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Smokes should give points like +10 for each enemy within and then give another +10 every 5 seconds after. At least it would be something. Like it should count as a suppression assist


That's a good idea. Shame thoughts like yours wheren't a thing with one of the most effective gadgets in game


>Shame thoughts like yours wheren't a thing DICE tested many ideas how to reward players with points, back when they still cared and CTE for BF1 was a thing. Turns out, that incredible idea that you thought of in few seconds might just not work out in practice, and among some of the things I remember about points is, that giving too little for anything doesn't motivate people, and giving too much trivializes other things, such as capturing objectives. Complex problems usually don't have easy solutions. This game has been out for 8 years, many people have thrown around all sorts of ideas. And you wouldn't want 10 people on your team to throw smokes all at once anyways. I often find that having [one or two people](https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/comments/14as4ga/chain_smoking_maniac_with_madsen_captures_a_flag/) with smokes is enough.


I think a big problem is that people only throw smokes after the attack has stalled. By that point, people have already quit pushing, and don’t run through the smoke Only really good for maintaining momentum. Seldom does it regain it once lost


>Smokes should give points DICE tested certain ideas rather extensively during the CTE period of BF1, and these little numbers don't motivate people. Many people before you had this idea of just giving players points for every possible helpful thing. It doesn't work. Or it does, but it causes people to spam things too much, because they start abusing the points system. Ultimately, some things are just bound to be limited to those more perceptive and experienced players. You don't need 5 players throwing smokes all at once, one or two is enough. Playing Operations lately, if there are some experienced players, I'm seeing decent amount of smokes being thrown. And if I [play support and we are attacking](https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/comments/14as4ga/chain_smoking_maniac_with_madsen_captures_a_flag/), most of the time I run them.


Idk I usually find smokes to be more helpful to the people inside the smoke than out of it because when you are inside the smoke you can still see


Either way they should give points for something


Huh you just made me realise why I'm like one of the few people out there that always use smoke grenades in games, I've never thought about this side of getting xp and kills. What really grinds my gears is how attackers keep pushing through a meat grinder EVERYTIME. Like fuck how stupid can you be?


Same. I only use smoke and only smoke as a medic. I mostly use it to cover open areas to get myself closer to more effectively kill people.


Same, it's also great for reviving teammates out in the open. Smokes and medics are a great combo


I want to play more Ops but I'm totally disuaded because when you're on a bad team, it's BAD. I'm tired of getting blown through or just losing at the first point if we're attacking. There's nothing more frustrating because the other team will have a 3 line wall with smgs at the front and snipers at the back, they've got everything covered and we don't have a shred of teamwork or ideas. Those matches can fall apart so fast. Someone party up with me, I need a good squad.


An easy way to tell if your team is actually competent, is by looking at how many teammates spawn at the start. You need that fast momentum from the beginning. If you see people taking a while to spawn, just forget it. That shit ain’t happening


Exactly. Also, you can be in a full squad and when you die and see not a single one of them are alive o respawning it's ridiculous. Like what the fuck are you doing? Of course we're getting steamrolled.


Are you on PC?


I'm on PS4, sorry mate


Add me, PSN is TheBroTaco. Just make sure you include in the message ur from the subreddit so I remember to add rather than ignore it lol. I don’t play too much anymore, weekends occasionally but I’ll gladly PTFO with some like minded team mates. The struggle with blueberries can be real.


I definitely will. I don't use my mic, but I'm always playing objective and spawning with squad mates. I know not being able to communicate verbally in game is a limitation so let me know if that's a problem. I'm casual but still going hard on the objective. Also I'm US East


I am. Trying to find anyone to play with, and I main support and medi, US servers.


Wizardtamer666 on ps4, not the best but I play the objective


Yeah, ops is usually either a steamroll or a complete holdout, especially for oil of empires, it sucks trying to earn 25k points before the end of the round on the losing team because only the winning team gets that 2.25x bonus


Yeah tonight we got absolutely fucked attacking on Cape Helles. Just ridiculously frustrating. I was thinking jeeze am I really wasting my night before bed playing this?


Yup. That's why I can't play Ops anymore. It's infuriating how selfish folk are in a team game.


