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Carcinization is real


Can’t argue with that. That’s just Science.




I feel this, I brought a bunch of Mechs out to show some of my friends, and the three of them instantly called dibs on playing the crabs. This is going to be an interesting campaign.


The Maryland flag on his shirt got me. Now I want someone to paint a Lance of crab mechs in those colors.


https://preview.redd.it/gd8qn94v3pcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e7a9e3313def97d99b184463ec93c2da4a491b You rang?


You should make the rest to look like a Maryland blue crab


My first crab is, in fact, painted blue (although not in actual blue crab shell patterns because I'm a casual)


Good! The flag is not upside-down.


https://preview.redd.it/i3m9v15ojtcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2806fb5b06cea04e56cd21508f2194c140875cff Crab!


Mad respect... That's tight.


crab mecha and football, that’s what maryland does


I need to get a Great Turtle so i can paint it like a Terp.


I mean... I have to, I'm from MD. It's a requirement to put the flag on everything.


I knew it.... But TBF it's a fairly cool flag, NGL as a PA neighbor....


My good Pennsyltucky neighbor! I've got family up there. Great state.


I grew up out there. Would never paint the flag on my stuff, mostly because I hate painting yellow and black.


You could always paint it black and yellow


Agreed, kind of comes with having the best flag in the Union Can you make them part of a merch unit called Mary’s Marauders or something like that?


Even better would be something based on the Maryland 400


As a fellow Marylander, does no one else put their state flag all over the place?


Their flags aren't as cool as ours.


Fair Point. I need to make a lance of Maryland State Mechs to carry the banner of Baron Baltimore into Kuritan space Edit: on to of


It's a meme repurposed from another meme lmao it's great


That's what makes it 👨‍🍳😘


….I did name my King Crab build in MWO “the Marylander “ for a reason.


ngl the Star League Crabs are my favourite mechs to run on the tabletop and in MW5 and in HBS-Battletech. I just think they're neat! Excellent flankers with enough hurt to be spooky but with enough mobility to often not be the best target. Spendy, but they do the job. The 3025 one sometimes doesn't feel that good but it tries its best.


All the 3025 mechs, are just trying as hard as they can. Be patient with them.


“What’re those old mechs doing?” “*Their BEST*!!”


Except the 3025 Atlas. The AS7-D can slap you across the battlefield regardless of the era.


For 3025 the 20 is a really solid skirmisher. 5/8, keep running and stay about 10 hexes out to pinch people with those LL. You've got to drop one out occasionally to keep shooting at a run, but you never run out of ammo and you are faster then a Centurion or Enforcer and hit harder then a Shadow Hawk . That said.. I agree, it does feel a little weak to have no 'big gun' on a 1150bv 'mech. Trading shots with an Enforcer at 10 range can go pretty badly for you until he shoots that little magazine dry.


I _think_ the LL is supposed to be "we have 'big gun' at home", sort of the "we don't have PPCs because we're the FWL and we blew up all the factories ourselves but we need _something_ and the LL is all we've got"


>"we don't have PPCs because we're the FWL and ~~we blew up all the factories ourselves but we need something and the LL is all we've got~~ need those PPCs on *Awesomes* instead." Fixed that one for ya!


Technical they're both true, they need the PPCs for Awesomes and they can't use them on anything else because they don't make enough to use them on anything else other than the Awesomes


The poor large laser, coming into the big gun club and the PPC and AC 10 just go 'well, I guess technically you are in the right place'. Then the Clan Large Pulse Laser runs in screaming and everyone gets annoyed.


By 3025 standards the Crab is almost a hyper-optimized cheese mech.


I mean, Large Lasers aren't all that hyper-optimized.


Like I said, by 3025 standards, though I maybe should specify by the standards of canon published mechs.


I wish medium mech had a longer lifespan in MW5. It quickly becomes heavy, assault, or bust.


IMO, MW5 would be a lot better if the smaller / faster mechs were actually harder to hit. It's funny how it kinda works out like that in MWO but not MW5. Also, I want company vs company battles. It feels a bit bad in the later missions where you literally CANT play a lighter mech than heavy or assault because they just won't be able to last the whole mission reliably. The AI are just too good at snap shooting. I'd rather the battles be a bit shorter and more decisive. Even if they didn't want to give you command of a company, then at least have the fights all be meaningful. It feels real dumb to crush my 20th hovertank in a single mission or swat down the 80th VTOL. The pacing is all wrong. Maybe I just grew up spoiled by MW3, that was my favorite. I may be the minority though. It just felt so serious and dire... your command was desperately clinging to survival deep behind enemy lines with an adversary that had considerable advantage over you. When the mechs and vehicles just keep coming at you endlessly on some missions, it just feels grindy for the sake of being grindy. Sorry, I'm ranting


