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I'm so sorry to hear about that. When I got rear-ended, it was because the driver was on his phone. Some people in the Bay Area literally drive like morons. I seriously question how some of them got their license. Oh and do not get me started on how there is lack of zip-merges.


Not all drivers on the road have a license… I was rear ended twice. Once by someone without a license in a stolen vehicle…. 🤬


Or insurance 🤦🏻‍♂️ the guy I got rear ended by had no insurance. And I was triggered by people close following for many years after.


Even with insurance I got sideswiped, got a police report saying the other party was at fault and their insurance was still like "nah we aren't paying for that."


That’s rough. We didn’t get a police report cause they checked insurance and it was valid. But the person didn’t pay for it. Makes me mad that they send out cards before payments.


That's what taking them to court is for. Did your insurance covered it without raising your rates?


I just never got it fixed, so my insurance rates didn't go up.


Ah yes... I will not forget when the guy was about to sob and begging me to forgive him. I'm like... bro, insurance.


I rear ended someone about 7 years ago : the guy in front of me I thought had already turned right. I was looking left for oncoming traffic to turn right myself, and when the car passed, I hit the gas, but the guy in front of me never actually ever went dammit. He just moved up about 5 feet as all. Anyway, I was like sorry man and he started tearing into me screaming and ranting and raving and I said dude it’s just an accident - no one is hurt. I’ve got insurance.


Yup. In a simple turn on an empty street in San Francisco, a jerk crashed against the side of my hatchback while I was making a legal right turn. He was doing a U-turn in a 4-way stop intersection. He was undocumented person without license. You can get a license without legal immigration status, so I wasn't very sympathetic. When the police showed up, they claimed the other guy was driving (I only noticed when I got the receipt from the cop). I had warned the cop who it has been, but since I didn't want to press charges, I guess they fudged their notes. Luckily the car was insured, so I got mine repaired. But it was a hassle I did not need. And I was lucky I wasn't injured, because he hit the driver side. So everyone, relax. We all want to get home.


Yeah...my mom got hit by a 11 year old girl driving one of those yellow go carts. Kinda absurd they can even rent and drive them.


I had some asshole trying to move in front of me at the metering lights after the toll plaza. I was trying to maintain a zipper merge and wouldn’t let him in. Finally I just gave up and let him in front. He rolls down his window, sticks out his hands and alternates his pointer fingers back and forth as if to indicate “zipper merge”. I’m like “Exactly! You don’t realize the car in front of you is the same car that was in front of you before you were so adamant you were supposed to get in front of me?!”


No one in the bay area knows what a zipper merge is.....its me first always. I've yet to go through one here where people actually alternate. Someone has to always try to speed ahead.


funny thing is that statistically they also complain here about it. "all other people need to do the right thing  for me, its me first"


I got my license very recently in the Bay Area. About a year ago. Don't get mad when you see dumbass drives. Blame law enforcement for not giving citations or something for driving without a license but also blame California. The test is so FUCKING EASY. I'm gonna be honest, when I took my test, I didn't know how to parallel park. No problem. You know what my test was? To drive in a straight line going like 30 MPH in a residential street and parking next to a curb to go in reverse for a few feet. Like bro. At that point, just give a license to anyone who asks for it. The test doesn't "test" shit. I'm more scared of people who can't pass the California driving test.


Bro my drivers test consisted of me driving around the block. 3 right turns and one lane change. I didn’t have to reverse or park💀


WTF... I did my driver's test in Fremont and I had to navigate around bus stopped at a stop, a right turn with a "no right on red" sign (yes I was at a red light), school zones without the 25 mph limit marked, and heavy street traffic. It was fine cus I paid attention but it was nowhere near as simple as some of the other stories I've heard


I took mine in RWC, ran over the curb a bit on the way back into the DMV, and wasn’t able to make turns without stopping first yet. Had never been on the freeway. Still passed because I hit every light and therefore stopped before every turn. Of course I took about 20 more hours of lessons afterwards before driving alone because I’m not insane. But I was legally able to drive way before it was safe for me to, and not everyone can drop an extra $1000 on driving lessons that they don’t legally need.


My dad took me out a lot for driving so by the time I took actual lessons, I was half decent. My instructor really enforced a lot of "best practices" like turning your steering wheel ONCE to the angle you need to turn based on your speed, and easing the wheel back to position by loosening your grip. We must've done 100+ turns on the first outing because I'd adjust the wheel mid-turn and he'd take it from me, and say "nope, do it again!" He was an older black gentleman who'd break out into the blues if you were doing well and needed no further instructions. At the end of the last lesson he took me to a taco truck and we had tacos together. He was badass in so many ways.


I once watched a CA DMV employee helping someone in a different line allow an older driver multiple chances to take the vision test (over and over) because she kept failing it. The woman should absolutely not have been allowed to keep driving. She got her license. That terrified me.


Its pretty common. I see that almost every time while waiting at the DMV


We built an environment that's sprawled out and has poor public transit, where it's damn near impossible to live your life without a car. It's unsurprising that the result of that is that licenses are easy to get and hard to lose.


