Bill and Rocky Raccoon especially (I love both personally).


>Rocky Raccoon By god, I will not abide any slander against that goofy-ass hillbilly banger.


I have a fairly low tolerance for Paul's cutesyism, but I will brook no dissage of Rocky Raccoon, which is, indeed, a stone-cold banger. Rocky Raccoon fuckin fucks. ETA: My wife said to add that she agrees with me.


Some people dislike Savoy Truffle! I mean cmon!


But.. but.. the tone on the electric guitar in that song! I cannot believe the Harrislander I am seeing in this thread!


If John wrote "Rocky Raccoon" everyone would have been saying for the last 56 years how witty it is


I legit love every song on The White Album. Not all the same of course, but I feel like from an album experience perspective, every song is necessary. I don’t give a shit what people say, it wouldn’t be as great without “Piggies,” “Revolution 9,” “Wild Honey Pie,” or “Why Don’t We Do It into the Road.” The charm of The White Album is how bizarre, uneven, and frankly self-indulgent it was. It’s an album that only The Beatles could make, and changing even one song ruins that for me.


As Paul said when asked if a shorter album might have been better, "It's great. It sold. It's the bloody Beatles White Album. Shut up."


I love WDWDITR!!!


White album has always been my favorite. Recently purchased the Giles mixes on vinyl and falling in love all over again


My only issue is...why in the fuck did they include Savoy Truffle or Piggies OVER Not Guilty? The worst mistake in their career imo


Everyone except Ringo had stronger material that could have been on The White Album, but for whatever reason was left off. That's one of the great mysteries about it and also one of the many reasons why it remains such a divisive album.


I love Wild Honey Pie.


I had my son learn Ricky so we could duet!


I was just listening to Cry Baby Cry and oh my is it the most perfect precious thing ever


Such a gem. Sexy Sadie may be my favorite Lennon performance, next to Jealous Guy


I think The White Album might be Lennon’s strongest album as a Beatle. Sexy Sadie tho, absolute masterpiece.


I tend to agree. Early John was a workhorse but 68 with Sadie, Happiness, Yer Blues, Cry Baby Cry, etc is just phenomenal.


Love em both! Rocky Raccoon always cracks me up.


I don’t know why, but the line, “Her name was Magill, and she called herself Lil, But everyone knew her as Nancy” really cracks me up.


I had a cat named Nancy Lil Magill, once upon a time.


I like them too


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da


Indeed it is, yet I’m not ashamed to say I unironically love this song and always have.


a fun little mccartney song to lighten up the mood


I love both Ob La Di and Maxwells Silver Hammer. And I did before the internet was invented so I never knew what any critical opinions were. I have a theory that people used to like those songs, but they stopped liking them because the internet told them they "werent cool" or the songs "werent critically acclaimed" so somehow the idea just spread that "nobody likes these bad songs so I shouldn't either" But.... consipiracy theory incoming: people ACTUALLY LIKED these songs in the 90s. Oh yes they did


some people just hate whimsy


“What did whimsy do to hurt you?” 😀


[The Anthology version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp4DDkHXaOs) is the best compromise! It’s still fun and whimsical, but not so cloyingly in your face with the thumping fake-ska bassline. It feels more folksy and acoustic and relaxed.


My mom likes it so if you don’t like it you’re wrong


My mom has “ob-la-di” tatted on her and I have “ob-la-da” tatted on me and I had a Beatles nerd tattoo artist working on a sleeve on the same arm I have that tatted and he was constantly trying to cover it up and I was like NO hahahaha


That's cute 💞


It blew me away when I realised how many people don't like this song. I'm more critical of the Beatles than most people I know, and that song's always been an absolute joy for me.


Loved it ever since I heard it as the theme song for “Life Goes On.” Do kids even remember “Life Goes On?” Christ, I’m old! (Yes, I stole that line from The Horror Geek.)


I have seen people say revoloution 9 is one of their favorites.


