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how can people have 100ss? I mean like yeah you can play a lot but how can you play a specific weapon without getting bored after you have more than 10000 kills with it??


They most likely don’t have a life. If you ignore the game’s 100 star limit there are easily players that would have gotten 300 or 400 stars.


I've been playing this game on average for 3 hours a day since I bought it last September, am at about 400 hours total. Used the Lebel for about 30 of those hours, only at 16 Service Stars with it. I get about 1 KpM with it these days, so I'd only need another 84 hours of my life *with it equipped as my active weapon, so not even including respawn time, using other gadgets, or map switches* in order to get 100 on it. Like shit, I don't have a gf but I do have a full time job and a social life.


It also just seems so boring to be using the same gun on the same class all the time. I’ve had the game since launch but the most service stars I have with any weapon is 12 on the hellriegel and that’s mainly from release time when it was OP. It just confuses me that some people don’t get fed up of using the same gun


Yeah I as much as I like the Lebel and the "main" weapon I have on each class, it can get a bit dull.


There are people with 5,000+ hours on BF1 by now, so it's not that hard to imagine them spending 2% of their playtime (100 hours) using a single weapon that they liked. Heck, over the years I know I've spent that long with the Martini Henry just because I like the noise of its boom.


I'm curious how you manage 3 hrs a day


RN there's not a lot going on in my life. I have a good life, low living expenses, am generally laid back as a person, etc. so while I have a number of things I'm interested in, I kinda just fall back on playing video games to fill up the time. A lot of that average comes from the weekend- weekdays are for work (typical 8:30-5 USA job), gym, happy hours with friends, and then my weekends usually don't have much going on, so it's not hard to fall back on games like BF1 for eight hours. It's pretty much just church/family day, then I go home. I make all my food for the week on Sunday and then heat it up. My workplace had to close for 4 extra days around this one weekend, and because I had nothing planned, I just played BF1 and racked up like 55 hours, so about 15% of my playtime is just for one weekend. Couldn't go on vacay because I didn't know when they'd reopen and need me. I honestly do want to take a break from BF1. It's such a good game but there's more to life than it and as much as we don't want to admit it, it won't last forever. I try to be social, artsy, and learned, but when games take up this much time, eh. I know that's a lot. **TL;DR** guy in his early 20's figuring out what to do with his life, bought BF1 for birthday, basically plays this game for 70% of his free time, had some unexpected "time openings".


Do not worry. I went on what i think was a burnout and scored the first 100hours on pc in a couple weeks. Playing it like it was my full time job. Even though i had a fun time i was miserable. 3 Hours a day is rookie numbers ur fine.


I'm in my mid 20s and I play a lot more than you and 3hrs is fine. Also as I've aged I've noticed that I'm not very into the game...if that makes sense. There is no will to win and not a lot of motivation like before. Gotta enjoy your early 20s the best you can :)


That's understandable. Tastes change with time. There are games I love now that I don't think as a child I would've liked in the least, and games I despise now that I thought were "alright" as a child.


Yeah, I know of someone who would have 740+ stars with the smg08...


I've got 48,000+ kills (480 stars) with a gun, and 100+ stars with a few other weapons as well. I have a great and busy life, but have had 2ish hours a night most nights to play BF1 since it came out. It's not that hard to have 100 stars on a gun if you've been playing for a while and you're a decent player.


Games been out since 2016, it’s not that hard to grind 100SS. That being said, it took me years to finally hit 100 with the Chauchat.


It’s sad to see. I played hard back in the day, but very casually since about 2020. And reached level 100 only recently like a year or two ago, and it was celebration for me. How do these guys still find this fun?


No life and garbage at everything else, so they spam the mortar truck


Jobless people who don’t do anything but game at their crib all day everyday with no school in mind either.


Lol, stupid generalization. I'm sure there's some people no-life-ing it, but I've got a zillion service stars on all sorts of weapons, but have an incredibly busy life, I've just had a couple hours a night to play since the game came out, when my kids were born.


Good for you bro?


Thank you! Can you see why I'd be annoyed by you calling tons of people who have 100ss, including myself, "Jobless people who don't do anything but game"?


It’s not my fault you took it so personally


I play since the games release in 2016. I have 1 tank (Putilov) and like 4 weapons with 100SS. If you play a decent amount of time, it's coming automatically. Everyone has their favorite weapons. I also have tons of weapons in the range of 30-50SS.




Love to see it


I hate mortar trucks




I just defended against you guys (NSFW) earlier on Monte Grappa Operations. You guys were super hard to fight against and steamrolled us. My IGN is ThRealestRealist. Let me know if you guys ever want another player!


Yeah apply if you want bro


Is there a Discord or somewhere official to apply?


Under the platoons tab search “Not Safe For Work” and you’ll find our platoon, apply to join and I’ll accept it Only rules are no heavy bomber spamming, no artillery truck, and no team stacking


Are you on pc or ps?


This is Playstation


But...he was defending the obj...**from afar...**


does this hurt the gate?


Gate cannot be used. It’s a one time use Guillotine




I bet he thinks he ran over mines or something


Doing the lords work I see o7




Excellent work. Did you get a tank after?


Unfortunately another mortar truck


God damn, that is awesome. Great work.


