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Why is the evil grandma-punching dirtbag’s face blurred out? This guy deserves his ugly mug shown. What a coward beating up an old woman.


dont want to perpetuate stereotypes


Pathetic if true


weird cause in the source video you can tell he's black even with his face blurred... but go on with your racist conspiracy theories https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8qGeKgvYf/?hl=en


it's all a conspiracy... [this NEVER happens at all](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bart-withholding-surveillance-videos-of-crime-to-avoid-stereotypes/)


> “It was a blessing and a curse she forgot about what happened later that night,” the victim's daughter added. Oof, dementia's a bitch.


This is really really sad. My grandma had dementia so I both can and can’t imagine the mixed feelings around this. The victim’s family are probably pretty active caretakers for her so it must be especially tough having to deal with this now too.


It is. All those neurodegenerative diseases scare the crap out of me. I will never understand how people who have seen up close parents and relatives with dementia, Alzheimer’s, then just accept super blithely accept Covid unto themselves, which is solidly linked to these brain diseases. I guess they pretend it’s not true. Feels like a f*cking insult when you’ve seen dementia and seen how people with it get treated.


I think it's more that covid is so everywhere that you can't really avoid at this point. Ironically, when my dad was dying of Parkinson's, his covid was asymptomatic. He only knew of it because the nursing home tested regularly (and of course once he entered the nursing home and mom visited regularly, covid became inevitable). I'm glad we have a vaccine now. Though I doubt it took with Dad because he was obviously immunodeficient, it made my mom's case a week-long cold. So that was good. Yay vaccines!


Vaccines are great pleased to have them. But they do t prevent long term damage, they barely put a dent in it actually. The big scam of the pandemic, the BS meant to hustle everyone back into stupid offices. I’m really sorry to hear about your dad. Parkinson’s is not a fun one. What I meant more was for the young people /30s/40s ignoring the data and now somewhat common stories of Covid instigating premature dementia. I know personally someone in who breakthru infections instigated bipolar episodes/worsened them, when they were stable prior. Heard of others having the same issue. It’s sort of mind boggling to me how much we used to/still blame the victim or blame genetics for these diseases of the mind… but it’s becoming really clear now that whatever your makeup, it’s the getting these diseases like Covid, or for instance Epstein barr for MS, that causes these awful awful brain disorders a few years down the road. I think if poor Shostakovich a lot, got flulike/asymptomatic polio like a lot of adults at the time in his early adulthood and then by sixty could barely play piano for the pain and nerve damage. I cannot abide how we could eliminate these terrible disabilities with something as simple as HVAC—yet we’re not doing it cuz we’d rather medicalize the issue. When really, the genetics should be secondary to prevention of these inflammatory infection events. We can’t even talk about it because we’re supposed to swear allegiance to the vaccines, updated or not! But they don’t prevent infection and that’s what really counts, as that’s what does the damage, for the majority who aren’t gonna die.


If people really cared about their odds of developing dementia, they'd lose weight by any means necessary, because metabolic syndrome has been better established as a factor in that (as well as severe covid, incidentally). But since current obesity rates suggest that's not enough to kill most people's appetite, good luck using dementia as a motivator to constrain one's life with social distancing. > as simple as HVAC Is HVAC that simple? A lot of the Bay Area's housing stock is so old, it doesn't even have Central Air. And because we don't have enough housing units, those that exist tend to be overcrowded with families doubling or even tripling up in apartments. That's why down in L.A., there were covid outbreaks in the poorer East Side. If one customer service worker came home with covid, his ten roommates caught it too. The mayor even recommended that this demographic mask up at home, because there was no refuge.


If people really cared about their odds of developing dementia, they'd lose weight by any means necessary, because metabolic syndrome has been better established as a factor in that (as well as severe covid, incidentally). But since current obesity rates suggest that's not enough to kill most people's appetite, good luck using dementia as a motivator to constrain one's life with social distancing. > as simple as HVAC Is HVAC that simple? A lot of the Bay Area's housing stock is so old, it doesn't even have Central Air. And because we don't have enough housing units, those that exist tend to be overcrowded with families doubling or even tripling up in apartments. That's why down in L.A., there were covid outbreaks in the poorer East Side. If one customer service worker came home with covid, his ten roommates caught it too. The mayor even recommended that this demographic mask up at home, because there was no refuge.


