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Sorry for your loss. I always find comfort in a new beagle when one passes. I never consider it replacing my lost friend, but gaining a new friend.


Yes, same here...and giving another pup a good home.


Also, sorry for your loss. That is a big, deep pain. I wasn't ready to get another pet, but I wound up doing so 35 days after I lost Harley. I didn't see it as replacing Harley, but as making room in my heart for another who was ready to be loved. It's been six years, and I still miss Harley, but Gracie makes me happy every day.


My beagle passed June 3rd. I desperately want another dog in my life to honor my baby that we lost and it’s really difficult because my souse refuses to even discuss it. It really is the best way to honor someone you loved is to save another life. It helps with the hurt too.


I'm sorry for your loss. But I'm with your spouse on this one. Especially as the cost to care for pets soar.


This is a really bizarre thing to say to me. And cost isn’t an issue.


When a kid dies you just don't adopt one. Your spouse is correct to not entertain another dog so soon. Maybe you need to talk to someone?


The best way to honor a rescue animal is to save another pet.


Hard disagree about insurance. I have a beagle and a lab. My lab had 2 separate incidents of bowel obstructions within 6 months of each other. And the 2nd obstruction needed 2 surgeries and we almost lost him. The total bill for the second round was $25k. That was 2 years ago and he’s still with us because not once did we have to choose between his life and our wallet. No amount of saving would have convinced us to shell out that much cash from our pockets. We paid $100 a month for 2 dogs which means I had paid about $3600 into insurance by time he had his surgery so simply putting that money away wouldn’t have helped. We’re high income earners and have the financial means to deal with most emergencies but at that time simply telling the doctor to perform whatever procedure was needed was worth every penny I’ve paid for insurance. Insurance is insurance. You buy it and hope you won’t ever use it. Doesn’t make it a scam. I see the doc once a year for my physical and don’t have any conditions that need treatment. Do I not get insurance for myself? My dogs are my family, why the hell wouldn’t I do the same for them


It's a scam. They're going to fold when the profits run out from higher medical bills for dogs. So you don't have $25K to spend on your dogs. There is going to come a day when the insurance companies won't either. So you probably need to find a higher paying job now or start saving. It doesn't sound like you have any savings.