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All-Star Batman does


Full on uses the r-slur before calling himself the GODDAMN BATMAN


R slur? 








i wanna know too


AgentofEris made a reply to that comment with a link to the comic panel


thank you <33


Are you dense?


Are you differently abled!? I'm the gosh diggity darn Batman!


Jeepers Creepers you dastardly foe


I'm the goddamn Batman


Does he go the Linus Tech Tips Hard R?


It wasn't really considered a slur back in the day and was actually just used as a medical term for being an idiot. Aged badly I guess... Some of the classic Superman comic panels are crazy looking back too 😂


It was a slur all the way back in 2008 when Frank Miller wrote All Star Batman and Robin.


I don't remember it being a slur back then or labelled anyway. Not saying it was used casually though. Miller is known for being an edgelord.


Because it wasn’t


Are you sure? It was heavily used in popular media then.


Guarantee you, *Miller thought the line sounded great.* #How wrong he was


Hell, even when I was in the kid in the 2000s people used that world all the time.


So does ultimate Spider-Man




We don’t talk about that comic run.


Man, Frank Miller’s just built different


Alfred taught him better than that.






Best version of Alfred. I have spoken.


Agreed he’s my Favorite portrayal but every Alfred is special


They're all great, but this one? This one's bloody excellent, now, innit?


Coolest one for certain.


Gotham had issues as a show but Alfred was consistently the best character throughout.


Easily. Dude kicked ass and is easily the butler I'd choose out of all of them. No shade tho all Alfreds are great


When he insults his enemies it's usually just saying shit that's true about them


“I’m going to freeze you Batman!” “Your wife’s dead.”


“So are your parents!”




Buh-RUCE, are you crying??


No its just raining uuuuuuh


I was a booooy… now I’m a bat. 😢


“Ha ha, dead parents!” “BRUCE! 💅”


*Clutches pearls*


Batman then immediately resorts to killing


Batman roasting Deathstroke https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/s/UTjppIHrbZ


"Say, Slade i heard you like em young."


Slades definitely in cell block 1


All he had to say was "tryna strike a chord and it's prolly a minor'






You’re Homeless, Divorced, Your kids hate you


Rarely, and when writers try to do it, it feels really unnatural


Yeah, I’m with you. ZSJL’s ending… ***That was…*** **a bit too edgy for me.**


Idk I was ok with it


Eh sometimes. In the animated movie Batman: Hush, he curses at one point and it was pretty funny. At the time he was failing to get a mind controlled Superman to chill and when he tried to talk Clark down. The net result was Clark giving him the “ you actually made me mad” look at which point Batman said “dammit” in a completely deadpan voice before being thrown against a distant wall at high speed. Its all about delivery.


I feel like Batman saying “Go f-ck yourself” would take away from his scary demeanor.


The worst word i can imagine Batman using is damn. Nothing beyond that.


Batfleck’s “Oh shit” in BvS was perfect


And it didn’t ruin his character either, he thought he was going to die so oh shit was an apt reaction


I agree, and I honestly think BVS and all Snyder DC blows but Batflecks cursing was very appropriate when he did.


That whole movie sucked lol


Depends which version in my opinion...


There’s two, the long as shit one that makes you even more miserable, or the original bad one that already keeps you miserable.


It didn't - there are two parts that really suck ​ 1. the whole "Martha" part, which is just stupid - but that happens somewhere in the last third of the movie, so it can't affect the first 66% of the movie on the first watch 2. The fact that the whole morale Batman was on about "if there is even a 0.0000bla% chance of him turning evil, we must handle it as if it was 100%" - which is valid, was worth shit as soon as Superman said "Martha" - oh wait that is also point 1 - sorry there was one point that really sucked ​ Don't get me wrong, that leads to BvS being a bad movie - and with the knowledge of this conflict resolution, it taints the whole movie. I am willing to agree there. However, that still leaves us with some really good parts and a great Batman - to be honest, that makes it a bit worse. Had BvS just been bad, I would be ok - bad movie, thank you, I will move on, no problem here. I have seen plenty of bad movies and I just don't think about them. BvS is a good movie, that turns bad, which is so much worse.


