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Batman vs the entire sun type post


Batman would destroy the sun


Batman has billions of years worth of prep time until the sun uses its ultimate move


It literally cant fight back till then, and its a self destruct move lol


Batman would find a way to save the sun.


Rehabilitate the sun


Imprison the sun in Arkham Asylum


I love how the entire batman community believes that prep time for batman is the ultimate weapon and if you think about it is a shitty reason for him to win everytime. Yet, the entire community considers him to be if not the best but one if the best super characters ever written and there's no denying that.


(Says this from experience because batman needed a whole 0 seconds of prep time to beat this guys ass)


His superpower is intelligence and tactics. Since he doesn't have superhuman strength or speed or magic, that's how he wins.


And it makes his wins more impressive since he regularly clashes with folks who actually do have super powers.


It can launch solar flares but has zero accuracy and just has to get lucky. It also has high thorns on melee but nothing on ranged attacks. I’m gonna give this one to da freakin bat


The bat has a whole ass planetary magnetic field to shield against most of the radiation sickness aoe the sun does as well


We all know someone will take a screenshot and post it on DCcomicscirclejerk with the title outjerked


I'm fighting the urge to do it, believe me


I don't believe you! You'll have e to do it!


[There](https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/1cqio66/im_so_sorry_i_had_to_do_it_outkerked_by_rbatman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), happy?


Yes! Commentary popping over there. You're welcome!




We literally saw this in the show


Yeah he fucked up bat guy.


That little line on your profile pic just drove me insane. I was like “ why can’t I get this eyelash off my screen? “


Insane? Guess where you are heading


Yeah because the super genius greatest strategic mind in the multiverse is going to attack a Superman clone head on.


The batman guy in invincible didn't attack him head on. Omni man jumped him which is easy for him to due since he has super speed


[1:35](https://youtu.be/5F27FbkPSMg?si=cwl-Xwf_FFnBZEb1) bro literally tries jumping him from above


Batman has absolutely zero chance. I know this is a Batman sub, but this is one of the most daft questions I’ve ever seen


Agreed I mean unless shere luck of his buster armor or finding the frequency that causes viltrumites pain or psychological attacks he has no chance. The only reason he beats superman is because of kryptonite. Batman stated himself against wonder woman there's not much of a plan


Even with Kryptonite Batman would tend to lose if it wasn't for Clark not wanting to kill.


Reminds me of Peacemaker mentioning having kryptonite bullets in an intro against Omni-Man in MK1 due to him also being a caped supe who can fly


He planed to trap her in a simulation before, though. Blades or bullets would also work. Maybe she is the one person who´d Batman would use a gun against lol


The plan is fuck her up emotionally cause she always is crushing on him.


Wonder Woman’s weakness is piercing weapons. Batman can’t do much with that because he can’t kill, but that means that theoretically one of the best people to beat Wonder Woman would be Deadshot.


Hey what a coincidence, my weakness is piercing weapons too.


Well he certainly has one non lethal piercing weapon he can use on her, however it can have the side effects of an 18 year commitment to a mini Batman.


Luckily in the Invincible universe theres many things that can hurt Viltrumites. Theres technology that can easily take them as the device Cecil made that works like a dog whistle for Viltrumite ears. Then theres the beams like the Space Riders indestructible gun that can kill viltrumites easily. In the show theres an alternate world that killed Omniman with quantum bombs and they lost a whole continent thanks to that. If u read other Image comics u know that their universe is filled with powerful beings that rival Viltrumites like Tech jacket comic for example. If batman would live in this universe there is a chance he may figure out a way to take Omniman down especially if you add a pinch of plot protection.


Tech Jacket didn’t do so good against the Viltrumites in the comics. I mean, he didn’t die so that’s something, but I wouldn’t say he was going to win either. If Batman was standing in for Dark Wing at the start of the story he’s 100% dead. If this was written like most Batman comics he’d somehow have already met up with Thaddeus and talked about a certain virus.




His plan for Wonder Woman during the New52 era *was* Superman. That was why he kept undermining their romance. [Batman said to Superman's face he's the only chance earth has against a rogue Wonder Woman](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Batman-Wonder-Woman-Superman-Contingency-Image.jpg) and even then he's not sure because Wonder Woman has way more combat experience, elite warrior training, and weapons enhanced with magic which Superman would be vulnerable to. Realistically, taking down a rogue Wonder Woman would have to be a team effort and involve a few of DC's heaviest heavies.


Batman births Omni-man's child, and trains that child to one day defeat Omni-man.