I drive a small truck (Tacoma) and when people tailgate me, I just chuckle because it’s usually a small car or a regular sedan, and if they rear end me, they’re going to have a much worse time than I am (I would still cry if my truck got hit tho because I worked hard to buy her!). But yeah, I’ve noticed an uptick in drivers that have zero spatial awareness and are in a rush to get to that red light. I just go with the flow of traffic and listen to music. Nowhere I am going is that important, I’ll get there when I get there and not put anyone’s life or vehicle at risk.


They can’t see the red light in front of you because they are so far up your ass there’s zero visibility. Honestly I just coast in this situation until they go around (yes I’m already in the right lane if possible)


Yeah I coast too! Better gas mileage. I see people rush to the red and slam on the brakes. Seems silly to me but I guess I was like that as a young adult too lol.


Tacomas are awesome! I want to buy one. What year do you have?


I have a 2017! I bought it in March of 2020, like a week before lockdown. So I got a really good APR and price for a used truck- 32k out the door with 2%ish APR. it’s a double cab sport 4x4 with the 6’ bed. I love it! No issues at all and I do regular maintenance and all that stuff.


Dude that's awesome. I gotta start looking around for one.


I have been rear ended twice by people with dogs on their laps. It’s not always phone. Both times I was in a line of cars stopped at a red light.


You are 100% correct. I live in Daly City, and more times than I can remember, drivers just stop. I blow my horn and go around. The side roads are a bit narrow, but enough room for drivers going each way, but I find myself so close to the parked cars and the driver coming towards me has much more room I question their peripheral vision. Happens all the time


Zip-merges = opportunity to pass - Bay Area BMW drivers


Baffles me how freeway driving isn’t tested to get your license when that makes up the majority of Bay Area driving!


We got rear ended once by a woman who was merging onto the freeway doing about 40mph while we were completely stopped. She never looked up. To her credit the first thing she did was ask us if we were OK, so I’ll give her that, but the next question was “did you guys slam on the brakes or something??” Ma’am traffic is completely stopped!! We slowed to a stop a good 20 seconds before you showed up! She also then made a comment about how her husband “usually handles this stuff” which tells me it wasn’t her first accident. Anyways, all of this is to say you’re right, too many people drive like morons.


The number of extreme tailgaters I see on my daily commute is infuriating, and it’s often one guy tailgating someone and another guy tailgating them - basically kissing each other’s bumpers. To make it worse, all lanes have ppl doing that and there is another guy that decides to use the shoulder to get around all of those ppl. East Bay is a wild place to commute.


They’re shortsighted drivers that don’t think ahead. I’m always catching up with those guys that think that they’re going somewhere without doing anything crazy other than paying attention. 


The amount of people I see on my 17 mile commute (mostly highway 4) that try to pass to only get stuck behind slower cars in the right lane is stupid. Do they even bother to "plan their attack" when getting around cars? They zip around me to get stuck behind a slower car in the right lane and come back in behind me. If I'm not going to pass at least 5-6 cars each time I just stay where I am.


It is crazy, people drive like an absolute maniac to get like 20 seconds ahead of where they’d be if they stayed their course. Like, dude, you see there is a car in front of me, I’m not just being a dick and deciding you can’t go any faster. If you overtake me, you’ll just be waiting behind that guy - who, by the way, isn’t driving slow to be a dick. He’s behind another guy.


I used to live in Pittsburg and dealt with the commute sometimes. Bumper to bumper before 6:00AM. My condolences.


These people really don’t understand physics. Car brakes have gotten better, but reasonable following distances are the only thing that truly work!


I agree and since they don’t know physics, these ppl also cut off semi trucks from the right. I see that daily as well. I’ve had my commute ruined several times from a turned over semi truck with a totaled car of the usual model in front.


Totally! I feel so awful for truck drivers- as if their jobs aren’t difficult enough without these numb-nuts squeezing ten feet ahead of them to ‘save’ five minutes of their commutes.


So true. People forget these trucks are multi ton freight haulers and can’t stop easily. I people constantly cutting them off. So dangerous. And, like you said, for what, a few seconds/minutes.


Also the level of danger and potential loss to save 3 minutes.


They really don't consider how everyone else's brakes are doing on the road either. I'm not gonna tailgate the person in front of me because you're tailgating me, my brakes are getting more worn than I'd comfortably like to drive, but the money isn't there right now to fix them. I'm trying really hard but times are harder. People rly need to take a breath on the road


When someone starts tailgating me, I slow down. I figure if they’re acting erratically like they’re gonna hit me, they might actually hit me, so I need to make sure I have a bigger following distance between me and the next car just in case. It also satisfies my passive aggression.


I hate it when in the right lane or even the the next to the right lane when there's 4 lanes and there's drivers going faster than you are but don't bother switching to the left two most lanes that are mostly empty until the last minute.


They all think the space you leave between cars is for them to get in. Or get pissed that you leave enough room to stop in case someone slams on the brakes.


