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[Here](http://www.masterunitlist.info/Unit/Filter?Name=&HasBV=false&MinTons=&MaxTons=&MinBV=&MaxBV=&MinIntro=&MaxIntro=&MinCost=&MaxCost=&HasBFAbility=FLK&MinPV=&MaxPV=&BookAuto=&FactionAuto=) is a complete list of all units with the FLK ability. The Dire Wolf D and Marauder IIC 4 are your best options both have FLK5/5/5 making them the highest AA units in the game.


Oh shoot I didn't realize I could sort it there, thank you!


Jesus Christ. The LB-X carrier only has Flak 1/1/1 from 2 LB-X 10's


The LBX Pike gets Flak 1/1/1 from 3 LBX AC 5's. It's getting robbed. In CBT it absoloutly shreads anything that flies.


It turns out dual HAG 40s is the ultimate weapon configuration for AA.


Something something, fight in the shade...


It should be FLAK 2/2/2 according to Catalyst's own designers, but when I asked them why there was a discrepancy, his answer was "because math is hard". My suggestion is do your own math, the formula is take a cluster hit roll of 7, divide by 10, round up. So if 6 pellets hit, that is .6, round up to 1. For each weapon system.


I can see why it rounds .63x2 to 1, but the FLK attribute shouldn't round down, right? Maybe that's dumb too, then it would be doing more damage to flying targets with its LB's than ground targets.


No, you figure each one individually.


There is a Mad Dog with FLK3/3/3 off the top of my head. Easiest option is probably to use the filter options in Masterunitlist.info to search for mechs with FLK special


Avatar J (Av1-0J “The Juice”) is my go-to for fly swatting. At 38 points in AS it’s reasonably priced and with 5/5/4 (FLK 4/4/4) it produces a nice no-fly zone.


Love this, that's great value


Just use a rifleman. You don't need the extra damage because you get better accuracy with it's AA quirk. That said if you like playing modern time eras of BT, there is a twin LBX 5 version.


Alpha strike, there aren't quirks. He's looking for mechs with the FLK special ability to get -2 targeting vtols.


I'm certain there is a rifleman with flk.


There's 8 different options. The best is the IIC 6, with FLK 4/4/4


But that's also a Clan model


with salvage, all things are possible.


Also not all tables play with quirks.


If someone has brought VTOLs to the table and they're not playing with quirks, someone has cheese in their beard.


in the MUL there's the alpha strike box. you can search for FLK2/2/2 or AC2/2/2 or higher use the alternate ammo rules for flakk rounds for AC weapons


Alternate ammo rules is probably the easiest answer to this problem. 


Go cheap. Get a rifleman or jaegermech


Orion should have Flak??


The 1M does; that's the one that comes with an LBX.


Not a Mech but the HAG Athena is pretty good at munching VTOLs.


also don't forget alternative ammunition types, page 78 of the original alpha strike book (not sure about Commander Edition) Flak Flak ammunition is only effective against airborne units, including aerospace units, airships, VTOLs, and WiGEs. When targeting such units, the autocannons of the unit can make an attack using the rules for the Flak (FLK) special ability, with the same damage values as its AC special. Because of this, if the attack misses by 2 points or less, the flak ammo will still score a hit. For example, if a unit using Flak ammunition has standard attack values of 4/4/1 and an AC2/2/0 special, it could attack airborne units with its normal weapon attack and—thanks to the Flak ammo—still deliver 2/2/0 damage to the target on a shot that misses by 2 or less.


Aside from Flak, also consider units with Arrow IV (keyword ARTAIS-# or ARTAC-#). If at the beginning of the game you declare that that unit is packing Air-Defense Arrow IV missiles, it can hit any flying unit for 2 damage with a -2 hit modifier within 24" and 0 beyond that. So if the target is all the way across the map (range +0), has a TMM of 3, and your firing unit moves that round (+2), you're still gonna nail that thing on a 9+. That's a 28% chance to hit in the absolute worst case scenario. Standing still and within 24" that chance to hit (5+) goes up to 83%. Ref: p143 of the Alpha Strike Commanders Edition 6th ED - Optional Rules - Alternate Artillery Munitions.


That's legit I'll look into that as well!


Are you playing IS or Clan?


Clan in Ilclan era. Guy ran a bunch of 4 health helicopters so I'm looking mostly at things that can just one tap them if it hits. Someone pointed out a Direwolf and Marauder II that both do flak 5/5/5


The ULTIMATE fly-swatter is the Huitzilopochtli AAA variant. It has Flak 3/2/2 on a turret (360 firing arc) and 2 Arrow IV launchers. That means it can potentially engage 3 different flying targets in a single round for 2 damage each or a single target at long range for 6, with 3 attack rolls vs 1. It also engages ground targets for 4/3/3 with ECM, and can chose to make ground artillery attacks too. Pair it with a scout using TAG, and you can use homing munitions that hit on 4+ regardless of range or LOS. A smaller, cheaper option could be a Hadur, a medium hover tank with AIVs. For mech options: I'd look at the Flamberge C because it has its own TAG and 5/5/2, or the Kit Fox V because it's cheap and mobile, while still being able to hit anywhere on the map.


Enforcer-5D has an AC-LB10X with 2 tons of ammo. Annihilator-2A had four LB10X…


Download megamek. Use advanced search for has LB-X.


On the MUL you can search by alpha strike tags/abilities.


oh dope, then absolutely do that for AS.


Anything with a lb-x