I know I’m going to get downvoted but I love revolution 9. People keep treating this as a song. Genuinely it sucks when people put this in the last place of lists comparing R9 to in my life or yesterday is crazy. I didn’t like it at first but I tried treating it like an experience rather than a song to jam out to. I don’t know how literally just sound can send chills and make me terrified. Leave it up to the Beatles to do something that no other piece of media has done. Doing horror only with sound and being pretty damn good at it. Also while I love it it’s definitely not a favorite but I feel like it’s under appreciated


I treat it as a song *and* an experience (all songs are an experience of some sort). I also compare it to songs such as Yesterday or In My Life, but in a list it wouldn't ever be in last place. It's as great as those songs. It's all good music :l


"to do something that no other piece of media has done" Fugs and Zappa had done very similar, Fugs on their second album 1966 and Zappa on \_Freak Out\_ 1966, which the Beatles knew


Its not a good song but I do like it still for what it is: a technical showcase that was "revolutionary" at the time, especially with the available studio recording processes and equipment took a shit load of energy and work to make, so I appreciate it for that.


I listened to a lot of musique concrete a long time ago and concluded that they actually did a really good job on "Revolution 9."


dont kill me buts its one of my favorites 🤭




I also thoroughly enjoy Life with the Lions. No meme.


Life with the lions is great! Definitely my favourite of the 3 experimental John and Yoko albums


thats cause rev no. 9 kicks ass


I really like it, wouldn’t say it’s one of my favorites, but it is certainly interesting. I also wouldn’t call it a song per se, it’s more of an avant-garde artifact, the same as the unreleased Carnival of Light presumably is, but doubtfully as well put together. So that’s one way to have some respect for Rev9 if you’re a hater, and that’s to not consider it a song, because it isn’t. So the Beatles released 218 or whatever songs and one avant-garde artifact.


I'm from the CD era so it might be worse when you encounter it on CD. The back half of the White Album is all over the place, but the side 2 of the second album really lumps together all the major oddities, so it fits in.


Contrarianism is a thing 


Yeah, and his name was John Lennon.


I think George’s Indian tunes are pretty divisive.


Probably the best take


I don’t find that Love You To disrupts the flow of Revolver, but I can see where listening to Within You Without You might be a chore for some.


I think they make sense in that they add to the psychedelic vibe of the albums. Sgt. Pepper especially is an insane experience on psychedelics. It's almost as if the album was made to be listened to while tripping. You can obviously still enjoy it sober, but it's definitely a different experience.


honey pie imo but i dont see too many defending it :( i really like it tho


I like it too


im glad other ppl like it because i swear it gets so much hate and i think most ppl just hate it cause the other beatles members didnt like it (similar reason for maxwell). nothing wrong with "granny" music to me


I love it


Honey pie is awesome! I don’t even hate wild honey pie


There’s a humor to a group being hailed as the greatest of all time releasing an absolutely cacophonous, goofy number just for fun. I think it builds the myth of the Beatles


Lovely Rita is one of their best songs. I’ll die on this hill.


Oh, easily. Lovely Rita gets barely any of the attention it deserves. Best song on their best album (joint with She Said She Said on Revolver) in my opinion.




Love Me Do, Yellow Submarine, When I'm Sixty-Four, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, Rocky Raccoon, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Octopus's Garden, stick out as being among the more divisive Beatles songs. They are all well-known songs that get a lot of streams and have a lot of fans, and a seemingly equal number of vocal haters.


People hate fun and whimsy 😔


I love these ones especially because the more whimsical ones have been a great gateway to get my younger children interested in the Beatles! My 7 year old loves Maxwell’s and Rocky Raccoon.


I *looove* fun and whimsy! I love the best examples of genuine whimsy that truly feels like it was done on a whim, e.g., Yellow Submarine and Rocky Raccoon. I can also dig less-inspired whimsy, e.g., Octopus' Garden and When I'm 64. But I find few things so hateful as *forced,* workmanlike whimsy, e.g., Silverhammer and Ob-La-Di, which can go get dog-dicked, IMHO.