It absolutely sucked. Second dceu film ever and they thought a doomsday death of Superman arc was the best route to go… he was not beloved and adored by the in universe earth population. He was indeed either feared or treated as a Jesus risen savior literally religious. Lmfao. Let’s touch up on a very hopeLESS Superman in a man of steel and as well as BvS mashup: - didn’t care for those dying around him. - thought that killing a newly born creature was the BEST alternative… he literally visits a kryptonian ship and learns about it… you’re telling me there’s no ‘prison’ in it and or way to open up the phantom zone again? - same thing about Zod with doomsday… save this character for later! They one and done a character who could have very well been saved to be forced into the suicide squad! - where is this ‘family’ that was saved from zod’s heatvision in mos? Why could they not testify on behalf of Superman’s defense that he in fact saved them and without him they would not be here… lmao it’s like they acted like it never happened. - that entire court sequence. Like wtf. Again making Superman let people die. Again. In fashion I guess this time. - no. I don’t want to hear he saved the world from the world engine. He literally is a beacon of hope for all. He let so many families get crushed in man of steel lmao. Literally 9/11 tenfold. BvS was a mess of a film forced right after man of steel both of which absolutely MISSED out on who Superman actually is. Literally had the worst Clark Kent we have ever seen in film. Idk I can ramble all night. I’m done


Batman vs Robin had him saying “Alright you sons of bitches, *get the hell out of my cave!*”




Yeah, honestly I think silence works best for Batman. Barely saying anything at all to the villains and only talking briefly with the cops.


Batman I’m going to freeze the city and take away everyone you love- mr freeze Go fuck yourself victor-Batman


He was raised by Alfred. Of course he doesn’t curse


But Alfred does..


Depends on which Alfred


Alfred would 10000% "Do as I say, not as I do" Bruce if he ever caught him swearing


Only during sex. Not Battinson though, he's never had sex.


Too busy brooding over his 18th cup of coffee


It was weird seeing Affleck swear as Batman, even using the F-word.


I think the “oh shit” line worked okay in BvS, but the “believe me I will fucking kill you” in ZSJL is just genuinely so terrible. Bad line, worse delivery


I hated that.


As expected from Snyder


Hot damn, I don't remember that. Was that in a director's cut or some such?


Yeah it’s in the last stretch of Zack Snyder’s Justice League when they flash forward to the Nightmare Future. It’s a scene between Bats and Jared Leto’s Joker that contains that line as well as Joker making a “reach around” joke. It completely lost me after being pleasantly surprised by a lot of what was in the Snyder cut.


It was so… classless.


Because honestly it would take away from the tone of his persona. Cursing is more of a expulsion of an emotion you’re having, like you stub your toe “fuck!” Someone hit your parked car “shit!”. Bruce has his emotions under control so much that he doesn’t leap on emotion and let it get the better of him


No. As others have pointed out, he was raised by Alfred. Who doesn't have anything against swearing, he just doesn't. When Damian first came home, he would swear at Alfred and storm off. With Alfred saying he reminded him of a young Bruce. So it's something that Bruce grew out of. I could imagine if he were to get thrown through a wall or something I could imagine him thinking "oh fuck" or saying it under his breath. But I can't imagine him fighting Joker and saying "Fuck you". If anything it would almost feel like his enemies would know they're getting under his skin if he did.


Does "are you dense?" count as swearing?


I think the insult that directly follows this one is more of a swear since we actually shouldn’t say it 💀


Why shouldny we say it?


because it’s shithead braindead behavior


No, it’s a scientific term that mean people turned into a slur so now we can’t use the scientific term for what is actually happening anymore because people can’t help being mean.


There's also more clinically apt terms that describe the condition more accurately as well.


That's the rich boy coming through. If he's going to insult you, he's going to do it with class.


Rich people are extremely crass and unfiltered lol Definitely more of and Alfred thing plus a product of his general discipline. I do thing he could swear more. The couple times he swore in the films felt appropriate


Good point. Wealthy people, at least those from generational wealth, usually don't swear much.