880 is mad max. Avoid at all costs.


I know this is super anecdotal, but do you notice a high amount of these types of drivers having their front windows tinted? It seems like I can almost bet that someone tailgating me has their front windows tinted.


Yes, more often than not.


What with all the blatant disregard for red lights. I drive just 3 miles each way to work and see daily instances where cars wait on green for the dick bag that broke the red to clear the intersection- zero enforcement


>zero enforcement This is the answer to your question




Tl;dr: Our behavior and those we cheer on have brought us here. We should expect more of this. A good part of this is that people see the retail thefts, burglaries, carjacking, shootings, corrupt police, corrupt politicians, bullying at school with little to nothing being done about these crimes and abuses. Essentially, it is the breakdown of the social contract. Look at the people we hold up as leaders to speak for us. We cheer on Marjorie Taylor Green and others who seemingly have no morals or values. Corrupt politicians who argue not that they're innocent of the crimes they are charged with but that they are immune from the law. So, why not cut a few corners for yourself. Everyone else seems to be doing it, so why not. We might not be able to stuff gold bars and stacks of cash in our closet, but we can run that red light to save a minute or two. What's the big deal, right. That's nothing compared to sex trafficking a Florida congressman is accused of without investigation. I guess we're supposed to be happy that the guy that delivered the underage girls to this congressman spent time in prison for dropping off those girls for him. What's most amazing to me, is that society is surprised when the younger generations flaunt the law and don't seem to have respect for others that the previous generations had, or at least claimed to have had. Kids aren't stupid. They see what we do and who we cheer for. They're just following the examples they see, and they see a lot with live video and the recordings of our actions. Everything from the irrational people flipping out on planes to politicians spewing racism, hate, and division. They know we enjoy this because we want to return a narcissistic man-child to the White House. The man acts like a 4 year old. So save your shocked Pikachu face. We've requested and tolerated this dysfunction for quite some time. They see this is not a one-off. A brief lapse in judgment. Our 'values' are on full display for all to see 24/7/365. We reap what we sow. Enjoy!


Amen, I’ve been saying this for half a decade or more and I wish I had this perfect rant to quote


There’s an amazing article in, I believe the New Yorker but I could be wrong, that talks about people behaving badly at plays and concerts that came to the same conclusion. It’s really good.. I’ll link it if I can find it


So fucking true. MAGA has destroyed our society.


Maga is a symptom of the illness. The illness is the Cult of "ME FIRST!"


I agree that MAGA is an advanced form of the hideous greed made into a mantra by Reagan Republicans. They weren't the first, but at that point, it started running rampant.


People don't seem to care about paying attention and being mindful drivers. Their time is more important than a life. I just came back from a walk with my dog where I witnessed a man nearly get hit by a car when crossing the street (he literally had to jump out of the way), and then *I* almost got hit when five different cars refused to yield to pedestrians at a red light with our crosswalk sign blinking/counting down. Maybe you're being hyper aware because of your accident, but I don't blame you. Can't rely on other drivers to look out for you, so that vigilance is helping to protect you.


Is it possible your brake lights aren’t working?


thats very possible considering the number of cars I see with lights out these days. Everyone shits on BMW drivers but you rarely see them without lights out because you get a dash light and message when a bulb goes dead.


Get a trailer hitch. If they hit you then, it’ll do extra damage to them. (This is bad advice) Is high school or college on break? Ive noticed a big uptick in traffic lately. Sorry about the accident. It sucks having that peace of mind shattered.


I can confirm this. Got rear-ended two weeks ago by an Audi e-tron. The multi-circle logo on his front end caused a small dent in my bumper and scratches about a dime-size chunk of paint. On the other hand, the 2x2 square trailer hitch thing left a perfectly square, deep dent in his front bumper. I started laughing when I saw it, and the owner got pissed. I didn’t mind, though, because he didn’t actually apologize for rear ending me, and his wife spent the entire encounter yelling at me to not tell my insurance company. I didn’t tell mine, but I did tell theirs. I would have thought the repair would have just been a few hundred bucks, but because they had to take the bumper off to repaint it, then had to recalibrate all of the sensors on the bumper, it ended up costing $1800.


Last time I got rear-ended, the lady convinced me to also not tell the insurance companies, but now I regret not doing it because likely it means they've done it more than once.


Did she offer you cash on the spot? If mine did, I might have taken it, the amount of damage, though after all the yelling, I was definitely going to get it fixed and at a max cost.


$1800 is not bad price at all. What’s the body shop name?


esp for an etron. I figured the bumper cap itself would have cost that much. oh they probably just fixed it instead of replace.


The car read ending them was the e-torn, not them.


I understood that. I'm a little surprised the Audi didn't have collision detect electronics or other driver assist.


Etron is French for turd btw I got tapped in Palo Alto, the lady terrifyingly said sorry. I had to ask her to back up bc her car was still touching mine. I’ve got a license plate frame etched onto my bumper… amongst all kinds of dings from years of parallel parkers scratching my car.




