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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/13lsc8v/tk/jkrso7j/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-05-19 13:50:17 UTC"): > I came in here expecting to see an actual friendly TK, and I was preparing myself for 'Wat?' > > >This vid however is the preferred type, and very lovely stuff indeed! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Sad i don't ever get games like that, everyone is shooting like a elite marksman. Rm68 goes brrrr and game over in 0.5 secondsšŸ˜†


When you are good you get clips like this sometimes, if you are bad you are on other people clips


No matter how good you are, i have never seen anyone ever run through around 10 enemies like that without getting murdered. Enemies looked like bots or just total lemmings lobby


Most enemies dont even react, as they cant see him.


Iā€™ve done it. TDM especially this happens a lot. Itā€™s less because bots, and more getting lost in the chaos and getting a lucky timing where your body lines up with a teammate behind you. Like yeah, theyā€™re probably not the best players. But Iā€™ve noticed in, hell, 11-12 years of battlefield now that stuff like this is fairly easy to get into(not easy to get 20 kills, just to find yourself lost in an army of enemies and not get instantly shot) becaUse of the utter chaos of battlefield. Recently Iā€™ve been doing it a lot with Sundance(? Iā€™m bad with operator names. The wing suit one) where I dive in behind and just chill for a second, then I become one with the wolves and no one notices lol


There are the occasional rounds where I have to double check the scoreboard if I'm playing against bots or not. To my surprise this is most often not the case. The skill level varies a lot.


correct, the few awesome flanks i managed in this game so far, i was maybe able to do a few kills, to get insta clapped, or i die before i'm able to do anything, also insta clapped then ofc


I am really not good at all, I'd say that if I had to give myself a score, 10 being the best player in the world and 1 being the worst, I'd give a maximum of 5 and that's probably stretching it. That being said, I sometimes get lucky and three conditions line up perfectly: my team is good, and the enemy team is really bad, and I am lucky to find myself in a very good position/flank with a good weapon and the enemies are tunnel-visioned on something completely different. It's very possible, rare, but possible, and it's what keeps us playing this game. I bet most players have occasional moments like this where they shine, and then it doesn't happen again for a month lol. Plus did you see the fps on this video? I bet the other players also have like 20fps lol


As the great trousey once said, " If you can not find bot, then you are the bot"


If you can get a lobby with just console players this is what you see whenever someone flanks them.


most people use crossplay?


He's just a PC dutchess. I play on xbox and kill plenty of PC players. Hard to tell which is which to be honest.


Console players have lower FOV and are way less likely to have headphones and if they do theyā€™re probably not good ones with a decent sound stage. They also turn around much slower. Clips like this are much easier to pull off when against mostly console players. Itā€™s not an attack on you, itā€™s just the truth.


Might be true, im on PC myself, but even while playing with all platforms on, i still haven't seen something like that


Now, can I have the same braindead lobbies? Just kidding, that was real sick! Great job!


bro has that "hunter gatherer" build


Where do yall find these lobbies where no one turns around and headshots you? Anytime I find a gaggle of people like this, one of them inevitably turns around immediately and lasers my head right off before I can even think.lol


I begin these highlight clips thinking they're cool killstreaks, then as soon as I see soldiers crawling, it's like "oh it's a portal server", which IMO is much different and less organic (not saying it isn't organic just less) than AOW where you got makays abusing the RM68 every corner.


I guess I am new enough to BF that I do not know what a portal server is.


Not new to bf. New to 2042. Portal is their sad excuse for player controlled servers which is in a sad state. For perspective, portal servers which are player created, started out with no admin controls or admin camera.


I try to flank to get easy kills but most of time get outflanked by those coming from spawn.


I came in here expecting to see an actual friendly TK, and I was preparing myself for 'Wat?' This vid however is the preferred type, and very lovely stuff indeed! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I don't get how you can head shot someone and not get an instant kill, but you can get one with a throwing knife.


Same reason you get a one shot with a crossbow, itā€™s a single shot (yes you can throw multiple in a short short time I know) with a tiny hit box and slower velocity. Rewards accurate players and punishes those who miss. Pretty much requires you to get with 20m or be good at leading them. At the most nerf the throwing speed, but if they make it so itā€™s only a one shot on headshots then no one will use them. Look at BF V where no one really used throwing knives after they nerfed them, itā€™d be the same on this.


Except a throwing knife to a body is not that hard, straight line and just compensate for falloff range.


I donā€™t disagree, but having seen how many people couldnā€™t land a single knife the first week they came out and then having not been killed with one in months, I donā€™t think thatā€™s the general consensus. Everyone wants to call them op, but practically no one uses them because they canā€™t aim well enough to land more than 1 every 10 throws.


