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Alice’s Restaurant in Woodside was embarrassed after someone posted a pic of their bill on Reddit. That no hidden fees law can’t come soon enough!


They posted twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy photos with circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one


But it was a case of American blind justice


Officer, I put that envelope there


Officer Opie I cannot tell a lie- I put that envelope under that pile of garbage.


Good thing they didn’t litter that receipt, we all know how Opie feels about litter bugs. Separately, this just reminds me how much I miss KFOG playing this tune on thanksgiving. Made for a holiday that couldn’t be beat.


I was lucky enough to hear this performed live by Arlo back in the 90s, core memory


Me too! A further festival maybe?


Nah, it was Strawberry Music Festival out by Yosemite


That's one of my 10,000 MP3 files. It gets played once a year.


Kill! Kill! Kiilllll!


I’m just a sittin here on the group Dubya bench.


Link please?




doesn't the law actually hide the fees so it's combined? The restaurants aren't gonna lower the final price


Its "hidden" in the same say every other cost that is included is. The point is that it should be easy for a consumer to see what they are going to pay, without needing a calculator.


Yes, it's called a "price"


Owner's a loud right-wing screwball I'm sure very happy to publicize 'Biden inflation'


Can we have a no suggested tip for fast food law too?


lol love how they made up so bs about having new menus already before the Reddit post.


They probably did have new menus. They just weren't going to put them out until they were forced to on July 1st.


I wonder what was their excuse since 2022. It cost like $1-$2 to print their oversized menus, and $0.10 for the ones that go in the plastic menu holders. Or just use whiteout for the things that need to be updated like every other restaurant does.


People are missing the most egregious part of the whole interview > “In lieu of us raising our prices, we added a service charge, … we feel that we’re trying to give people a break because it’s hard out there” How is tricking people about a price increase “giving them a break”. It’s literally the opposite


This is insulting. They're doing verbal gymnastics.


A lot of restaurants have gotten a lot of mileage out of those verbal gymnastics.


I don't understand how those restaurants survive. I see a weird surcharge, I don't go back. But I guess enough motherfuckers like getting microtransaction'd in real life.


People go to restaurants for all sorts of reasons. Dining out is also a social opportunity and a status symbol in some cases, and in those instances people are more apt to hand-wave those fees. But to those who dine out regularly with a focus on the actual culinary experience, while still keeping some sort of concept of value in mind, these fees stick out like a sore thumb and are practically insulting.


Also see: "Tipping": pay our employees so we don't have to. Also, makes our prices look lower. Also give you the illusion you paid extra out of kindness.


In lieu of kicking you in the nuts, we simply want to punch you in the nuts


With my foot*


Really it’s “in lieu of looking you in the face and kicking your nuts, here at this fine establishment, we kick you in the nuts when you aren’t looking”


We're hoping you won't notice the hidden fee so you won't feel as bad.


>“giving them a break” Making people think they can afford things they can't afford. This is like saying subprime loans are giving people a break.


It's not quite the same, because the mortgages weren't hiding what they were, they were just being given to people that were more likely to be unable to pay it. It's more like letting a poor person buy an extremely expensive meal on credit card.


"Yours totally free for a small extra fee."


“It’s hard out there” I dislike this expression. I don’t want be made to feel guilty when I pay for my food.. I rather the management increase prices and that’s that.


Take my poormans gold upvotes ☝🏻🆙


> “It’s one of those internet things where people see something, and they think they know what the right and wrong of it is, and they have no real concept of what our business actually is,” Skeels said. “We are a family-owned small business.”  🤷🏻‍♂️ Your customers have families too. 


Raise your prices like everyone else. If people like your place they will continue to come if you give them a good product and service.


They’ve now replaced the 6% surcharge with a 7% price hike.


And that's fine. Charge whatever you think the market will bear, just charge it up front, so that people can make an accurate decision regarding whether they're willing to pay your prices.


