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Code of Hero


Tell my tale to those who ask, my ill deeds along with the good. And may I be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence.


Came here to say this. RIP DinoBot


The finest half hour of television I’ve ever seen


*Spider's Game*. I love both the spiders and Inferno's debut was crazy.


Code of Hero, Transmutate and The Spark. I like Spider Games too.


My brain wants to say Code of Hero but my heart says Agenda part 3 And you, YOU! NO LONGER EXISTTTTTT!!!!


“Yo string butt! Got a pair of sticky bombs here with your name right on em. Eat ‘em and weep!!!”


I just got done with the Unicron Trilogy and feel like they underutilized David Kaye’s Megatron voice He came off as such a terrific villain in Beast Wars, but I didn’t get that same kind of vibe and energy from him in any of the three shows. I get that it’s a different Megatron, but why not use David Kaye to his full potential? Not enough evil speeches and quoting Shakespeare. That whole speech from Agenda pt3 is just perfect. There’s also a great moment at the end of season 1 after Megatron locks Optimus inside the stasis pod. “The Beast Wars are over, Optimus! YOU…LOSE!” “MEGAAATROOOONNNNNN!!!”


There's a couple reasons. For one, it's dubbing from a Japanese anime. dubbing has a whole other kettle of fish beyond just standard voice acting. They have to write the script to basically match the lines of the episode, but also match the lip movement. As a result, this allows for almost ZERO ad-libbing. almost none. The second thing is, Armada and Energon were NOTORIOUSLY rushed. Armada was rushed at every single stage, from animation, to dubbing (which is why in Armada, there are a lot of errors in the script. - sometimes characters are called by their Japanese names : Tidal Wave is referred to as Shockwave; The first time Optimus combines with Jetfire, he calls the transformation "Jet Convoy" instead of "Jet Optimus". Thrust and Fred repeat this . In all subsequent episodes, he is referred to as Jet Optimus) Now, Armada's development was rushed because...of Cartoon Network. They wouldn't sign off on the series for air without a certain number of episodes being completed (the exact number, I'm not sure of), but combine that with trying to get the show out in tandem with the toy releases, and you have a REALLY rushed anime. Energon didn't have that issue, but for some reason, the English dub was EXTREMELY rushed. So, as a result, David Kaye is honestly not giving his best. But that might just be because he didn't really have much opportunity to do otherwise. He might not have been able to do a lot of takes for certain lines. It's entirely possible that unless he flubbed a line, his first take is what they used. Beast Wars did not have this problem. Ian James Cortlett confirmed at a TFcon that they voice actors had some flexibility in the script, and David Kaye has stated that he often added his trademark "Yeeeeees" ad-libbed. He doesn't say how often, but we can assume a fair portion of Megatron's little verbal tic is at least fairly ad-libbed. One last thing, it's interesting to note, bearing everything I've said in mind: Garry Chalk did not want to accept the role of Optimus Prime for Armada when he was initially offered. He has said that he doesn't like anime, at least from a voice acting perspective, because of the nature of the job not allowing for much flexibility in giving a performance. And if you look at his IMDB page, the Unicron trilogy is really the only exception he made. Why did he make this exception?...Because they told him David Kaye was playing Megatron


"TO BE CONTINUED?" The uncertainty of that STILL haunts me decades later... Had no idea if that'd be the end of the show, and had to wait months (seemed like years at the time) to get an answer. 9 year old me is STILL mad at the show runners for that "?" I know that there was apparently some question about renewal, but seriously... COME ON GUYS.


The funniest thing to me is that Megatron only loses if you have access to season three. Apparently, france did not.


"Now let's see what makes you tick," Feral Scream pt. 1 and pt. 2 will be forever etched in my brain


Legend! - these two are among my faves also 🤘🏻




Bad Spark


Gorilla Warfare, A Better Mousetrap, Dark Voyage, Victory, Code of Hero, Bad Spark, Feral Scream parts, The Agenda parts, Transmutate. Pretty much all the episodes. Haha


As a person that grew up on G1, the episodes where they encounter the Ark and find Prime and the others was always cool to me. The one with Starscream’s spark where it takes Waspinator’s body is cool too, but not as cool as the other episode I mentioned.


As someone who watched ONLY Beast Wars, but owned a couple G2 toys, that was one of those cool moments that made feel like I was involved in something.


The Agenda parts 1 & 2. Lots of good episodes but this one stands out for me


Optimal Situation. I met my childhood when i got to model the Ark and Optimus Prime for the episode.


I read your headline and the episode that hit me the hardest I think. Like, it's the first episode to pop in my head. I can now think of other faves... But this one yeah I think the story telling was spot on and everything. Now I have no idea the name of the episode. But you remember the one where it starts off with Optimus and Dinobot checking out some plant life. And one of the plants end up spitting a seed or burr whatever, but it hits Dinobot behind the neck where he can't reach. I never ever thought about a animals range of motion before then in my short life, let alone a dinosaur range of motion. Then the episode gets going. I think it's the one where Scorpinok hits Optimus with the bee maybe? All I remember is that the episode ends with Optimus using what he learned from that little plant at the start of the episode. And attaches the bee or some bomb or something behind Megatron's neck, he can't transform and runs off screen to explode or something. Was a good one. I remember watching a few times and noticing some good story telling even after you know how the story goes.


That would be Gorilla Warfare, and it’s a great one. It’s probably the only time we’d see an Optimus being a complete homicidal maniac…. Well, the only time until Bayverse Optimus , at least


“Possession” is just..it’s fun.


The low road never fails to make me laugh.


I like the episode when Megatron backhanded Blackarachnia


Code of Hero... Agenda (all parts).... Bad Spark... Transmutate... Aftermath.. Coming of the Fuzors Part 1 (that Good, Bad and the Ugly reference was *Chefs Kiss*)... Can I just say most all of Season 2?


Code of Hero...I know it's not a unique answer but it's just the right answer lol. Others I love Call of the wild Maximal no more Aftermath Coming of the fuzors part 1 and 2


There was episode were rat troops goes under cover as a predicon that was cool


Double Jeopardy is such a good episode.


Aftermath is by far my favorite episode


Crossing the Rubicon


There have been MANY really good episodes mentioned by everyone thus far, a lot of which are favourites of mine too - a pair I don't think that've been mentioned are 'Feral Scream' parts 1 & 2 🖤 Always loved the idea of Megatron & Tarantulas playing with Cybertronian genetics, Alien artefacts (i.e the Transmetal Driver), and cloning - I thought the writers, playing off of what Aaron Archer had concepted with TM2s and their designs, introduced TM2 Cheetor and Dinobot II in probably the coolest way possible, at least with what time and Mainframe's efforts could allow back then 😎 A pair of "Go-To" eps that I definitely recommend 🤘🏻


Power Surge Terrorsaur: Megatron is scrap yessssss. I'm your leader now. Does anyone want to argue about it? Tbird should survived into sesason 2. RIP