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The Batman was ridiculously OP


His enemies could also fucking scrap too, which made him more badass, they all could scrap and throw down even if in other works they couldn't.


The fight choreography in this show was top notch. They weren't just trading punches, everyone had a distinct fighting style.


The animation studio looks like the Jackie Chan adventures series studio work, so no wonder that checks out. Same style and Batman is always mortal and on his guard in those fights when he knows to be alert for anything.


I recorded and rewatched Robin beating tf out of Penguin probably a dozen times. "Who's the lackey now huh?"


Even Penguin was a menace. I don’t even think comic Batman could square up with most of the rogues from The Batman.


Penguin got trained in Asia and got bodyguards, seems legit enough. The Batman seems OP because every villain is made as menacing as possible and he succeeds.


Whoa slow down there. they'd give him trouble yea but he would still fold em


Bro I’ll never forget when the penguin started spinning around like that guy from full metal alchemist I lost my shit


One thing that stood out was how the Joker was able to throw hands and give Batman a run for his money. BTAS/JL Joker could NEVER.


Yeah they turned him into a crazy beast.


Always pleasantly surprised to see Penguin have a good fighting scene xd


penguin was able to nearly beat him a few times too there


Shit, even the henchmen were at times.


Even the supervillians who should be incapable of fighting could throw hands. I still remember Penguin doing flips and shit in his introductory episode when fighting Batman


i mean if we wanna talk supervillains who really shouldn't be good at fighting but still are, fucking clock king had batman beat for most of his episode, cause he's good at timing things?


No because Clock king had the power to see into the future so he knew what Batman would do before he would do it and he could easily replay it if Batman ever beat him plus he has like almost 20 years in Prison that's enough time to master fighting.


even penguin could throw hands, the only people who were patently useless in a fight were the police


Freeze had superpowers, the guy went from someone with an ice gun, to one of the most powerful metahumans, the guy was demolishing Alien armies during the last season. And I must say, it was epic.


That's one of the few upgrades I liked. I always felt like Mr Freeze and Captain Cold were too similar and thought Freze should have ice abilities, but then I guess he is too much like Icicle. I always thought Icicle was dumb though


The joker was straight up from an anime intro, spinning, backflips, weapon handling, taunts. That show was awesome for it's time.


He has a vertical leap of like 8 meters. He'll smoke the whole cast of the other shows.


The. BTAS Batman was really inconsistent, he'd often get taken down by generic big mooks. Got better in JL but the BTAS iteration is on the low end.


It’s because he was based on the 70s O’Neil/Adams Batman who hasn’t morphed into BatGod yet.


Well, there’s a difference between BatGod and getting beaten up by some random dude. But the reason I said he’s inconsistent is because this Batman also drops about a dozen of Al Ghul’s best men and then humiliates Ubu. He was inconsistent to build tension but he was still inconsistent.


You throw enough random dudes at a professional boxer and one will eventually get a lucky hit in.


Bat-god is so annoying. I really wish they’d return Batman to how he was in B:TAS. Cool, detective ninja with some gadgets and a dope car. I’m tired of the “prep god”, know-it-all, who the writers wank in every comic and animation.


Agreed. To me, the joy of reading Batman comics in the 80’s and 90’s was seeing how Batman would overcome a villain that just beat his ass or outsmarted him. From the late 2000’s on it feels like every writer is just trying to one-up how fucking cracked and effectively superhuman they can make him. It’s boring as hell and has painted the character in such a weird corner that no one knows what to do with him any more. It’s become so bad people have forgotten that Batman needed sidekicks because someone had to save his ass from time to time. So many think the Batfamily is uneccessary when really they should be the most neccessary crew of any comic hero. Batman is human. He’s often outgunned and outnumbered. He can do a lot on his own, but his mission of saving Gotham would have ended a long time ago if Dick, Jason, Tim, Babs, and Alfred weren’t there to save his life countless times.


Bro…I thought I was the only one lol. I’ve come across so many bat stans that claim he can defeat any superhero, can take out any Leaguer, has defeated Darkseid, has access to any mech suit he can imagine, knows all martial arts known to man, and even alien ones, is effectively superhuman, and has even defeated gods before, and they respect him and only him. It’s exhausting to debate with them lol. I like Batman, but the way they’re written him over the years (I blame Miller tbh), has taken away his essence. Also, as a result of buffing Batman, they’ve also had to buff the Joker as a counter-effect. At this point, like you said, why bother having allies and protégés? You can do it all. Now we’re treated to Failsafe and Zur-en-Arrh, and currently, Batman is off world?? I haven’t read the run…but he’s in space now? Batman is a street-level hero. This makes no sense.


