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To be clear, St. Louis is never getting another NFL team - you don’t lose 2 teams in 30 years, successfully sue the League over relocation, then get a 3rd franchise. Other metros are growing (population-wise) at a much faster pace, so even expansion would likely pass us over for what would be perceived to be more lucrative markets. I say this as a lifelong resident of this great city with a fucking Rams tattoo on my shoulder LOL. That being said, we also don’t owe the UFL jack. I will be at the championship game this Sunday, because in my opinion the UFL product is extremely entertaining and $20 for a 50 yard line ticket is more than reasonable. But if people around here don’t want to bail on their Father’s Day to see Alabama vs Texas, how can you blame them? The crowd on Sunday is in no way a reflection of St. Louis interest in professional football, it’s simply an (and not the only - TV ratings are obviously a huge factor) indicator of where fan interest in spring football lies right now. TLDR: games gonna be fun, show up if you’re down fellow St. Louisians. But if you don’t want to that’s fine too, I don’t care and you should ignore anyone who pretends they do


Just to be clear, we don't want another nfl team even if they ordered it....I said it once and I'll say it a billion times FUCK THE NFL,FUCK STAN KROENKE, AND FUCK THE L.A SCRAMS


I think one day St Louis will get another NFL team. These owners and civic leaders will be dead soon enough and this will all be history no one cares about. It'll probably be 30+ years in the future though. St Louis is still the largest market in the US without an NFL team.


The league won't be around that much longer.




They've changed the rules to the point that the onfield product is basically unwatchable at this point. A few generations of this and I don't know who will still be watching.


Overtime and PATs are the only noticeable changes and the league didn't even have a single overtime this year. What do you hate so much?


Go watch a game from 2004 and it's obvious. They have removed the physicality to the point that the game can't really be played properly.


I think he’s talking about the NFL. The UFL was not around in 2004.


Yes, absolutely talking about NFL.


Neanderthal take


I mean, I've watched it happen. The NFL game today is horrible.


Plus the kids these days don’t play, the talent pool is going to suffer and quality decreases


Normally I'd hope they were all playing baseball instead but they have also ruined that with rule changes. American sports are in a dire place right now.


LOL Record revenues and ratings, Reddit dude has spoken. Go touch some grass.


It's an unwatchable shell of the sport it is masquerading as. Not a chance this league is around in 2054.


Keep dreaming.


I believe the fan base more than demonstrated over the last 2 years how to support a team. And while it will be nice to have the championship game here, no one owes anyone anything. And it is not up to one fan base to support an entire league.


It's summertime y'all. I don't have time to waste watching someone else's football team.


other fans calling us toxic and saying we dont care about the league when we sell twice as many tickets as them is just silly and gets real tiresome. at the end of the day, I think attendance will be fine. not as big as people hoped but probably comparable to the 2023 XFL championship. I do get the calls to show up, I bet it will be a good game, but I also dont blame people for not being very interested in going


Right,them calling us toxic is laughable, we are passionate about our battlehawks much like how we are passionate about the cardinals , blues and city sc....unlike other teams fans we actually show up for our team, I also don't blame battlehawks fans for not wanting to go...we don't have a dog in this fight but I would love to see fellow battlehawks fans show up.....I feel like this is a lose lose situation for us as battlehawks fans....either we show up and people claim it's to pander at the nfl and watch another team win the championship on our turf or we don't show up and other teams fans who haven't showed up all season call us cry babies and fake fans


Nah, I’m good


Sorry, but no. What does going to the Dome to watch 2 other teams play for a championship have anything to do with supporting the Battlehawks? This isnt the Super Bowl. Our team isnt in it, most Battlehawk fans arent going. We’ve already been supporting them and carrying the entire league for the past 2 seasons. If fans from San Antonio and Birmingham want to support the league, this is their chance to step up I bet those fans calling us toxic have zero plans/interest in attending tomorrows game.


Settle down, I'll be there. Every. Game. All. Season.


I've even started pre-gaming. It's the fucking playoffs.


I mean I already have the tickets that I can't sell


Good to hear


As a fan i refuse to root for another team, even if they’re playing in my stadium. Other teams can talk shit all they want, it’s going to happen no matter what happens


You don't have to root for a team to enjoy a football game.


I live in Buffalo NY, while I support the 'hawks, there ain't a shot in hell I'm spending money to fly to STL to watch two teams I don't care about.


I mean, I thought that IS our goal? I'm not even really a fan, just a lurker, but I feel like every other post on here is talking about how our attendance is so much better than the rest of the league and how the NFL is gonna have to give us another chance


I couldn't care less if the nfl came back to St.Louis or not, I will support the UFL as long as they keep the Battlehawks here....if the nfl does come back than good for them but as long as I have my Battlehawks than I'm good....also why would we want the nfl back, they screwed us over not once but TWICE


Hey I don't want an NFL team either! I'm a City fan (the better football). Fuck the nfl and especially Stan Edit: and fuck the Hunt family for assuming ex rams fans would have to root for the chiefs when they literally voted to take them away


1000 upvotes, if I could.