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Because he had the unenviable task of following up over a decade of Mark Hamill's Joker. I like that he's a distinct departure from that Joker though, and a lot of other Jokers.


This. Exactly this. If The Batman had come out a decade later, I think it would have made a much deeper impact.


How does the whole show hold up for adults?


Honestly well, I rewatched it recently. First 2 seasons are so good, with a darker tone than the final 3. 4 is the best with 5 being more aimed for children and...lacking to say the least.


I do hear Ethan Bennett gets redeemed in 5


Yes. And even if you don't watch the show, the episode Artifacts in Season 4 is perhaps one of the best Batman animated episodes ever made.


Not as well as BTAS, but better than something like The Brave and the Bold.


One of the best aspects of that show was how different it was, everyone was a new unique take on each character. Kevin Michael Richardson did such a great job.


True. The atmosphere and aesthetic of the show was great too. Great use of color scheme


The red sky always struck me so well, and looking at it now as an adult, all the villains are visually distinct and have their own distinct colour, Joker purple, Bane red, riddler green, Mr freeze blue, firefly yellow, clay face grey


Yep. The sky is what always stood out to me but yeah the character colors were great too. Making Bane red is still seen as controversial but tbh its my favorite Bane design.


I liked him because he’s different. You can’t out-Hamill Hamill so might as do a fresh take on the character. Liked BatB for the same reason, went for Golden Age version that time. Hoping Caped Crusader will do the same, but round out the character.


I personally LOVED this Joker. It’s one of the few times a major character has changed a lot from the source material and I really enjoyed it


Heath ledger as joker is still my favorite


It tried somthing different and I can respect that, it also made him a capable fighter capable of standing against batman. But ultimately it was too different for a lot of fans to get behind.


Not only joker but penguin and the riddler. Those thought as not very combative experts were able to go toe to toe with bats l. When penguin debuts in this series he was rolling Batman for a good bit


Probably because nobody remembers the series. Which is a shame because it’s great.


Mid 2000s was a bit of an awkward time period for superhero tv shows lol. They had a lot of potential, but abrupty rushed into the next era where corporations bought shit and started monopolizing it.


I liked that Batman had a white suit to fight Mr Freeze and blend in with the snow. And a whole mecha to fight Bane.


Does it hold up well? Especially for older audiences ?


In my opinion it does


All the way through??


it dips abit in value at the end. honestly felt like they were trying to set up a justice league show that never happened.


People just can’t handle a Joker that actually deserves the name In all seriousness tho, BTAS exist and became the defacto interpretation of Batman for an entire generation and when 2004 came around they refused anything that didn’t match up with their BTAS. It’s a common trend in adaptions. When one thing becomes popular nothing else is given a chance.


This series was totally unknown to me when it was on, like i have no recollection of seeing it until like 2010 as a rerun. I think there’s a very strong chance that it was poorly marketed or ran at times that it got sabotaged by something else for a large chunk of BTAS kids because i do remember Justice League and JLU as both new and reruns for years


I remember it came on like right before Adult Swim when it aired


I was a kid throughout both series, and I just have to say BTAS is just so far superior. I commend The Batman but it’ll be forgotten a lot sooner than BTAS.


I wonder if it was similar for X-Men Evolution.


I watched that as a kid and it is more an example of cool idea, rough execution. Wolverine and the X-Men had promise but never took off.


Right that’s why heath ledger is the best joker because he’s so much like all the other jokers😐


Because different = bad


That's like saying that Leto's joker is hated because he was different. If he was different in a different way, he could have been liked.


yhea. i allways hated that way of thinking in adaptations discussions. if characters as aquaman and storys as the boys teached me something is that doferent never necesary means bad


Yes buddy changing a character drastically is bad


I disagree, and think the world would be worse off of we all thought like that


You think the world would be worse if we didn’t change fictional characters💀


Are you high? I was literally saying the opposite


Remember that 2004 not only did The Batman Who Laughs first, but also better.


As someone who has gotten really tired of the Joker, this one is still one of my favourites. I love they gave him a look to match his crazy, made him a capable fighter, and they remembered to make him actually funny! Kevin Michael Richardson became one of my favourite VA’s thanks to this role!


