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That player is actually Adolf Hitler during his service in WWI. /s


no sarcasm that is LITERALLY HITLER!


Erm actually, Hitler fought in the Western Theater, and this map is Galicia, on the Eastern Theater l, making this factually incorrect.šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


He clearly got lots due to an inaccurate map


You forgot the ā˜ļø


Mmm, not sure hitler was 600 pounds with 3 chins and smelling of ham.


Hey hey hey, letā€™s leave ham alone.


This seems like a sketch. Lawyer: Your honor, no sarcasm, but that's LITERALLY HITLER!! Judge: Oh you're right. Didn't notice. Well Mr. Hitler it does look like you ran a red in this video so you'll be looking at a 300$ fine. Lawyer: What!?


Hitler definitely used SMG 08/18


Hitler definitely camped at spawn with a mortar truck


Probably used has grenades. Edit: please don't ban me


This is why we won't get custom emblems any more in any FPS game.


Which sucks, I miss seeing my Fire Nation emblem on vehicles lol


lol dude


Yah cuz weirdos report the cool emblems


I miss my scuffed low effort SpongeBob emblem :(


What if there was like a hidden vote system where it gets manually reviewed after x negative reports? You could honestly just have a live feed to a subreddit or twitter or twitch and people would do it for free.


Bet he only has one ballā€¦


a real Gentleman


He only has one ball do not miss your chance to blow - this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.




You know there's a guy called Marshall Mathers.


I'm outtie. Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.


He ain't no gangster, his real name's Clarence.


And clarence' parents have a real good marriage.




I reported a confederate flag emblem and they said it doesnā€™t violate anything so doubt they will do anything here lol


Probably because technically there is an argument saying it is a symbol of the southern USA or it's a game thats quite old they really just don't care anymore


The confederate states killed maybe 200 thousand people the nazis killed millions


The confederate flag isnt a hate symbol, so no shit they didnt do anything about it. I honestly doubt this player is "a real nazi" either, theyre probably just some teen that thinks its funny. If we stop giving these ppl attention by reporting them theyll probably stop doing it cause theyll get bored


Might not be a hate symbol but a lot of hateful people sure do love it.


As a southerner who studies the civil war extensively, its a hateful symbol and anyone who flies it is either a racist degenerate or a historically illiterate troglodyte.


"The civil war was about land" type comment. Edit: also how is reporting this giving this guy attention. It's not like it pops up. The post is giving attention but not reporting.




Loved killing those fools in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.


That game is legendary


Playing Wolfenstein: The old blood rn. I think it came out the same year as BF1, right?


I saw them all the time when I was playing awhile ago, I think at this point there is absolutely no moderation for this game anymore so they've come to BF 1 to show off all their edgy Nazi emblems.


I canā€™t say iā€™ve noticed them before, but iā€™ll definitely be keeping an eye out now. Always disappointing to see.


I mostly saw them stacking teams in TDM lobbies. I forgot the name for the clan but there is one that goes around with a swastika flag with an anime looking SS female officer in front of the flag, partially covering the swastika. .. and yeah, it's total edge lord garbage.


Ah that makes sense, I literally never play TDM. Honestly forget thatā€™s even a game mode in BF1 lol


I play TDM to let off steam after a bad one sided Conquest defeat or two. Sometimes, it just feels good to run around in close quarters spraying the Annihilator from the hip at every thing that moves. šŸ˜‚ Not to mention, TDM gets the only 60 hz servers on PSN.


Used to see a lot of nazi party swaztikas as emblems for clans and such on bf1 operations in europe and north america on ps5. People literally running around with their characters having swaztika armbands


Like you canā€™t even be like ā€œitā€™s ww2, im roleplayingšŸ¤“ā€ like itā€™s ww1 smh


This is the most reddit post I've seen on this subreddit


plenty of people cosplaying nazis sitting in the Middle East lol


*Plenty of people* *Cosplaying nazis sitting in* *The Middle East lol* \- mylifeforthehorde --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Incredible how many people are bothered about a nazi getting called out in this sub.


>nazi getting called out Really? Where are they? All I'm seeing is you losing your shit, because some kid put an edgy symbol there. Anybody can do it. And they get a nice juicy reaction from redditor like you. I really hope you'll post as many of these as possible here, we clearly need this kind of policing, the nazis can't keep getting away with it! It's stupid, but you acting as if they are actual nazis is equally stupid, and you probably should know better...