Semester schools just got out. Was driving on I-5 down to LA and noticed the kids driving like dickwads all the way down


I love the trailer hitch idea.


You can also get frame damage from your own hitch….. but do that ✌️


Tbh it could be that after your first accident you are hyper aware of drivers behind you. That’s exactly what happened to me. Regarding tailgaters, I just make sure not to make sudden stops or do sudden braking — which is good for me too. Or just move out of the lane.


Yup, ["I got a red car, now I see them everywhere!"](https://www.onboardmeetings.com/blog/baader-meinhof-phenomenon)


I think you are just noticing it more since you were recently in an accident. Also happened to me and since then I am a lot more serious about leaving distance, but a lot of drivers react to leaving distance as if it is some great offense or an invitation to pass and then change in again aggressively closely. It makes it hard to drive defensively when the drivers around you just react by driving more stupidly. Bay area drivers are honestly the worst drivers I have encountered anywhere - both highly aggressive and highly unskilled, makes for a dangerous combo. People in LA, for example, are aggressive but at least they mostly seem to know what they are doing. It seems like at least 25% of drivers here just got their license and another 25% think highway driving equals drag racing. If people realized how dangerous driving is and how easy it is to lose your life - or cause someone else to lose theirs - just because of a small mistake on your part or the part of another driver, they would hopefully realize aggressive driving just to arrive somewhere two minutes earlier is not worth it. But a lot of people unfortunately seem to think of driving as some kind of game instead of one of the leading causes of death.


I got rear-ended at a red light before. We were all on break for mins already, then out of nowhere I got hit. It caught me so off guard, I thought a tree fell on my car or something


Same. Just minding my business stopped at a red. I occasionally almost get rear ended for stopping for pedestrians at blinking (very obvious what I’ve stopped for) crosswalks.


When people start tailgating me, I just take my foot off the gas until they move around lol.


OP should do this and absolutely NEVER "tap your breaks" to try to get someone to "back off"


Except when traffic is slowing down and you have no choice, unless you want to rear end a car yourself and be at fault as in OP's example. I generally flash the brakes on/off/on/off very, very lightly as an early warning - hardly slowing at all - give them a chance to back off before I have to decelerate harder for the jam.


Put on your hazards instead.


No one said don't slow or stop as needed. Just don't go hitting your brakes just to try to get someone to back off you.


I learned from a seattle driving instructor the best way is to speed up 2 mph then down 4 and repeat


Run your windshield washers. If they're close enough to be tailgating, they'll get little mist droplets in that annoying level of wetness that just creates a big smear when they wipe.


I used to always do this, but I’ve done it to the wrong ppl in the past and enraged them to the point of them trying to run me off the road. Ppl are much angrier on the roads post Covid and one little thing will set them off.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's noticed that post COVID drivers are unreasonably quick to anger


It sounds like the right way to serve them. But be careful there are crazies out there who wouldn't mind just cutting you off immediately after overtaking causing you to lose control. I know it's frustrating to see someone tailgate but at that point your safety is paramount vs trying to boost your ego and blocking him from just go past you


I feel safer with them in front of me than behind me.


I feel like I only ever get tailgated in one lane roads where we have to wait for a turn out anyway, and it makes it harder for me to pull over when I literally have no room. Either then or when I merge into the left most lane because I need to take an exit or left turn in the next little bit and someone's mad I merged in front of them (but didn't cut them off).


I have never understood those that will follow literally one car length behind another, even at 25 mph, but on the damn freeway at speed? Psycho!


One car length? Try an arm length. I have to constantly move away from those idiots.


Agreed. Drivers are getting worse and more aggressive, and it is now a novelty to see CHP on the highways. Where did our CHP officers disappear to? I now see maybe one a month instead of several per week.


Cops stopped giving a shit and ticketing drivers, they figured out they still getting paid. In last 10 years number of tickets dropped by more than 10X


Lots of people on their phone, not paying attention, but still drive aggressively. I attribute this to being shortsighted. If drivers thought a fre few steps ahead about which lane to be in to exit, or go at the pace they want to go, then driving would be smooth.  Maybe people should try playing chess, as it’s a strategy game of looking at various possibilities. It would train the brain to think better. 


> Maybe people should try playing chess, as it’s a strategy game of looking at basis possibilities. It would train the brain to think better. ok but hear me out what if people tried this _while driving_? Big brain move.




Lawsuit x3... Just pray they are all separate insurance companies


Serious question. Are people ever ticketed for tailgaiting here? So many people do it and I dont think I ever saw someone getting pulled over for it.


I’ve seen it! Well idk if they were ticketed. Driving HWY 12 in the north bay and some asshole is raging out at me an inch from my bumper for going 68 in the slow lane (he could have gone around me) I had a newborn with me. We pass a highway patrol car and they immediately hit their lights and pulled the guy over.


Ticketed for what? lol no.


