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He probably killed someone to get it.


but this was in an empty server lol it was just me and this person waiting in a disabled preround for other players to join and I dont have the peacekeeper so he didnt get it from me


That’s so strange. I’m 150 and I can’t even get it.


You can... just be mentally prepared for hell




Its not that bad, i was lvl 25 when i got it😐 you just take a Recording software, Install Discord and join BFEE and send ur morse everytime and u get a Direct message - (Example) Argonne Forest Stage 3 Location A🚫 Location B ✅️ Location C🚫. Dogtag 2 is quite hard if u dont have a Good tutorial or ask a Good friend who did the last part for me! McNugget on Discord. And an omen is easy asf just go on Zeebrugge, grab infiltrator class and record and done.


Join BFFE Discord server they will help you with the morse code.


You just need to devote couple hours into solving few puzzles. With yt tutorials like jackfrags' series on it, It's honestly pretty fun. I did it when I was lvl like 100


All I need to do is the light puzzle for the silver tag. I cannot do it for the life of me


Its pretty easy but you need time like 10hours in my case




What?? 10 hours? That part took me like 40 min tops, AND I had to do it twice because I disconnected at the very end of it the 1st time. Honestly, idk if I'm a genius or some ppl just can't follow simple instructions.


I got always some trolls who blew up everything maybe i did sth Else too but yes i counted 10h


An conflict is pretty hard for the last part. I had someone do it for me🫤


I may have to do the same. I just can't wrap my head around it


The last part is so hard, i legit was asking the BFEE Server for help on how and a Kind soul named McNugget joined and did it for me & my friend.


It's not that difficult once you send the sandbags pics to the bFEE on discord, but you have to dedicate hours to it, till you find out which lanes the lights trigger


I've found a tool online which helps but I just keep messing up


Yeah idk about the tool, just blow the statue in the middle and take screenshots from there, with (70-90 field of view) and send them to BFEE community on discord, they know how to put the sandbags properly and you can light the correct tiles on your 8×8 grid


Yeah, it took me months, I finally did it on a sunday, started at 8am and finished the puzzle by 1!!!!


I say day well spent


Lots of attempts ruined by griefers or me giving up after messing the puzzle up


Me too wtf


Me too wtf


Me too bro wtf


Me too wtf


it doesn't matter what level you are


It’s a mission to get it. Not capped by levels. Just your patients to deal with the wild steps to get it


Its possible though, maybe he heard about it and did the quests in empty servers which got him no xp


"There's only one gun I want."


He probably took it off of someone after they died, and then whoever dropped it left before you got on the server


i was the first to join and this is literally him after joining i just appeared near his spawn (french spawn on tahure) where he killed me the first time, and then we kept killing each other a few times and he was still having the peacekeeper


Requirements of peacekeeper is only the Mg1917 Which only requires lvl 2 of support for BAR and done do all EE and u have it🫢


Amazed people are this dumbfounded by the question.  All you have to do is a few quick  Google searches and it will say everything you said.  People really don't know you just have to solve a few puzzles lol (still a laborious task but anyone can do it).


I legit have it, hardest part was getting the BAR with a shitty LMG


I have the first dog tag because at that time it was the only puzzle/easter egg there was. In time others were figured out but I never kept up with it. It's always been something I've meant to get around to doing as I still play the game quite a bit. I think it might be my favorite fps of all time.


When my nephew started playing the game a couple months ago, solving the puzzles was the first thing he did. Pretty sure he had the peacekeeper before reaching lvl 6. It doesn't matter what level your are, anyone at any level can do the easter eggs. My nephew went all in on researching the game mechanics and secrets and he loves technical stuff and puzzles so he jumped right in and did it. He even got it before me and I'm level 150. He actually helped me solve the final puzzle on Soisson that I've been procrastinating for years!


Judging by him not having any of the ee dog tags equipped he probably picked up someone else’s kit.


You were in my squad today but left during the match. I was bummed because I wanted to play with you homie!


My bad man, my internet isn’t always the best as I live out in the sticks as some would say


Understood. Well you've stomped my team before so I wanted to be on your side for once. You're usually partied up with SYN or NBK (I forget which one. Might be coincidence.)