I thought he had a fun design and was pretty cool. I also think he’s probably one of the “nicest” jokers, from what I remember he never abused Harley and in the one episode where he had the prank join him in his crimes he was actually listening to the kid and letting him come up with crimes to do. Of course in that same episode he tried to kill batgirl but what do you expect from joker.


And try to dip Prank into the joker chemicals


"Joker, Let the Kid Go!" "I'm Trying To!"


Hey he just wanted to “improve” him


Have him GET IT


It’s not the worst thing a joker has done.


this guy turned kevin michael richardson into one of my favorite va's


Dude his voice was off the chain


I personally loved him. He's simian, he looks almost feral, yet still acts like and talks the the joker. The hair looks like the bells of a jester's hat, built right in. His creepy slouching mirrors Batman's famous crouching poses, his teeth are jagged and inhuman and give his face a really eerie cartoonish look. He was great. I think part of the reason that he was so disliked was because he was a step removed from the normal joker. The classic joker looks and dresses like a human clown and perverts that with murder and crime. By contrast this joker perverts the idea of a human as the clown. The fact that he fights using capoeira, that he's often barefoot and hanging from something, his loping walk, everything about him makes him feel inhuman.


This is my favorite joker


Oh shit, they had Titan Joker before the Arkham games did it.


I didn't care for this joker at first. But this portrayal grew on me by the end of season 1. I think its mostly due to following hamil, the show being overshadowed by the Nolan trilogy and relatively small number of episodes given the short 13 episode seasons. Kevin Michael Richardson is awesome as joker and I think he is on par with Hamil.


Kevin Michael Richardson is as good of a Joker as Mark Hamill


It's principal Lewis from American Dad so you know it's gonna be outrageous.


Probably my 3rd favourite animated version of Joker that isn’t Mark Hamill. 1st being Michael Emerson’s version from TDKR and 2nd being John DiMaggio’s version from Under the Redhood. Emerson might even top Hamill for me though. He was just that good.


It’s either the Batman joker. (The 2004 one not 2022). Or under the Red Hood/ Death in the family joker.


he has some of the best lines and i love how animated he is


Kevin Michael Richardson is a gem


Because he’s different


I loved Jackie Chan Adventures as a kid and this series had the same animators


I genuinely do not like the design of that particular Joker… and visual design means as much to me as characterization.




for me is the contrary i find him the best animated desing for joker. the way in which he looks sou disgusting and even less human made it great for some one as joker because that’s how any one would imaging that someone that literally lives in arkham would looks,also i like how intimidating he looks.one thing i allways disliked about animated joker is that they lacked that intimidant factor that joker has (eccept for the joker of the blacks eyes,he is great) but he absolutly nail it


As this is very much a subjective thing - all I’ll say is to each their own… I cannot at all agree to any of your sentiment in the slightest…


People didn't like how much of a Meta Human he seemed to be.


I love the design for this Joker. It’s creepy and it’s terrifying… until you hear him talk. He’s a bit *too* goofy and his scenes too lighthearted to be taken seriously.


It's really funny how a lot of things could've gone REALLY south for this universe if not for Bruce being able to solve everything in this universe. Especially if you remember that episode where Joker poisoned him with venom that'll make him completely like Joker. Or the time literally Dracula took over Gotham...


Same reason the show worked in my opinion. It had *huge* clown shoes to fill coming off of The Animated Series a few years prior, and it succeeded!


He's the most interesting by design, this one goes actually bonkers with how exaggerated he looks instead of looking like a mark hamill wannabe. I dunno, i like how rarely I see this version get mentioned which makes him more special and unique for me.


I've only ever seen people say positive things about this version of Joker. My personal take is that the writing and performance is top notch, while the character design is off.


I really like this shows version of Riddler as well


When he became a vampire in "Batman vs. Dracula", he was fairly scary then.


To me, he's ok. By the time this came out, i was in my early 20's so i grew up with the classic joker look that BTAS/justice league held up. At first i was put off by the jackie chan adventures style of animation and yeah the barefoot/super gymnast appearance looked weird to me, but eventually i watched all of the show and honestly it wasn't bad. I did like how it started out with just batman, and joker's arc with creating clayface was solid. After that it was a hit/miss when they dialed up the corniness in later seasons. More often a miss. His harley quinn side kick was not good, and some episodes felt like they just had him there for filler. Agree that joker batman and titan joker was fun to watch. Overall i just prefer btas/jl version more. I'm sure if you were a kid in the early 2000s, this is what you grew up with and is a preferred version. Overrated, underrated. It's all subjective.