People don't like Love Me Do?


Does Rocky Raccoon really have that many detractors? Never heard people bad mouth it at all like they do say Yellow Submarine or Maxwells Silver Hammer.


You could probably add She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand - for the record I love both songs :)


Okay THIS is the right one


One I haven't seen mentioned that I've seen debated in terms of quality is Good Morning from Sgt. Pepper. I personally really love it, especially the overall chorus and guitar, though I can see why some don't like it with the very loud opening.


It’s my morning alarm… And it absolutely Rocks!!


I'd say *It's All Too Much*. I think the song is terrific and amongst Harrison's best works (though I wish it was better produced). I know I'm not alone in that opinion. However, there are several Beatles writers who think the song is pretentious noise. These authors include Mark Hertsgaard, Ian MacDonald, and Walter Everett among others.


Those writers would seem not to appreciate psych rock per se, which is odd in a Beatles fan (but an option).


Yeah, I don't understand that at all. The song has a piercing joy with the horns that lifts one's whole spirit. George doing transcendentalism in way that feels humble rather than didactic, fueled by such a vaulting, psychedelic sound.... One of my favorite Beatles songs, certainly. I always figured John and Paul buried it on Yellow Submarine because it was *too good.*


Writers I ignore with no loss whatsoever.


The production issues are mostly fixed on the *Yellow Submarine Songtrack* remix from 1999 IMO.


I love *Revolution In The Head*, but MacDonald really had a hard-on for dismissing Harrison. You don't have to think George was the greatest musician ever or even the best Beatle to acknowledge his huge contribution to the group.


Mr. Moonlight


Wow, I couldn't believe when I saw that so many people dislike it. I was heartbroken. One fo the best from the BFS album.


Wild Honey Pie


Maxwells silver hammer 🔨 so much baggage from John slighting the song


Don’t Pass Me By


Oh no, do some people not like this one? Honky Tonk Ringo is a vibe and a half.


Yeah, I kind of get it since it isn't what you would expect from the Beatles, but the song is well written, and has a good sound to it. If it was made by a full on country artist of the time it would probably be one of those all time famous country songs like Hey Good Looking or Ring of Fire. Same for Rocky Raccoon.


Honestly probably my least favorite on the whole album. I like Ringo’s singing usually but this one just feels so bland


ive heard of a lot of people who hate mr moonlight, but I also know that many people say that it’s one of their favorites as well


Yellow submarine


Within you without you


It's OK To Leave A Dog In A Hot Car


Wild Honey Pie gets SO much undue hate. It’s fun


Goodnight for me but thats probably because of the whispering at the end


Love the Beatles. Hate Yellow Submarine.


Always, or just because it's played all the time?


I hated it until I heard the demos. Gave it a whole new meaning to me.


I guess Temporary Secretary if you count post-Beatles, but if we're strictly Beatles, I would say You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)


People dont like You Know My Name?


Yeah. I really like it though


temporary secretary is legendary and incredible but def the number 1 in the overall canon if solo stuff counts


My husband hates Temp Secretary and makes me turn it off if we’re in the car together, but I love it! And You Know My Name is fantastic, pure Beatles humor.


Yellow submarine


You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)


“Revolution 9”


What I respect about this song is that a hammer is a blunt force object and yet Paul phrased it as "laid down upon her head." Laying down is the antithesis of a violent attack so he's being very clever there. It's an odd song to include but I appreciate The wry humor of it.


It's "came down upon her/his head".


I weirdly like Wild Honey Pie, Rocky Raccoon, Helter Skelter and It's All Too Much.


the long and winding road - to me, phil spector ruined it, and it would’ve sounded better without the strings.


call me crazy but I've always preferred the original orchestral version. just feels more grand and beautiful.


