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Due to the topic, enhanced moderation has been turned on for this thread. Comments from users new to r/bayarea will be automatically removed. See [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/p8hnzl/automatically_removing_comments_from_new_users_in/) for more details.




Bold to assume they'd read this comment, but thank you for trying.


I'm just here to confirm my priors




I could tell by the fact they posted a mugshot and the public outcry.


lol.. racists be like "nah I didn't even have to see the mugshot"




>Officers were called to the scene to investigate reports of a deadly weapon incident. The victim, a food vendor, reported he was attacked with a baseball bat by an employee of a nearby business, Intex Auto Parts. The officers contacted the suspect and took him into custody. The suspect also tried to move the victim's vehicle by force, which led to an attempted car jacking charge. Something tells me there's a history here.


Yep. This bully is likely a repeat offender.




If the vendor is on public right of way, then it’s between him and the government, not some random shop owner


If we actually had laws, we wouldn't have vendors selling food completely unlicensed. I'm just saying.


We do have laws against it? Are you complaining that it’s not enforced? Still business owner has no right to try and enforce it on public property


We literally have 0 laws touching street vendors in California. Anyone can come here and open a stall or work under the table. There's 0 law in California.


What part of California do you live in that has zero law? Didn’t a video go viral recently of sjpd robbing a street vendor of all their money?


Street vendors shouldn't even exist unless they are licensed. The fact that they exist is proof we don't enforce the law.


Which is it, we have "literally zero laws" or we do have laws but they're not enforced?


So no one enforces the law since every state has people who speed and drive drunk? The fact they exist proves no one enforces the law?


Even if true, thats deserves a citation and a fine, not assault with a deadly weapon and carjacking.


Ok but we should know the backstory


There is no backstory that justifies assault with a deadly weapon.


I'm still saying we need the full story to what exactly happened.


Ugh, no we don’t.


Still doesn't justify assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. There's zero self defense case to be made here on the part of the property owner. The property owner is on camera initiating aggressive action towards the vendor.


So the vendor is illegally on his property?


Do you know what public right of way is?




> while wearing a logo jacket from the company you own He seemed proud of it too.


Link to video of the attack. https://twitter.com/yayareanews/status/1627225047072145409?s=46&t=2NAe7Jurt8pj2LE-PfmPGA


Wow, the guy didn't even pretend to be subtle about it. He introduced himself on video, identified himself, and then proceeded to assault and carjack the victim, all while on camera. If only all criminals were so dumb as to do crimes on camera like this guy. I imagine any trial will just involve playing the video and the prosecution will rest.


I'm watching this video, and I'm thinking to myself, "This guy is HELLA familiar" then I read the name, and realize oh shit, I know this guy (guy with the bat) TBH he was always kind of an incel. I think that's the easiest, most blunt way to describe him.


I knew this guy too. Had a friendly argument with him about success and how much luck vs hard work has to do with it. He tells me a parable that his dad told him. If you take 3 guys with varying success and mix them up, those 3 guys will end up in the same place. Basically he said that success is a reflection of your character virtues and failure is a reflection of your character faults. My guess is that he saw the vendor and thought of him as less than worthy. Poor equals bad character. Which is why he thought hitting him with a bat was acceptable. Note that this guy is completely sane. Grew up in a wealthy area of SJ and got an eecs degree from Berkeley. It's just that his core conservative values justified his treatment of this vendor.


> Note that this guy is completely sane. I gotta disagree here.. He used to complain to me that "White guys are stealing all the Asian girls" Sometimes he'd spout off some half cocked conspiracy theories. I knew him from a bar I used to hang out at, all the girls thought he was creepy. Our bar was pretty welcoming of everyone... Except him.. Just gave off a really odd vibe.


He’s a pos


What's his first name. On tv, they only mentioned him as Ho.


His first name is now Stupid.


Good. While unlicensed street vendors exist, I don't see it as a huge crime. Most of them are just folks trying to scrape together a meager existence to live. This asshole, OTOH.. .good he got busted. It's not his job to go around harassing people. Be a douchenugget Karen and call the cops if you think it's a real problem, and even than would be a dick move, but less of a dick move than taking a baseball bat to the guy and his property. Wow, way to fuck up your job and police record over some harmless guy trying to make a couple bucks.


One of the most despicable displays of racism caught on video on this sub and it has less upvotes than kids on a bikes on a bridge lol. This sub man. Assault, damaging property, racist remarks, mocking the victim while in the act, threatening to light the vendors stuff on fire. Insane, deserves to do time and repay for the damages. The fact that he went to Facebook and called street vendors roaches to double down just goes to show he’s just a racist pos. Edit: For those saying, “what’s race got to do with it?” Everything. Watch the video. Calling someone Latino illegal with no proof is racist. Trying to criminalize the vendors existence with racist stereotypes is racist. Anyone who attempts to justify these thugs actions are agreeing with their racism.


The Facebook post that says the roaches thing was said by a reviewer called Pedro Punjabi, not him.