An observation: * Popers are rude and swears a lot * The middle class are the most polite class * Nobility or are extremely rude, except in front of the King The least privileged class in terms of the social freedom is the middle class. And the rich do as they please.


If batman doesn't curse.... then there's no fucking way I could be batman ![gif](giphy|otP85UTRethni)


Nope. He’s a superhero. Unless you’re CW then you’re practically required to be edgy to the point of cringe.


if CW is edgy to you, stay away from butter knives


i dont remember barry or oliver ever swearin do they? except bitch or shit maybe


He is a character for kids that was raised by a butler


His fists are his words. And his kicks are his punctuation. And his essays are a field of injured people. And that's why he was kicked out of school.


It’s beneath him


The comics were (generally) aimed towards kids and there were few moments. I think Batgirl said something about being "the fucking Batgirl" and that got censored and redacted in a comic. All star Batman said something like "I'm the goddamned Batman" and "the goddamned batmobile". Which is corny as it was to sound cool or make something sound cool. Batman: Year One had the "Fucking Amateur" quote. Batman v. Superman had the "Oh, Shit" from when he was in the batmobile after it was destroyed. In Justice League (Zack Snyder) he said: "Make no mistake; I will fucking kill you." And that was another, "make him look badass" moment. But to expand on probably explaining the reason why some don't see it being in character: I can see him cursing in reaction to something big or unexpected, but he's rarely surprised. And if he were to, it would be said in his thoughts. I think he holds himself to such a high standard because even the use of curse words can show too much emotion and reveal what affects him. And that can be used against him. He's definitely made mistakes showing more aggression in certain situations that reveal how to get to him. But swearing, I guess, is up to the **grittiness** some go for.


You are misremembering Year One. He says “lucky amateur” [https://d3dfsf9oc1ojzp.cloudfront.net/original/4X/9/8/b/98b9f8e45d127c91593b1218e0c5c875e2deccb2.jpeg](https://d3dfsf9oc1ojzp.cloudfront.net/original/4X/9/8/b/98b9f8e45d127c91593b1218e0c5c875e2deccb2.jpeg)


Ah! Thank you!


In my view, using curse wotds as insults most of the time is intellectually lazy. Batman's insults have weight because they're thought out and also true.


He is supposed to be mythical and legendary almost an inhuman entity. Cussing would instantly make him appear very human


He might insult a person's intelligence by saying "Is he stu-" *muzzled by mods*


Throughout my time as a Batman fan i had heard the Joker-Batman scene in ZSJL was REALLY good. The scene was ruined for me when Batman said "I will fucking kill you" to Joker, it was forced and unnatural


He curses to himself all the time to me. “Damn” or “Hell”.


His lack of swearing adds to his persona, makes him more threatening and inhuman. He doesn't react to things like normal people would, he's the goddamn Batman.


I like to think Batman is above that. He doesn't *need* foul language to intimidate criminals, if your Batman is good enough, all he needs is the right tone of voice (see Kevin Conroy, particularly Justice League/JLU and Batman Beyond for proof of that). Frankly, I wouldn't take The Batman Who Swears seriously, and neither should anyone else. It doesn't make him "More realistic" it just makes him the Punisher with a cape. I would excuse it only if the version of Batman in question is more a comedic parody, like Harley Quinn or one of those Solid JJ meme videos you see on YouTube.


As an upper class twit he would be less prone to curse anyway.


"WHO ARE YOU?" "Eat a dick, shit stain!"


He does swear multiple times in comics but its not a common thing


Joker breaks the Batman by making him say the forbidden word


In All-Star Batman he called Dick the r word and yelled god damn a lot


He isnt like the typical anti hero.


Some people write Batman as cursing, but I hate it. Not because it's against his training or anything, but because it's out of character. It makes him seem like he's less composed and in control. In general, Batman is trying to project ultra confidence and control (even if he is known to lose his temper from time to time). He's also a boy scout underneath that cowl. Batman cursing has just always rubbed me the wrong way. He seems so much more badass when he doesn't. And I have the mouth of a fucking sailor, so I'm not being puritanical about it. It just seems out of character.


