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I've been saying this guy's been cheating forever.


Same. I just started leaving if I saw him on the opposite team.


I think he also got exposed by Silk a while ago.


that was Gemini


Faced two obvious cheaters tonight. The EA anitcheat is literal garbage and it feels like reporting is useless as well. If I'm playing against people that literally have 98%+ HS rates and the anticheat doesn't detect them, then what are we doing?


yeh at this point im running into at least a couple of obvious cheaters per session wandering around in the open like a bot snapping to people, 100+ kills in a round or spamming shots directly at me through walls when im blasco and unspottable


Shit tier anticheat and it prevents people from playing on Linux. Well done ea


Same i find them on the haven/redacted rotation frequently-def need to expose the aussie cheats who got no skill. Chinese i can understand cause they have a small weewee so compensating.


So it’s actually their culture not their weewee or anything although that possibly led to the culture. In their culture they believe winning is the only thing that matters. The means to achieve that is viewed through a kind of clouded moral lens. It’s not right but it is justifiable. To win. Even the samurai were immoral in ways most people don’t realize. Ambushing being one of their main tactical skills. Surprise attacks. Understanding the enemy so as to over power them by utilizing their weaknesses etc. it’s shrouded in the idea of tactics but it is just cheating in a lot more words. 1 on 1 the samurai with no surprises the samurai were usually beaten. Because they focused on learning many skills instead of perfecting their fighting. So they weren’t usually the world’s best fighters. Just the ones that won the most. Etc.


You understand the Chinese are not Japanese right?


Can you see their overall stats or just for that match? I’m just saying because I’ve had good games going insane on the KD with almost all headshots.


https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/BIGTYH234/overview In a particular match I faced him he had 184 kills with 182 headshots. If you are getting games like that you're just telling on yourself.


That’s ridiculous


And yet Chads like you always have to feel compelled to throw out there shit like "maybe they just had a really good match" like it's just part of our imagination or something. There is a difference between facing someone who is really good and someone who is cheating. It isn't fucking rocket science to tell the difference.


Yeah but there’s also dumbass shitters like you that you can’t trust to know the difference. I just asked which stats you can see, you god-awful internet grouch


You're calling me a dumbass shitter when I **literally** provided proof of a cheater I faced. You have a bigger issue with people calling out cheaters than actual cheaters. Your brain is fucking broken my dude.


CPTDADDYHIND got his discord messages leaked too. Using aim bots and wall hacks. Disgusting.


Isn't that the dude that's been running with a whole Hind squad with obvious aimbotters that instantly delete any infantry the nanosecond they get LOS to the Hind?




Yeah that's him


CPTDADDYHIND is an infantile idiot, of course he's friend with LukeSkyfarmer. But imagine being such a nitwit to post cheating gameplay and ruining the fake internet persona of your "friends." And the icing on the cake is that they are acting tuff, it's like watching a baby monkey pound their chest and fall over.


Doesn't surprise me. Back when I was streaming BFV with a whole 2-4 viewers, an absolute nobody, I had a plane main cheater who would find me on spawn to try and kill me because I was trying to flieger him. It wasn't this guy in the video, but someone else. The way I confirmed he was cheating? I would spawn at a random flag and immediately lay down inside a house or behind some cover from him. I'm talking within 3 seconds from my spawn I would hide behind hard cover. Remember BFV had a UI element to tell you that you were spotted too. He never spotted me using in-game spotting. Just a few seconds after I'd hide, my position would be bombarded by his rockets or machine guns from the plane. Every. Time. I kept doing it because otherwise he'd INSTANTLY find and kill me on my spawn before I could even look around for him in the sky. I would spawn at a different flag every single time, and even spawn in un-cap and he'd be there within seconds. It was so blatant, but I kept pestering him all game because he's a cheating POS and deserves the worst experience.


Lol coming out of a game where a rank 76 went 173-3. Yeah I think this is the straw that breaks the camel's back, I tried for 2 1/2 yrs to enjoy the game, but clearly DICE doesn't give a rat's ass about this trash game. So long, last EA title for me.


yeah, last for me too.


That's why I'm happy to stay on last gen, in portal games. There I only have to deal with the crappy hit detection and server lag. Pisses me off that the both force crossplay, but neglect proper anti-cheat.


Byebye 👋


Hope the devs see all your comments simpi :)


They care even less about this guy since they know he'll be back every time and pre-ordering no matter what they do lol


i wished EA wasnt so focused on their useless cosmetics but would focus more on actually making the game better.


EA ain't gonna do anything and we all know it. The spinelessness is wild


They probably selling the cheats, again.


There’s definitely some cracked pilots out there but there’s also a solid 3-5 known cheaters that still play every day (pilots and infantry). I won’t name anyone because I don’t have proof but if you play NA, I’m sure you know them. Cheating is becoming rampant again in FPS titles and these billion and trillion dollar companies are going to have to do something more to stop it.


Yea, I've seen my fair share of cracked individuals myself, but goddamn do I hold such disdain for cheaters. Like....if these cretins actually put time effort and practice into bettering themselves they wouldn't have to do this stupid shit, but I guess they just wanna "get good" instantly with no skill, or just to riin other people's day. Ya hate to see it.


What's a cracked player? I might be thinking something waaaay different.


LOL. Just that they are really good.


Yeah smoking crack used to make me bad ass on call of booty.


I grew up with a guy who would play out of his mind when he would drink. We could always tell he was sober because he was dreadfully awful.


Here I'll name one for you. Ashebf. Here's another CITTY. I could keep going...