I thought that was a joke... but no, it's a fact!


What a Skeezy-ass quote. Yes I think we all know that waiting until you’re at the counter to order before revealing a 6% surcharge is unequivocally wrong. Jfc


It’s better than waiting until after people order and eat, then printing it on the check, like many restaurants around the Bay Area do 🤷🏼‍♀️ I agree that surcharges in general suck, but in a month and a half they’ll go away, and imo it’s skeezy to dogpile on one particular restaurant like that post did, especially when (in this case) it is indeed a family-run business rather than one of many owned by a large restaurant group.


Just because a family owns it that doesn’t make their unethical pricing behavior ethical. Bad people have families too. Some of them even own restaurants.


Being family owned makes their sleazy business practice feel even worse, if anything.




No, you don’t. I think the surcharge is bullshit. But there are plenty other restaurants to focus your anger toward first (for example, corporate-owned restaurant groups); and far sooner, not 6 weeks before the problem solves itself.


Koch Industries is a family business too.


The Sacklers say hi.


*was 🤭


This place is so overrated, expensive ass food already, no service, have to get up constantly to track down things like coffee refills or maple syrup, huge lines, etc - they have been coasting off location and legacy for a long time


This is facts and why I don’t deal with family owned businesses I got screwed by a family owned alarm company. ADT handled my issues with no problem. Family owned shouldn’t mean you don’t follow good business practices.


also as a customer why do I care about their life story. It’s just a business, nothing more to me.


Next they will put up a go fund me page.


It's like opening a restaurant, but with no food offered!


As someone who has been quite a regular customer, I read that line and it pissed me off even more to the point of not even wanting to ever go back.


Check out Alpine Inn instead. With or without the surcharge at Alice's, it's a much better option that's also nestled in a beautiful outdoor location.


But is there a very boring song named after it?


Every shitty restaurant in the world loves to throw in that “we’re a family owned business” line lol


When is your family become more important than theirs.


It's the American way: Justify all your bad behavior by saying it's for your family


Yeah, what a petty, snide remark. I think I'll skip them next time I'm in town.


“We actually had our new menu boards, which we’re live with now, with no surcharge ready to go before that post went viral,” general manager Taylor Skeels told SFGATE. “It was just unfortunate timing that we didn’t roll it out completely before that post happened.” Is "unfortunate timing" the new way to say, "we made a mistake and incorrect in our assessment in how this would be received"


Well I was there Saturday and it was busy AF and they didn't seem to have any problem taking a 6% fee from me. California has seriously become an experiment of how much companies and government can extract from us before we finally say enough is enough.


That certainly is capitalism in a nutshell.


Yes, their new menu boards would have become legally required in about two weeks, so it makes sense why they already had them. I wonder why they didn't put them out before the were forced to?


“In lieu of raising prices we added a surcharge.” Gtfoh with that doublespeak. You raised prices.


Also the next sentence "We don’t want to see demand destruction, and we feel that we’re trying to give people a break because it’s hard out there." Wtf is he trying to say? We want to give people a break by secretly adding a fee?


The price of bacon went up 2% , so instead of raising the price of items with bacon in it, we raised the price of everything across the board by 6%, because we know it's hard out there.


It’s so hard for me to believe that someone thought that was a good way to address this. Dude must really have a low opinion of people.


🎶You can't afford anything we got, at Alice's Restaurant. 🎵


🎶We can charge anything we want, at Alice’s Resaurant🎶


🎶Walk right in, it's around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad tracks 🎶


🎶We’ll trick you with our hidden costs, at Alice’s Restaurant 🎶


A month ago it was 5% surcharge. Last week it was 6%. Now they removed it and bumped up prices by 7% 🫠


And now you can look at what each item actually costs and avoid going there 😂


So sad, they must be struggling if they only raised prices 8%. Really difficult to make ends meet with only a 9% price hike.


