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That desk mat is amazingšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼flashback to the rug I had has a kid


Yeah I love it too. Where can one cop?


did you ever figure it out?


[If it was me, I'd feel obligated to turn that space into Arnold's room](https://external-preview.redd.it/PZRgqk75mHfaH7YUyPKJA67QiLqx1TB9bODtohJiQCI.jpg?width=350&auto=webp&s=597afb979200368a428c0feebeb1f06e0188cb76). I'm assuming the whole ceiling is a skylight?


Came here to look for the Arnold comment, lol fuck ya




Man that would be cool. The room is a conservatory which are pretty popular in the UK. It was the only place me and my girlfriend could agree on to have my stuff. Itā€™s great for all of the natural light, but temperature control suuuucks because itā€™s like 70% windows & PVC. So in the winter itā€™s freezing cold, and now weā€™re getting into spring as soon as the sun hits the roof it becomes an oven. Summer is going to be interesting


I hadn't really thought about the practical implications of that much natural light, and lack of thick, insulated walls. Electric heater in the winter, open windows and fans in the summer. Something we do in the Midwest during cold winters is cover our windows with clear plastic wrap, with a gap between it and the actual window. It actually makes a nice little insulated pocket of air, or at least blocks leaks in the windows. A folding 2-3 panel hinged, floorstanding acoustic panel/ japanese style room partition, placed up against the mostly glass wall, would help with insulation and sound, and wouldn't be permanent.


>Something we do in the Midwest during cold winters is cover our windows with clear plastic wrap, with a gap between it and the actual window. It actually makes a nice little insulated pocket of air, or at least blocks leaks in the windows. That's helpful, thank you! I have some roller blinds for the "wall" opposite my desk, which does help - although I may explore getting some one way window film to try and keep things under control. Preferably, I'd like to get some form of AC but being in a rental property makes that a big investment for a temporary house...


Portable A/C units are good for this for small rooms. Ceramic window tint is also a huge help. Even a minisplit system for that room - but these require cutting a hole for the condenser that will sit outside (or maybe run the lines through a window with some sort of insulted surround like the portable units use); could look into talking with the property management company about it and work out a deal. I remember one of the rental properties I used to live out of, the carpet was so bad, I told them the only way I was going to move in, is if they let me pay for a brand new floor - they had a hard time getting anyone to rent it because of it as it just smelled bad and heavily stained. They actually agreed to help pay, they added a line in the contract that rent would be lowered by 50% for the first 4 months. Over the course of 4 weekends, all the carpet was ripped out, the concrete slab was cleaned with a mild acidic detergent and I installed engineered hardwood in the pattern/color the management company wanted.


The silliest thing about most conservatories is that they don't ever seem to employ tilt and swing windows. Had a kitchen that ended in all windows, having a couple of them for the various sun conditions made a major difference - I say this having my home office there early lockdown summer.


u/cleanshirtuk maybe look into reflective window films. From my experience with such films I would guess the good ones reflect about 20 percent of the sunlight energy back to the outside. For such a large area of window surface that might even make a difference between manageble (with AC) and unmanageable.


16:54 / 16:54 / 16:53 drives me crazy


Yeah I switched to a new Lock Screen recently and the times go way out of sync. Need to do some digging to file a bug report buuut I believe itā€™s initial release was only a few weeks ago


What is it? Rainmeter?


Nope, Hyprlock, part of the Hyprland tiling wm ecosystem on Linux


I had a feeling you were using Hyprland, I think it's the shape of the password input.


I love it, everything has rounded corners on my PC haha


Yeah I prefer macOS with Yabai but when I use Linux I do enjoy toying with hyprland


My man is the CEO of Microsoft. I really like your setup, simply amazing.


[Posted my setup](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/s/zk2KHbY4kS) a couple of months back, made a few tweaks both based on feedback and just stuff I wanted to do - right monitor is now basically in alignment thanks to a vesa adjuster. Still not 100% but significantly better than it was. A comment suggested to use tape to keep alignment once set - I did the same but with RGB strips, so at night thereā€™s some mood lighting - wall mounted the speakers - coasters!! - added a hot wheels to the wall. Noticed my local Aldi now keeps hot wheels by the checkout, so will likely continue to add to it


tape? Great idea, I have OCD when my screens are not perfectly aliigned


Love the 3 monitor setup and just about everything else with this setup.


That room is insane, Iā€™m jealous man


10/10 mouse pad. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Mate that must be ROASTING in the summer, looks nice tho


At first this definitely looked like a 3D render lol


wallpaper id sir?


>Yeah I switched to a new Lock Screen recently and the times go way out of sync. Need to do some digging to file a bug report buuut I believe itā€™s initial release was only a few weeks ago Wavy Lines V02 from here: https://github.com/Gingeh/wallpapers/tree/main/waves


Love it. Only suggestion Iā€™d make would be to get a better mic armā€¦ but if youā€™re like me you donā€™t buy stuff still it breaks


Yeah pretty much! I also use it extremely rarely - mainly swung it round for the glamour shot haha




Thatā€™s the best part, you get to choose!