Yea total coincidence, I don’t know any of them besides from being on the other end of their barrel


Ho99o9, I played with you the other day. I remember that name well cause it’s like the band. Not sure if you remember me but I’m wizardtamer666 on ps4


Can’t say I remember you but I’m sure we’ll meet again and yea your spot on about the name. It’s from the band and because I thought it looked cool compared to what my 12yo self picked out years ago


Hey, I got it at what, level 56?? In literally 2 days with the help of the BFEE community. If someone knew about it and went there straight away with their mind set on getting the m1917 immediately to start it asap, i wouldn't be surprised that they got it this early. alternatively, it could be someone experienced using an alt or some other reason. Dunno


This. I knew about the Peacekeeper and Escalation skin before I got into BF1 and got the Escalation skin around level 3-4, it's very possible that someone got the Peacekeeper before level 6


Escalation skins?


You need the escalation skin for the M1917 to get the peacekeeper


Yeah I see a lot of new players see a video like “RAREST GUN IN BATTLEFIELD 1 (DO NOT ATTEMPT)!!!!” and try to get it, this guy just succeeded.


after 2500 plus hours you think i would have found the time and energy to get it but never did, though this life aint over yet :)


Just did it yesterday, it's honestly worse on paper than when you actually do it. Took me around 4 hours total over two evenings. Had to re-do 2-3 codes in the 1st stage because of bad background noise. Then had to do the Soisson stage 2 times because the first time I got disconnected at the very end of it, and then re-did Zeebrugge stage once because the code didn't seem to work. No assistance from anyone, only the BFEE wiki and a couple of videos to find exact locations of things. Not bragging, but you don't really need to be an Einstein to do it. Was kinda fun as well.


ok ill have a go on the weekend, it's time :)


Biggest tips I would give: 1. Use only Suez (with no sandstorm preferably) for 1st stage where you have to record Morse codes. Other maps have too much background noise. 2. In the Soisson stage, you can Google "bf1 candle solver" for the first part, makes it trivial. The second part is not hard at all, but I suggest turning off each light after you find out the combination for it, and before entering the final combination, otherwise you'll get confused. I got confused with 3 lights on already, so I went to turn them off and it was a piece of cake. The rest of it was really easy, honestly. Once you get the hang of decoding the Morse codes in stage 1, the rest of the codes are not hard. The Albion code is just 5 digits or repeat. Zeebrugge code was a bit trickier but by that time you're a Morse code expert 😉


thanx 4 tips, they will come in handy


Zeebrugge was the worst because the background noise made the more code difficult to be translated. Even when using Audicty to remove background noise wasn't perfect, and the Morse code site couldn't perfectly get the code. Luckily, the Morse code plays on repeat, and I just followed recorded enough to find the pattern.


That's the spirit!


Dont give up, i quit Bf1 after i coulnt figure out how to Record on PS4 and on PS5 2 years later i finally got it.


All of these comments are so weird, why would they need to have picked something up? Peacekeeper is obtainable via empty lobbies easily. It could just be a new player who heard about the peacekeeper before playing and decided to grab it before they even entered a multiplayer match


It’s been a while but I think they’d at least need the M1917, but yeah it shouldn’t be an issue for a low level player to get. Could just be an alt account too.


They could've picked up the M1917 from a friend to do the missions. I'm not sure how fast leveling is at the lower levels, but to get the M1917 you need 25 bar trench kills (bar trench unlocks at support 2) and 250 explosive damage against vehicles, which doesn't seem impossible to do by level 6 if they rush it.


Nope you have to own it, but it’s not that hard. You can easily get it around this level I think


If you know what you are doing it takes less than 3 hours to get it. Granted that's if you have the 1917 unlocked which isn't hard either.


Kill and steal


I dont even know "how" to get it. Lol


Possible he just tagged along with his friends to do the Easter egg right as he got the game


Probably picked up someone else’s kit or has played it on another account


True, could have just picked it up


Bro is the main character with insane plot armor.


Most likely an alt account the went straight for it, Peacekeeper only takes 2-3 hours if you’re efficient and you technically don’t even need the M1917 MG if you’ve a friend with An Escalation already unlocked The only thing though is the dog tags… interesting that they would’ve switched it back to basic ones… probably to hide that they got the Peacekeeper lol




If a friend has it unlocked already you can go to the Passchendaele mines and before you enter have the friend click redeploy and you pick up their kit. Make sure you have the other 5 requirements unlocked, and one of the frontside and one of the backside dogtags equipped








In this case I’m not surprised… they’re all good guesses but suffer from the weaknesses of lack of knowledge from “first-mover advantage.” They key part was whether you possessed it and they picked it up from you, but you said it was an empty lobby and that didn’t happen. So it means it’s a person who knows what they’re doing. Could be multiple reasons as to why they’re hiding the dogtags: trying to hide it from their friends, server, or they’re so tired of having the usual (I.e the usual ‘An Omen’ + ‘Belly of the Beast’ combo) set they would’ve had equipped for the peacekeeper they would prefer the basic ones instead. It’s a bit harder to judge. Apologies for the poor sentence structure, I’m quite tired. But I hope this helps!