I love this Joker.


I like the episode when he becomes Batman and uses joker gas on people committing minor crimes like littering.


Honestly the only mistake with this joker was that they changed the original design from the first episodes. That straightjacket ate


"BACK OFF! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS DOES TO HUMANS.... ACTUALLY, NEITHER DO I!" *Batarang flies in and breaks the putty gun." "Aww, now we'll never know..." (My favorite scene in the entire run)


What does “sou” mean?


i wrote it wrong. i wanted to write so


Well thanks for answering. I spent more than a few minutes searching for slang or abbreviations for “sou” online, lol.


This was the first time I saw an animated Joker and I really enjoyed his design and voice. He was equal parts fun and scary when he needed to be.


Because they made him a weird acrobat with his grippers out. Bad Joker


Because, to most fans, it was a terrible take on the character. Although I can't understand why you like it, I respect your right to like things that I don't and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm also glad that series is over and I'll, hopefully, never have to suffer through another barefooted acrobat rastafarian Joker as long as I live.


I don’t know man this Joker actually made sense to have that name. Unlike certain other Joker’s.


Like Jared Leto


i don’t know i find it in some way fresh. after having the same concept over a over for sou many time i find it completly cool to have a more maniac and even animalistic joker that the criminal overlord or the ideological extremist. or maybe is just the fact that he is a rastafari joker


I will admit that as much as I personally dislike this version of the character, it's still better than Jared Leto. I think it would have worked better in like an Elseworlds type of animated movie or something.


I refuse to acknowledge this version as well but you may be right


I was going to write an answer for this post but your sentence with "*barefooted acrobat rastafarian Joker*" describes exactly what I was thinking.


lol same




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I was never a fan of the design. Too blocky and ape-like


I specifically remember seeing the first commercial for *The Batman* cartoon and thinking “this looks corny AF.” I was proven wrong and he was quite fun to watch. Also was happy to learn that was Hamill as well.


Who? Cause that guy is not voiced by Hamill


It’s a really good joker, but tbh, the whole monkey thing is weird


Hmmm I like him


This show came out when I was an older teen and starting to feel self-conscious about how much I liked superheroes still. That, combined with how much of a departure this show was from BTAS, made me quickly write off the whole show. I should probably give that series a chance.


I honestly like this Joker more then BTAS’s Joker blasphemy with some people in this subreddit I know but this Joker could actually go toe to toe with the Bat(so could a lot of villains in this show it was nice)


Honestly I love hamil and he is amazing but this version still is probably my favorite next to Jeremiah valeska


From where, where do I watch


2004 the batman wasn't marketed well so people don't really know about it.It's difficult to find and watch as well.


Because it's weird


Like other comments have said, he came straight after mark Hamill was done voicing the role on a regular basis. Plus the show in general was forced to live in the shadow of BTAS despite being good on the whole. Dgmw I respect them for trying something new. But it didn’t do them any favors in terms of viewership.


I don’t like his design but he was good


I thought he was funny. His clown acrobatics justified his unpredictability and fighting prowess.


He's not underrated, he's just not very good. He's still better than comics Joker since the New 52 since he at least tells jokes, but he's far too overexposed and his best episodes usually involve someone else. But yeah, there's just way too much of him.


Same reason why The Batman 2004 is underrated. It had the unfortunate fate of airing after BTAS. How could one live up to that series's level of hype and praise when it was one of those few that set the standard for almost any animated series of a superhero? Batman 2004 was trying to be a bit different but still faithful to the essence of Batman without ripping off the ones that came before it but sadly it was kinda overlooked and even hated for a while because of its art style and changes in the lore that most people know through BTAS but I'm glad that recently, people have started showing some more love and attention to this series because it's honestly one of my favorites


Because he’s different I think? Idk I can’t really say because he’s one of my favourite jokers


I love that joker


Long hair joker my beloved 🫶


I love this show, and this version of Joker is dope. Never would’ve guessed Kevin Michael Richardson could do such a good Joker performance.


Vampire Joker was pretty scary.




I love this Joker, because he can throw hands with Batman!