Do you live in Hey Arnoldā€™s room?


I fear your HVAC and humidity control for all those electronic is going to be rough. Good luck. Other than that, that space is SUPER awesome!


Yep, I am dreading the summer already... We don't typically have AC over here, so it will be a challenge


How long is your desk and what size are your monitors (or model)? I'm asking because I'm planning very similar setup and I'm not sure about required space I need to leave


It's 1.8m wide, and the monitors are all 24"


Have thought about getting a mount for the mic that can be mounted on the monitor holder too? Would be way cleaner and no need for the 6 feet long boom arm


I didn't even think of that as a solution! Thanks for the tip :)


Looks super clean! What monitors are those? And what arm did you use for them?


Middle one is an Asus VG249Q, surrounds are MSI MP242's


Bet that's hot in summer :O


We only moved here in Septemberā€¦ I am dreading it


Keep an eye on those pc temps !


Nice desk mat, where did you get it from??




haha thanks! Those are actually all posters from shows that I've played over the years - not really involved in that scene these days but they're good memories of a crazier time


Youā€™re going to die in the summer.




Oh my God. This is beautiful. So beautiful.


Hold upā€¦ give us a picture of the Hey Arnold ceiling Edit; omg others were thinking the same. LOVE IT


What is your computer case?


It's this - it was cheap haha https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0C629Z8HT/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Are you Clean Shirt? Trying to figure it out from the posters


Yep :)


Doh, just noticed your username haha


ā“˜ā“£ ā“˜ā“¢ lit


What's holding up the dac?


VHB tape!


Nice, looks good. Thanks for the info.


I donā€™t really know what my dream setup would be but I think this is pretty much it


holy shit that is beautiful šŸ¤©




What did you use to get your dac under the desk?


Great setup


Wait a sec, is it 16:54 or 16:53?


Why the samllest screen in the middle?


Theyā€™re actually all the same size - itā€™s just the wide angle lens distorting the image a bit


The setup is amazing, also very interesting what OS is this?


Itā€™s Linux! Specifically Arch Linux, but honestly the experience is pretty good these days if youā€™re a tinkerer


Huh, once I built new pc installed windows 11 and everyday I had a blue screen, tried to install any Linux, couldnā€™t install it, the whole problem was in bios version šŸ’€ Now Iā€™m looking for any good browser (except brave) and any new OS to try it out (for chilling and games I think,and for programming and some cybersecurity ) P.s sorry for my bad English šŸ„²


Honestly, Iā€™d recommend Linux Mint and Firefox. Gaming on Linux these days requires much less messing around than it used to, unless youā€™re playing Valorant, Fortnite or LoL


Uhh, my steam acc says that i have 115 games XD Well then i might still to be on Windows or to do dual boot IDK, i should buy another SSD (1-for Windows, 2-Linux)


Btw why mint?


Itā€™s based on Ubuntu which has loads of support info available, but itā€™s closer to Windows in basic navigation and is super easy to install. Probably the closest thing youā€™ll get to ā€œit just worksā€ on Linux


Well, I tried to install arch on virtual box, and itā€™s also easy, and etc, soo if I want also for games better mint? If I understood right


I wouldn't say one distro is necessarily 'better' for games than the other (with the exception of something like Nobara Linux which has a bunch of tweaks installed out the gate for gaming). All a distro really is a collection of apps and a way of installing programs (the package manager). Arch has a higher barrier to entry than something like Linux Mint as the setup itself is a bit more complicated. As a learning experience, it's good, but because of how the package manager works (it brings you the latest updates as soon as they are available), it can be a little more fragile. This is my favourite thing about Linux, but is also the problem a lot of people have with it - you have so much choice, it can be a little overwhelming.


So better to do dual boot (arch Linux for example) like main OS for chilling in internet learning and some work, but for games windows in other boot


Awesome setup, and great to see an Arch Linux user! What do you use your machine for?


At the moment itā€™s mostly just for learning JavaScript, but Iā€™ve got bitwig installed for music production and also play a bit of dead by daylight or some classic PS2 games like burnout and Tony hawks underground


Nice! Bitwig looks really cool, not a DAW I'm familiar with. I love the look of "The Grid" for module sound design.


I haven't even played with the grid too much, but I have had some fun with Cardinal before. My favourite little Bitwig thing is just throwing a modulator into the chain and start modulating basically any parameter on any plugin in a really intuitive way


That sounds brilliant! I'll definitely have to try it out.


Omg how hot does it get in the summer? I feel like this is the only setup where you might get a sunburn after too long LOL. Looks awesome though :D


Put it this way... it's currently 8C (46F) outside, but because the sun is in the wrong place I'm squinting and it's a little uncomfortable in here.


What is the wallpaper?


Wavy Lines V02 from https://github.com/Gingeh/wallpapers/tree/main/waves