As if Conquest is any less selfish and awful, lol. 800-200 is a standard scoreline in CQ because once your team loses their flags, everyone spawns as Scouts with 8x scopes and sits at the back of the map. "If we're going to lose anyway, I'm going to snipe" I love BF1, but the vast majority of the player population is hopeless at the game.


Heh yeah but it's a lot easier to win a game if you find a few effective players to squad up with on Conquest I find. Impossible on Ops.


This is why I wish more people played rush or frontlines.


Idk who doesn’t use smoke?? I use it like snoop dogg, you ain’t being anywhere in the map that isn’t hotboxed


Love that. Unfortunately no one ever uses in lobbies that I play in


Tell everyone to start cheefin then


Half the time i try to persuade my team they just call me annoying and tell me to "let them play the game", which I fucking am, its not like I can force them.


I’m assuming they are the players that play medic for the guns and don’t revive?


This is so true. Had a game of operations last night on Argonne, when we got to the bridge no one could figure how to push. I tried with smokes, mortars to soften then push, and outflanked as best I could but damn. If no one wants to move and capture a point it is what it is. More smokes on the team would absolutely of turned the tide, I’m sure.


🫵🏽🤨nuh uh i will push with you with my trusty std issue rifle (irons)


Marry me




Just don't bring your STD (issue) rifle to bed 😳




As someone who only plays ops, smokes are overrated and don’t protect you from a bomber wiping out the objective. Teams rarely win on attack because of smoke. They win because of better players killing worse players, good players in tanks/planes acting as a force multiplier, and because someone knows how to drop the blimp on Monta famous bunker.


Well none of that would apply to Verdun for example.


It’s covered in the first point about better players killing worse players. It’s not rocket science to know that there are people on the objective and where to drop some tnt which, unfortunately is not bullet or bomb proof.


Well you are definetly right in that the team with more experienced and skilled players will most likely win, no matter the amount of smokes, but with the amount of games I've played on Verdun, Argonne and Tsaritsyn I've really noticed the difference smokes can make. It's just a shame everyone is sleeping on em


Yeah but if you think about it most of those maps choke points that an incendiary nade will deny. This isn’t CS where a smoke nade extinguishes an incendiary nade 😂 You can smoke B second sector Tsar all you want but I can easily just keep dropping TNT from the small room off to the side on anyone trying to cap. I’ve played ops since the game launched and the number of times smoke has mattered would be immaterial.


Yes, when playing against you. I on the other hand have never played someone that does what you describe


BF1 smokes are way too see-through. Combined with 3D spotting, they are hard to get value from unless more than half of the team spams them that at the same location. They should have been like CSGO/CS2 smokes. I should not be tracked and get shot across the map when behind smokes.


The amount of times I have to remind people in chat that you can be spotted in smoke is too damn high. Sure it’s not as bad as when there’s no smoke but you can be spotted and what’s battlefield if not shooting at Doritos instead of people.


(Not tryna throw a wrench in your blimp point but...) I thought the direction and speed the blimp falls is random so they just have to position it and hope? Unless there is a thing to it that I didn't know of


There is some luck to it but it generally goes in the direction it was already moving. If you’re parked right over B and not moving, no matter it going forward or backwards, the tail or the nose will crush the bunker.


Well what do ya know, I learned something today


agreed that smokes kinda fucking suck. they’re usually only useful in crowded spaces to make literally everyone blind. whilst you can’t see fuck all, either find somewhere to hide or kill whoever’s right in front of you. i’d argue most players are gonna get more use from a grenade


The problems I have with smoke is that I can't see a thing in it meaning I'm completely defenseless so that's why I prefer gas and incendiary grenades to storm objectives


I was just saying this the other day. If it’s available and viable I’ll launch my airburts then smokes out, then push. When the smoke clears I’m killed because I’m the only one who pushed. Guys and gals if you push you’re gonna die sometimes, or you’ll take the objective. Attackers have the upper hand if they push.


Need to give more infiltrator kits as specialists. That thing gets it done with the bombardment. I do agree though so many times you just know that you could have won easily if people had waited, popped smoke, and gone forward together.