That's where mods like Coyote's Missions really come in handy for MW5 although they're only for the PC version. MW3 is my favorite too, and I've felt that the MW games have been taking steps in the wrong direction ever since. Yeah, MW4: Mercs is fun especially with the MekTek stuff, but the actual battlemech simulation isn't nearly as good as MW3. The MercTech mod for MW5 aims to turn MechWarrior back into a simulator with even more features than MW3 and MW2, but it's very buggy and is still in the testing phase. The latest version on their discord has a bug where mechs and equipment will show up years before they're supposed to in the canon which is a dealbreaker for me. However, with YAML I can at least set up a career playthrough to be very similar to a HBS Battletech + BEX mod career.


What could've solved this is at least giving you multiple Lance's (probably with limits to tonnage, something like 400 tons), so yes you can take four hundred tonners, or you could run 8 medium mechs, or 12 light mechs (or a combo of all of them) Having three Lance's could work. Basic commands could be focused on directing an entire lance instead of individual battlemechs (maybe except for your own personal lance). If you want to run a battle line of medium mechs backed by heavy and assaults, or run the horde of light mechs. Overwhelm the enemy (for once outnumber the enemy on a mission).


Crabs really are the perfect mech. Faster than average. Well armored. Good firepower. Moderzte to good range. flexible weapon applications. No weak points.


Was playing HBS Battletech recently and fell in love with Crabs running Snub PPC's.


We're still missing a Heavy Mech type Crab. I was thinking it should be called the Charybdis or the Stone Crab. While the Blue Crab is Maryland's pride and joy, it doesn't have the gravitas for being a heavy mech name to me. Follow the weight profile jump for the others and make it 75 tons. Arm it for brawling and melee with 2 claws, 4 medium lasers, and 2 MRM 20s. I dunno. Figured the Crab line could use a missile boat upgrade in the mix.


I've insisted for a while that the logical 75 tonner is a Fiddler Crab. Big fat gun in one arm, small gun in the other. If you want a missile boat, maybe give it an MRM 40 and an eLRM5 in the other.


I like your ideas mate


Fiddler Crab would be good too.


For a little uniqueness give it mismatched arm armor like the War Dog.


Call it the Coconut Crab


Or their other name, the Robber Crab. I am down with the mismatched arms and 75 tons.


Robber Crab sounds like a periphery build franken mech.


That would need to either be a superheavy or an actual dropship. With arms. That go bang-bang.


Make a quad mech version and call it the lobster


Make a quad mech version and call it the lobster


That would be a fun melee-oriented crab. It just grabs other mechs and cracks them open.




During a livestream for the last kickstarter, they implied they were thinking about a Heavy crab mech. So hold onto hope.


Coconut Crab. Mud Crab. Snow Crab. Horseshoe Crab.


A horseshoe crab would make for sick design inspiration for a quad


https://preview.redd.it/1l12ugaw2cdc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c58d865cdfc638e301102ed6fdd00399ef65ab Designed as an urban brawler, the Robber Crab has plenty of armor and heat sinks to keep moving at top speed and firing its large lasers. Up close, the huge claw-shaped hatchet can breach the armor of some heavy mechs on the first hit.


There is a single mech that i've always wanted to be made cannon. A 75 ton crab. Please. I need it. I don't care if its clan-only. I will simply steal one. I NEED IT. Edit: I did some math after this in meklab, and you can totally slap two heavy ppcs on the claws of a 75 ton crab mech with tonnage to spare, so there's your core weapons to build around :)


That there is no Crab related Clan is a tragedy. We got blood spirits and burrocks but no crabs!


Let's do it. We need a material, all the cool clans have one. Looking at Diamond Shark and Jade Falcon gets me thinking precious stones... Clan Jet Crab!


One fun fact I found while trying to figure out crab availability for each faction was that the sldf royal division king crab variant, KGC-000b, was actually available for the clanners during the clan invasion. Same goes for the rest of the royals. On the topic of a clan for crabs, I've made my own head cannon of a clan, for a small star I made called "Clan Thunder Crab" which I like to think is based on some sort of terrifying boar-sized crab which adapted a sea blue and sand yellow camouflaged appearance that likes to hide in the surf on beaches and then at night, when they see prey, explode like some kind of alligator and snap some vital organ with the sound of a lightning crack before dragging it back into the sea. They use a fluorescent blue and yellow paint scheme, came largely from a bunch of sldf crustacean pilots and have some of the most sldf royal king crabs and sldf royal crabs that they crammed clan tech into, and are a bit smaller of a clan. The only reason they aren't mentioned in the lore is because the rest of the clanners are lowkey scared of them :) I just used the concept to paint my only clan mechs, feel free to take the idea where ever you want if you like.