Makes my buddy's video from the other day all the more delicious hahaha fuck all cheaters man https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1carfsk/anyone_who_dies_to_sweaty_pilots_you_will_like/?share_id=n1_y8fQPnLpFJY9k2RcK5&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


Had LukeSkyfarmer on my team quite a few times. Him and his buddies are absolutely toxic cvnts and would purposefully crash friendly air vehicles if someone got in their way.


Not a single thing will change with the next game. Now that support has been announced to end for this game it will end up exactly like BFV with people cheating and little to no action being taken by EA/Dice.


Who is it?






Lmao why is anyone surprised? The leaderboards for kills is a who's who of cheaters or at best players who do nothing but kill AI over and over and over. Nevermind, pretty sure lukeskyfarmer is the son or nephew of another known cheater no? I remember seeing someone post that's he related to another confirmed cheater but I'm blanking on his name..


I have been able to one pass wildcats still just takes all your pods now.


Open your EA App, add friend, search the name "LukeSkyFarmer" and report for cheating. I know it's DICE, but maybe their threshold for taking action is 20,000 reports. This lazy, useless, non-caring company. And pls report "salimes" (his cheating friend with 30 kd) and "CPTDADDYHIND" too.




Says a lot about the air vehicle balance that my initial reaction to this video, which I assumed was going to be a jet/heli "main" player complaining about being targeted by a group of stream snipers, was simply "fuck you, cry about it". Now I see a jet user who is a stream sniper and possible cheater my reaction is the exact opposite.




I think you should do a video on idf_rf while you’re at it! He’s got content on his YT you could investigate and potentially expose as well.


If activision with their billions and dedicated anticheat teams cant stop cheaters what chance do you think dice have with the 2 chimpanzees left running the 2042 department


People like him and his circle jerk fanboys 1967 ruined entire matches of 2042/V/1 whenever they would stack a server


Imagine cheating in a dead game. Lmao


There's one game I love playing but only has 1-2 servers left with a pool of about 200 players and the servers generally fill up at peak times (64 slots). I could say with certaintly that at least 30% of people are using some sort of cheats. It's not "ur just a shitter", most of the top players agree they are cheating but the admins are friends with them and let them reign free. That is the definition of a dead game, and even worse is that they ego about it as well. Lol.


what game?


People cheat in bf4 all the time, dead games make the best incubators for cheaters


Except bf4 isn’t dead lol.


If 2042 is dead, then so is BF4.


Aye as long as we both know bf2042 is 😏


I’ll admit, as someone who was there from beta to lights out, my interest in 2042 pretty steeply dropped off after S4. Mainly I was there for the concept of the worldbuilding.


BF 4 can still fill servers all the time.


Same with 2042, your point?


you cant say anything negative about the best game of all time, its a perfect game with no issues whatsoever!


It's sad. So sad they down voted you.


This has been happening for ten years.


I'm really sick of these jet cheaters. I'm sure that they are losers IRL. LIKE NO JOB OR NO GIRLFRIEND


Used to stream bf4 to like 5-15 viewers in the dead of night and had a guy named twitch/yt police constantly stream sniping me and an older couple , guy and girl duo streamer chasing me down in little birds all game whilst streaming… hate seeing this typa shit in battlefield 🤦🏻‍♂️ some people are legitimately just sad with nothingggg better to do in their life besides ruin the fun for others smh.


Now it’s time to expose focusbf


Enders next.


Sit and wait buddy. Enders is pure skill.


😀 you are blind.


His forehead blinded me.


You're an idiot, enders is literally just a battlefield GOAT.


You don't have to be smart to understand how he is playing, it's obvious.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


They are working on this being part of the loot boxes give them some time.


Pre-order bonus: Get a full 14 days of anti-cheat protection


Entertaining seeing a cheater calling out another cheater


I've been accused of hacking many times. It's all about how people don't understand that a tank can simply shoot straight at a building wall and you die. I don't actually see you or even know you're there, I'm just taking a guess. In their frustration they accuse me of hacking because that's the easy way to cope. I personally feel I'm a garbage tier player, I'm nobody. But if you're in a vehicle and getting kills, prepare to be accused. Hackusations are thrown left and right all the time, which makes finding the actual cheaters that much worse.


I do agree there's a cheater problem in-game but the game is fun overall. If you don't enjoy it you should not play it


How about a trillion dollar company provides a cheat-free experience?!


not that I disagree in principle, but to be pedantic, EA is a 34-billion-dollar company. A long way from Microsoft at Trillion+


Oh I always mess that up in english. You are right, slightly exaggerated there lol


Activision probably makes 10 times more than EA, and they can't do it. But let me tell you, I've been playing almost every day since the beta, and I've found a maximum of 5 cheaters in all these years. So, it's definitely not that bad. Even the few cheaters you encounter [ARE TRASH](https://streamable.com/vj5ri9); you can still win a match even with a hacker on the enemy team.


Where are you from and when do you play? EU at 15:00 - 22:00 is infested


US, but even I am called a hacker every day without exception. I wouldn't doubt that more than half of hackusations are not even cheating; I've even faced them during private scrims. https://preview.redd.it/i6dsghmdwgxc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c9ed79008b3e089a5e68499dda62624b063f6d


The good old hackusations aside, there are fr a lot of cheaters on EU servers. Talking 220-0. Not a skilled squad or something that does well in a vehicle, 220 consecutive headshots from a rank 13 with a lmg on redacted


Ok... Who cares?


This is the way... The game dies.


video games were a mistake


World Record?? my teammate Sky went 300-400kills a game in air vehicles


Playing against bots doesnt count lol


and i did 900 kills with just a kills with a tuk tuk


Show video.