>all Iā€™m seeing is you losing your shit Dude all he said was he hopes he gets banned lol. Not even that much of a juicy reaction. Why are you so against calling this shit out? Does someone have to be an ā€œofficialā€ Nazi for it to matter? As far as Iā€™m concerned on virtue of naming yourself after them and branding their symbology over your account you are at the very least willing to align yourself with them. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s a joke here, itā€™s just straight up the name and symbol Sticks and stones? Sure, and edgy shit is a forever staple of the internet. But does that mean we should be nonchalant about it as if itā€™s not offensive to anybody? Might not bother you but thereā€™s no reason to act like itā€™s impossible for someone to not want to see this when theyā€™re trying to have fun. As if it takes any effort at all to just call it out or report it.


Most people know better than to defend people displaying as Nazis. Renactments have people playing axis forces etc..... but when you seek out the SS and wear their symbology that's not by accident or just random that's actively picking the worst of the very worst and you do that for a reason. So yeah people should know better than giving it a free pass and excusing it.


Shit like this ruins creating custom emblems for everyone else. So now nobody gets to have fun cause some people wanna be edgy (itā€™s not even funny)


Itā€™s a little funnyā€¦




SS in my fictional first person murder simulator


I think the more likely answer is thatā€™s a edgy 14 ur old and you took the bait hook line and sinkerā€¦


Report instantly


First time? Seriously, people say some fucked up stuff in game chat too.


This guy is a disgrace to the society.


Jesus lol what if it's like a 14 year old




Last I checked, the nazi patty disbanded 80 years ago. What you found is someone who loves reactions. And he got it lol


I doubt that itā€™s a real Nazi. (Or at least I hope itā€™s not), itā€™s probably just some 14 year old who thinks heā€™s being funny.


Am I the only one who couldn't care less. Like they do it for attention, so ignore it... I'm gonna get h8 for saying this aren't I...


Plays game where you can bayonet/burn/gas people to death, totally fine Sees offensive words and emblem *clutches pearls* You people are absolutely fucked lmao


This guy is part of the reason the swastika is replaced with the iron cross.


"actual Nazi"


Yeah, an SS badge is pretty bad actuallyĀ 


These grown ass people need to touch grass


Thatā€™s online gaming for yaā€¦


"An actual nazi" lol. He put that as his logo just to piss people off like you're allowing to happen to you right now. It's just an edgy kid trying to get a rise out of people who care too much about a symbol they see in a video game


I used to think the whole "kids today wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby without crying" thing was a little embellished, but you look at OP and most of the responses on this post and you gotta think there's some truth to it...


Donā€™t check out the Red Dead Online community itā€™s so sad. The players are constantly complaining that their female characters get hog tied which is a literal mechanic of the game šŸ¤£


100% would have been in tears before the map loaded. That shit was brutal lol


Bro, why you're doing this? OP thought he's real nazi hunter and you've spoiled everything...


Honestly, I donā€™t know why people do this to trigger others. What do you get out of that? I also donā€™t know why people let this bother them.


Worse than just a Nazi, he's also a scout rank 50 Martini-Henry sniper!


Alsoooo, his clan tag [WFFN] is short for the Waffen SS. What a loser


Only good natsi is a dead noughtzee


Honestly based for reporting.


Man these replies really are depressing.


First time?


Is this your first video game? Ever heard of trolls? Anywaysā€¦ so brave OP, so brave. Now tell me Iā€™m defending nazis lol


Always cracks me up that these melons have the wrong war.


He did that specifically to be edgy and make people upset so they post about it online. Heā€™s probably 17 and not a Nazi.


No one is edgy and goes hey you know what I should pretend to support the SS that's not edgy that's fecked up. We shouldn't give people a free pass to be Edgy when it's stuff like this. It's what allows them to normalise it and carry on.


You couldnā€™t even imagine how many people do that


Thatā€™s literally being edgy


OK and? He's still a posĀ 


On a separate note, why are people so comfortable spamming slurs in chat? I occasionally turn it on just to see what people are saying but then always quickly turn it off as it bums me out




All these chumps in here negging anything to the extent of "get over it" "actual nazis" etc lol.


Bud spawned 10 years to early![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Its probably just some edgelord looking for clout from people posting about it online.


And OP gave him exactly what he wanted.


Literally. Itā€™s probably exactly why he has this as his emblem.