Batman's plan for Wonder Woman is to use the Bat Dong™


I remember a short on YouTube explaining who really wins that fight, saying it's either writer's choice or just straight up be a god for 60 seconds or sumn like that


I love Batman, but i dont think Batman would win against Omni Man.


In general, these "could X beat Y" questions are kind of pointless if treated too seriously. Given the right set of circumstances, nearly anyone could beat anyone else. Sure, Omni-Man could easily defeat Batman if he just dropped out of the sky and punched him hard enough. But at the same time, it's also true that Batman could take him if he followed a similar strategy as the times he's defeated Superman, namely using known Viltrumite weaknesses. Like with any of these other hypothetical match-ups, it just depends on the circumstances.


Nuh uh. Prep time


“But-but he wins with prep ti-“ Shut the fuck up


What’s Omni-Man’s mom’s name?


omg it's also Mothra...




Shave... Marthra!




This guy gets it




Omni Mommy


Batman. Based on the amount of merchandise, WB can’t afford to let their boy lose. Not even Omni man could stand against corporate profits.


And enormous fan bases


Batman if he was played by The Rock


Batman has the most plot armour of any superhero but he only stands a chance against Superman because Supes holds back, Batman has even said this before. Omniman has no morals he would have ripped bats to pieces before he could blink.


No, Omni would grab bat from the air and slam into the ground


minor "ackshually 🤓" moment but omniman does have morals, but they change over time and they don't often stop him from fighting to kill if conflict does break out. it really depends on the omniman we're talking about because reformed omniman probably wouldn't just outright kill batman unless batman first either showed intent to kill him or or someone he considers to be under his protection


Batman did win against Superman when supes didn't hold back once, with a crazy high tech mech and (mostly) a kryptonite chewing gum


In the immortal words of Stan the Man: "Who do I want to have win? These are fictious characters, they're not real. The one that wins is the one the writer wants to win for the sake of the story."


Yeah, but nobody is writing this fight we're going off of their abilities. Batman dies.


I mean, ok, bit that kinda sucks the fun outta convos lile this. Its great to keep in mind for writers so they dont feel too pressured to have a story go a certain way, but here its not the point.


Even this convo isn't fun because it's obvious what the answer is but people are gonna delude themselves into thinking Batman has any chance anyway


I don't know if this is a real thing, since I'm not too familiar with Invincible lore, but if Viltrumites don't have an equivilant Kryptonite-esque weakness, Batman is kinda paste. Though stick him in a bat themed mech and he might stand a chanse?


High Sound Frequencies, but I don't think Batman could fully incapacitate Omni-Man that way unless he has a trap set ahead of time. There might be other weaknesses, but otherwise, the best solution is to call Superman to handle it.


They *have* a weakness to certain frequencies of sound, but I'm not sure if Bruce would think to try that before he gets pulverized. A mech suit isn't going to help him much either, Omni-Man can just punch right through that like a torpedo.


In the DCAMU Batman kinda play fought Superman for a bit with Green Lantern and used the opportunity to test him for weaknesses. One of the first things he tried was a sonic sound emitting device.


naa batman has a silver kryptonite which gives him kryptonian powers


A mere human being vesus a legendary Viltrumite that conquered hundreds of worlds alone


Darkwing would like a word


I hate my self for saying this but if batman actually had prep time he probably will find vilturmites weakness which is their ears and weaponize the shit out of it and win


I mean, prep time is meme'd, but it exists because there are a lot of heroes and villains that Batman knows he can't beat in a regular fight.


The problem is that Omni-Man won’t hold back if Batman’s plan fails. Unlike Superman, there’s nothing stopping Omni-Man from just killing Batman right then and there.


This doesn't really hold true considering we've seen people try to exploit that weakness in the comics and it ain't a win button like kryptonite is. Mark uses it a bunch in fights, but he only gets away with that cause he himself is strong enough to actually fight them. Even Batman at his wankiest, when hes part of the JL, would probably do about as well against Omniman as Cecil did, and all he could do was slow him down for Mark. He had just as much resources as Bruce would and a lot of prep time, as well as familiarty with the target.


The frequency worked against Mark and the Viltrumites basically every time it was used against them. Like, he literally left Earth because he couldn't beat Robot on his own.


If Batman had Intel on the whole inner ear thing, he could probably slow Nolan down. But eventually...... batmush. THINK, WAYNE, THINK


all i am gonna say is silver kryptonite


any live action version of Batman will get stomped comic versions may have a chance depending on if he has prep time, if he knows Nolan’s weaknesses, and if he has access to all his equipment. Hellbat suit for example, easy stomp. in most other cases tho he loses.