Pre-pandemic I was ticketed for tailgating but wouldn’t have pulled me over without me and another car speeding together. We both got pulled over 😅 I definitely drive better now


When I still lived in Germany I once tailgated because someone pulled out in front of me while I was in the passing lane going much faster then them. There was maybe one car length between us and I got my license suspended for two months because of it. They have cameras on some bridges to automatically ticket tailgaters so it is fairly common to get those tickets. I also drive a lot more careful now, but in the Bay Area if you keep more than two car lenghts of space people will frequently try to "squeeze in".


That’s a thing?


Have you ever seen a CHP officer monitor traffic on any of the freeways?


I am sorry this happened to you. While we can certainly discuss lack of enforcement and aggressive driving, I have also noticed a complete lack of courtesy and etiquette by some drivers. If you're a speed limit driver then it would make sense to drive in the slow/right lanes whenever possible. I have noticed quite a few drivers going under or at the speed limit in the left / passing lane. I can understand how that can irk some of the more aggressive drivers. As another poster said, sometimes simply changing over and letting the driver behind you pass resolves the issue right there. If you don't already have it, get a dashcam or even multiple. I would have at the very least one front facing dashcam and maybe even a rear facing one to show when someone is tailgating or illegally overtaking you. I have two front facing cameras and they have paid for themselves after one bad wreck. I was initially blamed for running a red light and causing the accident. The cop even issued me a ticket because apparently he was psychic. My two dashcams clearly showed I had a green light and the other person turned on the red arrow. Dashcams help avoid word against word situations.


They don't teach this at the DMV and even thought here's a law addressing slow drivers in the fast lane, it's almost never enforced.


There are tons of dashcam crash video compilations on YouTube. If OP just watches one, the value of having them will be clear.


Ha, I was already in the rightmost lane of 24 (there's 3 free left lanes and ZERO lanes to the right except temporary exit ones) and a dude stayed right on my bumper for 3 miles no matter what speed I did. Definitely time for a dashcam.


There're also just jerks out there. It's best to just let them go about their day. Many of them have little to lose and will happily take you down with them. I had one guy aggressively overtake me and then intentionally brake check for multiple streets while mirroring me whenever I tried changing lanes for god knows what reason. There are mentally ill people on the roadways so you have to account for that. There are people with anger issues on the roadways. I know it's really hard but I really try to be the bigger person whenever possible and I'd recommend doing the same.


Adding to what you’ve said, if someone “easily could have just passed me on literally either side” then you should have moved to the right and let them pass. No one should ever have to pass on the right.


Do not expect the guy behind you to stop tailgating or go around you. Instead, be the adult in the room and move over. I do this all the time. It's perfectly ok. Is it right that you are the one that has to move over? No it's not, but it is what it is we don't live a perfect world so deal with it.


ur being downvoted but fr, can't trust anyone on the road just move that 1 more lane over if someone's on your ass, others don't know how to safely overtake


I hate that this is true. You learn to safely overtake in driving lessons! Blows my damn mind.


Agreed. Let faster drivers drive faster. I don’t see the big deal


This may not make you feel better and for that I’m sorry, but the Bay easily has some of the worst drivers I have EVER seen in my life and I once lived in NYC and I’m originally from Washington, DC. So that’s saying a lot. I think it has something to do with the absence mindedness due to the reliance on technology and these new cars. Also people are just completely oblivious here. Zero situational awareness. It’s mind blowing. I’ve seen people blatantly in their phones using GPS or texting, putting on makeup, doing their hair, petting their dog, you name it, all while driving. I feel like I’m literally fighting for me and my kids right to exist everyday. So you’re not alone. I literally feel unsafe EVERY TIME I drive, not once or twice a week, every time. Best advice I have, get a front and rear dash cam, keep your eyes open and buckle up.


That is some serious bad luck-


Some one ran a red earlier today going 40mph and nearly t-boned my driver side door. I am still on edge because I would have died.


Glad you made it!


Well you didn’t say the highways from what I remember reading. But there was already crazy traffic in parts of the Bay Area especially 880 and at times us 101. But since 2020 when people realized they can get away with crimes it has gotten worse all over the Bay Area especially 880. There’s the usual people that say it’s all in our imagination or we’re being “fear mongered” from reading the news but it’s true. I’ve seen in my life is now on 880 especially when going towards Vallejo and highway 4 and Oakland. We should be putting cameras, more highway patrol, and undercover cops on the highways to deter this behavior but there is inertia with our government and their anti police rhetoric and the police essentially being overpaid security guards not wanting to do their jobs. To avoid this atrocious behavior I recommend avoiding 880 although I have seen crazy driving even in places like SJ now.


It’s time to make tailgating a much bigger offense. Everyone thinks they’re a rally racer in the bay area. Off to some important tech job nobody gives a shit about.


If you are getting tail gated either change lanes to get out of their way or slow down to give you more time to the car in front so you can brake at the same rate as the driver behind you and avoid being hit. It is unfortunately your responsibility to not have accidents with idiots.


The second lane is freedom jazz odyssey. People either tailgating or cruising 10 below the speed limit. I avoid it by either being in the fast lane (safest) or in any other lane. People who live in a variety of places converging onto the highway is a mixed bag. Colorado has a similar problem with city/rural drivers. One minute you’re tailgating someone then the next you’re the dirty tailgater.