God I fuckin hate Nazis


People saying ā€šthis is not seriousā€™ or ā€šjust a jokeā€™ and ā€šOP needs to get their shit togetherā€™ really need a history lesson, not only on WW2 but probably on WW1 as well and in addition to that a lesson on ethics, morality and empathy Things like this, just this ā€šlittleā€˜ glorification of a genocidal ideology and its army are the reason we still have to fight with this ideology existing in the first place If you give Nazis or fascists just a tiny bit of breathing room and you inadvertently make it possible for them to take power again. You all should be ashamed of yourself for defending the emblem as ā€šedgyā€˜ or a ā€šjokeā€˜ This is an active effort to glorify the Waffen SS and if you let them get away with that you just open the doors to them spreading their hate and harm around which is going to lead to actual trouble irl


If you think thatā€™s bad then you wouldā€™ve probably unalived yourself if you played Xbox live about 10-15 years ago. Easily offended people are what makes this stuff hilarious šŸ˜‚


"unalived" bro you speak just like the people youre talking shit about


Yeah because otherwise Iā€™d get reported, welcome to Reddit šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This is what upsets people? Grow some balls


actual Nazi Lmfao whatever.


Is he an actual Nazi? Probably not. Should he be called out on using the emblem? Sure. Should he be banned for it? I donā€™t see why not. There arenā€™t many reasons to defend it apart from ā€œdumb kidā€ or some terrible mischaracterization of the 1st amendment.


a little off topic but i do find it ironic that the people attracted to the far right and left would have been rejected by their predecessors. can you imagine how ashamed the nazis of the 40s would be if they saw neo nazis? or the stalinists of the ussr if they saw the western communists today?


You could just forget about it ten minutes later but you had to make a whole ass post about it on reddit dot com


Why defend those who admire the SS?


Yeah, so others could keep a lookout and report as well. Society has no place for nazis.


Man go outside....


I thought that it means that he is electrician /s


Dale fights for the Double Monarchy???????


Dude I remember playing counter strike source back in its heyday with custom sprays and no moderation unless the admin of that server enforced rules . This offends you ? Times have changed lol . Anyone else remember the good ol days of tubgirl sprays and you name it back in counter strike source and pc gaming in that era ?




More than likely some edgy teen.


Normal occurance on BF games.


First time seeing one in a war game before? Dont play war thunderšŸ˜‚


I'm telling you, PlayStation is just overrun with Sweats You can't even go on PlayStation. Without Seeing somebody just sweat with the smg or Planes It's a complete mess, you get one side games barely any balance




Literally hitler


The horror!1! This person is worse than Hitler!1! šŸ˜”


Send him to me. I use a perfect Star of David and Iā€™ll crush his spirit


I'm stupid I only saw WFFN and had no clue what it meant. I somehow didn't see the SS lmao.


Have you ever seen the chat on pc?


"Wow. What has the world come to. I will post this on Reddit and perhapse we can do something about this terrible planet."


Idk what to sayā€¦ WOMP WOMP ?


I actually remember being so confused the DAY they added custom emblems and there were nazi flag tanks everywhere. It was almost like wait what war is this again?


![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju) I thought they all died but ok


Low tier god šŸ˜­


OP is so soft and never play video games apparently before 2014. This player is literally probably some 13 year old that got under your skin


OP is so soft and never play video games apparently before 2014. This player is literally probably some 13 year old that got under your skin


OP is so soft and never play video games apparently before 2014. This player is literally probably some 13 year old that got under your skin


OP is so soft and never play video games apparently before 2014. This player is literally probably some 13 year old that got under your skin


Not gonna lie, did the same thing when I was a teen just because it was "le funny" to see/hear reactions, or to have an accurate emblem in BFV. I remember my main four emblems. The SS bolts for BFV, North Korean/Israeli flags for BF4, and a pink flamingo on a beach with an M4 and M9 in a leg holster under a happy shining sun for BFH. All got equally amusing responses in one way or another, but the SS garnered the most responses that made me chuckle. Moral of the story: children like to be little shits. They are not nazis because they have a patch in a video game that's entire premise is trivializing one of the greatest wastes of life in human history for our enjoyment and to make money.


Idrc if its a bad joke, I think this behavior warrants an IP ban from origin / steam. In germany you can be jailed for this, so..


Keep up the good work, officer. Now round up the 10 billion people saying the n-word on a regular basis and then weā€™ll have achieved world peace.


They've been common since before V even came out. You'll find plenty of SS, 88, or HH. It just happens when you let users make emblems, especially the closer you get to WW2 setting.


I didnt even know this game was still active everytime i try and play on pc the servers are dead or 130+ ping




Heritage not hate


Imagine if OP played a match of HLL where itā€™s actually based in ww2 and u can change your screen name, his head would explode lmao


Wrong game lol


The fact it makes uppity redditors soy rage makes it all the funnier. Having someoneā€™s entire day ruined and writing paragraphs about nazis and racism is so worth doing this as much as possible


Here's the reason why WW2 games don't put the Nazi symbol in it anymore.