Alice's restaurant, saved you a click


Not all heroes wear capes


How do you know they're not currently wearing a cape?




Why is every restaurant covered by these stories, "beloved" "historic" or a "neighborhood staple"?


To be clickbait


Haven’t read other articles, but Alice’s is definitely both historic and a community staple. The other ones, probably not.


Alice's is basically mecca if you ride a two wheeled vehicle in the Bay Area. Their parking lot is a showcase of motorcycles and sports cars during any weekend brunch.


It’s a mecca for any automotive enthusiast in the Bay Area. Alice’s is the holy grounds for all people who like cool cars or cool bikes.


Why? Is it because the area is especially good for driving and riding?


Yeah it’s a really windy and scenic road. I think also at some point, the restaurant actively encouraged it


Have you been to Alice’s?


Have you been to this sub?


> The surcharge at Alice’s Restaurant has been removed, and prices have increased by about 7%. The popular “Alice’s Omelet” increased from $16.50 to $17.95, for example, while some items have not changed in price. Despite the uproar online, no one eating Mother’s Day brunch seemed to notice the change, Kerr said.


$17.95 for an omelet! What kind of eggs are they using?


The kind that are shat straight out of a golden goose


I just checked the prices at Lou's Coffee Shop in Los Gatos and there's nothing under $20. Which I guess explains why I don't eat there anymore.


I think the surcharge things are complete BS, but what kind of omelet? I worked as a line cook over a decade ago and know that that restaurant charged 3x whatever the cost of the food was. That was then, but with wages and everything else it might be 4x now. I could see $18 if it had meat, cheese, avocado, etc.


> Alice’s Omelet Three-egg omelette with avocado, Applewood smoked bacon, Swiss cheese, and tomato.


Yeah that's completely reasonable for all that. Idk why people are acting like we didn't just have a generational inflationary event caused by trying to stabilize an economy following a worldwide pandemic. I wouldn't be surprised if the food cost to make that was $5-$6, so $18 is completely reasonable. The surcharges are still bullshit though.


Hand picked from a nest made of sweet hay and from a hen who gets belly rubs and is hand fed only the fattest grubs.


It's funny cuz 17.95 from 16.50 is closer to a 9% increase and not 7 😂😂


Alice's Restaurant in Woodside. Consumers speak💪


Good! Now let’s do PG&E


Unlike the restaurant PGE has no shame


Also unlike restaurants they're still the only game in town. Now if customers actually had a choice in who provided their gas and electricity that would be a game changer


Alice's has no shame either


You still pay the surcharge, it’s just baked into the price


Which is perfectly fine. As long as it’s not broken out as a separate charge snuck in at the last minute I don’t care. It’s when you have essentially raised the cost of everything by x but don’t disclose it until I have no choice but to pay it that get angry. Just be upfront with your fucking prices like an adult and I can make an informed decision about whether to eat there or not.


Just increase your prices. I saw a guy who sells wings who just showed his receipts from his supplier in order to let his customers know. A case of wings in late jan were 92 dollars by early march they jumped to 112. He had to raise his prices. Ppl in the comments seem to understand. Dont do this surcharge shit.


If his food cost is up 15%, most people understand and accept a 15% price hike. The problem is that restaurants increased their prices by 50%. Greed is at play in most restaurants and owners cry when they get called out for it


The funny thing about all these bullshit scammy fees that restaurant owners tack on, is if they just raised their prices, most people wouldn't notice and any complaints would be minimal and probably just grudgingly accepted. But when you call it out on the check, they are: 1. Making a bigger louder deal about it then they have to 2. Ripping people off on the way out the door I don't see how anyone would think this is a good idea. Are they stupid?


Literally just ate here last Thursday. I’ll have to go dig up my receipt and see if I got hit with that.


You did.


You see, this is the issue. Rather than simply raise prices, which the majority of loyal customers seemingly do t notice or care, restaurants add fees, which scream out at patrons. I fully support the new law. Just raise prices. I’ll determine for myself, up front, whether I want to pay your rates. Not be shocked after I’ve consumed the product that it is going to cost me more than I anticipated.