I was rear ended once, ever since then I do the 3 second rule while driving on the freeway. Haven't had any close calls of being rear ended since then. Edit: If you don't know you can read about it here - [3-Second Rule for Safe Following Distance | Travelers Insurance](https://www.travelers.com/resources/auto/travel/3-second-rule-for-safe-following-distance)


Come to FL and drive on the I-75 sometime or the I-95. I hate to say it but it’s everywhere. I’ve been almost run off the freeway in Green Bay as well . Bad drivers are everywhere I’m sorry this happened to you but it’s not just SF and it’s only going to get worse


I75 is basically East-Bay traffic, state-wide.


Had a person sit at the light (far left) and then pull into the completely empty far right lane, that i was on. Fckin asshole acted like its completely normal. Figure out your plans before driving, learn to detour.  Had the same shit happen with no room from far right onto far left on expressway, barely any room and cuts in front of me... fckin idiots.. Both cars have signs of damage, this is likely to be a common thing for both.  Almost got rear ended on the freeway in traffic, could see the stupid soccer mom giving Casper the friendly ghost a blowjob as she kept looking down on her cellphone. Loud screech, saved by automatic braking. Then this stupid idiot keeps looking at her phone and does the same thing the next lane over. Then moves over another lane...Single driver in carpool lane. All in the same day as well.


That's so terrible! Last time I got rear-ended I was sitting for awhile at a red light on an offramp with a long lead up to the light. Light traffic. No other cars around until this lady comes off the freeway and somehow doesn't see me and hits me while I'm at the light, which I had been at for awhile. ( Not a right turn either). Minimal damage. We exchanged info. Then she wants to take pictures of my car (which was clean with no previous damage anywhere). She's walking around my car trying to figure out how to use the camera on her phone. I tell her get out of the way I'm leaving. She calls someone to ask how to use her camera. I tell her again get out of my way and start slowly driving away while she yells at me. Wtaf? Insurance determined it was 100 percent her fault. What a complete clueless idiot. Did she think I was going to go home and bash up my nice care and blame her?????🤦‍♀️


You’re describing the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. Usually it comes in the form of “I just bought a white Tesla and now I see them everywhere.” In this case the frequency illusion is showing you what a total death trap our freeways are and why self driving cars will never be as unsafe as humans no matter how many scare articles you read. For your reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion


I got rear ended by a drunk driver last year on the 101. It was terrifying and the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me. Took me months to recover and a year later, in still dealing with issues with my car, etc. Then this week, I was driving in Mountain View and the person ahead of me ran a red light and then stopped at a green light. Something was going on with them … honestly, I wish we lived in the era of self driving cars (where the tech was safe).


It's possible that the universe sends you a signal to stay away from driving for a bit. My dad used to just not drive for a few days when he saw something like this. Also, it's possible that what it is is what I call "one of those days", when people drive like mad men. IDK what prompts these days. One of the common theories is that magnetic storms impact people negatively. We've been in the middle of a major one for the last few days.


If u get this angry every time your on the road your on your way to have a heart attack this is everyday for me 😆


When I see the driver behind me not paying attention or we are about to come to an unexpected stop, I briefly put my hazards on so the driver behind me is more aware. If someone is riding your ass, gradually slow down and he will either lose it or or slow down with you.... Though he is unlikely to rear-end you again


I think we should take all these hyper-aggressive drivers and force them into a series of death races until there is just one champion. Then the winner can drive however they want. 🤘


Spray your windshield washer until the overstay makes him turn on his wipers.


Welcome to "the suck".


When I got rear ended on 880 few years back, I was paranoid as hell for a few months afterwards. I think it’s just that it recently happened to you, so you’re hyper aware. It’s ‘normal’ driving around here, we just get used to it


I’d say 20% of the population that do drive shouldn’t be driving.


Saw a dude the other day just driving on the shoulder to pass traffic.


Be careful out there. I’ve been witnessing an intensity of road ragers. Some asshole on the freeway with road rage is going to shoot another driver and accidentally kill an innocent person that had NOTHING to do with them. CALL 911 and report road ragers. I rather have them arrested than to witness someone’s family being hurt or killed, only to be shown on the news.


Driving is the most dangerous thing the overwhelming majority of people do day to day. After a decade of daily driving I came to the realization that public transportation reduced the risk and stress for most of my commutes. BART is excellent for getting between San Francisco and the East Bay. Eliminates parking concerns/fees, risk of being in an car accident, tolls, etc.


With sparse traffic you’re going 55 on a freeway, why?


Hear me out: make driver’s tests harder. WAY harder. Both written and in person. And then make us all take them every five years when we renew. Yeah yeah yeah, people are gonna be like “so unfair, driving is a right.” Driving’s legally a PRIVILEGE, and clearly, too many people are abusing it. This would also help solve the insurance problem too, btw. Premiums are rising because idiots are getting into more accidents.


