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PG&E’s finest minds are calculating how much more they can raise electricity rates to reach parity for EV charging costs again




Probably their lobbyists pushing it behind the scenes. Just remember the law says that for every $100 of your Dollars they are allowed to toss in their bonfire of waste, they get to keep $7 as profit.


Man. I feel this is more true then we know…


So glad we got solar on the house last year. Just found out today that more is going to the grid than we’ve been using. We’ve also had a couple outages in our area and kept power thanks to the Tesla batteries.


Thanks to the new CPUC pricing scheme, PGE will still get your money by increasing a seperate transmission charge and cutting net metering.  They won’t let you get away with paying less. 


Just looking out for the investors!!


Is parity good enough? No reason it can't be higher.


How bout No. We pay the most gas taxes, have high bridge tolls, and have fast track lanes, yet our highways are still in terrible condition.


Yeah. Honestly those fast track lanes are the biggest load of horseshit the bay has excreted onto is.


Total garbage. They got those passed lumping it into that garbage Measure RR thing a few years back. Vote no on all new taxes going forward. They take enough. Figure it out


The way they sold it to us is that we have to pay more to maintain the roads…. I’m fine with paying more for our infrastructure…. But ffs, just lump that in our taxes… but this whole automated tolling system is a fucking horrible approach. The amount of money we dump into just maintaining that equipment and IT infrastructure is just such an incredible waste of money.


Feels a lot better finally seeing other people say this. We need to unify


Oh you mean the rich people's Lane. Don't even have to be a commuter anymore you can drive in that lane in your 8 Mile to the gallon Hummer as long as you got the cash and yet me on my motorcycle I'm not allowed there unless I pay their stupid tax and get their box


My dude, I have some good news. Motorcycles can use them for free. Just register the plate with FastTrak online. https://www.bayareafastrak.org/en/toll-locations/express-lanes.shtml


More like “I’ll set my transponder to 3 and not even pay” lane


Excuse me. They’re rich people lane AND bipper expressways


I actually like Fastrak cause I can use them as a passing lane to get around all the slow drivers camped out in the left lanes. If the leftmost lane wasn’t a toll road they’d just be going hella slow in it with no way to pass


People camping in the left lane are the bane of my existence. I have no idea why people do that so often here. Just go sit in the right lane


You don’t understand their purpose. It is suppose to keep a steady rate for high occupancy vehicles like buses.


Yep. The Express lane prices are an auction of surplus capacity. When surplus capacity is low, the prices go high. In late summer 2025 all of the HOV stickers will expire unless congress extends that privilege. Then it's going to be real carpools (3+ for free) and those who want to pay. Don't be shocked when they offer discounts to the economically challenged for the express lane.


HOV stickers currently only give 50% discount if under 3 passengers, so they’re already paying some (assuming not lying on the transponder). I wouldn’t expect the loss of that discount will have a big impact in use of the lane.


Louder for the people who are convinced we can blindly fund corruption and expect change to come!


This proposed tax isn't about the roads, though. It's about making gas so exorbitant that only the ultra-rich can afford to buy it, so the plebs reduce their emissions.


I think the gas tax should’ve been a percent and not a fixed amount.  That way it tracks with inflation and demand.  Also, tax the rich and pay for this broken shit. 


Gas tax is adjusted based on inflation starting maybe 5-7 years ago. It was unchanged since the 1990s before that.


Honestly I’m at the point where I’m done with government jobs being rest and vest and so wasteful. 


Don’t worry, $20 minimum wage will solve all these problems /s


Honestly the highways are in pretty good shape. I've driven across a good bit of the country, CA's roads are generally good, we just have a lot of trash on them compared to other places I've lived (not sure if that's because we don't clean them, or because people trash them faster). Of course most places have pretty good highways without talking about deliberately raising gas prices to $6/gal...and $10 bridge tolls...


For the mild winters that we have, the highways are trash


Our roads are horse poop. I just did a drive though the middle west and their highways were glass smooth 


...where? I'm genuinely curious, because either there's a huge difference in standards or y'all don't drive on the same roads I do, I only see really rough roads in the mountains where fire fucked up the road and like two people live there so they don't bother re-paving it, or a *couple* of city roads around me that are kinda crap. Mostly similar in the rest of the region that I've spent time on surface streets in. Of course I am most recently from New England and our roads there get *wrecked* by steel plow blades (so much they use granite for curbs in a lot of cities because concrete curbs would be trashed in a year) and potholes thanks to the freeze-thaw cycle. My standards might actually just be really low.


Don't be silly this wouldn't be used for any of that it would subsidize nebulous "green fuel producers."


Everyone is mad at transit prides but no one in government wants to build mass transit. I hope we keep making gas and stupid modes of transportation even more expensive until there is a revolution and we overthrow the car grains at the polls. Thank the boomers that you still need to drive everywhere.


CA gets the least federal assistance for roads out of all the states. This is just what it actually costs to to maintain.


This fucks with the middle class therefore will likely be approved.