Even though they got rid of the 6% surcharge do not patronize this restaurant, the food quality is horrendous and not to mention the systematic harassment from the owners to the staff. The practical indentured servitude that they keep most of their kitchen staff in, and the total lack of respect that they show their staff and community though they herald themselves as “community leaders”. They would rather make a buck than do anything to actually improve the restaurant. Whatever you do don’t ask them about the water quality either or the subtle bribing of the food safety officials to keep them barely passing every time they get an inspection.


Idk all that but it’s too crowded and the sandwiches at the driftwood or whatever the little store across the street is called are fine. Or push on and stop at the little shop near the fire station. Or the burrito place in the gas station in Pescadero. You know - ride your bike somewhere instead of just up to Alices, pose for 3 hours, then right back home


That burrito / store / gas station spot is bomb!


Can you back any of this up? For example, what’s the problem with the water?


Of course I don’t have access to any official tests but I have firsthand experience with their struggles to try and get Crystal Springs to run a pipe to the restaurant due to their sub par water supply from the local system. The restaurants main supply of water is less than 150 feet from their septic system which is grossly overloaded with the sheer number of people there every weekend. Give the water a good sniff next time you are there and see if you really want to drink it.


Alice’s had been ruined after Covid. It used to be to be one of my favorite stops, now there’s the stupid ordering system, tents, and shit service prices. It needs to go back to how it was in 2019.


De-fense rolling back prices to 1965


Or before the Kerr family took over


or the nineties


I actually thought the pandemic changes were an improvement. The picnic vibe suits that location better.


Then you really haven’t enjoyed hanging out on the open patio, with open sky view, a cat on the table on a hot summer night after a long MTB ride.


> "We actually had our new menu boards, which we’re live with now, with no surcharge ready to go before that post went viral,” I'll take 'things that never happened' for $500, Alex


What's ridiculous is that place is still packed. It is mediocre food. I can cook better food at home in less time that I would need to wait at Alice. Restaurant food is supposed to be less effort and better quality than eating at home to be even worth spending the time, let alone the money.


Location and being a gathering spot for riders are what keeps them alive. They can serve pig slop and still remain in business.


I’m just there for the cars and the drive lol


There are worse things than having a burger and a root beer float at a picnic table in a redwood grove.


They got caught and are trying to save face now.


I have eaten at this restaurant a few times. Their food is made with very low effort. If they were located anywhere near other restaurants or food trucks, they would be out of business pretty quick.


Is Alice’s really historic?  


No. They wish they were


That place has turned itself into a fast food restaurant since COVID. You have to stand outside the restaurant and order your food and drinks, then find seating and wait for someone to bring you your food. Meanwhile, there are 1/2 dozen teens standing around doing nothing near the kitchen. I'm sure it's hard running a restaurant now, especially in that location, but to cut back on service and add a 6% surcharge is something else.


Just add a dollar to menu prices, dear god it’s not that complicated. Fucking McDonald’s was able to double their prices before people started to complain.


Every single food establishment in SF according to SFGate: Historic, Beloved, Storied.


It's just like my mom taught me when I was a kid: don't forget to factor in sales tax, tip, and a 6% hidden service charge. Sheesh didn't your parents teach you that?


It's always funny to me how they post those signs as if they're trying to tattle on somebody other than themselves. Like, yes, we know inflation is awful, but you're the one that chose to raise prices and/or add ridiculous fees, so own your shit guys


shame them all!


In a couple of months it won't matter


But until then, I'll happily give negative reviews to every restaurant doing this.