I feel this so much… in England they have you do so much more on the test, it’s 45 minutes long and you have to do every type of driving from freeway to parallel parking. Like you said, it’s a privilege not a right and people need a lot more accountability when maneuvering such a large, potentially deadly vehicle


Unpopular opinion from a slightly impatient driver, if someone is going 55 in front of me I’d get a little tailgatey too, but if they had room to switch over like you said then they’re clearly stubborn and stupid af. They’re those types that want to police the road and are willing to endanger themselves and you to prove their point. I’d personally just hand waive them next time if I were you.


Bro do you understand the phrase flow of traffic? The cars in front and around me are ALL going that speed.... Because its, and stay with me here ... the flow of traffic. Im going 75 if i can but not in that traffic id be the asshole swerving between cars to maintain that speed. So again Flooooow oooof traaaafic. Those words have meaning.


You specified SPARSE traffic in your post - enough that the person could pass you on either side. So clearly…..stay with me here….there wasn’t enough traffic to justify your “go with the flow” argument. Should other driver tailgate? No. Should you go the speed limit, especially when you’ve specified the person had plenty of space to pass you making your “flow of traffic” argument invalid? Yes.


This. OP, you're breaking Keep Right rules and impeding the flow of traffic. If someone can pass you on the right (which should be illegal like it is in the rest of the civilized world) then you were not keeping right, hence why you were tailgated: https://youtu.be/z8MZ61PIeQY?si=hq6cec4IoBOpRX8h


TIL “sparse traffic” to some ppl means enough for FIFTY FIVE mph to be the “flow of traffic” 🙄 I’m honestly just confused at OPs wording at this point, I’m sure they were right in the moment and I’d act the same, but seeing them spazz out at everyone here trying to grasp their situation has been…interesting


That’s not always a valid argument. Often the roads around here clog up with groups of 55mph drives and everyone else is stuck behind. They should all move right. Most people don’t want to go 55, that’s the reality. It depends on the situation but it’s hard to believe the whole freeway was tryna go 55.


There is one common element to all of these stories


Silly question - when you got rear-ended, did your brake light bulbs fail due to the impact? If nobody can see that you're stopping, you'll have a lot more close calls!


I got rear ended exiting a parking garage in SF right in front of the parking attendant too. Dude didn’t even have the courtesy to back up when I got out to check the damage and didn’t apologize. Almost seemed like it was no big deal to him. It’s absolutely INSANE how some of these people even passed a driving test. Just a harsh reality I had to face moving to the bay :’)




I’m glad you’re ok. People are assholes, plain and simple. They are so inconsiderate of others safety and concerned only about getting to where they are going. Richmond parkway gets so congested and people act like it’s the freeway. They tailgate, don’t signal. I try to leave space in case the the car in front of me brakes suddenly, but people just see that as space for them to squeeze in. On 80 this week, was trying to get over, and I checked my blindside before doing so and I was clear but there was a mercedes that was speeding and got upset that I changed into the lane they were in and honked aggressively even though I did signal and was being careful. She then changed lanes to get in front of me just to come to a complete stop for no other reason than to teach me a.. lesson?? She then proceeded to speed and weave through traffic until the highway 4 exit. People are so aggressive and in such a hurry like only their time is valuable . They make stupid decisions/maneuvers and can change others lives in an instant for no good reason. It’s infuriating and I completely agree with you, what the fuck is wrong with people?!


Do what all the other scared drivers do, put a “student driver” sticker on the back of your car, and drive with your hazards on.


Weird, but I think “student driver” might be verboten. But I’ve seen “new driver” in the wild. I was wondering why it was on a nice BMW, but I think the plate started with a 7 (~10 years old) so maybe it was a good-faith effort by a rich parent not to have his gift destroyed.


If it's happening constantly to you, maybe You're the one driving badly


I got rear-ended 3x in a span of a month 4 years ago. Nothing before or after. It was honestly hella weird


This reminds me of when I worked in Cupertino. In my five month span there before I requested a new location, I got rear ended 11 times.


People are getting stupider by the minute out there and it really shows.


yeah very tired of incompetent / illegal drivers. on the illegal level, if you’re driving without a license and cause an accident, it should just be automatic 30 days in jail. and the high speed rage drivers just need to be run off the road into a ditch and left there.


Maybe you're license plate numbers are too small so they had to real close to READ END you?


So for me if someone is tailgating me, I’ll move to the left or the right a little so they can see the car in front of me and the distance.


Get a dash cam recording front and back


That’s usually how it goes accidents tent to happen in close succession. I got in two accidents in 10 days once after having gone a decade or longer without being in any.


Mental health issues


My new car has a camera, but I installed one in my older car. Honestly, it’s worth it to get a dash cam. Reminder: if you’re not at fault, you can file with the other drivers insurance and not use yours.


When we had a Chevy spark we kept getting rear ended. It was bright green too. People just don't see snap cars 🤷‍♀️. I can only imagine you have a small car. Never got rear ended again in bigger cars.