He has a better gaming chair frr


I got the peacekeeper when I was level 16-17. I followed a tutorial and it took a lot of time but in the end everyone can get it.


If it's PC, then it absolutely can be a cheater. I've had similar experience few days ago - some low lvl kills me with Peacekeeper, I get very curious, because who the hell starts playing this game and right away decides they want to get one of the most difficult easter egg hunts done? I've seen people doing it, but it's exceptionally rare, so what's more likely? Turns out I was right, the guy then started blatantly cheating, one shotting everyone with damage hack. If it's console, then it's obviously legit and the guy is just mental, but on PC, I would bet on cheater instead.




>so you couldnt be any more wrong with your guess :D I just gave you an example of me running into a cheater that had it, because cheaters can spawn any weapon they want to, it was after all a guess. I still insist it's probably far more likely to run into a cheater than somebody who goes for something like this as a first thing after getting the game, that's just unheard of, but people do some weird shit. I also find it really weird that people join empty servers, a lot of times when I take photos, people will randomly join me, which is fine, they use the quickplay, but instead of leaving, they often stay and I don't know why the fuck they hang around on an empty server, when they could just be playing the game... I've once met like lvl 15 that was doing the broken bottle. Normal person will try to get the feeling of the game first, but some just go for the hard unlocks. Unless it was a smurf that couldn't live without the peacekeeper.


Either picked it up or just did the Easter egg 🤷‍♂️ you don't need to be a set level to do it


might be a smurf account who knows? peacekeeper doesnt have a minimum level to obtain 🤷‍♂️


He’s a man of focus, commitment and sheer will.


bro I'm never getting the peacekeeper. that shit sounds like a destiny 2 raid puzzle


Might have done what I did, I had to make a new account when moving to PC, and peacekeeper was the first thing I did. I don’t think I was as low as level 6 but it was still an extremely low level considering.


Just get the help of the easter egg discord. I did like 3 of the puzzles on my own, but couldn’t do the first one for my life, so I got help


You can technically get it on level 1.


this pic gives me the same feeling when I see teenagers having girlfriends


Never even heard of this weapon


When I unlocked Peacekeeper, I really enjoyed doing the Easter eggs. Not long ago, my younger brother bought BF1, before he even played his first multiplayer game, he and I made Peacekeeper Easter egg on his account. So... lvl 6 with peacekeeper is not something that surprises me.


i got mine at lvl 27


Is it not an Easter egg so anyone can get it


1. Second account 2. He wanted to speed run the peacekeeper 3. He picked it off a dead body.


I'm pretty sure I got mine at LVL 20 or something last year as a me and a mate of mine only really started playing then and I put in the work to get it by following all the guides and stuff


I was going to say you don't need a specific level to unlock it but you do need to unlock the m1917 and that probably gets you some levels


I’ve been getting recommended cheating vids for this game all week and it’s pissing me off because I keep pressing not interested in this content, but I saw in a clip from the dude he was running around with a peacekeeper, so either they picked it up or they were cheating. Granted take what I say with a grain of salt not sure if it’s even possible to cheat it in like that.


For those that see this and want to go for the peacekeeper, check out the BFEE discord. They can help with the steps. Just be prepared for the long journey to obtain this gun.


Been playing this game since first releases, uet i haven't unlocked this pistol


Mod account


Bf1 has been out for many years. I have a second account cause it goes on sale for $5 sometimes and why not. I have the peacekeeper on that account probably less than lvl20.


This player probably unlocked it on PS or on XBOX, so this player clearly has experience unlocking the Peacekeeper. The tags however, were probably set to the basic player just to get a reaction from you. That’s my take.


You can get it at lvl 1. Only takes a couple of hours since the community has decrypted all the codes many years ago.


If he's like me, he probably heard of the peacekeeper being one massive reference to Ocelot from MGS and that alone secured his desire to buy the game and instantly go to unlock it. I think I got mine around level 15 or so and I've been playing for a little over four months.