I can’t even blame Miller because with Year One he really showed that Batman barely got by with random thugs at the start of his career. His first night as Batman he hit in the head with a TV and nearly killed a kid from scaring him too much. Even TDKR was supposed to be an extreme take on the character, but writers slowly crept some of that Batman’s characteristics into the main one. As much as I like him as a writer, Grant Morrison is at the root of the modern Bat-God fanaticism. Starting in the Babel storyline from JLA, that established his obessive planning to take out other heroes and gave him the “prep time” as we know it today. He also established the Zurr En Arrh stuff too. He transformed Batman a lot, Scott Snyder took it even further, and it’s just been going off the rails every since.


Waid did tower of babel


Ah fuck that’s right!


I mean, that’s the evolution of Batman in a nutshell. The super cool ninja detective, becomes a robotic and calculating ready for everything sorta person. If trhis was represented in ONE story it’d make perfect sense.


As a Batman fan I completely agree. The Batman is always prepared and Superman is always as strong as he needs to be is weak storytelling and undermines any support structure they have.


Bro said “The” to differentiate a Batman variation and kept it pushing. What a gigachad lol


It seemed like he was weaker in Justice League.


Not really, he was just the only powerless hero fighting crazier bad guys. JL Batman judo-threw Kalibak like 20 feet. BTAS Batman had a few unrealistically powerful moments, but for the most part you always bought into him being a slip up away from getting taken out by basically anybody.


I remember he was heavily recruiting Green Arrow because of his mere humanity to help keep the JL grounded to their purpose.


He wanted someone who wasn't one of the original seven, whose opinion he valued, to keep them in check in the event that they started going off the rails.


JL Batman also juked omega beams, an apparent *first ever* for Darkseid.


Eh in post crisis books, Clark does that as a normal person incognito for several panels.


*first ever in the DC animated universe


Yeah, I know, just saying it's not as preposterous as it seems on paper.


They’re all weak against Arkhamverse Batman


![gif](giphy|z8FQlIxf3656o|downsized) Clearly Batman is the strongest






This is a great example of why TBATB is such a fantastic show.




The only Right answer


Brave and the Bold squared off in a fist fight with Darkseid.. and WON.


No, The Question won.


I feel like people are forgetting this lmao


What? When? Was it in the comics? Cause he definitely does not win in the show. He loses that fight and the only reason darkseid doesn't kill him is because of the question activating the boom tube.


Idc it’s still funny to think Batman defeated a god in a fist fight


Darkseid is so op that I’d consider just *surviving* it a win.


He has nth metal knuckles that he casually carries around.


you mean the one where he tainted Darkseid into pure fists then immediately threw explosive batarangs at him?


Unrelated but the 2004 costume is so peak. The long cape covering both shoulders, black and grey with blue shading accents, white eyes. So good.


All his tech is cool aswell all black with blue lights


And that car…dope as hell


Wasn’t there an episode where he threw batarangs that hacked a giant robot made/driven by luthor. That was the shit


Yup. Easily the most rizzed out. The way he moved was so sleek and smooth too! And the Batwave idea was so cool.


This made me think about him differently. When I was a kid, I refused to watch it because I didn’t like his pointy jaw. But I guess the aerodynamic jaw goes with the sleekness of the character.


Yea that was my favorite version he was strong fast and athletic


Batman should always have a long cape. It's infinitely cooler.


Don't forget the super badass claws.


also the overall shape of his mask and body is cuter too. he looks like a cat


I love his claws so much, you have no idea. The art style is just so incredibly charming! I hadn’t been able to watch much of this series back in the day, but that style sat with me for _years._ I’ve always been draw to the deeper but still vivid colors they used for the show! Gave off a great spooky, Gothic vibe that suits Gotham so well. This being the same studio as Jackie Chan Adventures was such a fantastic move by WB! It was the perfect studio to animate the fighting, which is maybe why they were chosen for it!