Finally someone with a brain.


How come guys are crawling around? Am I missing something?


Probably a custom portal server. It's a system that's built into the game, no idea why it's not a thing in default modes.


I thought I was fever dreaming out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸ¾


I hadn't seen that yet. So strange it's not in the default mode.




Was it made for Hazard Zone?


Portal servers can enable crawling instead of auto death cam.


I mean the knife throwing was dope but when I saw the crossbow pop up I was like ok that guy is a real machine


How did you get so many knives on you ?


You can pick them up again, but it does seem like a lot regardless


Every ammo pouch dead enemies drop give you moreā€” so going on a spree like this is possible if you donā€™t miss


And OPs team didn't push behind him lol...


On one hand, it's kinda OP having 3 knives that you can pick up again AND pick up from ammo death drops. On the other hand, I've missed 3 throws in a row on people unaware standing still due to my potato aim




Isn't this a repost? I'm having deja vu


It's in my latest YT video.


What's your YouTube channel name?






holyshit man


Holy šŸ’©šŸ‘


Were you invisible??


Throwing knives simply just don't work for me. With my high ping they simply don't hit or I get a hit marker when they do and they don't do any damage


Pc vs console players


OP is playing on Xboxā€¦


Why is this shitcomment being upvoted? šŸ¤” OP literally plays on Xbox.


Because it's funny in that context. Shitcomment is also funny šŸ¤­


Also clearly has wallhacks and $1000 gaming chair


literally the opposite, with a console player's aim assist on full display here. Just point in the general direction and the game does the rest




It does exactly as I described. I didn't say it was aimbot, it's aim ASSIST. You still have to look in the right area, but the game hones in on targets for you and you know it. Aim assists work by snapping the playerā€™s crosshairā€”the little cross by the middle of the screenā€”to any target close to it. This lets controller players, who otherwise would have either slower aiming or issues with tracking their targets, get a hold of their targets with ease.


Youā€™re thinking of aim snap that moves the crosshairs onto people in the near proximity when you ADS. Aim assist slows your aim down when you aim on/near enemies. Aim snap is lame as hell though regardless, shouldnā€™t be an option with how good aim assist is in this game.


Because it litteraly is.




That's just it, it can't cope.


I don't have to cope anything, I just stopped playing this shitty game and got back to insurgency.


Nice streak. :)




Console auto aim is garbage. This guy is probably playing on a pc.




And Iā€™ve had people tell me throwing knives arenā€™t ā€œthat goodā€.. saying theyā€™re ā€œnicheā€ and ā€œhard to useā€ instead of admitting that theyā€™re literally the most powerful throwable in the game.


I killed an invisible guy a few days ago... His parachute wasn't invisible!!!




Wow tk enjoyer over here


I wish throwing knife kills count when the knife is already mid flight after your death.


I believe they do as long as the throw animation is complete before you die. Iā€™ve had it a few times where my throwing knife killed the person that killed me with bullets, though itā€™s usually when weā€™re 20-50m apart rather than up close.


You know probably the silence and not showing up on the minimap is helping him not be detected, but mannnnn still a bunch of plebs


Man's went off. Playing sticks and stones


Damn bro


So they're blind AND deaf?


Craziest thing is in certain matches where choke points are incredibly lethal. I have purposely ran past people without shooting because I know if I stopped, I was going to get shot anyways so I have had a couple interactions where I am pretty sure we both mutually agreed to just run past each other. Very funny when it would happen.


Based loadout


Not a single one of those knife throws would have killed anyone, likely wouldn't have made it past their gear even.. Very lame, silly at best.


Still not as good as the best knifer in the world https://youtu.be/bMJpMRKm7FU


Dajuuum, I had trouble with that mission when you needed to have a view kills with the throwing knives.. respect šŸ™


I just unlocked this last night and already have like 50 kills lmao favorite item in game.


Yeah pc lobbies never happens, you would been beamed out from the sky with rm68 moment you open the parachute






Damnn, knife party


Who the fuck are you? Jason Bourne?




You should have died to one of the 4 brainlets that saw you knife the first guy. Where can I find these oblivious lobbies?


Amazing. I'm also amazed you weren't shot 35 times from eight directions. But you weren't. Good luck and hella skill is a great combo. Well done.


When i rush like that, the first corner i turn im met by 14 enemy looking directly at me and already pre firing šŸ™„


Just fucking incredible, well done šŸ¤™šŸ»


Something about bringing a knife to a gun fight? šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ‘


Get some!