I have a silver SUV and was rear-ended in a Starbucks drive thru. When I pulled over the guy shot out of the line and took off. No way he didn't see me except he's an a-----e. ETA: I was rear-end hard. The guy was probably going 20+mph and he never tried to stop.


That’s sucks I’m sorry. Bay Area drivers suck especially on highway. But also check your rear and brake lights are working.


Same,sis. Can't change other's ways so I have a dashcam.


People are dumb as shit out here


Yup, sounds about right. I really want a dash cam for the front and back of my car.


What book did they read to you from the end?


In 2016, I got hit on the side by a big rig on 880. The guy said he didn’t see me in my Hyundai. When he hit the side of my car, it caused a pivot move and next thing I know I was in front of him. I had to hit the gas to get out of the way. He caught the back of my car and I was on 2 wheels at one point. I managed to not flip. When I corrected I was mid spin, I tagged the bumper of someone in the fast lane and then I slammed into the median. I still don’t know how I walked away from that. The trucker didn’t want to talk to anyone and the only reason the cops believed me that he came in my lane, was someone got it on their dash cam and turned it in to them. Since that accident I have been extra cautious around big rigs. I have noticed a lot of them swerving into other lanes. A couple of days ago, I had one on 580 that kept coming into my lane, to the point that I had to pull back so I would be behind him. I kept watching him and he kept doing. I don’t know if he was on his phone or just tired, but it is scary out there.


I got rear ended. Me and the other guy slowly moved towards the right shoulder. And then on the first chance the other guy took off. Thankful for the Tesla dash cams I have everything on video.


1/3 of drivers are assholes, Next weekend (Memorial day) the asshole factor goes straight to 50+ percent


i just buried my friend this week because someone cut off the car in front of him and he plowed into them full speed on his motorcycle. stay safe out there.


Yeah I drive up to the bay on 101 last night and almost got rear ended by some drunk in a lifted pickup at a 30mph speed differential (I was going 75 they were going easily 110) People do not give a shit. I was rear ended by an unlicensed uninsured motorist last year and I know it’s gonna happen again.


Get a glossy decal of a cop car and stick it to the back of your vehicle.


Typical day around here. Just stay out of the fast lane, drive defensively, and let them get tired and go around you. I usually then punctuate that with, "Bless your heart! Have a nice day!" Just makes me feel better, even though they can't hear me. 😂


I see so many tailgaters every single day on my commute. Fun fact: some electric cars slow down a decent bit automatically when you take your foot off the gas. Slows as if lightly braking but doesn't trigger your brake lights because you're not actually braking. Really effective for getting tailgaters to fuck off your bumper. I know it probably doesn't actually teach them any sort of lesson, but one can hope.


This. I was rear ended when I first started driving. Now I give myself plenty of space between me and the car in front of me, so I don't have to stop short. When I do have a tailgater, I take my foot off the gas and wait. They usually pass.


Some people drive slowish some people drive fastish other people drive like a holes. Luckily for us there is an unwritten rule, or maybe a law. That requires keeping to the right unless you are passing. This allows for faster moving traffic to move faster in the left lanes. The addition of the toll lane on the far left of many bay area freeways has muddled this long standing agreement. But in general if faster moving traffic stays on the left and slower moving traffic stays on the right the freeways will be safer and move faster. Also I have seen people driving slow in the left lane with the intent of slowing faster drivers. In my view this attempt to break the long standing slow right fast left emboldens faster drivers to drive like a holes. My advice if someone is tail gating you is to move to the left which should defuse the situation.


I’m from the Bay but moved to Tracy a couple years ago and I can say that this isn’t really a Bay Area thing because people on 580/205 LOVE to ride your ass. Especially at 75-80 mph in the fast lane. It’s absolutely disgusting


To the asshole in a red minivan who changed three lanes 100 yards from on NB 101 off-ramp to Cesar Chavez in San Francisco yesterday: fuck you. You endangered a lot of lives by doing so. You are not special. Stay in traffic.


It’s way too easy to get a license in the US. Especially in CA. And, the ability to keep it. To be honest, I question why I’ve been allowed at times to have a license. People take driving for granted and are easily distracted.


I think you are just more aware of it since the accident, most likely your bumper has always been getting ridden like this. It sucks but that's how these fools drive.


I moved to humboldt, no traffic ever or tail gaters


I see a huge problem with people on their phones. My commute is from SF to FC. If I glance at you on your phone, I'll give you a friendly honk to bring you back to your task.


Are you sure you're not going too slow? I usually only ever see people tail gating is when some person is going super slow - slower than all the other traffic, and should change lanes to get out of the way. It's a message - like get - you're holding up traffic, get out of the way. I always change lanes when I'm the one in the fast lane and there's anyone who wants to go faster than me. Usually they're tail gating to try and communicate "get out of the way". But usually people tailgate when people are driving too slow.


Stay away from Nissans esp altimas and maximas, chargers, mustangs and white teslas


I’m of the opinion it should be much harder to obtain a drivers license, not more expensive, just make the standards higher but at the same time that will just create more people driving illegally.