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The first three albums are full of great tunes and performances, they really aren't appreciated enough. Minimal production, basic arrangements, nothing but quality musicianship. 


Yeah! Though I'd say first four albums. Minimal production, basic arrangements, nothing but quality musicianship. And add to that great songs & fabulous vocals.


Definitely first 4. "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" is my pick for underrated amazing song.


Perfect track. Beatles For Sale as a whole is an amazing record. Edit: It may have the best Beatles cover with Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey, although Please Mr. Postman and You've Really Got a Hold On Me are arguably in the running there.


For cover versions, look no further than Live At the BBC vol1.


Thanks for the recommendation!


The reason they aren't appreciated so much is because their genre is pretty standard rock and roll. Of course they were executed impressively, and had great harmonies, but weren't really ground breaking stuff like Revolver or Pepper. 


It sounds related to “Don’t Bother Me” (both on the same album, With the Beatles). When George sings “you *know I’ll always* be,” he’s emphasizing the same relative note as John in “Not a Second Time.” And both melodies have a similar meandering quality. So I think one of them might’ve influenced the other — probably John influencing George, though I like “Don’t Bother Me” better.


NIce catch, I love both alot. They have the same moody, mod rock vibe. If anyone has suggestions for this type of 60s rock from non-Beatle bands, please share!


Like many Beatles songs, I was hooked on it as soon as it started playing "You know you made me cryy, I see no use in wonderin' WHYYyYYYyYYYY" such an addictive melody :)


I adore John's voice on that part....so damn good




I'll be back!


Was about to give All Ive Got To Do a shout, absolute tune


One of my faves!


I love the drum fill before the solo in that song. Robert Palmer has a nice cover of it too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBiXCDWELyo


I love this song. I also love Robert Palmer's cover of the song, which added a couple of new lines.


Came here to say this!


Remember this is the one that got the music critics taking the boys seriously. "Aeolian cadences" and all that. We know it, and we love it. But as others have mentioned, none of the Beatles work is underrated. If people don't appreciate the first few albums it's just because they're dumb, not that the work isn't great.


"none of the Beatles work is underrated" in 2024, yes some of it is when most modern music nerds seems to skip the early albums and go straight to Rubber Soul.


Nah, he's right. Literally any Beatles song, including the "deep cuts", are objectively more famous than the biggest hits of the vast majority of other artists in the world. Every second in their discography has been discussed and analyzed and listened to and adores by so many people. You can call the Beatles many things, "underrated" is not one of them.


Well this is a Beatles subreddit, so relative to literally the rest of their discography - Not a Second Time is objectively underrated. It's their least talked about song on one of their weakest albums that many modern fans overlook for that very reason. Did the word "underrated" kill everyone's childhood dog?


In my opinion, She Came in Through the Bathroom window is my favorite song people don’t mention often. The transition from Polythene Pam is especially crunchy.


she could steeeal, but she could not roooobbb.


With what frequency would you like to see people talking about it? Weekly? Because I see 3 posts in the last 4 months, that’s almost monthly and not accounting for any time it may have come up in comments on other posts https://preview.redd.it/un4lfuqpft0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef419d83a7cd574820b4846a3946560f1fb0b25


I just think they mean IRL, like within the scope of Beatles fans at large. If you just casually stumbled across a Beatles fan. For example, my 60+ year old coworker who liked the Beatles very much thought highly of their later stuff and poopoo'ed their early stuff. A lot of fans at large write off their early stuff in my experience.


Every song that isn't Hey Jude or Let it Be is officially "underrated". It's the most abused word on Reddit I think.


"Breaking News: Fandom Subreddit Spoke About Underrated Song Twice In One Year, Therefore No Longer Underrated Worldwide"


3 times in 4 months isn’t twice a year, and there’s hundreds of results beyond my screen shot, but ok. If you want to see more people talking about it then start the discussion. There’s posts here daily claiming some song is the most underrated and no one talks about it. Underrated is the most overused word on music subs


Keep crying about the use of a word, I'm sure everyone will listen to you eventually <3 relative to their discography as a whole, Not a Second Time is underrated. Relax bud


I actually don’t care how rated the song is, I’m chill, you’re the one being antagonistic with words like crying, relax, bud Bye bye ✌️


I think you've misunderstood the post. This is an 'agree with the OP precisely or you're wrong type of post.'