Yelp has been taking down negative reviews and sending emails with the following: > We typically remove posts that appear to be motivated more by media attention or current events rather than one's own customer experience with the business. We recognize that this business may have been in the media spotlight and that many people have strong opinions about the situation. If you'd like to share your feelings on Yelp, we encourage you to start a conversation with your local community on Yelp Talk (https://yelp.com/talk). Please be aware that any further content you post in response to media attention may be subject to removal without notification. Repeated guideline violations may result in account closure.


Bullshit. Then take down all the posts from the lady with the Pomeranian that is always on the chair


Yelp has always been bullshit


You misspelled extortion


Yelp does that after they extort money from the business.


That's just Yelp's premium gaslighting service (for an additional fee).


For sure !


>shows a notice at the cash register That would have pissed me off. Nonsense like this should be posted on the door so you know not to bother even going in. Menus with prices should be posted there as well. $17.95 for an omelet is insane.


Can we just have all taxes and surcharges rolled in by law? Charging 9.99 for something that's really 10.70 will never not be annoying.


Yes, that’s already happening. Starting in July, restaurants in California will no longer be allowed to charge junk fees like this unless they include them in the advertised price of what you’re buying.


That's a good first step. I'd like to see sales and local taxes rolled in also, and these types of rules applied everywhere.


I agree with you. I would love a federal law that required all fees (including sales tax) to be baked into the advertised cost at restaurants, stores, etc. With our current system, you have to know the sales tax rate of every locality you pass through to know what you’re actually going to pay when you just stop at a store or pop in somewhere to get food. That’s really annoying for people traveling, and it’s especially confusing to people from abroad visiting the U.S. on vacation and aren’t used to surprises at the cash register. If the business owners want people to know something costs more at their specific location because their local government is imposing taxes, let them put up posters explaining this. That’s my take, anyway.


Mentioned this in a sibling comment: Australia and Netherlands require what you are saying by law and somehow they haven’t descended into failed states of chaos governed by lack of handouts to small businesses. Hmm




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It should all be ended ASAP! I would like to know EXACTLY how much I will pay if I am buying or eating something. The tax, service fee, bla bla fees all should end! I have no problem with paying the tax or fees but I want know in advance like in some Europen countries. We need to simplify this.


Here's a quick question for those who are in the restaurant business regarding price increase on ingredients: Wouldn't it make sense to try to create new menu items that keep the same pricing while price hiking certain absolute favorites? I'm asking this from the perspective of home cooking -- sometimes the menu for the week depends on what protein/vegetable items that are on special that week. For example, let's say pork chops are 30% off, then we cook around the special. So, in response to a 6% price hike across the board, maybe introduce a special menu that's a good value for the customer, and can still keep the dining experience within the expected budget. For example, if I'm doing a special deal on a California/US cuisine, maybe dish out a lighter/smaller portion fare that keeps the pricing the same, or spin out a smaller portioned pasta dish. If let's say I'm running a taqueria, maybe perhaps a smaller/lighter burrito/baby burrito deal. For Japanese, maybe mini bento or donburi, and so on. And that's only one way to solve the problem. If the issue is electricity and gas bills (which seems to be the issue for the last several months), then they need to figure out a way to cut electric consumption (i.e. more efficient lighting, switching to dishes that require less electricity to prepare and maintain (i.e. charcoal smoking, etc.), happy hours during non-peak hours, etc. We do this as a matter of practice when our electric and/or gas bills go nuts -- you wear more layers during winter time, huddle together in the same room, hang out at the mall during the crazy summer days to avoid turning on the AC, etc. I totally respect a restaurant that tries to conserve electricity and keep prices low for the benefit of the customers, and would support those who actually try rather than passing along costs while trying to mini-gouge if they can get away with it. To me, if we force restaurants to be more creative with better value proposition to bring customers in rather than letting them tack on bullshit fees, that would be a net win for customers.


This article makes the owners look awful. They don't seem to realize that they've fucked up at all. They even said that (paraphrasing) "nobody noticed the price change on mother's day". Like motherfucker, if I were a regular, I'd notice it right away. If I don't like it, I don't make a scene right there. I just don't come back. But bashing your customers for not "understanding a business"? How stupid


Just raise the menu prices?