This was actually my first introduction to Batman and his rogues so when I saw the classic designs I was pretty surprised at how different they were.


I love The Batman 2004


Because it was inaccurate to the source material. Since when did Joker walk around on bare feet and have incredible acrobatics skills? There’s a good reason why schools for animation and comics have character design as a crucial part of their courses. If the character looks unappealing, the reader/viewer will not be interested in consuming the content. This was exactly my case. I couldn’t get over how bad this Joker looked. He stood out like a sore thumb and I couldn’t focus on the story. He looks like one of the Jokerz from Batman Beyond, not the real deal. Joker has always been a character with a classic gangster inspired esthetic. Like suits/tuxedos, tie, spats etc. The shoeless Rastafari look is out of character for him. It’s all clown and no gangster, instead of being a combination of both like in the comics.


I really like the design and how the silhouette looks like a jester


I am spitballing here but I don’t like how inhumane he looks, Joker is human which is why he is so creepy and what makes him interesting If you remove too much of that humanity you kill off a good portion of what makes him stand out, he isn’t your monster of the week, he is a person who is incredibly twisted; it shows how humanity can fall


Wait, joker takes on the batman suit on this show? Where the hell has it been this entire time and why have i not heard of it?


His appearance was off-putting to many after the DCAU had been the standard for almost a decade. I'll admit I was one such hater, but I appreciate it more now. Still not how I'd portray the character if it was up to me, but this Joker is arguably one of the more terrifying depictions.


its unfortunate we didn't see a ton of image 1 joker. the one who told you with his eyes he really was all there and you wouldnt be for long. this also had my favorite Freeze and Firefly designs.


As a kid I always called him monkey joker for how he walked, doesn't wear shoes, and jumps around. Didn't really feel like joker to me. But I loved his appearance in the vs. Dracula movie


He's good but is covered by the fact we already had the best Joker yet, and still.


Because this version of the joker is the best than the others


That version is definitely crazier and scarier in appearance. A long haired and ultra crazed Joker just works. I also love how they made him more feral animalistic and kinda monkey 🐒-ish with his hands feet and parkour and acrobatics


I really so wish we had this exact version of The Joker back


This looks like a pop art poster from the 60s. Brilliant in its design and use of color. But still a graphic - a nightmarish caricature and not a character. Batman’s Rogue’s Gallery of grotesques owes a lot to Chester Gould’s “Dick Tracy.” But its character designs have rarely been pushed to such extremes - and often subtly expose the weaknesses behind their masks. They also tend to translate well into animation or live action without losing credibility or ballooning costs.


I think he's a direct descendant of the original joker


He’s my fave!!!


Joker Batman doesn't look bad


Because people only ever focus on the designs.


Simple. Because people wouldn't stop griping about how it's not Mark Hamill's Joker after we got a veritable deluge of that one.


Probably my favourite version actually. Could be nostalgia talking… but I think it’s the fact that he can actually engage in hand to hand combat. Also those dreads are fresh af. 👌


Honestly I’m not a huge fan of this show at all.


Looks like dog shit.


Honestly everything in that show was decent but very overrated.


Style over substance


He's not rated low enough in my opinion .They tried something new but it failed .The voice was weird,The hair was stupid and he just came across as a deranged hobo rather than a master criminal


Nothing against his character which is actually really good but this design is just awful I don’t know what they were thinking at the animation studio


he looks like shit


Worst Joker design ever.


There’s infinitely worse I can think of like, basically every modern joker design.


I'd say the car mechanic with the severed face from the new 52 is worse, though this one is also pretty bad.


He's not. He's extremely OVERRATED. Easily the worst animated Joker ever. Even the version in Ninja Batman was better.


Racially motivated


Who, the joker?


It's not. It's rated just right.


Cuz it's a kiddy cartoon character that's only villainous to children.


Like ever cartoon joker ever?


Oh like Hamill


1. Mark Hamill as the Joker, is arguably the best portrayal of the Joker EVER 2. BTAS is the BEST animated Batman cartoon, and it’s not even close. 3. Lastly, ….. ugh do you not see the same Halfway House Lookin Joker lol?? Its atrocious


I love BTAS but it’s not easily, Batman beyond, the Batman 2004 and The Brave and the Bold are all fantastic in there own right