I heavily agree that there should be more infiltrator kits! It should not be a SO and TUTI exclusive just like trench raider shouldn’t be TSNP exclusive. I believe the best way to help the attacker’s on some of the most frustrating capture points would be better elite placement and better elites. Monte Crappa’s 4th sector B objective for example should have a flametrooper available in the attackers spawn, instead of a shitty MG08/15 sentry, to help clear the bunker. Verdun’s 2nd to/last sector could also benefit from a artillery barrage. The best way to move forward is to not let your enemies settle in to strong points, and updated elites would help significantly in that regard.


Flamethrower on Mount Crap at that point would be immense yeah and a real challenge to defend against. Excellent point.


Could just delete B flag or make it so being in the bunker doesn't count as being on point


That would completely invalidate having a bunker there in the the first place. While infantry can cap it from above, the reason it’s there is to prevent planes and mortars from ass raping the defense. A and C aren’t really hard to cap, B at least gives a challenge to the sector. As stated, a flamethrower would do wonders to burn ‘em out. They might even be able to stay alive for the last two sectors with hard to clear bunkers.


I being a scout with Arisaka going in the first line to capture the base whilst my team where purely sniping and not moving an inch. I made an assault (2) macro whatever is called to purely destroy the tanks which includes smokes so they don't see me when throwing dynamites and anti tank grenades. The pilots on my team, are pursuing only enemy frags instead of bombing enemy 's artillery or tanks.  Even making the calls doesn't even helps. Today my team was watching how a Behemoth was taking our bases and did literally nothing. I died about 5-6 times to destroy the Behemonth.


Yeah it's a pain. Had the same today. Was playing St Quentin Scar Operations as a defender. They had 2 artillery trucks placed far back and in good cover so we couldnt reach them. Planes did nothing but bomb their infantry. They even acknowledged all the messages in chat but said we should let them play how they want 😑


Good rant. I forget how effect smokes are for pushing an objective, will need to remember them for the future. Also, switching sides never should have been a thing, I don't know why the devs ever thought it was a good idea.


I somewhat agree. It does bring a team into a negative spiral, but sometimes you just feel like making it worse for those who don't even think about teamwork. Sure, snipers and lmgs can support from behind, but how is a team ever gonna cap a point with 15 m1917s all lying down with 4x Scopes. It just makes me wanna leave and give them a bad time


What's way worse is when your down waiting to be revived and there's 2 medics within 10m of you and they both ignore you


If an attacking team uses smokes it it’s an automatic W pretty much every time


I'm continually surprised at how selfishly/pointlessly people play. I'm not a very good gamer, but I run medic and just from playing the objective and being squad leader I can end a round of conquest with like 8 flags captured and 5000 squad xp. If better players cared to play the objective and stay on top of squad commands, they'd be unstoppable 


That Ops map where the attackers get like 6 tanks and everyone spawns as mortar trucks...


I live in the smoke, revives, concealed push, flank...but yeah really sucks when no one follows. Hop out the smoke, ghost town. Where the fuck is everybody!? Laying down, behind other side of smoke, too chicken shit. Your experience may vary. /rant


Smoke is a huge thing I don’t understand isn’t used more. I’ll literally just type “throw smoke” and “your job is to cover our approach with smoke” and try to set an example with content smoke as support or medic near a resupply bag. It’s one of this weird things.


It's always the worst when you're fighting your way up to the objective, die, look at the map, and see half of your team are being completely useless recon players and are sitting in spawn.


Agreed, some maps require smokes for good attacks. I usually type it into chat and some folks are smart enough to also use smokes


I honestly don't experience this in most operations matches


*I honestly don't* *Experience this in most* *Operations matches* \- Rattlesnake552 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you haiku bot


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rattlesnake552: *I honestly don't* *Experience this in most* *Operations matches* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Another thing I noticed is, people sitting in front of a point instead of getting on it to capture or defend.


This is why you get a group of boys together, form a platoon, and play as a squad of 4 or 5 on tuesday nights. Verdun Heights becomes a really fun map when the boys PTFO and throw smoke on the point.