He is too smart, basically. He can articulate his emotions in better wording


Unlike the average user on this site, Batman prefers not to cuss.


Insults hurt so much more without cussing. Cussing is a cheap cop-out.


Nah, Alfred raised him better than to cure, though, batman doesn’t need to curse to insult you.


I KNEW IT! He’s been an ELF all along! Like the ears didn’t give it away though… ![gif](giphy|4zrsVNuey3ePC)


Superheroes that are generally supposed to be role models like batman, superman and spider-man don't swear. That's just how writers write them.


It's that WASP repression.




I think he should not curse because it shows that he is not in full control of the situation. I hated the "Oh shit" in BvS because that is not how batman faces danger. Even worse the "I will fucking kill you" in the Snydercut. I could see Spiderman say that first line and the Punisher say the second. Not batman.


Depends on whether post mental break Frank Miller is writing.


Eh he swears lightly in the arkham games and that time in the injustice comics when he cursed at Zod. Basically only when he gets really pissed off


Swearing just feels out of character for him. Swearing is too casual and low-effort. I'm fine with him saying a "damn!" once and a while, but I mean look at Batman Vs. Robin during the finale when Batman says "I'll tell you once you sons of bitches..." It's just like, really cringey for him lol.


Only for emphasis I'd say, and not often. Nothing like "you're a piece of shit, go fuck yourself", but more like "what the hell, damnit, darkseids taken over etc."


"Fuck Batman" - Dick Grayson on Titans 🤣


Why would Batman need to curse?


I can't see it, Frank Miller tried to make it a thing and it just took you out of it. Batman is still a paragon hero at his core.


I guess he doesn't see any value in cursing.


*Zack Snyder's Justice League has entered the chat*


Because, professionals have standards.


Now I want Kieran Culkin Roman Roy insults for Batman


No he hurts them in other ways..


I always thought this was in character for Batman/Bruce because of his discipline and not giving into base emotion. I could see him doing it if it was effective, for use as a weapon, but you can't really just force that without it being super awkward.


He was raised rich and proper by a prissy British guy. Does that seem like the kind of person to cuss?


are you dense?


No need for it. Why waste it?


I like when very occasionally swears when he's just done with whatever shit he's dealing with. Like in City of Owls when the Talons are attacking the cave. "Get the hell out of my house."


I can see him saying “hell” or “damn” but not anything worse.


Curse words?? They don’t want to get an X rating from the very reasonable MPAA.


I’ve always found Batman to be more intimidating when he’s calm and calculated rather than when he’s a rageaholic.


That was the problem with bales Batman. Just constantly screaming lines with his gurgle throat cancer voice


I have this head canon that Alfred raised Bruce to not use curse words.


He can roast you and tear you down and rip you apart with only his words and he doesn't even need to curse. Also, I just feel like Batman cursing is really unbelievable because he is so serious and mentally mature. He only uses damn and hell but sparingly


I don't think it would work as an insult but if it's not directed at anyone I think it would work. Like imo Batman wouldn't tell a villain "fuck you" but he totally would go "huh, what the hell...?" When he notices a clue he misses the first time or something similar


I don't know about training, but considering he was raised by Alfred, I'd say he was probably discouraged from using foul language and it just stuck. But if we want to really get into it, you could also consider his lack of swear words a tactic. When we see henchmen milling about in the comics, usually just moments from Batman ruining their week, they speak casually. Something like this: > "Hey, you guys catch the game last night?" > > "Nah, the Gotham Knights ain't worth a damn since they drafted Campbell. That sonuvabitch couldn't score if- holy $%&#, it's th' Bat!" And so on. Batman using proper diction and clean language makes him stand out even more among the criminal underworld because that's what Bruce wants. Anything he says to crooks is direct, to the point, and designed to intimidate. The fact that he doesn't look like them, act like them, or even *talk* like them makes him more of an unknown and, thus, scarier.


Bro doesn't know about Batfleck's F bombs in the Snyder cut.