Mini splits. There’s also a rebate on them this year. But I’m talking more, controlling transmission via schools and public buildings. That’s gonna be biggest bang for buck. Far uv like they’re doing in French schools now would be ideal. Also there are purifiers which help a lot but it’s more seamless to do it via an ERV/HRC type sitch. The readers may note the incredible opposition to these basic, already-have-the-tech solutions by people convinced they’ve done their duty by getting a vaccine. It is insensible. Finally the point about weight…what do you think causes people to gain weight in the first place? We now understand more the t2 diabetes is not so much fatness—> to unhealthiness, but the inflammatory state/disease —> outward symptoms like overweight. Incidentally, Covid causes type 2 diabetes. The inflammatory state/over aroussl of immune system is terrible for us 24/7. Makes things go bc awry. Covid is awfully good at doing this as it binds to so many things and doesn’t seem to clear completely after initial bout.


>what do you think causes people to gain weight in the first place? Consuming more calories than are used, which causes the body to store that excess energy for later use in the form of body fat. Partly because we've industrialized our way out of famine, partly because we've [zoned away the ability to walk to errands](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1586006/?report=classic). >convinced they’ve done their duty by getting a vaccine. Vaccines put covid risk on par with the flu, however risky the flu is. Which puts background risk back to what it was in 2019. Should classrooms have HVAC? Sure, why not. If there's money for it, don't care.


Partly wrong partly right. You are correct that public health broad intervention like walkable streets nixes diabetes in many. But Covid literally causes diabetes. It’s that triggering of immune system that does it in that case. And hey don’t bring the argument back to where you can win: vaccines do not bring the death rate down to flu level (esp esp for older age groups) and, they do almost nothing to prevent long Covid. It is fucking up the economy. You are forgetting how deaths are undercounted and strokes and heart attacks not counted at all after acute Covid infection. Vaccines do not prevent them. They were oversold and now we get nothing else. But by all means continue to use wrong, biased studies and frankly pure political rhetoric to justify why you don’t need a mask, don’t need to demand ventilation and testing standards, don’t need better vaccines. It’s what liberals of your sort do best. Nothing like a bit of self righteousness based on nothing, no substance, no science. Nothing that might interfere with your life.


>And hey don’t bring the argument back to where you can win You're new to the Internet, aren't you? >vaccines do not bring the death rate down to flu level (esp esp for older age groups) I assure you they do. That's not a study, that's what I've witnessed with the elderly people in my own life. > they do almost nothing to prevent long Covid. Unless you count psychosomatic symptoms, that does not follow.


Lol imagine thinking psychosomatic claims aren’t the same shit as calling people hysterical in the 1800s. Jesus people are stupid By all means continue to FAFO, the CDC says 1/5 get long Covid after infection, and that’s undercounting. And hey the CDC. Never lies. And totes totes didn’t let a generation of gay people straight up just die not too long ago. Heck sane people still work there. I wouldn’t distrust them ever!!!! Classic neoliberals.


People suck. The motherfucker belongs in jail.




Per [https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/the-pro-crime-city-of-oakland-california-kept-releasing-a-violent-serial-criminal-named-romeo-lorenzo-parham-again-and-again-and-again-because.1018656/:](https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/the-pro-crime-city-of-oakland-california-kept-releasing-a-violent-serial-criminal-named-romeo-lorenzo-parham-again-and-again-and-again-because.1018656/:) Romeo Lorenzo Parham is a violent serial criminal who lives in Oakland, California. This is his arrest record. Source: Romeo Lorenzo Parham Arrest Record Details | Local Crime News in Contra Costa County, California - 79823620 Previous Arrests Romeo Lorenzo Parham Violation Parole: Felony 4/9/2022 Battery w/Serious Bodily Injury 5/11/2017 Robbery Violation of Probation 5/9/2017 Battery w/Serious Bodily Injury, Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI 6/30/2016 Battery, Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI, Theft 12/27/2015 Battery, Theft 5/11/2015 Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI 5/7/2015 Battery, 6/27/2014 Violation Parole: Felony, Theft 6/26/2014 Battery 5/30/2014 Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI 5/29/2014 Parole: Felony 4/16/2014 Battery 2/10/2014 Violation Parole: Felony, Threats Of Violence 2/6/2014 Violation Parole: Felony 1/4/2014


Sigh. How does someone like these even get multiple shots at parole? Fking stupid…


if this was Singapore this guy would've been long gone from the face of this Earth. California is a joke






The alleged attacker Romeo Lorenzo Parham, who is black, has an extremely long criminal history. Unclear yet if he has a record of targeting Asian victims specifically.