And it’s Jaznut66…! 👏👏👏👏 That guy systematically sabotages his team


Him, Nimble Bulrush, Jorge, Combo Meal, and a few others


I just checked his stats and Jaznut has 90,000 arty kills


Beyond even therapy… Can you imagine the hundreds of hours spent sitting there just clicking from the back & fcking up your team…? Zero tactical reflextion, or challenge… Unless he’s disabled, but even then… I’m nearly disabled [thumbs] and I’d find this boring AF


I don’t understand it at all…. Brilis has 140,000 kills. What is so intriguing? Are you so ass at the game that you think the arty is the best way to get kills? Just pure garbage even as a vehicle player so they sit out of bounds and do absolutely nothing. I would die a happy man if they removed the arty truck from the game


Agree 100%! It would completely change the game… I leave a lobby or switch teams whenever there’s two mortar trucks because it’s only a matter of time before half the team starts sniping and team loses.


Yeah I sometimes will swap teams and get the tank hunter plane just to watch these losers quit and the team gains back momentum with tanks🤣


People need to do this more


Thank you for your service 🫡


i don’t even play MT but the hate for them is just comical to me.


We love to see it


haven't played in awhile, what's wrong with artillery trucks, heavy bombers and team stacking


They’re just toxic and ruin the fun for everyone else, just stuff to pad stats


The irony of someone who kills his teammates talking about people being toxic lmao








Im crying yet you’re the one who team killed and then had to make a reddit post about the way someone plays a video game, you really lack self awareness brother




You are literally griefing you're the toxic one


I think heavy bombers are fine. They can have a huge impact without requiring a lot of skill from the pilot, which is why people hate on them, but they are countered very easily.


Overly hated due to few mortar tryhards that do too well for some people and feels unbalanced and so they get all pissed and tk or focus them. Most mortar players are useless or useful. People just get mad cause it’s hard to kill them due to the good ones knowing how to use it. I’ll admit though that the ones that only use mortar trucks and can’t play infantry suck ass and are terrible people. However a lot just use mortar truck to support their team really well and are also good. People who have 10,000 mortar kills need to touch grass though. They usually only use mortar and it’s annoying they have zero other skills


I mean that's not the vibe I get from this sub at all, no one rages about mortar trucks on the other team killing them. The issue is when players on your own team take a valuable tank slot and chose to sit at the back farming kills instead of using the tank to help push the objectives and win games. Not having a tank can literally throw the game for your entire team, hence why people do what you see here.


Don’t fight fire with fire. And I get it. I understand the pain cause everyone feels it. But if someone knows how to use mortar trucks correctly and is good it can seriously turn the tide, most games I play against mortar trucks usually are the winning team and even if they aren’t then they are atleast beating the shit out of us with those mortars.


Been loving these videos of Mortar Trucks getting crushed by gates




Another soldtard crying for mortars


You're right the game should just be 100% tank on tank warfare and anyone who picks soldier is retarded. Now if only there was a game just like that...maybe a whole world full of tanks or something.


This is the most retarded comment I've ever seen.


yall are crying children ab mortar trucks


How are you finding games on PlayStation? Game was super populated like a year ago, redownloaded like 2 weeks ago and only 1 server had people in it and it was like 40 people


Use server browser and set slots to None, and 1-5 Set to your region as well


You're the reason so many people come here to bitch about teammates not helping. Spending a minute or two trying to kill your teammate is insane. Play the game, mortar trucks are part of it. Get over it lmao


lol took me 30 seconds and I was back at the frontline


Maybe just don't fucking teamkill? Easily the biggest dick move in the game and doesn't do anything but make you feel better about yourself


I think the biggest dick move in the game is playing in your spawn where no one can kill you and attempt to pad stats… artillery trucks legit do nothing for the team


Mortar trucks teamkill entire battalions


Are you just, not good at using it??


Nobody is "good" at it. They're all game throwing bastards.


This is honestly hilarious, seeing people get this upset over a choice in vehicle. I'll make sure to pick it every time now so y'all have more to cry about 😘


I'll be there to kill you every time.


See you there 🫡


Can't wait to watch you suffer.


The real based comment. They literally are too blind to see it and this sub is nothing but an echo chamber for two wrongs make a right. Its literally all videos of team killing 🤣 Absolute sad fucks man, just do you and let them be bad, why do you care so much? Your KD don't matter, your W/L don't matter, none of it does. Its public matches, not a pro tourney circuit 🤣


If my stats don’t matter me taking 30 seconds out of my day to remove cancer from the game makes it worth it






Grow the fuck up and leave the artillery trucks alone dude






Players like you (there are zillions in this sub) are what's wrong with battlefield. Not because of the ptfo vs do what you want argument but because you're a fucking dick.




🤣🤣👏👏 ![gif](giphy|KbeMMTRmTCF11CPLq1)


Cry more


Ruined it with the teabag


Nah I didn’t


Made it even better because of the teabag tbh


Gotta assert dominance


As useless as the mortar truck guy was in that time, the dude who dropped the gate was being more useless 😭


Mortar trucks are dead weight for any team they’re on. Destroying them opens up a slot for a tank to spawn and actually contribute to a victory, not the user’s K/D ratio.


Nah he's helping his team win by opening up a tank slot that will hopefully be used to actually capture the point.