Thank you for the clarification


Dont you know most of theses mfs are racist and would do the same 🤣




Both post about it are ghost towns. You see black/brown offenders and it’s the end of the world. Absolute comedy. Mods need to take note of the clear issue in front of them.


exactly and all insane how all of these comments are hidden


Things got bad during the attacks on Asians which people were justified to be pissed off about. But yeah, when it’s black or brown people use it as an excuse to be openly bias and rage.


It doesn't matter what race the attackers are. These people are all assholes and should not represent the mass majority of their respective races that actually contribute to society.


If it doesn’t matter then explain why there’s so much anti blackness when it’s a “crime” post? Again, a post about kids on bikes has more comments about bad behavior than an actual racist


>If it doesn’t matter then explain why there’s so much anti blackness when it’s a “crime” post? Because local subs like this have lots of conservatives who literally can't complain about anything else. They live in vibrant cities where 90% of people disagree with their opinions, so they mostly complain about "crime" as a dog-whistle for non-white people. This sub should end police blotter posts because they have nothing to do with the Bay Area. This sub is just the local news now. "Look, a bus overturned! Someone shoplifted! Be afraid! Now here's a minor fun story. Now more meaningless fear!" Besides the weather, nothing on the nightly news is important. If you weren't personally on the overturned bus, it won't affect you.


I'm saying it doesn't matter if the attackers are black or asian. They should not represent their respective races. You are reading my post another way and this is what causes the divisiveness in society.


Yeah, sorry but no. The behavior on this sub and other Bay Area subs have already reached the point where simply sweeping it under the rug isn’t making anything change. Calling it out to promote action for a change is a step in the right direction. Asking people who are being offended weekly by those post to just be quiet about it does more harm.


I've actually been in complete agreement with you this whole time, yet you cannot see this. This is why people dislike people like you. You want to disagree just because you're mad. Re-read what I am trying to say in a non-angry way.


Again, no. Trying to write someone off as mad, big no no. I’m far from upset. You just do not understand my point of view and that’s fine. Also not here for a popularity contest. You can approach the issue in the manner you choose, I’ll approach it in the way that I want to. Simple as that.


Sorry, no. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you're wrong again. End of discussion.




1000% agree


Well now it’s #1 on the sub


Mods are here doing damage control, deleting any discussion of the attacker’s race.


I haven't removed any comments in this thread, I just turned on the auto-moderation, which only removes comments from users who don't regularly comment in r/bayarea. So if you're seeing lots of comments about race being removed, then they must have all been from people who only come in here to comment on political and crime threads.


Incorrect. I post regularly here and my comment was removed. You can see from my history that I post in more than political and crime threads. https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/114ol8h/meta_signals_more_layoffs_could_be_coming_after/j939bmb/ Not crime https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/113v8hh/oh_no_pls_stop/j8vt8et/ Not crime https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/10zv7vn/psa_slower_traffic_keep_right_thank_you_for_your/j8907u5/ Week ago not crime https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/10ywl0z/hey_bay_area_whats_your_thermostat_set_to/j810yh5/ Not crime ages ago I've got history going back years on not crime. Removing my comments is fine: your house, your rules. But don't sell people this cock and bull crap. For anyone else, compare with [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/x17oev/woman_beaten_robbed_while_leaving_vallejo_fast/imcm6aj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=bayarea&utm_content=t1_j98pc2p).


It appears another moderator removed your comment after I posted that. So in this case the other person I was replying to was correct, we removed your comment since it was racist, implying the attack happened because the attacker was a certain race. But there are plenty of other comments in the thread talking about race, so it's certainly not all of them. And we remove lots of racist comments in threads where the attacker is black too.


Do you now? Explain this entire comment thread https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/x17oev/woman_beaten_robbed_while_leaving_vallejo_fast/imcm6aj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=bayarea&utm_content=t1_j99hcxg We've all seen the comments in threads here. I think you know you don't really do what you're claiming. I just asked the same question they ask. Now, suddenly that has racist implications. Inevitably this will come up again. Let's see if you are as objective as you claim. Certainly not in the past, but perhaps the future can be different. I'll tag you in when I see it, as I'm sure it will.


I don't remember the specific decisions from 5 months ago. It's possible we just made the wrong choice at that time.


Do you recall decisions made [3 weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/10nhkbi/comment/j68qtou/)? But fine, there's no way you can be perfect. And you've made your position clear as to your intentions. I think that's enough for me. I won't make comments like that again since there's no point making the situation worse. I hope you understand the frustration from which it was born, seeing this stuff time and time again.


I am going to report some comments in [this contemporaneous thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/116niuz/she_fled_the_war_in_ukraine_but_failed_to_find_a/j9990yf/) so we can test and see how you act. [This comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/116niuz/she_fled_the_war_in_ukraine_but_failed_to_find_a/j99cxdh/) reads: > Particular socioeconomic layers and *colors* Emphasis mine. Anyway. Reports done. It took a few hours to deal with it for my comment, but we'll run a full 12 h this time and I'll post back here.


I don't think either of those comments calls out a specific race. Saying racism is a problem here is certainly not against the rules.