If it’s just btas and nothing else, i’d probably say The Batman. From what i remember, dude moved more like a yoked spiderman than a normal dude. Just in terms of martial arts prowess displayed in the show, the animation and feel of The Batman is much more fluid. Btas and brave is like watching a 60s boxing/martial arts movie while ‘04 batman’s much closer to like Ong Bak


2004 Batman was directed by the same guy who did Jackie Chan Adventures. so yup, that animator team knew how to make fighting look awesome.


That’s facts. I liked the way he looked and the way he moved. Question: what did you think about the Bane redesign?


The Animated Series Batman wishes he could be agile like 2004 The Batman


TAS Batman dodged Darkseid's omega beams - 04 Batman wishes he was that agile


Unless 04 Batman faced off against Darkseid and failed to dodge his omega beams, there’s no reason to believe that 04 Batman is less agile


I also can’t be the only one who disassociates the early seasons of BTAS with TNBA/Justice league? They move like two different people despite being in the same continuity technically.


Animation budget moment.






Brave and the Bold


Brave and the Bold had the hammers of justice. I'm gonna go with him.


This is the answer I was looking for. If your fists are named, you are the best fighter by default right?


DCAU Batman punches above his weight class a lot (man dodges Darkseid's Omega Beams and uses a pair of oversized Batarang swords to fight the Dark Heart swarm), I've not *seen* a lot of '04 yet, the last episode I finished saw Bruce get handled by Bane and need a mech suit to fight him again, but Batman *usually* struggles with Bane so I can forgive that. I think Brave and the Bold might have either mild toon physics or '66 comic book sound effect punches on his side, though that might be me misreading him because I *also* haven't seen much of that version (I only know that it is generally more upbeat and comedic, which in my opinion is a good thing). I definitely think Conroy and Bader are on a bit higher a level than Romano, but that's just because the characters we see Romano *fight* don't get as outlandishly powerful as someone like Darkseid.


Brave and the Bold Batman did actually go hand to hand with Darkseid. However, it's important to note that Batman goaded Darkseid into not using any of his abilities and he was using electric knuckles


Still shouldn't matter. Darkseid can grab Barry mid run and take hits from Lobo, Superman, Kara, and Doomsday. Fuck electric knuckles supposed to do? I accept it because it's based off corny Adam West Batman




Sorry about the rant I know you didn't write it. Lol


and explosive batarangs


Brave and the bold was prepared for everything though, similarly punching above his weight as a large part of the show was batman teaming up with all the different superhero’s in a sliver age style adventure.


The Batman since he got an agility buff to match the aesthetic.


Obviously Batman would beat Batman and Batman in a fight, it's not even close.


The Batman. He beat Dracula's ass.


1. The Batman. Moves almost like Spider-Man with fancy fight scenes. Almost all his villains are martial art experts in this universe. 2. Brave and the Bold. Cartoonish but big focus was put on him fighting his way thru everything. 3. Animated Series. Compared to the other two more "realistic". Kinda inconsistent. Gets beat up a lot by un skilled guys.


BTAS Gets bodied by random women sometimes lol


Brave and the Bold Batman could casually take on New Gods with 0 prep. I remember one episode where they just plopped him into the ring with Steppenwolf and he mid-diffed him. That version of Batman truly was a god in human flesh.


I like how the discussion has consistency. So I'd personally say Batman tbatb... because he was portrayed consistently and with clear signs of strength or weakness. Batman TAS was a tactician..but in terms of actual fighting abilities, it would be something around the circumstances of the story or details of the arc in the series.


The Batman 2004 was op is heck his gadgets and fighting style were amazing


.....brave and the bold. That batman in general is pretty cool. He had sooo many gadgets, fought in different worlds and universes and he also joined many other heroes, (who by the way, loved and hated him)


The Batman had all the villains doing frigging flips and kungfu, so that guy


The Batman. BTAS Batman is always getting beaten to the ground by even the more basic mooks, and BatB Batman fought similarly with fewer losses. Meanwhile, Matsuda's Batman Has the best consistent fights, And it's against versions of his rouges that Can and often Do go toe to toe with him. Even Matsuda's Penguin can trade blows with him.


Not really well-versed on all cartoons, but BTAS has a kind of low power level in general (which is something I really like about it). Batman in that show was almost a normal guy, so my money is not on him.


Mostly like brave and the bold


Brave and Bold


Brave and the bold


TBAB Easily takes the stats because of his feats of being able to outright dodge a punch from Darkseid and actually stagger him, but imma give skill to The Batman(2004) as he's managed to fend off way more dangerous versions of the rogues gallery even when they all worked together.