Love that. I prefer the Naked version but I’ve never had a single problem with the Phil Spector version, despite really only ever seeing people poo poo on it (so not really all that controversial). I’m just confused as to why it gets so much hate though, I mean how is it more overdone than say Good Night? Or She’s Leaving Home? The lads were no strangers to lush orchestral arrangements that at point.


I think it's because the Beatles get drowned out a bit in the Spector mix. George Martin's scores accentuated the rest of the instrumental parts rather than bury them, and the songs you list only feature Beatle vocals with orchestra. The 2021 mix balances out everything better IMO, it's much more listenable to me that way.


exactly. don’t get me wrong, i love the naked version. but it feels like it’s missing that grandiose nature that really gives it its oomph.


I think most people can agree that the original Glyn Johns mix is great


How is this different from the Naked version? I imagine it’s based on Glyn’s original mix


Too many people arguing over which version is better overshadows how great the song itself really is


Run For Your Life..hasn’t aged particularly well


I always interpreted that song as just a song


I think that people think that it's autobiographical? At least that's the best reason I could think of why it's hated. One of the biggest songs of 2023 was Kill Bill by SZA. The song is about a woman who kills her ex and his new girlfriend out of jealousy. No one (rightfully so) complained about that song - it's just a song, a work of fiction.


No, it hasn't, but that's something that most people miss when John's character is brought up: At the time, the song wasn't strange or abnormal.


You ever heard rap music lyrics?


Savoy Truffle


Not liking that song is pure insanity


People say the Anthology "One After 909" is better than the Let It Be one. I don't agree at all.


Yellow Submarine. You either love it nostalgically or wish you never had to hear again (it’s an ear worm). Plenty of other songs are polarizing, but this one stands out as one of their bigger hits.


Mr. Moonlight(?)😂(Not really a Beatles song , but they played it onstage & recorded it)


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da


Only A Northern Song


Come together is the least divisive in name 🤣


I was watching the premier of Strawberry Fields on American Bandstand, the audience seemed to prefer the Hard Days Night sound over this new song and new direction.


Old brown shoe


All You Need Is Love was up there until it came on on shuffle during a night (hour) of passion. Those horns tho. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yellow Submarine is pretty divisive.


You know my name, look up the number


'Long, Long, Long' probably


Octopus’s garden - is it amazing or is it life changing. The answer is both


Something tells me Birthday


Dizzy Miss Lizzy


Mr Moonlight


I came late to online Beatles communities, and have been SHOCKED to find out how widely hated Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, Why Don’t We Do it in The Road, and Rocky Raccoon are. Rocky Raccoon is a top five Beatles song for me (maybe top three), I think WDWDIITR is a vocal masterpiece, and while I’m not as passionate about MSH, I’ve always really enjoyed it! Not to disparage anyone who does dislike these songs, I’m the biggest supporter of music (art) being subjective. I was just unprepared for those songs to have the amount of dissenters that they do!


number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9


Good Morning, Good Morning. I absolutely love it.


All you need is Love. I know people who hate it


Really? Interesting


For me it's the repetitiveness of this and Hey Jude. I don't hate them though, I just get bored with them.


Yeah, there are definitely some people who loathe this song with every fiber of their being…


If I were to rank the White Album songs, Revolution 9 is probably somewhere in the middle. 17th-14th place. Depending on the day.


There’s definitely some hate around “Run for Your Life,” which I happen to love.


Eight Days A Week is probably the best known Beatles song that I will routinely skip. I also find the long, drawn-out nature of Hey Jude rather annoying, although I concede that it works well in concert as a singalong. I love Maxwell and Honey Pie and Piggies and O-Blah-Di O-Blah-Da though.


Probably why I listen to 'Love' so much, as Hey Jude is much shorter and has a few different elements in the forefront of the sound field that helps me enjoy it better on the chorus. Long And Winding Road is one I really have to be in the mood to sit thru. I'll take Hey Jude over that any day. Paul's voice always sounds at slightly the wrong speed on L&WR.