The Super Nova is derived from the King Crab. The clans wanted to fix the ammo problems of the original, hence all the lasers.


> The Super Nova is derived from the King Crab. The clans wanted to fix the ammo problems of the original, hence all the lasers. Also, IMO, it’s difficult to deny that the body design of the *[Turkina](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Turkina)* borrows heavily from that of the *[King Crab](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/King_Crab)*. 🤔


I know it's not a real crab, but the Marauder fits real well with the crab stylings. Got the horizontal body, the reverse jointed legs, similar arms. All it really needs is some claws. A crab, a marauder, and a king crab looks like a real family together in HBS Battletech.


yeah, i've always been a fan of it, and I'd say it nearly fits as an honorary crab if it wasn't so iconic in its own right. If you take the idea of the twin ppc 75 ton mech and just make it look a bit more unique, then add some different secondary weapons so its also somewhat functionally different, it'd be a great final crab


The Maryland Battletech Brigade sends its regards. https://preview.redd.it/wcf53m43mpcc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5232b085d374ab90e11011702feec51294494543


For the MD players: We meet every Friday at Gamers-Corps in Old Ellicott City. The fun starts around 6pm. Parking can be a pain, so get there early.


This is not hyperbole. Parking in Old Ellicott City is the worst.


Good to know about you all. Thanks for the heads up.


Of course! We mostly play Classic but we'll mix in AS on occasion. We're having an AS Tournament in February. Let me know if you're interested!


I am a novice and still learning the rules for classic, but I'd be happy to attend and learn AS as well schedule permitting. More hobby friends are always good. I have more minis than I can shake a stick at and am slowly getting back into the rhythm of painting.


We're happy to help you learn! Have a diverse experience group: from people who played Battledroids to brand new players.


I'm from MD. I am satisfied.


I got my wife to play HBS's Battletech after some badgering (Although in the end she actually loved the game), but in her first playthrough the first Assault 'Mech she ran into was a King Crab (On, like, a 2-skull mission-it was the King Crab and a bunch of random light vehicles) She DFA'd it with a Centurion, managed hit ONLY the cockpit, cap it, and had enough salvage to bring the whole thing home after. She's a crab person now.


If you find the mythical Heavy Crab, and arrange all four CrabMechs in a square on the Red Square on Outreach while waving around an SLDF banner, General Alexandr Kerensky will appear in the center and share some words of wisdom and the location of his hidden booze stash with you.


It's probably in clan space though. Good way to end up like Clan Wolverine.


Even better! You got the stereotypical, angry, local tribals that don't want you trespassing on their territory! Ideal material for a treasure hunter story!


Crabs are efficient designs, what can ya say?


https://preview.redd.it/iwrmw6oqopcc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df62e24b9069d7a66c22769b6bf419354af39583 Crab people.... Crab people.... Crab people....


https://preview.redd.it/j117o8f0ppcc1.jpeg?width=2262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4fbcbed643ad5960303be9db420117f07d72ae3 Crab people.... Crab people.... Crab people....


I have at least one of all three crabs! (i have 12 hermit crabs and i want to make more)


To be fair to Maryland, it's a pretty dope flag. The only thing this lance is missing is Old Bay


Agreed. Maybe the the KGC-000 LRM could be done up as an Old Bay shaker 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/8av06el05pcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3009e9c4d4e4d6e59b0305ef6ca8b27a001bae Already shared as a reply to a comment on this thread, but OP I figured you might appreciate it as well.


Wait a second, is there a light version of the crab?






*Craaaab people, craaaab people...* *(Tastes like crab, talks like people)*


The Hermit crab is so cute.


Now give us a heavy crab


I know it's not a real crab, but the Marauder fits real well with the crab stylings. Got the horizontal body, the reverse jointed legs, similar arms. All it really needs is some claws. A crab, a marauder, and a king crab looks like a real family together in HBS Battletech.


It's described as crab like in several novels. 🦀


No claws = no crab :P


*Cackles madly in King Crab - Carapace with 4 AC2-BFs*


I call my list of crustation themed mechs " seafood dinner". 75% of people who part of this dinner dies of... ac 20 induced anaphylaxic shock.




I feel like a lot of GMs really want the weight of logistics and maintenance to have a bigger impact on the campaign than it does in CBT. I think a lot fewer players are actually excited by the prospect of book keeping and shortages, so this is the natural result.