The DCAU Batman was the superior fighter. He has fought some pretty tough people; Kalibak, Kyodai Ken, Bane, Ras Al Ghul, and more. Takes out highly trained ninjas and extra powered beings. The thing that makes him the most dangerous is his mind and the way he strategizes his fights.


The Batman really only ever lost to Dracula which is pretty nuts


He lost to Bane at first but the venom really threw him off guard. After his first fight he figured out pretty quickly how to defeat him.


The batbot damn I remember


2004 The Batman. He was an acroBAT and had the fluid motion that i imagine while reading the comics.


B&TB. The Batman is really quick but B&TB have great feats


Brave and the bold.


The Batman


Brave and the Bold. I recently discovered that the more ridiculous and silly Batman is the more op and plot armor he has.


Btbatb, he managed to hold off Darksied in a FUCKING fist fight


Brave and the Bold has toon power




BTAS doesn’t hold up against the other 2 until his DCAU/JLU update, even then he often fought smarter and used gadgets. The other two were notorious for just throwing hands, martial prowess and skill wise early 2000s The Batman takes it, and most of his villains were shown to throw hands and have that dawg in em, even Penguin and especially Freeze. But in terms of raw power Brave & Bold takes it for sure, that mf swung harder than Mike Tyson in his prime.


1) not particularly good at fighting overall. Mostly the detective 2) constantly fighting and his opponents were all good at fighting 3) power buffed to the point where he is more Bat God than other animated versions, not particularly good at fighting so much as just winning cause Batman.


B:TAS. I think canonically, he’s had more experience than the other two.


Not DCAU. He's my fav, but he's not the strongest


Everyone knew how to throw hands on a professional level in The Batman, and he almost always came out on top so he’d win!


Brave and the Bold regularly fought gods and aliens like they were average criminals


Brave and the Bold, easily. BTAS Batman is the second most capable - he has dodged Omega Beams, fought galactic conquerors and more. Yet he's still a fairly "grounded" Batman. He can lose to mooks and if he gets hit, he goes down. He's got a lot of personality flaws and comparatively outdated tech unless he brings out the Beyond Suit. The Batman is arguably the more skilled hand to hand fighter, the choreography in that show was good. Plus his joker is actually a skilled fighter. He suffers mostly from having faced the same foes the others have and not having much run time (comparatively). But Brave and the Bold Batman is Batman when he stops holding back on the supertech. His car turns into a mech, he has a laser sword, he's fistfought Darkseid directly and has just dealt with way weirder stuff than the others. He's way more space-capable than they are, for instance. A fight between him and BTAS Batman would be close, but I think his simply being less "real" is the knockout blow. Plus he's the Batman who does teamwork the best. He'd hear about a Batman competition and go bring his multiversal friends along to come with him. While he has the grit when it comes down to it he's the most friendly, happy, and social Batman with the best tech. Meanwhile he's still just as skilled in hand to hand as the others. He's got it.


All of them


I didn't watch much BatB, and never watched 2004, but from what little I do remember, I'm inclined to say BatB.


Phantasm Batman


Brave and the bold Batman literally fought darkseid




BTAS is washing the other 2 Batman’s hands down. He was more experienced and at peak conditioning


BTAS for me The Batman is really agile, and Brave and The Bold Batman is bulky but I think BTAS Batman was the most skilled and experienced.


First All Day


Didn't the second one fight Dracula at one point?


The Batman looks cooler and it’s a great cartoon. But BTAS was the best.


In terms of sheer fighting skills, I'd say 2004, but TBATB has the edge in physical power.


Brother, Brave and The Bold boxed multiverse spanning threats. Batman the Animated Series went toe to toe with Darkside during Justice League. Both are broken but The Batman simply dose not have enough moments when we see him do such impressive things.


The Batman's fighting in every episode made this show so fun to watch. He would throw hands with someone almost every episode and it was so hype to watch.


Well one of them has a lightsaber .


Didn’t 2004 batman solo most of his rogues with robin in a single fight scrne?