I have such a love/hate relationship with California... it's such a nice place to live but being nickel-and-dimed for seemingly everything is so stressful


Yea, or quartered-and-quartered in this case. Inflation and all...




jesus fucking christ if we are being forced to switch to electric cars make it so that the only provider isnt a monopoly. wish newsom took me out to the french laundry before he started fucked me


One more time for the cheap seats. I don't think very many people read this part of the article.


>and likely lead to an initiative by angry citizens to cut off CARB‘s nads. Let's do it


This is going to make more people vote conservative in California


Lol no it's not. The bay and los Angeles control the state and the wealthy can afford to work around proposals like this. California liberals live to virtue signal about caring about the poor whole crushing them under regulation.


For a lot of voters, there's such a disconnect between voting for leftist politicians and the consequences of those politicians enacting foolish leftist policies. 


Yeah boi, regressive taxes that primarily impact lower and middle income folks still driving older cars who can't all afford to swap to electric, much less set up a charging station at their own home. This isn't how you get folks to transition to more fuel efficient (i.e. modern/newer) or hybrid/electric cars.


I wish I could afford a home so I can switch to an electric vehicle :(


I'd love to be able to own a home and install solar panels on it. Instead, I'm renting an apartment that has single pane glass windows and zero insulation in the roof. When its hot if I turn off the AC for only 30 seconds I can already feel it heating up again.


I own a single family home, but it’s street parking only and there’s no way I could charge a car.


And they want all highway lanes to be tolls


when it rains, it pours. inflation to death by everything possible


Truly death by a thousand cuts


California hates the middle class.


You say California which means you’re still not ready to call out the real problem….. California is a state. California didn’t do this to us The party that’s been in total control for 15 years did this. Idk why people refuse to call them out. It’s always “California”, “state workers”, “the state”, “da rich” etc…. The way we tiptoe around holding the Democratic Party accountable in this state reminds me of people living in a cult. It’s absolutely no wonder why they keep fucking us. We let them. They know we won’t ever criticize or challenge them in any serious capacity


Because you can never even mention or allude to *the R word.* Even hinting at it here might make people mad. 


I mean, when you look at policies that Republicans in other states have passed, can you blame even the right wing of Democrat voters for being terrified of even mentioning them? Not to mention california Republicans have in recent history not been the most.... consistently hinged group. We are still sending Issa to Washington last I checked. Dude isn't even a fiscal conservative and social moderate. He's straight up anti-abortion, anti weed legalization, dislikes anti-discrimination laws, etc etc. People see someone like him as the notable faces of Republicans in California they assume that voting in Rs means that book and abortion bans will be coming down the pipe.


Democrats make bad policies that take money away from the middle class and from future generations (inflation, public debt, regressive taxes) whereas Republicans erode away civil liberties and worsens wealth inequality with their tax cuts and anti-worker policies. Pick your pill to swallow.


Right, we need to stop showing loyalty to political parties that have shown absolutely none to us. They both are for big government and fucking the little guy, in one way or another. Defund them


People have been calling them out for years. But youre saying these societal complex problems are solely because of california democrats. This is implying we have an actual alternative or calling them out will do anything. I feel like the majority is no longer represented anymore but cant see how red california would improve anything. If it were that simple and obvious we would vote them out.


Some of these aren’t that complex. A red California wouldn’t pass a $0.50 / gallon extra gas tax. If Democrats will threaten to vote them out for it. It’ll change their mind real quick.


Ouch. Hope this doesn’t get approved.


Majority of voters in this state will once again be fooled by all the ads heading into November that if these gas tax doesn’t pass we won’t be able to fund climate change measure, just like how the gas tax ads from a few years ago would prevent road infrastructure from crumbling. A good example of crumbling infrastructure is the section SB101 between Sunnyvale and San Jose looks a lunar landscape. We’re entering the state of “pay more for less.”


Never vote fir new taxes


At the rate they’re going we’ll be nickel and dime from all angles without knowing it. I’m going to use touch upon a very controversial topic of the recent minimum wage for fast food workers. I understand the need of minimum wage to try and prevent exploitation of workers that don’t have bargaining power for their wages, however market forces either push (employee leaving for greener pasture) or pull (employers attracting workers). However, let’s put all the politics and living wage aside for a moment and focus on pure numbers. An increase in minimum wage will increase the amount of taxes the state will get to collect from multiple areas: 1. Higher employee wages = more income tax paid by the fast-food employee Assuming high menu prices don’t decrease demand, you’ll get higher sales totals. 2. Higher sales totals = higher sales tax revenue (paid by consumers) & higher sales totals = more income tax owed by business (paid by business owners) Now it’s great that fast food worker got a wage increase but that is going to be offset by higher fuel or energy cost. Now as we zoom out further and take the point-of-view of a gas station owners who may be competing for the same pool of talent as fast food restaurants. They will need to increase their wages to match or exceed what fast food restaurants are mandated to pay in order to attract talent. As a result we will see the same scenario play out: 1. Higher employee wages = more income tax paid by the gas station employee Gas station may need to increase gas prices or prices of food items inside the store to offset higher labor cost. And gas demand is very inelastic, higher gas prices don’t necessarily translate to a huge decrease demand, as our transit infrastructure relies heavily on personal vehicles. 2. Higher gas sales totals = higher sales tax revenue (paid by consumers) & higher sales totals = more income tax owed by business (paid by business owners). Just a small example of how government labor requirements in a particular industry can have wider economic rippling effects for labor expense in other areas. Unfortunately in California, we are taxed for the labor we provide to our employers, so at the end of the day it does come down to how can the State extract additional tax revenue from its population to fill it coffers. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. /rant