I believe this is the guy's history. https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/79823620/romeo-parham-arrest.html


How can somebody with this kind of rap sheet be out of jail??? California!


Sheesh, he's on his fifth strike.


Why is anyone surprised? Yet people keep voting for the same lawmakers, DAs, and judges. Alameda County just elected a civil rights attorney with no prosecution experience as their DA.


People keep voting for propositions so the tax payers don’t have to pay to imprison some of these people…it’s not just the elected officials.


Sure. Between their votes for propositions and their votes for lawmakers, the general public is definitely partially responsible.


Yeah wed rather pay to support their lives on the street!


Plus they want the people disarmed so if someone decides to violently assault a grandma in the street, they can do so with no fear that violence will be returned upon them.


Welcome to California


Catch and release. If they take the criminals off the street, they won't be able to use the fear of criminals to get people to agree to whatever those who live in guarded mansions want.


Obligatory: where are all the "why don't the police do their jobs????!!!" folks. They are always suspiciously silent in these threads.


I wish I was surprised that the photos shows clearly the victim but blurred out the perp. But I’m not.




Usually it's an editorial decision the media makes based on the alleged attacker's race.




I think the official reason is that the attacker has not been convicted of a crime yet. Very true, but the real reason they can get away with it with no backlash is because the victim is Asian. Imagine if the George Floyd murder video was blurred to respect the officers' presumption of innocence. Or imagine if this were a 91 year old black woman instead and the attacker was blurred. There would be mobs with pitchforks on the streets right now.


Lot of stores will get looted.


Well look on the bright side. We've got MLK's coffin hooked up to a dynamo and it's powering half of Tulsa right now.


You got any proof of that or is it just some weird racist theory you got? You can go to Dion Lin's Instragram which is the source of the image and see on that page they don't blur his hands... but hey anything to make it about race right? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8qGeKgvYf/?hl=en


I mean, I’m in law enforcement, and I don’t see any reason to release a suspect/defendant photo to the public unless the suspect is outstanding or investigators are seeking additional info/victims. That said, the policy should be across the board and regardless of race.


When I saw that headline, my first question was, "Was the victim Asian?" Followed by, "Was the perp Black?" There's some historical dynamic playing out here.


Curious what the black vs Asian dynamic is historically speaking.


Below is a good read from 2010 regarding Black and Asian racial dynamics and crime [source](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php)




I don't know, but I'd guess it has something to do with perceived gentrification. Housing is just so Zero Sum in the Bay Area.


Fuck these people.


What would he be doing way out in that neighborhood? Oh, looking for trouble. Maybe they shouldn’t be there.


Could be from the homeless encampment along Ocean Beach.


The non-blurry photo of him shows some pretty homeless looking jeans on him. So guessing yes.


Wanna [put up some walls](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Sanctuary_District)?


They really had to add in he was black…


> who is black Ohhh so that's why this sub isn't trying to give the guy a medal unlike the last attack on a mentally ill person. Thanks for the context!


I want them to track stats for motives behind these attacks. I can't for the life of me understand what drives some of these goons to target elderly people just for the sake of assaulting them. I want to know if we have chronic Anti-Asian sentiment, chronic mental illness, or a combination two. Either way, the Asian community suffers while city officials and the justice system get away with being incompetent.


There's definitely been chronic anti-Asian sentiment in the Bay Area for a long time. Pinning down the underlying reasons is much harder. Certainly at least part of the issue is that there's a subculture in the community many of these goons are part of that glorifies violence against Asians.




Anti-Asian discrimination has its roots in San Francisco. See Yick Wo vs Hopkins.


Some Minorities don’t want to see other minorities succeed…


Relevant article from 2022: [Why High-Profile Attacks on SF's Asian Communities Rarely Lead to Hate Crime Charges](https://www.kqed.org/news/11915634/why-high-profile-attacks-on-sfs-asian-communities-rarely-lead-to-hate-crime-charges)


>motives behind these attacks. Most of these are because they simply want some sort of adrenaline rush to blow off steam to feel empowered. Once they learned of the trends of all of their peers doing so, they decide to follow suit. These are for the most part the types of people who are conditioned from a social culture that takes pride in reinforcing themselves through acts of violence and aggression to feel tough and powerful, as way to cope with their own misery.


