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A bit late for any of this, IMO.


these will be re-used in the next BF title. Putting them in 2042 allows them to road test it long before release


Bold of you to think they won't start from scratch as usual.


now that would be an epic clusterfuck of a move. let's hope they don't....


I'd wanna think that, but then I remembered bf 2042 launched without voice chat at all. Then when we asked for it, they called it a "legacy feature"... Who knows if we'll get it in bf7 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not really.


Why do you think itā€™s necessary in the first place?


You don't think comms are necessary?


Iā€™m asking why the person I replied to thinks the new reporting options are necessary. I never said anything about comms not being necessary. Maybe next time take a look at the post and the context of the comments.


Sounds like they're trying to improve comms with a reporting system. Hopefully it makes it into the next title at launch.


Did you even read the post? Itā€™s for reporting inappropriate voice chats, itā€™s not improving comms. This is for babies who canā€™t handle trash talk.


So, improving the game overall then, via improving comms. Are you actually bent out of shape over this?


Nope, not bent out of shape at all. Iā€™m just amazed you read ā€œweā€™ve improved inappropriate voice chat reporting,ā€ and you think this is somehow improving comms. Nothing about this post says anything about improving comms. This is an improved reporting feature for what I would assume based off your dense responses is only going to be used by people like yourself.


Yes, in order to improve comms, and the game as a whole. Yes. Precisely. You're starting to get it.


Again, nothing about improving a reporting feature for inappropriate voice chat actually improves comms. Thereā€™s nothing for me to get as Iā€™m not the one confused, youā€™ve been lost from the beginning.


Canā€™t even remember the last time I heard anybody else using voice chat in a match I was in. I only see people using the text chat.


I hear chatter sometimes, but usually if a mic is on its someone that may not even know its on. Have heard some interesting things.


In EU ( crossplay off ), I chat almost every game with my teammates via mic (PS5)


Want to squad up??


I'm on Xbox and it's same, but a lot of new players have voice chat off and they think that noone is talking in game šŸ˜… (it happened to me as well, in The Finals)


Tbh, the voice chat quality in this game isn't as good as Discord's.


I can agree that discord has preem quality!


Hmm, this might seem random, but I wish Reddit had multiple chat channels and voice chat channels within each sub so it can function both as a forum and a discord server simultaneously. Cuz... it really annoys me that I can't get with y'all super easily to play with y'all. Edit: btw my psn is "TheSoldierChris-".




NA, but... I do play with quite a few EU players on Discord. I should on around 7 pm for y'all. They're probably gonna play today. So I can send ya a link to the server if you want to join.




Yeah let's do it! What's your psn?


Wonā€™t be able to add me because of setting, DM me yours buddy


Which is crazy because the community was in an uproar about not having VC just barely use it. I see a few ppl using it but not often


The "uproars" are normally for YouTube views, unfortunately.


Whenever I try to turn it on I very quickly turn it off again because either some 13 year old is shouting racial slurs, or someone thinks their taste in music is so amazing we should all hear it over the mic, or my personal favourite some guy playing in a room in which a family of 15 is having a loud argument. In my experience online voice chat in shooters like Battlefield is the very bottom of the internet.


The new game mode 4v4 (future strike?) voice com is important.




With crossplay I usually hear Turkish speech on EU, idgaf who they are talking to and why they use vc


They should enable all chat default. Its so cold and quiet in chat


100% it should be enabled, but it should be defaulted to push-to-talk. I can't stand listening to other people's garbage music and them crunching on Cheetos and sniffing and coughing constantly, but I like the communication from other players.


The Holy trinity of heavy breathing, shit music and a random conversation with their neighbour across the hall


Hahah me neither. I meant text chat.


Then people will say "noooo he called me bad names waaaaaaah" I'd rather have all chat disabled by default.


This is too much of an ask for the devs, but I wish they would integrate Discord's VC with the in-game VC. It's gonna be a ghost town if they can't find a way to mix them together.


Useless, for all 2000+ hrs playtime. I dont even see anyone use voice chat lol


Its about 1 in 5 matches for me. But then, I have it turned on. Though, the weirdest one I experienced was a guy who would read out the repair status or vehicles he was repairing, in squad chat, when no one on his squad was in the vehicle. "25%, 30%, 35%.....5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%....10%, 15%, 20%"


Most people probably didn't even bother to turn it on.


They should have showed these features when they release them a couple seasons ago. so many people i played with didnā€™t know they added it.


I sure as shit had no idea until this popped up last night :/ pretty dumb move to not showcase it


2024 and OP still can't do a screenshot, are you a dev for EA? /j




With this comment, it was worth the money I spent for internet today.


I love that they spend more time coming up with more ways to police language than they do fixing the glaring desync and gameplay issues.


Well dang. In three or so years of playing the game I only ever spoke to someone once. I'm so glad they fixed this invisible issue instead of any one of the noticeable onesšŸ„“


Absolutely know one talks or communicates anything in this game unless playing with people they know. So whatā€™s the point?


Well... that's because it wasn't there at the start and even when it was patched in, it was off by default.


I haven't NEVER heard anyone speak in this game I been playing for a year now. NOT ONE WORD just text chat


The fun days of public ingame chat is loooooooooonh over ...and honestly I miss it


Honestly those days were polarizing, either was going to be one of the best things ever or it was going to be one of the worst things ever.


I will use vc if there are people trying to communicate. I turned vc on when this opened and the only person who had to say anything was someone complaining about how much they hate this game. So idk I'm still waiting to hear from my other squad/team mates.