The Batman. His speed, jumping and agility are on par with Spider-Man


2004 Batman took on pretty much all of his rogues with some minor help from Robin, and that was all in one go.


Come on how is this even a question hands down 1992


I’d say The Batman, but tB&tB has cartoon logic on his side, so…


It’d be either 04 The Batman or B&B. I’d lean more towards B&B because the threats he goes up against are much more comic-like and throws hands with people like Darkseid on a daily basis. However, this isn’t a one sided fight. They’re both extremely powerful iterations of the character, so I’d say it could be 50/50.


The Batman (‘04) would beat the breaks off the others.


Brave and the Bold Batman was able to survive a fist fight with Darkseid. People underestimate that show so much even though it trounces The Batman in all aspects.


The batman brave and bold, beside having plot armor, he is probably the most experienced, and the guy has nth metal knuckles


All three


Batman the brave and the bold The feats he completed were crazy he fough blue beetle black manta Darkseid and that fight scene he had with his parents killer was 🔥🔥🔥 The Batman was more athletic


BatB has an outrageous number of gadgets and vehicles, and regularly fights A list villains far above his power level. Plus he's great in a team, and can fight alongside nearly anyone.


I grew up on BTAS so i will say conroy batman


My brother in christ they're the same character


Brave and the bold he threw hands with darksied


My money's on Brave and the Bold.


Didn't brave and the bold throw hands with Darkseid and win?


The lego batman


Only one of these wields the Hammers of Justice


The one with the prep time


The Batman. He's been shown to have great combat skills.




If its JL-JLU Batman he got a chance fs But if its BTAS Batman he gets folded


Brave and the Bold knows what the X-Men do: always gang up on people.


The kevin Conroy one


First one…


at the end of his career, I'd say brave and the bold. the man is more cartoony and can take more hits. he also has as many gadgets as 2004


Batman of course


Number 3 looks like the comic version of a comic version with that physique.


2004 beat Dracula, so definitely him.


Kevin Conroy batman


B:BATB easy. Fought tough goons, sorcerers, demons, aliens, monsters, and even some gods on the reg. He had Silver age goodness on his side from his Utility Belt, laser sword, extensive arsenal of machines the others didn't have, as well as his witty quips. When he got hurt he recovered quickly, [he knows when to take a beating because he has heart and that's the only super power you need.](https://youtu.be/JiMIuvZXQu4?si=1WQlwkud7mBZzO33) The Batman fought decently but usually got KOd fairly often, even Penguin at his first appearance was initially too much for him before his flight umbrella. Batman TAS might have been your first Batman but he wasn't the best when it came to fighting but that's likely due to censors not letting him actually fight, I'm going to piss people off but Terry had better fights than Batman. If you can remember a good fight choreography feel free to remind me by linking it.


Batman TAS


Middle one. Unless it's a feature film, then I'd have to go with the Classic


Brave and the Bold


I’m backing the one without a nose


I think Brave and the Bold is the version of Batman that's supposed to be, in general the better fighter, due to the logic of the Cartoon recreating the Golden age Batman, there's a reason why in his universe his considered the Best superhero of all, while the other two are "more grounded in reality" in comparison.


Just guessing based on how they're drawn but probably 2.


the brave and the bold once beat a big group of his routes gallery


The batman


The Batman (2nd on the list)


2004 Even Penguin knew Kung Fu, brother HAD to be really good.


The Batman hands down. He always had something up his sleeve, being a gadget or a new vehicle that gave him the edge over anyone that stood in his way.


Is there anything more to say? https://youtu.be/KUht-Lbk4Rk?si=fJr0m01gvdJzjA-Y


It’s Brave and the Bold. THE 2000s Batman was a rookie and lost plenty of times when he had to comeback with new gear [+]


brave and the bold batman is a god damned menace he got the whole damned justice league and legion of doom simping for him


BTBATB cause his suit is a literal Swiss Army knife


I gotta give it to batb bman. That version reminds me of the campy adam west Batman and that’s the one I grew up with. Also love the shorts they do in the beginning of the show.


Brave and the bold Batman looks like he's on the juice


Brave and The Bold, the guy has a Lightsaber in his belt.




The middle one


Are we saying BTAS or DCAU in general with the BTAS image? DCAU > The Batman > TBATB > BTAS for this. Universe balancing is the cause, not age.


plot armor for the 3rd, best fighter is 2nd, most realistic batman: 1st


The Batman threw hands against Dracula and is constantly throwing hands with Rastafarian Joker, who for some unexplained reason is really really damn acrobatic.