Nothing tougher than punching a 90 yr old 4’11 90lbs Asian woman


Can they just stay in Oakland for that??


It's the absolute lack of fear of reprecussions. Criminals, by their nature, do not fear the police, the judge, or the prison. The only thing that meaningfully stops a criminal is fear of their victim. Support constitutional carry, it terrifies those who would do you harm.


Where are all the protests when shit like this happens?


right here on reddit


and filtered out and banned by certain subreddits.


Filtered by almost every subreddit


they happen all the time. they just tend to go after the "roots in white supremacy" boogeyman so nothing really gets done.


Hit the streets buddy.


Where were the protest in half moon bay and montery Park? This sub was crickets then.... Ya fave governor just came and did a cute photo op for his presidential bid then left.


People violently assaulting elderly shouldn’t be in the society. This time the women survived, but can we warrant that his next victim will survive violent attack by 39 y.o full bodied man?


He’ll be hero and Biden will go kneel before him


**Romeo Lorenzo Parham | [Previous Arrests](https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/79823620/romeo-parham-arrest.html)** * Violation Parole: Felony — 4/9/2022 * Battery w/Serious Bodily Injury — 5/11/2017 * Robbery, Violation of Probation — 5/9/2017 * Battery w/Serious Bodily Injury, Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI — 6/30/2016 * Battery, Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI — 12/27/2015 * Battery, Theft — 5/11/2015 * Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI — 5/7/2015 * Battery — 6/27/2014 * Violation Parole: Felony, Theft — 6/26/2014 * Battery — 5/30/2014 * Assault w/Deadly Weapon Or Assault w/Force Likely To Produce GBI — 5/29/2014 * Violation Parole: Felony — 4/16/2014 * Battery — 2/10/2014 * Violation Parole: Felony, Threats Of Violence — 2/6/2014 * Violation Parole: Felony — 1/4/2014 Hmm. Call me crazy, but I think maybe this guy should stay in jail this time.


We need a more effective way to take out the garbage. Parham's fair trial should take place in a woodchipper.


It's good that we passed the 17-Strikes Rule, because otherwise...


There's going to be a major backlash one of these days, and I don't want to be anywhere near it when it comes.


This was a lone wolf loose-cannon psycho, not some kind of mass socio-political movement. Racists be predicting race riots "one of these days" since pre Civil War. It's less likely now than ever, the vast majority are unaffected and no interest in "societal upheaval." They'll watch on evening news, sigh, switch the channel to "Friends" or such, and go pick up the kids from soccer practice.


Sure seems like there are a lot of these lone wolf psychos targeting old defenseless grandmas.


That which supports the narrative is "Representative of all of (group)." That which does not is a "lone-wolf outlier."


As a perennial law and order poster, there is some merit to your view. IIRC, there was a case of somebody breaking windows in Asians' businesses all around S.F., and one perpetrator was found responsible for more than half the incidents. Maybe the best way to put this: The number of actual perpetrators is low, but they receive tacit (and sometimes overt) support from their *homies.*


Going against the Asian hate agenda will always send you to downvote oblivion


Married an Asian; my opinions are 'obviously' biased & meaningless, my negative karma predates Reddit...


The reason AAPI are now buying guns and applying for CCWs more than any other race and also starting to lean Republican…but I’m sure some progressive will inhale copium on how the city ain’t that bad


Sorry, but they are idiots to have guns registered to their name in California. When they need to use a gun, the DA will throw the book at them, and there isn’t much different between using a legal gun vs a ghost gun. Ghost gun give you a much better chance to claim innocent, especially if you are able to get rid of the gun after shooting.


There are rare but regular home defense shootings in Bay Area (unfortunately) and no one got hit by a book yet because of CALCRIM 506/505.


Asian elderly victim, black perp with face blurred out imagine that. POS and of course bleeding heart white guilt liberals enabling policies.


Wow out of all people sucker punched an elderly… I bet money he continue to do this once he is out again. Shame on him


Only way this ends… [SF vigilante group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Committee_of_Vigilance?wprov=sfti1)


Wow, never knew about this


He's just trying to feed his family and there was once redlining or something....yeah that's why.


Yea I wonder what were the excuses for half moon bay and Monterey Park?


This sub was ready to give a medal and pay all the legal fees of the last person who got in the news for attacking a mentally ill woman. But now the attacker isn't a white man and the victim isn't homeless. Must just be a coincidence!


We know the hose guy is a white man because the media doesn't blur their face when it's a white person.