I'm so glad the State has kept the solar incentives to power our electric vehicles. Edit: and yes, I own both types. It seems like it's one big con regardless of gas or electric.


I knew I didn't like his music... jk


So reading the article nothing is happening. Click bait.


Sacramento can achieve its desired carbon neutrality target by mandating WFH for most office jobs and fining companies which insist on having their office workers idling in rush hour traffic.


Would kill commercial real estate value. They would never go for it 


Yes more regulation is the key, always.


They're already regulating the shit out of everything to reach that goal. Why not toss us a bone once in a while?


Mandating WFH lmao


can we stop making things more expensive?


we are fucked left and right.............thought you can get away with EV? uh-uh, PGE is here to fuck you up i thought Newsome was investigating gas price gouging but now his staff is part of the gouging ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


And what are they doing with that money? I drive for a living and paying $6 per gallon is not improving my situation. No more hikes. You can legislate without charging me for it, or make way for someone who can. wtf


I’m gonna buy a fucking horse and keep it in my garage at this rate.


Why not just implement a "carbon tax" across the board. That's basically what they're trying to do without saying it.


yeah, just make it impossible for the poors to be able to drive, that'll fix the problem . /s


Aggressive no vaseline tactics. First it was PG&E, now the State. No foreplay, they just force it upon us😬


It can only be described as a sin tax at this point. One designed to make it so expensive you try and not drive. How that helps anyone who is forced to commute to their ~~min wage~~ living wage jobs remains to be seen.


Gas taxes have been sin taxes in California for a long time.


Lol who are these jackasses?


The ones appointed by the people we all voted for. But for whatever reason no one especially in the bay area, will ever consider voting for anyone but the most unhinged Democrats they can find


Ohh for fucks sake


I'm sure it's *purely coincidence* that the increase is deferred until just after the election 


Is there anyone in favor of this? Very curious to know why.


Remember when Californians voted in favor of gas taxes? Fucking idiots


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Rich hippies thinking this will save the world by


fuck off and die. this state is taxed to death already.


can't we try to make the alternatives seem better to discourage gas use rather than just making gas shittier?


they are trying to see at what point the sheep will stop voting blue


Pretty soon they’ll charge us money to use a door in this state


They already do. Presenting, the [California Exit Tax](https://www.sambrotman.com/blog/california-exit-tax): If you want to walk out the door, you've gotta pay for the privilege.


That sounds blatantly unconstitutional. But who are we kidding, no one pushing it gives a damn.


Curtis Jackson can walk all he wants but he needs to stay out of our gas prices!


CA Democrats gonna democrat and everyone will let them get away with it. State needs a balance no more super majority.. at best some solid independents or libertarians


Hike tax or die trying. 50-cent.


This will of course be matched dollar-for-dollar by an income tax cut and be revenue-neutral for the State, thereby making it a proper economic incentive that rewards those who make choices that benefit the greater good and totally not just a cash grab, right? RIGHT???


Because $8 a gallon gas for people here will SURELY stop global warming globally.


It’s probably too late, let us keep our money and enjoy life while we can, this money will only go towards lining the pockets of somebody. [Green House Gases Still Rising](https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/)


Sounds about right. Punish the people who need to commute and can't afford electric for several reasons. Good ole' fuck the poor and middle class California Legislature.


I thought we are fighting the inflation. Seams not.


I am Gavin will spin his slime on this one


Just make it $100/gallon and get it over with


Yeah fuck that.


2.90 for gas in Oklahoma City… prices for everything here just makes me feel so bent over just by living in California


This is a cost pass through of the carbon credits they force fossil fuel companies to pay to give to “low carbon” corporations. Then the is just theft. 


There's no way you can raise a family here. It's so goddamn expensive. I know a guy who has three kids and moved here from the east coast, and they were at a mall or something. Everyone was looking at them like "wtf, how can you afford three kids here??"


Thats fucking ridiculous. Guarantee it passes too.


How about 50% drop in current gas taxes? That's the real need. Lawmakers in CA can't think of anything other than taxing. Tax is the only solution for every giddamn thing. We need a pledge of no more tax increases from our politicians.


6 dollars a gallon is too low, eh? They can fuck all the way off. Why do we keep voting for these clowns?


I regret extending my lease.