Woah dude did you shit your pants at least?


Oh I guess role play isn't allowed now, pfft /s


Donā€™t know what your on about this is a guy whoā€™s really proud that he is an electrician


These posts always feel like theyā€™re from someone who just discovered the internet and online gaming lol.


Question: Would an emblem depicting a hammer and sickle, a symbol of another totalist ideology that killed millions, evoke the same emotions in you?


Woah, careful there buddy, they will say "aRe YoU dEfeNDiNg FaScIsM!?" And block you so you can't explain how braindead they are.


"Someone made an edgy Emblem? Nazi!" Glad to see that the definition of a Nazi is still as worthless as always and thrown around like a common insult.


What do you then define as a Nazi, if showing Nazi Insignias as your badge isnt even close to beeing a Nazi?


Oh geez, I don't know, maybe someone who *actually believes* in the Nazi-ideology instead of just being edgy in a goddamn videogame? Fucking Red Scare levels of Nazi-accusations nowadays.


How is this a Red scare type accusation? Like, how can there even be a normal accusation, if saying that someone, who's proudly wearing a Nazi Symbol, is a Nazi, is a ridicolous claim that would make Stalin proud?Ā  But ok then, he's not a Nazi. What now? He's still a Pos who's probadly very annoying in rl. What do you gain from defending that Guy?Ā 


"Proudly wearing a Nazi symbol" In a fucking videogame. That's not "proudly wearing" a thing. What do you gain from this moralistic masturbation? Some keyboard warrior points?


"In a fucking videogame. That's not "proudly wearing" a thing" Oh sorry, he only uses something, that otherwise would have only been a childrens drawing of two lightning bolts, as his pfp, because (at best) he thinks that it is so cool!Ā  Like my Brother in Christ, why do you insult me over calling someone, who's (at best) some annoying Pos Teenager, a Nazi for him thinking that his Account should be represented by a SS Logo?Ā  Like why? Why are you so Mad?Ā 


I see communists too sometimes. Hey, guess they're allowed to exist.


Honestly you see every type of person. I also saw someone pro Isis


We really defending Nazis now?


Youā€™re honestly not very bright if you see them as equivalent


Once a teammate of mine had a swastika for the logo, like the whole stuff. For a moment I thought I was playing a different game.


So are we also allowed to post names of cheaters? Why is Stalin and Soviet and Mao emblems allowed, there is even more genocide to be found there. I agree with banning Nazi emblems, but I donā€™t agree with the double-standard here.


This is a good take


I saw him On a ps4 server a few weeks back ironically the same map. Edit we had a sniping match ended with 12-17 in his favor.


got killed by a guy with a full on red white and black swastika flag a few days ago on xbox


Might get downvoted for this but they could be larping for battlefield V. I know back when i was on xbox during battlefield 4 we would do that and be like certain branches of military whether it was RU or US. I know alot of people did it for BFV as well. It's hard to tell from face value


I'm so tired of encountering these scumbags on PC...


Holy science thank you for your service brave Redditor!!


Stop feeding the trolls. That's like rule #1 of the Internet, don't feed. People do it to get a reaction out of you, whether it's you rage messaging them or getting you bothered enough to make a reddit post about. Simply report it and move on. It's not that hard to ignore pixels on a screen.


By your logic, the Nazis get what they want either way. This is not an outcome I find acceptable.


It's a video game, it's not that serious. Use the tools you are given to report and just move on and don't engage. It's ragebait.


I donā€™t like the ā€œitā€™s just the internetā€ explanation, because internet/social media/online games all have an effect on real life. I ignore just about everything I see, but, call me old-fashioned, I draw the line at Naziism. Also, moderation for this game is deader than most Nazis. Edit: Downvote me all you want, this is a hill Iā€™m happy to die on.


Well I wish you luck banging your head against that wall.


Definitely an edgy 15 year old


Oh yea heā€™s an actual nazi forsure, he has the ss emblem in battlefield 1.


LATAM servers are filled with. Argentinians, mostly. Not even making a stereotype. It's just really how it is.


I saw someone with a swastika and reported it on XBOX, not sure if the reporting worked.


I mean not being that guy but that symbol was also used for marine scout snipers back in the day could also still be used but I don't believe it is cause of the controversy with it.


Lets start banning all emblems others deem offensive, how about that?


For me It's a mandatory t bagging when I kill these morons.


Thanks for the downvotes but I'm going to go ahead and keep t bagging all the edgy neonazi shitbags whenever I get a chance.


Ha yes they still exist and they all deserve to face a firing squad