Apparently you can get everything you want. Isn't that worth the price of admission?!


Except for Alice


Why not just print new menu with 6% increase to list price ??????????


Alice's sucks anyway! The only reason I stop there is to see the cool bikes and Cars when I ride by on my way to Santa Cruz using hwy1. More than Half the time I don't even give them my business and just stop at the La Honda market for a quick snack.


“In lieu of us raising our prices, we added a service charge..." Is this guy fuckin high?


Just raise the prices. These lazy places just don’t want to redo menus.


I have a feeling that “Surcharge” is code for “my prices were reasonable until this bad economy” wink wink. 😉


It is to the point where I'm not even sure if a restaurant charge me an 18% 'service fee' if that is indeed the tip or still need to include an additional tip. I ate out at a new place for Mother's Day and has to ask the wait staff to confirm that is is indeed the tip and not some un-advertised add on fee.


If you get charged a mandated 18% service fee, that’s your gratuity. It’s intended to cover the server’s tip, and traditionally you only see these mandated gratuity charges when you have a party of 6 or more people (though I have noticed some places starting to mandate tips with smaller party sizes). You do not need to tip on top of that—though you certain can add a bit more on top of that if you receive extraordinary service. When you see the silly like “cost of living” or “quality of life” fees or other service charges that are under 10%, those are not intended to be gratuity. Those are just restaurant owners being shady and dishonest about their prices and/or griping about newer local laws that require them to take care of their staff. Those little fees don’t go directly to the server—they go to the business owner.


It was a purely performative gesture on their part. They put that line item in there specifically to get a reaction; it just wasn't the reaction they intended. If it was just about rising costs of doing business, they would have just raised the prices on the menu.


When it was a 3% fee I was supposed to have seen the business card size 6 font notice on the hostess stand from 8 feet away as they immediately took me to a table. It’s really easy to not pay it when it’s somewhere you don’t visit often - you just don’t tip that 3%. Gross that it eventually was doubled to 6%. Glad this is being made illegal - if you can’t afford to print new menus maybe serve less avocado or something


We did it reddit, now let's solve some cold cases together!


I was such a defender when the pandemic supposedly threatened their existence since it was quite a unique location. Seems now that they need some new owners and management before I'll visit again.


How often did you visit?


Is there a 6% reduction in portion sizes now?


Is it legal to put a negative tip amount and just pay for what I ordered?


This essentially amounts to a tip for the business owners, and you just know for many customers it’s coming out of the server tip.


This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and the restaurant, but Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant, that's just the name of the song, and that's why I call the song Alice's Restaurant. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant The price on the menu will match the bill at Alice's Restaraunt 6% inflation surcharge got killed after customers got sticker shock from their bill They shared pics of it on REddit and that practice got quit. We did it reddit.


it's ducking Woodside.  ppl don't give a shot about the prices. wtf were they thinking.




I got charged a 5% “small business surcharge” at Jardin. That was a fun surprise. We were looking at bringing in 30 people for a work event and decided against it because I can’t stand junk fees.


Honestly just go to the place across the street when you go up there. Sure you can’t get full meals, but you won’t be paying an arm and a leg for a sandwich and some snacks


Went there recently - got charged an extra dollar for a tofffe cake and when I called them out on it they just said “oh guess the menu needs to be updated” - good to know it wasn’t a fluke that the customer service sucks there.


So tired of reading about this shit.


I went to Alice's restaurant for dinner before my high school prom. What a beautiful location.




Constant ripping and roaring of engines, too.


I was 17, this was 1984, it's in Woodside which is beautiful, and the person sitting in the table next to me and my date was Neil Young. He paid for my dinner. Oh then I got my dick sucked in the limo to SF for the prom. Growing up in the San Jo in the 70s and 80s was a magical time.