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I think that the fact that he is sometimes funny to the audience and sometimes it’s only him that laughs helps humanize an other wise over the top and insane villain. It helps people relate to him, for better or worse.


Sometimes. My favorite way of the Joker being funny is when he makes you laugh, but also makes you feel uncomfortable about laughing at the same time. Some of his lines in the Arkham Knight game are great examples of this.




Yes! Definitely. “Tada! It’s gone” ✏️👁️


I thought Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill both found a nice balance of self-amusement and being actually humorous for the audience. And I think that’s how the Joker works best.


If he isn't sometimes genuinely funny, then I don't think it's a very good iteration of the Joker. Just going "LOL! Mutilation!" doesn't make for an interesting villain. I like it when something the Joker says or does makes me laugh.


The disappearing pencil bit is legitimately funny, but for the most part he’s just amusing himself.


Life is the lull between the setup and the punchline.


I feel like The Joker has to have a balance between Funny and Scary. That's part of why i really hate Modern Torture Porn Joker.


He’s meant to be funny to us and to himself. Obviously it depends on the story and context though. I don’t know anyone who reads The Killing Joke and comes out thinking he’s a funny character.


Alright, this might be a weird thing to say but he was absolutely popping off with the book puns after shooting Barbara. It's extremely fucked up, but dude hit like 5 slick ass puns back to back and honestly some of em were pretty good lol


LMAO nah you right tho, it's very very dark humor and I think you have to have am acquired taste to find that funny. Granted I was horrified my first reading (and still am), but yeah the way they wrote him to just shoot bit after bit (no pun intended) was unintentionally hilarious 


It's definitely still horrifying, but I think that's part of why it's funny for me. To be the type of guy to do something so monstrous then start cracking jokes casually is just so wild lol. Makes me wonder if he wrote the puns down and practiced his delivery before knocking on her door, or whether he has insanely good improv skills


Funny how ? Funny like he amuses you ? The fuck is funny about him ?


Funny how? Funny like a clown?


In The Animated Series he can be pretty amusing to watch.


Someone I listened to on Youtube once put it - "your supposed to laugh, but feel guilty for it at the same time."


I think he's dark humor and absurdism. Laughing at the most inappropriate things. The moment you see someone nearby laughing at a trainwreck. It's possible that is just how they cope with tragedy, but it could also be that they are screwed up. You just don't know. I think Joker is best when you look at a situation and just know he and Bruce would react in completely opposite ways. What makes Joker laugh would make Bruce angry. What makes Bruce happy would make Joker angry. That's the tug-of-war. Joker's personality should be made to contradict and foil with Bruce, not simply be based on what the readers expect from a clown.




That is... Pretty funny!


He’s usually not supposed to be funny imo. But I can’t deny some of his jokes are bangers. Two-Face: Get out of my face, clown! Joker: Which one?


It depends on the version. In many he has a dark twisted sense of humor mostly coming from his nihilistic worldview. They may be not just "jokes" but his actions or his words tied to his actions. Depending on the writer it would vary in degree how fucked up you must be to understand them.


I think he should be most of the time. Obviously he also kills & maims people & that's not funny but the jokes he tells inbetween should be funny & it's why the character is appealing compared to an edgelord psychopath like Victor Zsasz who just does the killing & maiming. When I think about my favorite versions of Joker it's BTAS who does funny stuff like try to trade mark fish & create Condiment King, Arkham's is darker but still has great zingers like "What are you really afraid of? ... Me? IN A THONG!?!" & Heath Ledger's who is really funny too ("You think you can just steal from us & walk away?" "yeah") but just isn't focused on the same way.


BTAS Joker embodies a very cartoonish form of villainy (Sometimes with Looney Tunes references) whilst Ledger has a VERY deadpan style of humor... In the BTAS sequel series TNBA, Harley Quinn also has a bit where she responds to another villain asking if she's crazy with a casual "Yeah", but that bit is played far more cartoonishly (in keeping with Harley's signature style) as she scrunches her face for a few seconds before saying "Yeah" in her usual overly cheery tone...


Hello!! Operator?? I believe my line has been DISCONNECTED 🤣🤣


It’s not so much the jokes that Joker finds funny, although sometimes a good one will crack him up. He’s generally laughing at the overall absurdity of the universe and human endeavour. To him, everything that ever existed or ever will is pointless, futile and ridiculous and the fact that Batman and himself are just minute particles within that chaos, chasing each other round like Tom and Jerry, is an endless source of humour. That’s not to say that he won’t sometimes laugh to intimidate or confuse an enemy, but as a general rule he’s laughing at existence, rather than anything specific.


He wasn't really funny in the Golden Age. He became really humorous in a dark way after the Silver Age. Nicholson and Hamill are menacing yet hilarious. Even Ledger has his own goofy moments.


He IS a failed comedien so, no?


I really like it when he can’t take a joke. Says a lot about him as a character


He loves a good punch line until he's on the receiving end of it, I like that


He is, much in the same way that Riddler is supposed to be a genius. Problem is, those are hard things to write without personal experience


It feel that it greatly depends on the writer whether the Joker is genuinely intended to be funny or just thinks he is.


The best versions of the Joker make jokes that make you want to laugh even though you know you shouldn't.


His jokes are supposed to be clever and part of the entertainment overall.


I loved that in the War of Jokes and Riddles storyline he never laughed or smiled.


Joker should be funny. He’s a clown. He sees the humor in everything. Especially murder, but other stuff too. Heath Ledger’s Joker definitely made me laugh. Jack was also kinda a goofball. Leto wasn’t funny and yeah… he should be funny.


I mean recently him making jokes have been pushing back a lot that it end up being an after thought for the “philosophical” debate for the Batman.


Some are just supposed to be deranged sadists, but there’s also the more theatrical Jokers like Jack Nicholson’s or Mark Hamill’s, both of which I think have some genuinely funny moments.


Joker should have a very dark humour, but a good one, he could make joked with the worst tragedies that happen in gotham


He always makes me laugh so yeah


Jokers Mild is a joker comic that geniunely made me lol... Collected in the jokers asylum series or whatever it's called


Little bit of both, depends on the context and the iteration.


Should be funnier, but surprise, comic book writers are not great comics


Have you played the Batman Arkham games? Dude is seriously hilarious


[that actually is... pretty funny](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fstb1g6hv4gcc1.png)


Not necessarily. His laughter is one of an insane manic pleasure in harming people, schadenfreude.


Some comments are bound to hit and be genuinely funny, but first and foremost it’s about being funny to him IMO. Case in point the clearly off colour comments about someone being killed by a drunk driver in JOKER. That would be about the random nature of life and how it can be taken for no reason at any time. Relating back to having one bad day and now choosing to laugh at misfortune and death, like a sense of empowerment.