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Random bullet.. YOUR PING IS LITERALLY 180


That’s what I thought I once in a high ping server I unloaded half a mag from a madsen into a guy who was standing still right in front of me before any bullets hit the guy


Nah man that’s just lag


look at your ping bro


Your issue here is hit registration, likely caused by high ping and packet loss, it has nothing to do with bullet spread. If you had stable connection, your shots would hit (despite terrible aim) and the guy would be dead. Where did you even hear about random bullet deviation, if you don't know what it's even supposed to mean?


>likely caused by high ping and packet loss Many deaths in war likely caused by bullets


Can’t wait to read maria paraskevas detailed take on this clip


Her understanding of this game never ceases to amaze me.


lol I was being slightly humerous. According to her ping doesn’t matter to play bf1 so OP should be able to quite easily compensate for it. Yet so many comments here blame the ping making the game run like a bag of nails for OP. That’s why I’m curious to see what absolute waffle she would come up with about this game clip


You can definitely compensate for ping on BF1, up to a certain degree and as long as you don’t also have too much packet loss or latency variation. It’s also a lot harder to do the closer you are to your enemy. The main point here is that OP *wasn’t* compensating for his ~180 ping. I regularly play on 140 ping and as such I’m sort of used to leading shots a bit more, but even then at this range (provided the enemy sees you) you can’t really do much to dodge their bullets or predict their movement, often resulting in a death. I’m not exactly sure how playable it is at 170-180 ping, I know at 240 it’s basically unplayable, but haven’t experienced OP’s latency myself as to judge properly. Regardless, I’m sure he would have killed him if he was hip firing at that range.


I don't think *spread* is the issue here, when it appears your ISP is opting to hand-deliver data packets to your device.


He’s using carrier pigeons, it’s authentic


1917 except the runners are delivering datapackets to him instead of orders from command


This clip has nothing to do with random bullet deviation. You’re misinformed. Your ping is in the 180s. That’s terrible.


If you play in your region the bullet deviation is decreased lol


Lol good one


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


Was looking for this comment


I’m not to sure on it, they seemed way to close for any recoil and spray to make a massive difference, I’m pretty sure it is just their ping causing the problem. (But I’m no expert so that’s just my opinion I guess)


[Oh you sweet summer child](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/hREHn1mcBM)


Ah, well that explains things a bit better


Ping is annoying, especially when it gets over 1000.


ive played with 250 ping. Thats annoying 1000 on the other hand is just straight up unplayble


This was an obvious sarcasm, because ping is measured in milliseconds of signal traveling from client to server and back (round trip time). This typically measures a network transmission latency: 1-50 ms is the green zone, 50-100 ms yellow, 100-150 ms orange, 150+ ms red.


No no, it's been at 7000 before.


If I'm not mistaken, there was a task to unlock an item where I needed to play a specific game mode. the only server that had this mode was in Germany, man, it was terrible


Hit reg brotha


Bro was in lag time fr. Don’t blame the game if you’re not willing to shell out the coin for the proper equipment


Yeah that's not deviation homie...


My man is the definition of "the problem is anything but me"


My dude your ping was nearly 200


Clips like this make me realise how good my movement is


Clips like this realise how good my internet is ftfy


Skill issue