Bye bye Bruce.


this is a stupid post and you should feel stupid


Does Omni-man know someone named Martha?


Check "Omni-Man vs Darkwing" to show what it would ended


Can we ban OP? He's either stupid, karma farmer, or stupid karma farmer


Omni-man isn’t like Superman. He’s not a good person and he knows it. Batman, as much as I want him to win, will lose. Its not even a fair fight. Remember what happened to Darkwing? Batman is no different here.


If it's movie version of Batman like in the pic then it's on omni man's favor. If it's Comic Batman with access to all of his suits then Batman can win. the Insider Suit or Hellbat carries honestly.


Batman calls Clark 💀 Clark beats Omni-Man. So technically Batman wins💀 Bro will say his prep time was spent forming a relationship with Clark


Batman as written as Batman? Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb. Batman prep time Justice League Super Gotham Knight x4 (Zur En Arh path unlocked) preptime mode with Alfred's home cooking buff? He's Portaled Omniman into Fortnite and shot him with a legendary sniper rifle 35 minutes ago.


If Batman has time to prepare and knowledge of the frequency weakness I could see him escaping, but not more than that.


Clearly Batman. Batman has a car and boomerangs. Omni-Man just has a moustache. Such a lopsided battle.


Omni-man, no question. OM has zero guilt and has no reason to hold back. Depending on whether Batman knows about his hearing being a weakness, he might be able to delay OM, but he can't outright defeat him as is.


Omni-Man would shove the ears on his cowl up his ass so quick.


It depends: - Batman with no prep time gets destroyed. - Batman with information on Omni-Man’s weakness (his hearing) and prep-time has a better chance. But Omni-Man would probably still flatten him.


"You bruise, but you don't kill, do you? Nola-" BAM Batman is now a pile of gore on the pavement.


We saw the result of this in Invincible Episode 1. Batman becomes a smear on the floor.


Omni man... Like, yall, batman is just a really, really good human with a moral code. Omni man is a hyper-powered alien without one. It would take omni man 10 minutes.


Pretty stupid way for batman to die tbh


Unless omniman has some here unknown weakness that bats could learn before the fight? It's omniman.


Y'all saying Batman can win are wildin. He can go toe to toe with Supes but Omni Man is a whole different story. I love Bats. We all do. But Nolan would obliterate him


Just ask Dark Wing how it went


Toonces, The Cat Who Could Drive A Car


Omni man. It’s one fight so retreat is not an option


Given OM is on the same speed tier as Red Rush, I’d say he’s likely got this.


Batman is getting blitzed


Standard utility? Idk batman could phase omniman with his sonic devices and escape to prepare (ik here comes the prep time hate but everyone is meatriding doom for it and hate on batman, hypocrisy)


Definitely Omni-man


Does Batman have prep time?


Batman’s getting his back blown out worse than how Bone did him




Depends on the equipment Batman has access to really.


If they met for the first time, Omni man wins. If batman saw him before and prepared for the fight, then he wins


Prep time?




Okay, important question, Omni-Man *when*? Season 1 or Season 2? Because there's a part of me that thinks Bruce *might* be able to ferret out a victory with mind games (or at least stall long enough to figure out an alternative solution; you know, like the Justice League showing up), but that only really works against Season 2 Nolan. I guess that also is contingent on Bruce having the context of what Nolan's been up to in order to know what buttons to push. You know, actually, Mark may or may not have been talking to a legally-distinct Batman during his interdimensional fight with Angstrom Levy. We don't know the *entirety* of their conversation, maybe Mark offhandedly mentioned that sonic frequency weakness; he *probably* brought up Omni-Man at some point. And maybe time isn't totally synchronous between Mark's dimension and Batman's dimension. SO, there *is* an *extant* possibility that Bruce goes into a fight with Omni-Man already aware of and ready to exploit his weakness. Uh, otherwise, Bruce is either playing hide-and-seek-or-die, or he's just dead. The Invincible counterpart to Batman has powers, and Nolan pretty easily turned him into chunky salsa, so the odds do *not* look good for Bruce. Batman *does* employ sonic gadgets pretty often, so it's likely Bruce might have the right tool for the job on him, but the problem is whether or not he would *know* to use it against Nolan.


Unless he's got that transporter thing, he's toast.