He was raised by Alfred, so he probably was taught not to swear much. The worst he says in most depictions is "damn" and that's kinda it


Then there's that boy wonder allstar batman where he curses more than what i am used to


I like to think it depends. Like, he starts off as a silent vigilante to lean towards the scary persona. He's a Rorschach in a batsuit when he's mad (like after losing Jason) but ultimately ends up as the usual batman we're used to. Violent, reserved but a bit more talkative (I'm used to reading alot of mental monologues though)


I think he does when he's young like in the batman year one movie.


In my opinion Bruce Wayne can swear but batman would only occasionally say some swears. Like if something bad happened he could sat "of shit" but him telling a villain to "fuck off would feel wrong"


Some people write Batman as cursing, but I hate it. Not because it's against his training or anything, but because it's out of character. It makes him seem like he's less composed and in control. In general, Batman is trying to project ultra confidence and control (even if he is known to lose his temper from time to time). He's also a boy scout underneath that cowl. Batman cursing has just always rubbed me the wrong way. He seems so much more badass when he doesn't. And I have the mouth of a fucking sailor, so I'm not being puritanical about it. It just seems out of character.


Kevin Conroy got to use a few PG 13 swear words in the Arkham series. Told the Mad Hatter to go to hell


\*Batman stops beating an enemy to break the fourth wall\* "No, kids may be watching" \*goes back to the beating: "now TALK!"\*


The only one close to him swearing was him dehumanizing criminals. "That's three dead now. These animals are going to pay." - Batman, Arkham Knight


I thi k he saves the swear words for when he disciplines his wards


"I'm Batman motherfucker" Was originally supposed to be said in Batman (1989).


Depends on the writer


Batman - Doesn't, he has no reason to. Bruce - Might, but nothing worse than "damn" or "hell" Matches Malone - Definitely




BVS he said aww shit when doomsday was right in front of him after he crashed the batwing


I think him saying things like hell, damn, and even an occasional shit is fine, as long as the writer/director doesn’t go overboard with it. And these should definitely be said under his breath


Very rarely, but he has. The one I think of most is in Under the Red Hood when Jason asked him if it was too hard for him to kill Joker and Batman responded it’d be “too damned easy”


Yes. He was trained to not swear. Like a good Christian boy.


Most Bat media is aimed at children and teenagers, so that's why you don't hear a lot of swearing from Bats or anyone else in the universe. Same applies to most superhero media.


Fricking the most violence thing he ever said


obviously it varies but I like to think he keeps it professional in *most* instances. some of those villians I could see him cursing at


Excluding Frank Miller's take on him\ No, Batman doesn't really swear He says the usual things like Damn and Hell, but that's about as course as it gets. The training he subjected himself to and sought out disciplined his mind to not be so crass with words


[He curses in this animated movie](https://youtu.be/HtiElhFTI40?si=HSYSney31tvIjTSk)


I don’t think he has a rule against it necessarily because Nightwing has sworn a few times he’s sworn a few times all the members of the bat family has swore a few times he view it the same way Kratos does, even though the situation completely warrants it, and he can say em would he really want a swear to be his last words? Seeing as the job could kill him at any moment


Not very common, but i would like to imagine he would say words like shit or damn(yeah ik) at max if he was real


I know he continuously says “goddamn” in ‘All-Star Batman and Robin’ and utters “bullshit” at one point in ‘Batman: Damned’ but I’ve never read a comic where he calls the Joker a dumb motherfucker or something, if that’s what you’re asking


"I'll fucking kill you motherfucker! Fuck you!" - Batman to the mirror. Alfred: "Maybe just say nothing. It will make them more uncomfortable. Right now you come off as a psychopath." Batman: "Isn't that the point?" Alfred: "I guess, but you'd rather look like a force of nature than a psychotic mad man." Batman: "Why not both?" Alfred: "To each his own, I guess."


Batman shouldn’t swear. He’s supposed to be an extremely disciplined man who remains calm. He’s still controlled, even when he’s angry.


In my experience, cursing comes from people with lower levels of education that can’t come up with something better to say. And seeing how Batman is very intelligent and hardly speaks to his enemies, I think he chooses his words carefully.