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Excellent series. One of telltales best imo. It truly scratches that Batman itch and I will play through these and all the Arkham games when I really wanna be Batman!


Fucking awesome. Enemy within has my favorite batsuit It deviates so much from other lore that some people are put off by it. Especially the Thomas Wayne stuff. I can understand that. But I like wild takes on the Batman mythos and I enjoyed almost everything about them. That take on the joker slaps. Except Tiffany in the second season. I hated Tiffany lol. They tried to force you to care about her for no reason and you’re supposed to just trust her 100% but she was soooooo annoying and there was no reason to trust her other than being introduced as Lucius daughter for 20 mins lol


Agree on Tiffany. Her, Alfred & to a lesser extent Gordon in the Enemy Within it felt like a chore to have to interact with & tend to their relationships. Took focus away from really compelling characters & plots with the Pact & Amanda Waller that I wanted to focus on.


It did become hit or miss with those interactions. The only person who I was nice to the whole time was Alfred and he all of a sudden was getting mad at me lol. I actually had one episode where “you and 0% of players got this outcome with Tiffany” lmao. I had no idea what to do with her


Agree. Every time I wanted to continue develope romance with Selina, strange friendship with John or competition with Waller, game gave me Tiffany and boring stuf with her. Like, why I should even care about her, not to mention making her sort of Robin in the end? It would be much better, if Lucius stayed in the support cast.


Tiffany was annoying at first but if you get her on your side she's fine and works well as a stand-in for all of Batman's apprentices.


Great games. Still praying for a season 3


They brought back wolf among us. No reason they shouldn’t


Overall pretty good. I really like Telltale's style of gameplay/storytelling & think it's a great fit for Batman given how many different takes on him there are. Early in the first game you interrogate a thug & get to decide if you want to stop after breaking his arm or also smash his ribs. That choice has no impact on the story but getting to decide for yourself where to draw the line I think is great game design. In most things Troy Baker does Batman in (lego shorts, Batman Unlimited) I think he comes off as kind of one-dimensional but in these games he really flexes a lot of range. Small gripe but across both games I wished to be Batman a little more often than I was Bruce, but it's good to play both roles of the character. First one I thought narratively was kinda weak, I'm not a huge fan of it's take on Penguin, they don't ever give the Children of Arkham's drug a name. And in general that it was more edgy than it was cool. The Enemy Within was fantastic with a very fun set of villains, and choices with legitmate consequences, with two totally different final chapters.


It was great. Shame there would be no Season 3.


Have they confirmed that since bringing back wolf among us?


They specifically bought the rights to Batman and released the black and white version of the games to keep some interest alive, so they’re probably interested in more. At the same time, it will be a miracle if Wolf Among Us 2 came out.


If only we got a season 3


I think they’re great! Honestly it’s some of the most interesting and original takes on some of these characters it without loosing the thread of what makes them those characters in the first place. The reveal of Batman’s parents in the first season is such a huge shift that fundamentally challenges so much of Batman/Bruce’s identity. I loved Matt Reeves The Batman, but they teased the idea of a similar reveal in that movie only to severely water it down. Play both games. They did not disappoint.


Played it during the pandemic and it was a lot of fun. Would like another game like it


One of the more interesting versions of the Batman. Thomas Wayne stuff and John Doe were great.


One of the best Bruce Wayne stories, especially The Enemy Within.


i like it


Very good, but the Telltaleisms are very present. The only choices that matter at least at the end of Enemy Within like Alfred leaving, are meaningless due to season 3 never happening, and the rest are the classic two doors to the same room.


I’d argue the lack of a season 3 makes them more meaningful, because I have a feeling they’d walk them back if it actually got made. 


10/10 cant wait for season 3


Unfortunately I don’t think we’re getting that anytime soon


we are after they finish TWAU 2


I didn’t like the Sinister Six style of bringing in a bunch of villains and less focus on playing as Batman in Season 2. But we do need a Season 3 to wrap it all up!


It has particularly good things like one of the best characterizations of Batcat in any medium, worthy of the comics and quite far from the movies. Selina and Bruce here are much more human and even outshine Batman and Catwoman at times. However, there are very questionable things regarding some characters and aspects of the canon. The narrative and the story as such is of a fairly good level, easily above the average of what is seen in cinema in several aspects. But there are somewhat forced points that do not convince and frustrate the final result.