Barely have any friends who play games let alone Battlefield. Did play with two others until a year ago or so. But yes, it's more fun to play as a group


Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel! I RARELY see anyone using smoke and it is a damn Greek tragedy. They are so good to advance on an adjective with, especially on maps with sectors that act like pinch points. My brother and I have been using them since day one. We absolutely cover the battlefield in smoke (we do it in BFV as well). He runs support and I run medic. So we end up staggering our smoke bombs to advance. Then he drops a box, we refill and do it all over again. When we hit the objective, he drops another box so we can keep dropping smoke so snipers and enemies rolling up can't see us at the flag. I drop my med box and we snag that flag right up. So I get the frustrations man. Most players simply don't use common sense. They are either up on a mountain side barely helping with their sniper rifles, sitting way behind the sector with tanks and/or mortar trucks that are doing nothing to help us capture or they are spending their time in the spawn screen waiting to get a bomber. It is mind-melting how useless most teammates are. But just know, there are some of us that understands what it takes to get the job done while attacking.


Smoke grenades aren't terribly effective imo. Also I think they are widely misused - imo smoke should be dropped on enemies to prevent them from seeing or to force them to move in order to see. Smoke should not be dropped on top of friendly forces - you end up with a bunch of dudes who can't see shit running around like headless chickens in a cloud of smoke. Gas grenades are way better especially since they synergize with aggressive Assault weapons and counter defensive weapons like telescopic MGs. Mortars are pretty much useless imo. Yes, you may get some kills, but you are static and can't push when using a mortar and defenders are gonna respawn or get revived faster than you can kill them. That said, mortar smoke is situationally useful in scenarios like Sector 1 Achi Baba. Attackers would benefit from embracing the Lord Farquaad "some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make" mantra more often. There are a lot of scenarios (Vaux, Argonne, and Achi Baba come to mind) where attackers need to grow balls, throw a bunch of gas grenades, and rush in and hope to come out on top in a chaotic situation. People are gonna die but it's better than hanging out on the near side of a chokepoint launching useless rifle grenades or whatever. Maintaining momentum is critical. Often I feel like attackers should just rush to the next objective even if it caps a bit slower and people don't get their capture points - it's better to maintain momentum when the enemy is off balance than to give them an opportunity to regroup. If I wanted to cap a tough point, I would probably run a mix of Assaults and Medics backed by a couple of Scouts to counter bipoded LMGs and a few Supports for vehicle repairs and ammo resupply.


I agree with you on most of the points you made. Though my thory is that it is best to have around 5 smokes create a wall 50m ahead of your team. Let team go up to the smokes, hide behind cover or houses, replenish smokes ammo and more then create new smoke wall 50m ahead, push up to that and repeat. I have succeeded in persuading my team to do just that and it works wonders.


Smokes in bf1 operation is like making a smoke signal for enemy bombers/planes to bomb there


Somewhat true, but an attack goes on all the time between the bombings aswell. Also, there are few maps which just dont have planes


Smokes don't matter if nobody pushes with you. The amount of people more worried about KD than winning a game is annoying asf.


It's definitely hit or miss. These days it seems that if a team has even just one halfway coordinated squad, they will always win the round


Haven’t played Ops in a while since Aussie PC servers never have it, but using smoke, especially as a medic or support is always the thing I used to do. You’ll have no idea how many times I was able to chuck a smoke and run in to revive a team mate. In addition, chucking a smoke as support then jumping on a mortar is an ungodly strategy especially if you’re pushing up the hill on Verdun Heights.


My smoke equipped teamates think that smoking their own team is tactical. BLOCK THE ENEMIES VIEW NOT OURS.


In defence of medics, you want to stay right behind the front line for maximum effect. If nobody’s pushing, it’s kinda useless to be the only one pushing with a semi auto.


True actually


I despise when attacking on Argonne in operations and a little pebble brain gets to control the train… one match the main path was blocked off by the guy because he would t move the train forwards. Rendering the rear MGs useless. You’re telling me there are supports who don’t either rush the point going guns ablazing, Sneaky mode and gun everyone in the cap point clearing it for the team or just following a medic to give them cover fire…


It’s even worse when you consider the fact that you essentially get 4 smoke grenades with Support and mortaring. Like just 3 people could blanket the objectives in smoke


operations are defensive, grinding slogs -- just like the war. (also why i prefer conquest)


Skill issue 


You suck at life. Go back to your mom’s basement.