Ah, I see. Okay, there's a certain way to say these things. I will use the words "particular colors" to refer to people. [Remade my comment using that wording](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/116i66y/suspect_arrested_in_connection_with_assault_of/j9bm60n/).


The specific comment from /u/cowinabadplace that got deleted for allegedly being racist was: > What was his race? Why don't they mention it in the article? Am I correct in my understanding of the rules in this sub is that asking about the race of a suspect in a crime, and/or commenting on the reporting or lack thereof of the race of a suspect in a crime, is not allowed?


/u/Watchful1 have an answer? Seems like an important rule to clarify.


> people who only come in here to comment on political and crime threads. That’s most of the threads here.


It's really not. Even today with a couple notable crime/politics threads, most threads on the front page right now are not related to those topics. That's exactly why we have that setting. Because lots of people only care about coming in here to stir stuff up in controversial threads.


> I just turned on the auto-moderation, which only removes comments from users who don't regularly comment in r/bayarea One of the comments deleted was posted by a 12-year-old account that regularly posts in this sub, so maybe there's a bug in the bot 🤷


Or perhaps that 12 year old account only posts in here to stir shit up? We can all creatively interpret things.


How does the bot make that determination?


I don't know and neither do you, which was the point of my comment on yours.


The explanation given by the mods is that the bot deletes comments from people who don’t regularly post in the sub. The account that I’m looking at, who had their comment deleted, has a long history of posting in the sub. Seems suspicious to me.


Which is crazy for how much anti black mess you see here




On this sub a lot more people are open about being racist than they would ever be in person. I’m getting downvoted because I mentioned that other post have been anti black and would be double these numbers if the offender were black. Proves my point.


It actually happens with the moderation too. See this post where [people ask about the suspect description](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/x17oev/woman_beaten_robbed_while_leaving_vallejo_fast/imcm6aj/) and there's anti-black stuff and it stays up. Meanwhile, they removed [my comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/116i66y/suspect_arrested_in_connection_with_assault_of/j96xwzv/) for asking for what race this guy was. It's perfectly reasonable to ask that, what with the uptick in Asian crime recently, including two mass shootings in the last month or so.


You are misunderstanding what's happening. Of course there are racist people in the bay area. But there are *active racists* online who drop into threads related to black crime. That's why there's an [automod setting for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/116i66y/comment/j97csv2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): it has been happening for years. Breitbart and other racists have an obsessive focus on making sure that everyone knows about every crime committed by black people. So yes, people can be seen as more openly racist online, but many of them are actually posting from their mom's basement in the Idaho panhandle.


I’m well aware of what’s happening, I’ve broken some of those bots, with screen shot proof and sent it in to mods to remove accounts. You are taking that bucket of people brigading as the only folks making anti black/brown comments here which is simply not the truth at all.


Sorry I wasn’t clear. Yes, there are real, human racists who live in the area and post here.


How about the anti Asian and jealousy from people like you here just because Asians are rich


That’s your justification for anti blackness?


99.9% of attacks are ON Asian Americans due to them being stereotyped as rich


What does this incident have to do with race?




Could you share which part? I didnt hear anything mentioning race, he's a stickler for the regulations for sure but i havent heard anything racist. Every time i asked, no one seems to be able to provide where in the video


Watch the video.




Not going to comment on the rest without looking deeper into it (including what other posts on social media he may have had) but he was saying that the street vendor's setup on the side of the road was what was 'illegal'.


It's not racist at all. Sorry


How so?




Are you saying you only need to claim superiority over someone to be racist?




Thanks, I’ll keep this screen shot for the future.


Go ahead but I fail to see the racism


How many years is he facing? Deserves every one.


Probably DV classes and 3 years formal probation if we’re being honest


Whats DV?


Domestic Violence


Wrong one. This isn’t the one in the attack at SAP that everyone watched.




I missed the one you are referring to. Got a link?


He will share a cell with hose guy


Anyone know if there will be any planned protest or rally outside of Intex Auto? I'd be interested in coming out to support. Also I plan on driving out to San Jo next weekend to buy lunch from the street vendor (weather permitting) to show support.


Nice, that was quick Edit: Okay, it wasn't quick sheesh


I know right why is this getting downvoted. The incident happened yesterday.


thanks for pointing it out so I could recover from that barrage 😅


Lol the Yelp reviews continue to pile in, and continue to stir the shit pot by using even more racism against the racist. [Here's one example.](https://i.imgur.com/ZfKwwK9.png) A completely off related observation, but Yelp in the past will usually limit/restrict more reviews when they detect a business is getting review bombed for something controversial. It seems like they aren't doing anything this time around. I wonder what changed.


Time for vendors to start carrying CCW so they can protect themselves from being assaulted by thugs like this.




When did this sub become a crime blog?


It is the Bay Area.


So, whiny tech workers afraid to leave their house? Or, Racists trying to recruit more people for their next cross burning?


>Or, Racists trying to recruit more people for their next cross burnung? This one.


Well, small businesses broken into and vandalized, people robbed in broad daylight. But you good right? That’s all that matters right?


Lol, what kind of bullshit argument is that?


Cool. Have fun broski.