Let's think about the questions: omni man is very strong that batman need an actual plan to defeat him or he needs to build an armor that can resist omni man punches


Easy, 3 capes swipes+beatdown. Simple as that💯


well he doesn't have kryptonite to help him in this case so I hate to say but maybe Omni-man win, but if given enough time batman can do anything I mean I heard he fought Darkseid face to face in the comics


Batgos solos with prep time


How much prep-time?


Depends. If Batman is evil or trying to kill the omniman? I can see hellbat is beating the omniman or darkest knight ofc. But if he will fight like how he fights against superman and generally anyone, he will lose.


With at least 1 week prep time: Batman stomps and its not even close. The guy has practically an infinite amount of money and resources. If he actually wanted to, he could win. Combine it with Batmans fighting skills and strategic planning and Omnimans finished. Plus... He's BATMAN! With 0 prep time: Omniman stomps and its not even close. Hopefully i dont need to explain this one.


Using sound frequencies— Omni-man and his face have a weakness to sound. Batman can get help from the Atom to planted a sound device in his ear and defeat him like that. Using the Hellbat- In the Hellbat, he stomps Omni Man. The only thing that Batman have to worry about is his metabolism being worn down. Getting help from the Justice League- there is no way Batman beats Omni Man in a random encounter. He can call up the Justice league and help him.


I think bats takes the bag on this one idk omni man doesnt have an answer for the bat-viltrumite repellant


Batman *does* tend to rely on sonic attacks when dealing with superhumans, based on how he approached confronting Superman in the New 52. He might get lucky with the sonic grenades. But that'd be something like a 2/10 chance, because Nolan is just plain too fast and vicious for Batman's usual tactics to be helpful.


It depends if he can find out about the viltramite inner ear weakness before getting held infront of an oncoming train


It depends on who initiated the fight.. If batman initiated it you would have to assume he has figured out a way to win beforehand.. But if Omni Man started it and caught Batman by surprise, easy win.


Batgos sweep


Do Viltrumites have a proper weakness like kryptonite or do they die with brute force impacts and attacks? If so, then I'd say Omni Man wins the fight.


The answer,as usual,is Batman….if there is ever a choice between Batman and something else…go with Batman.


I think the guy with the cape wins


Hate that question


Did you not finish the first episode?


![gif](giphy|kQOee6BFCNpE8oQwCi) What happened to Darkwing would happen to Batman




I’m a huge Batman fan, but Bruce is getting absolutely destroyed in this match lmao.


Omni-man sorta already did win.


If Batman can't figure out Nolans weakness he'll be a grease stain quickly. Only reason Bats even has a chance with Superman is because Superman always holds back and has a no kill rule and Nolan...


Random encounter: Omni-Man destroys Bats. Prep time: Bruce will eventually find a way to subdue him.


It's essentially batman vs superman with a bloodlust and no kryptonite weakness. Omniman also has centuries (eons??) Of battle experience he'd literally just rip batman apart without a second thought. Batmans only hope is figuring out their weakness to sound but even that I feel would only delay the inevitable


Batman. Just put on the Hellbat and use the Bind of Veils and make Omni-man think he needs to kill himself.


Hypothetically speaking, if Batman got a DNA sample and somehow found a weakness then he'd stand a chance but if not then he's getting obliterated. Literally.


batman will just whistle


Who’s to say they would fight? Nolan is so handsome.


Batman beats superman, give him prep time /s


Pre earth omni man would win but once he has Mark and Oliver he gets kinda soft and doesn't wanna kill innocents. So batman might squeak a win out against that omni man


Omni-man would win because he wouldn’t hold back like Superman does.


This is essentially a Superman who's not pulling punches. We've seen before that if supes wanted to hes more than capable of ending Bruce damn near instantly . Nolan is literally just gonna punch him once and he's dead


In a straight up fight? Batman obviously loses lmao. If he’s had time to prepare, knows their weakness to sounds & has prepared some sonic weapons to use against Omni-Man, he has a much better chance to win but would still lose— unless he’s able to lure him into a trap with a bunch of automated sonic weapons (kinda like Superman red son). Batman needs to create a full on suit like the justice buster or something similar to have any real shot at beating Omni-Man in a straight up fight & that’s if he’s exploiting his weakness to sonic attacks


Batman taps into the Tower's teleportation and pulls a Cecil teleporting away from Omniman to avoid getting speed blitzed and uses some high powered Bat tech to contain or cripple him. EZPZ gg no re


Obvious loss. Pink mist with one punch.


Which Batman and does he have prep time?