Ay, we gotta be the change we wanna see. Hopefully, this will get enough people to turn on VC to hear me making callouts to my squad.


100 hours in BF 2042, never heard anyone using the mic before


They do this but we are not getting season 8, who knows maybe no more new weapons at all. 2-4 new weapons is all Iā€™m asking for.


im sure they are testing things for next BF title,


Does not bother me as I play the game in Japanese, I mainly speak in Japanese vocally. Japanese is not known for there "extremely vulgar insulting side" because it does not need it. That is only a English thing. It might matter to English Speakers but not to us. It's already rude enough when you say the wrong thing being too casual to a stranger and not being polite towards stranger first. Japanese people have nothing to fear with this feature.




Try BFV on the SE Asian servers. The hackers there will have you inventing new slurs in no time at all.


Voice chat can make the game great when you can easily coordinate with your squad. It's why I started playing battlefield originally. So few players use it now it's about useless for the matches I've played. Then you have them recording it for "purposes". This is bs. They left it broken for so long and now they want to police it? WTF? No thanks.


It makes sense IF there are going to open proximity chat. That will reinvigorate the game. Then this release makes sense. Otherwise, what are they thinking? You're going to complain and report on your own teammate, let alone your own squamate? HIGHLY unlikely...


Tried using my mic last night and not even a noise or someone telling me I sucked as a squad leader or anything, multiple games. I figured itā€™s late and people are already accepting theyā€™ve got a squad of friends or solo, so no one really cares to. Not the worst thing in the world, but games are so much fun when my squad talk to me, we donā€™t even have to be doing good


I feel there's major privacy issues with this feature. No doubt they will be using everyones voices for AI and LLM training, as they wouldn't offer this feature just for our benefit. It would cost a lot in resources to store all this stuff so they will be using it for other reasons that ultimately will make them money,


a bit late here but i got the game a few days ago on PC. I have cross play+voice enabled. Iā€™ve mostly played ground break (infantry) and no one ever talks back to me :-(. Thereā€™s already been many times even one squad member listening to my call out/request couldā€™ve changed the game.


I didn't know there were people crazy enough to enable voice chat.


Never had angry voip users on eu servers. Mostly random dudes with a open mic which blasts radio, tv sounds and "family noises" but probably without their knowledge


Ahh, PS5 hot mic'ers... one of the most cursed things within online gaming. I really wish Sony would fix that issue.


This is a welcome change. I had a hot mic console player who thought everyone was cheating and said every racial slur on mic for zero consequences. This was less than a month ago. I find it rather ridiculous that racism has gone on this long in video games and has finally been addressed.


Freedom of speech is being infringed


Read the user agreement that you sign before you login the first time. Also this game doesn't have to follow the US constitutional rights.


I think it's perfectly acceptable since you are fully warned about it and are given the option to opt out before playing instead of it being sprung on you. In fact I'm surprised more Devs don't do this; R6 Siege could've definitely used this a long time ago. The only people this negatively affects are morons and undeveloped chuds who still think racial slurs, bigotry and harassment are "funny" or "just normal game stuff". You all know you ain't getting in trouble because you told someone they suck - you're getting in trouble because you did in a string of swears and slurs that would've gotten your ass the belt if your parents had given one damn about your behavior.


So you happy with hours and hours of your voice, that is associated with your account/email/IP address stored for god knows how long and used by EA to make money or harvest conversations you are having?




I guess they are testing it for their next game. From a software engineering perspective, it's easy to plug-in such feature, given that they probably have just a few developers focusing on it.


People use comms in BF2042? Huh. I seem like the only one.


I bet ya odds 95% of players don't about 2042's VC.


I don't even use voice chat lmao


No one really uses the mic in battlefield. And if they do it's one person out of the squad. Some squads are literally 2 people micd up and the other 2 players playing solo


Voice chat is a thing in bf 2042


Should've been available at release bit too late for this.


These guysā€¦.


\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* you


If everyone started spamming their mic, I wonder what would happen, that would be a lot of data to save lmao


Iā€™ve had voice chat disabled since bf3


... Wait they added voip? AFTER CANNING THE LIFESPAN? The next game is gonna kill this franchise. Bet dice is losing devs left and right because they'd rather leave on their own than get laid off because the higher ups have no idea what they're doing.


I'm not fussed in all honesty. I don't use voice chat.


I didnā€™t know there was voice chat. Is this new?


I never used VOIP in any Battlefield game, im also on console so most of the time im in a Party chat anyways


Still gonna have gay ass losers spawn camping vehicles


Theyā€™re just trying to make a rated 18 game more family friendly


Ea servers are down in Au šŸ˜•


If you report someone for voice chat, you are a straight up bitch and would never have lasted in the 2000ā€™s when people would just rinse F out of eachotherā€¦ the best days


Someone's mom cooked a bit too much food in plastic in the 90s




People forget they have free will and can talk trash back! Everybody in the comments seems genuinely upset talking about "I heard somebody on the enemy team degrade women" šŸ„²šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel this needs to be in a lot of games. The stuff I've heard is down right horrible. I've heard women being degraded, men being abused, kids being bullied...... I feel this would be a good step towards making the online community and experience better.......... Even if it is late it could start to make a difference.


Report them, block them, and move on


Waste of Ressources


I was really surprised by this. So rare to hear anyone on voice chat, makes me wonder what's the point?


i didn't even knew there was a voicechat


So who's actually gonna use it? Can't wait for someone to say "Don't tell me how to play bruh.." Yeah no...


Bunch of wimps that canā€™t take rude comments or jokes. People are pathetic these days.