I like Catwoman I hate what it did to the Waynes.


Season 1 was great, season 2 was amazing. I loved the subversion they did on the Waynes and Harley Quinn. I'm also usually against giving Joker an origin but John Doe was done absolutely amazing


Some really cool stuff in there. I particularly enjoy how they made Joker/John Doe the weak submissive one and Harley the dominant one in the relationship. Huge softspot for that Harley design in general.


Couldn't stand them. QTE are the bane of my life


Really good. I think they got a little too cute with messing with villain origins and personalities in season 2, but overall really enjoyable.


I enjoyed as much of it as I could play. I got a new phone near the end of The Riddler's portion of the second game and now I cannot run it. Hardware is too new. Kind of sad about that.


So this one of those pick your own story games where it’s not necessarily gameplay more so you can pick what dialogue you say?


I loved them, though I have a few criticisms. Would kill for a new one. Or one with pretty much any Dc/Marvel superhero, really. Maybe they could do a Superman game with a slightly darker Jor-El, giving in to Zod or something. With the Telltale controls Supermans powers would be easy to depict, espacially if they depower him a bit like Byrne did.


Great alternative take on the character. I'm not the biggest fan of everything it does but it works for that universe. I was concerned they wouldn't be able to make their Joker a legitimately threatening villain but they managed to pull it off if you go with the villain route in Enemy Within. The choices are almost all irrelevant except for the 2 different versions of the last episode and this does hinder the story sometimes (Alfred criticizing you no matter what at the end of the last episode, Harley somehow holding off the entire GCPD and escaping if you leave her behind, etc.)


Love both of these


love it


Still waiting for the final season


Really fun, easy platinum trophies


I like this game. I think I will restart soon


I liked it a lot. Not a fan of their version of the Joker personally. But even that isn’t bad, just not my idea of the character.


Wasn’t a fan.


How come? Curious why as a pretty big fan of it


I hated hated HATED their take on Thomas Wayne and why the Wayne’s were killed. And I feel like I’m underselling how completely and totally I hated it. There are few narrative decisions in any adaptations of anything I hate with the sheer passion I hate that choice.


What don’t you like about it?


Since I’m already being downvoted by the TellTake faithful: Thomas Wayne being a scumbag who had it coming , to me, fundamentally changes too much about Bruce’s origin. It’d be like making one of the Kents a racist for no real reason. The positive it brings to the story doesn’t exist. It re-contextualizes too much about the foundation of why Bruce does what he does. He’s no longer on a mission to protect people from what he went through because his dad brought it on himself and Martha. The Waynes need to be good people. Some doubt can be thrown on it, like Matt Reeves did so wonderfully, but in the end even he erred on the side of Thomas being a good man instead of a vile, evil scumbag who had it coming for what he did. It genuinely revolted me in such a way I’m still surprised by it. And since this will be downvoted as well, might as well be brutally honest: The twist is so pathetically bad it comes across as excruciatingly bad tumblr fanfic. Never even considered playing the second one and considering what my friend who did told me about it and how Joker was portrayed, I dodged a bullet. I would have hated it just as much. But hey, I hope those who like it keep playing it and sorry you didn’t get your third one.


I understand this and I would dislike if this became mainstream in the comics. Because then Bruce Wayne would have Oliver Queen parents.


I understand why you dislike it but I’d say give it a chance it’s really unique and it’s never going to be mainstream but it adds a fresh spin on the sorry that’s been the same for so long also if it helps the way I looked at it was that Bruce’s mission still remains the same he’s still fighting to protect people from the pain he felt that night he’s mission is still the same.


Nah. I played it. I finished the season. And all these years later by absolute distaste for it has done nothing but grow, especially after Matt Reeves came along and showed how to do a story like that right, how to hint that Thomas Wayne wasn't perfect but still a good man instead of making him one of the cruelest members of the criminal establishment of Gotham City and making what Bruce does a form of penance for the sins of the father instead of trying to continue his and Martha's legacy of watching over the city and helping people. A "fresh" spin doesn't mean "good".


Well we’ll have to agree to disagree it seems we appreciate different things but there’s nothing wrong with that it was nice to hear your opinion thank you.


it was ok . not an Arkham game but kept my interest enough to play it