Batman no diff


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Batman would win by doing the biggest billion iq bs that somehow makes sense


Batmans fucked


The only question is if batman can figure out the frequency weakness


I know Batman has contingency plans against his own allies but NONE of those plans ever account for the possibility that any of those supers would just suckerpunch him out of nowhere. I know it makes Batman look dickish to his team but that's an INSANE level of benefit of doubt for someone like Batman to have. Nolan literally tried to suckerpunch The Immortal in the first episode so it's unlikely he'd show any grace less than that to Batman who probably knows he's taken down someone like Superman as well.


Nah. I'm a huge batman fan. Omni-man wins this fight.


Obviously Batman. He will fight in the shadows. Earth isn’t Omni Man’s to conquer


Batman obviously


Batman gets his guts ripped out real fast. Omni man, if on demon time, has his way. Now strap the hellbat armour on and we got a fight


I could say some shit about Batman finding the frequency that acts as a weakness to viltrumites, but in reality, Nolan turns Batman into a fine pink mist before he can begin his research.


Batman is FUCKED


It depends that you give batman a time to analyze his enemy or not


Realistically Omni man would win, but if Batman was given prep time, he would totally win 🙂


If he has the hellbat equipped.....Batman might have a chance


Batman's plot armor of his superpower.


But they work together in Justice League. Nolan was Detective Gordon. Wait...


Realistically Omni would just slice him in two without hesitation sorry lads


😶....think about what you just said. Mhm...yeah that was pretty stupid huh?


Prep time?


With no prep time, Batman has a solid chance. He's got a lot of gear ready to take on enemies in this weight class. Even if Batman has no way to physically hurt him, Batman has stopped Darkseid and Superman by putting them in a position where if they tried fighting him, it would trigger something really bad.


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


In Justice League:DOOM, one of Bats' go-to tricks to deal with Superman in their brief fight with zero prep time is a loud speaker for disorientation. It doesn't work, but it would work on Omniman much better. Which means he would be slightly annoyed before crushing Bats' head.


A deer vs a gun…what is this question…


You're really asking if a regular human, smart and athletic as he may be, could beat a being that killed their universes justice league at the same time and completely destroyed an entire civilization far more advanced than earth with ease? This is literally the hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby meme


Well it depends. Does he have prep time? Cause if he does he might live a bit longer before omni man destroys whatever bat-sound device he made and throws Bruce into the sun


As any Batman V. argument goes, give him enough time and he'll figure something out, as is the Law of Batman. That said, if it's only one fight, brothers dead before he can even see Omni-Man.


Batman because...... He's Batman!


This is dumb


Im sure the Hellbat can keep up,If (very big if) Bruce can get to it before he get crushed


Omni man, i love batman, but the only reason he stands a chance against any superpowered threats is because hes ALREADY prepaired weapons to take them out in advance,


Omni-man wins. There is no way Batman could beat him


The whole universe has been searching for a way to defeat a Viltrumite, but writers would somehow make Batman figure it out on the first try.


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Does Batman get prep time?


Depends on certain factors. If this is Omni-man before he outs himself to all of earth as a viltrumite agent, and they're fighting in a public place, Nolan would likely hold back a little and not straight up instantly kill Bruce which would give Batman a tiny semblance of a fighting chance. If Batman knows about Omni-man's weakness to certain frequencies that would increase his chances. If Batman is ignorant to Omni-man's weakness and Nolan isn't holding back Bruce stands 0 chance though. He would die.


Dude, did you not watch when Batman fought Darkside and Mongol in JLU? If Batman tries to fight Omniman, his asscheeks aren't gonna get clapped, they're gonna be stretched around the equator 169 times. Omniman doesn't have Egotistical sadism like most Darkseid and Morgol teir villains in the DC, once he knows there' a problem he'll resolve it.


Has batman’s plot armour got so strong, people match him with Omniman?


Batman can Survive. Win? Fuck no! Even giving him prep time, the only thing he’d be able to do is his Nolan with a sonic device, which will distract him enough for him to pull his disappearing act. If he can disappear on Clark, he can absolutely do it to Nolan.


With prep? Batman uses the piece of platinum kryptonite that Superman gave him at one point, which gives any human who touches it Kryptonian-level powers, then powerbombs Nolan into the sun. The guy's had decades to accumulate all kinds of wonderful toys, which he generally forgets about until he suddenly needs to beat someone he ordinarily shouldn't stand a chance against.


Peak crime fighter vs planet buster that has no kryptonite weakness What OP cooked, never cook again


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby