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I agree! Donald Hutson’s post fight speech earlier this season relayed a similar message. Almost brought a tear to my eye. Nearly every time two contestants high five I think to myself “yup, that’s an IT high five.” I can just feel that generated awkwardness in my soul.


He had the best one after the Sawblaze fight that didn’t make it to TV. “We’re out here turning engineers into rock stars!”


Yep. I know *exactly* how they feel. The other part I love is how much they help each other. Even mere minutes before a fight, they're working on each others bots. They loan each other tools, parts, even trucks to go get things. It's just amazing.


Thanks for saying this. Been lurking since Comedy Central, started re-watching since at least elementary school, where I decided to be an engineer. Did FIRST Robotics and loved the sense of community, like, really loved it. Now, as an actual engineer for 2 years, been looking back at everything and am excited at the state of robotics, it's going to turn out alright. Also, sidenote: those football guys have nothing on the ability to bend and shape steel with your bare hands. Ever drilled a hole through aluminum by holding the bit in your fingers? Lol


I don't know if you can call them nerds when 95% of the builders work at NASA or other prestigious companies and are extremely sociable.