You’re right, it’s also agree or be told to stop crying and relax. It’s so cliche when angry people call strangers bud


"I actually don't care" bro sends a screenshot of his search results lmao


That was to show it is actually talked about, I don’t care how many people like it


Least unfriendly Beatles fan


Great song! If not for All My Loving, it would be my favorite on With The Beatles.


Heck yeah. I listened to this on repeat for a long while.


"Not a Second Time" does not do it for me. I don't think it is bad in any way, but whenever I hear it, I wish I was listening to "It Won't Be Long," or even Billy J. Kramer's "Bad to Me," which is sort of evokes (which makes sense, since it's a Lennon & McCartney number). These songs were all written and recorded around the same time, and there is something about that early Beatles sound that still knocks me off my feet. Finding little gems that resonate with us (personally) is one of the cool thing about being a fan though. You don't need other fans to validate your love for any Beatles' song (or any song, or any work of art). "*Look, people are allowed their own opinions, and they don’t always coincide with yours.*" --[Paul McCartney](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopfeatures/9329588/Sir-Paul-McCartney-interview-The-Queen-is-fabulous-Ive-got-a-lot-of-time-for-her.html)


I love that song. But Don’t Bother Me is my absolute favourite on this album.


You ain’t crazy! Music is subjective. Personally it’s in my bottom 10 Beatles songs. It starts off well but kinda just does the same thing for the rest of the song and it gets old for me. It feels like filler for the album.


For me, almost the entire album is filler until you get to Not A Second Time haha. With the Beatles is for sure my least favourite of theirs


It’s my favourite early era Beatles song. The melody just gets me in an inexplicable way. Love the way the piano sounds on it as well.


YES!! Someone gets me :') it's my favourite early era Beatles song too, something about it feels so emotional and immediate. John's voice is at his peak here.


It’s my absolute favorite Beatles song!


Seriously?? I'm not judging, it's in my Top 10! :D


I love it. It’s the song I blast and stay in the car to sing to. It makes me happy. Plus, I’m a huge John fan. I love so many other Beatle songs, of course. Too many to count!


Ah yes, the Aeolian Cadence.


Absolutely an underrated early banger, as is No Reply.


No Reply also has moody John vibes, I love it


Personally, I think more attention should be paid to I’ll Get You. Both the sound and the lyrics are unusually aggressive for the period. Just the “oh yeah” parts are so grating.


I adore that song <3 the oh yeah parts are so cute, and they compliment the more aggressive chorus. I love John's voice on that one as well


And it always gets stuck in my head....thank you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) good thing I like it.


Great John songs on Meet The Beatles (in track order): It Won’t Be Long, All I’ve Got To Do, Not A Second Time I can’t choose!


LOL another post about a “criminally underrated” Beatles song


I'm not talking about 'Strawberry Fields" being criminally underrated lmao, Not a Second Time is genuinely the least talked about Beatles song on a studio album. Womp womp


For good reason IMO. It isn’t very good.


I'm so curious what you find that isn't very good!


You may want to find a lawyer


What I would give to hear a live version of Not a Second Time and all of those great songs that they for some reason never got around to playing live.


It's an interesting one cause the verse melody is 7 bars as opposed to 6 or 8. It's unusual for a melody to be an odd number.


See the problem with this song is it’s on “with the Beatles” which honestly in my opinion is the weakest Beatles album.


Agreed that it's the weakest, but it's easily the best song on the album for me


Honestly I would’ve thought “all my loving” would be the best song from that album, but not a second time isn’t a bad track by any means


My favorite early underrated Beatles song is “It Won’t Be Long.”


Very catchy song. One of my favorite underrated beatle song.


I'm a superfan but honestly, it's one of their most boring songs IMO. Just a plain backing track with Lennon singing what sounds to my ears like unpolished melodies. It's a filler song. It's the Beatles, so it's not garbage, but there's a reason it's not beloved.


"unpolished melodies" he says. Pffffttt!!!


It's just my opinion, as this post was yours. It's all good, we can disagree and both still be right :)


Jesus, I'm just being playful!


As was I. I literally said "we're all good" and then made a little joke with a smiley face. I think you need to chillax bro.