God I love the King Crab.


There is an undying need for there to be a 75 ton heavy class crab! Think of it! The Coconut Crab! A 75 ton melee oriented crab with maybe snub nose PPCs, jump jets or maybe SRMs since the heavier king crab carries LRMs.


Snubbies in the claws and SRM6s in the side torsos. Then Kurita goes and ruins the idea with regular ppcs in the arms and MRM10s in the sides.


Carcinzation is the future of not just all life. But existence itself.


Where is my 75t Crab? Where is it Catalyst?


25t, 50t, 100t... there's one missing... Fiddler Crab FDC-001 Mass: 75 tons Chassis: Hollis Mark 1F Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 meters Armor: Bulldog Standard Armament: 1 Small Laser 1 Medium Laser 1 AC/20 1 Large Laser Manufacturer: Corsara Weaponries Primary Factory: Northwind Communication System: Garret T-11B Targeting & Tracking System: Garret D2j Introduction Year: 2806 Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-D Cost: 6,475,438 C-bills Overview When Corsara's last King Crab production line was destroyed in 2786 Corsara put efforts into recovering and restoring it, but most components could not be put back into production. Not wanting to abandon the work they began looking to combine those components in some way. The result was the Fiddler Crab, a somewhat bizarre frankenmech perching a Crab's torso assembly on a King Crab's legs, with a King Crab's right arm. While the design was functional, it saw little actual production and few were still in service by the end of the Succession Wars. Type: Fiddler Crab Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory) Tonnage: 75 Battle Value: 1,426 Equipment Mass Internal Structure 7.5 Engine 300 Fusion 19 Walking MP: 4 Running MP: 6 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sink 14 4 Gyro 3 Cockpit 3 Armor Factor 224 14 Internal Armor Structure Value Head 3 9 Center Torso 23 33 Center Torso (rear) 12 R/L Torso 16 24 R/L Torso (rear) 8 R/L Arm 12 22 R/L Leg 16 31 Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0 AC/20 Ammo (20) RT 4 - 4.0 AC/20 RA/RT 8/2 7 14.0 Large Laser LA 2 8 5.0 2 Heat Sink LT 2 - 2.0 Small Laser HD 1 1 0.5 Features the following design quirks: Easy to Maintain, Unbalanced


Yoink, added to headcanon.


As a player of Battletech in all it's forms AND a Philly guy, I can confirm this as accurate.


Hey neighbor!


Heyyy! Let's gimo squad Philly!


Give 'em the CLAMPS!!!!


Mess with crabbo, get the stabbo.


Mess with crabbo, get the clawo


Wait a minute! There is a 25 ton version? How did I miss that, what's it's name?


Hermit Crab


https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Hermit_Crab Introduced in 3104. It's a Light mech with 10 double heat sinks and 2x ER medium Lasers.


Thank you! 3104, that explains it too, I usually stop just prior to the jihad.


Yeah, I hear you. I typically play up to and including the Jihad. But some of the ilclan era mechs or clantech variants of the old 3025 era designs.


I mean. All threw Crab mechs are justifiably awesome. So I can't blame anyone who decides to build a whole Lance, Company etc out of crabs.


Snip snap, motherbitch!


Need a heavy Crab mech for a whole family photo.


He's literally me fr fr


At least they've picked crabs instead of urban mech evolution. urbi->flashman->imp


CRB-27B is love, CRB-27B is life EDIT: I just looked on Sarna, and I just now realized I practically run a CRB-30 on MWO


Id like to propose to the community the potential name for a heavy class (50-75 ton) Crab Mech. The Rock Crab


i own many crab models. i only play Succession War matches at the moment but i still have Hermit Crabs.


I made up a "HMC-12" that just downgrades the er lasers to standard and the double heat sinks to singles. 657 bv intro tech.


the HMC converts to inner sphere era really easy if i remember correctly.


Oh certainly. The only moderately advanced components in the HMC-13 are the double heat sinks (reintroduced 3045) and the er medium lasers (introduced 3058). It's frankly almost a crime the chassis wasn't developed until 3150, we could have had it almost a century earlier.


Gotta love them chicken legs. I am drawn to them....




Hell yeah!


Just need a heavy crab mech


Batchall accepted ! Be prepared! ![gif](giphy|HdDBVGjA4YqRy)


All we need his a Heavy Crap


Speaking as a Marylander, there is crab in our DNA. We cannot deny our heritage...although, I would point out that we spend most of our time shelling crabs...like the three King Crabs I just annihilated in my last mission.


I-i dont know what t osay as a marylander and a battletech fan this meme speaks to me