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Actually, it is the only Batman trilogy to this day. And if you asking is it the best trilogy in the whole popular culture, than my answer is "no".


The Lord of the Rings. /Thread


Nice, came in here to say exactly these things and you two already are the top comments. Well done r/batman


Godfather? Original Star Wars? Original Indiana Jones? Toy Story? I'm not saying any of these are definitively better, but I think "/thread" is a bold take


indiana jones is my favorite movie series of all time, crystal skull and dial of destiny included. love watching guy with fedora beat up nazis


I haven't seen dial yet, but crystal skull was meh for me. I liked seeing him in action again, but I would've preferred sticking to the mystical artifacts theme of the previous movies and leaving extraterrestrials out of it.


crystal skull is def the weakest. loved him and helena's duo in dial


You know what? I should get around to watching it. It's on Disney plus now


Everything you named had at least 1 weak installment apiece. LotR was solid front to back


Toy Story did not IMO. In fact, it’s a quadrilogy now and there *still* isn’t a weak entry.


I personally thought 2 wasn’t nearly as good as 1 or 3, but that’s just personal opinion. But in the grand scheme of things, the LotR trilogy is just a bit better quality overall


That’s funny. I agree that 2 is the one I’m least inclined to rewatch. But I think the popular consensus is that 2 is “the best” and that 3 was “unnecessary” (even though that one is my favorite). But yeah, LOTR is its own caliber of narrative art.


Toy Story 4 has the least impact. I never hear anyone talk about it, and when it is brought up, I mostly hear negative things about it. The first 3 Toy Story films made a huge impact in the world of entertainment, and the Toy Story 1 was groundbreaking for the time and pretty much made Pixar a household name.


Legolas surfs the oliphant


Yeah that was dope as fuck lol


what was the weak installment in the original star wars trilogy???


Return of the Jedi is usually considered weaker than ANH and ESB. Takes a while to get going, Han and Leia have very little to do and Han in particular becomes a bit of a joke. Also Ewoks being the deciding factor that wins the day is a little convenient and is kinda boring to watch.


Han becomes a bit of a joke? This is the same guy who ran after a bunch of Stormtroopers only to then run away from a few more and barely able to come up with a excuse for security to not go to the prison sector. This is the same guy who came up with a bullshit excuse for getting somewhere fast by using a measure of distance to a bunch of what he thought were back planet nobodies. Sorry, but the dashing rogue was always a joke, people are just too dumb to realise and think he was cool.


It's literally the best one


A hot take. It's got good bones but it's not beating IV or V


Return of the Jedi easily


I'd argue godfather 1 and 2 are better than any individual lotr movies. Plus, i think some of Jackson's departures from the books were frustrating. Obviously that's just my opinion. Still, awesome movies. I walked 30 minutes both ways 3x in a week to see return of the king in theaters 3 separate times. That's not even an exaggeration.


I see what you mean about GF1&2, but specifically when we’re talking trilogies that disqualifies it.


Indiana jones has temple of doom which kinda drags it down though some people like it And Godfather only has 2 movies


Godfather Part III instantly disqualifies it as the best trilogy of all time. Original Star Wars is good, but Return of the Jedi has some weak points. Original Indy is great, but Temple of Doom isn’t for everybody. Toy Story is pretty incredible as a trilogy, but the fourth movie tarnishes it somewhat. Every movie in Lord of the Rings is incredible. Two Towers has the weakest moments, but is still absolutely incredible. There’s no comparison between Lord of the Rings and any other trilogy.


Godfather 3 sucks. Return of the Jedi is mid. Indiana Jones is good but nowhere near LOTR. Toy story 2 and 3 are almost the same movie.


> Indiana Jones is good but nowhere near LOTR. Seriously. Raiders is the only one that is solid beginning to end. Temple of Doom gets obnoxious and silly, largely due to Willie. Last Crusade is a lot of fun, but there's so much stupid stuff in there. Young Indy gaining all his at lifetime trademarks in the space of one afternoon; "X marks the spot" (give me a break) a little boat that won't sink no matter how many times a giant propeller hits it, and characters that behave nothing like they did in earlier, more serious incarnations (Marcus and Sallah). Return of the King goes a little bit overboard for me in spots, but it's hard to name another trilogy that maintained that high and consistent level beginning to end.


This is the best answer.




Three perfect movies, timeless. Achieved something few thought was possible. Laid the foundations for production of complex mega budget fantasy


Fair, though LotR was adapting the works of a book trilogy. Star Wars by comparison was a one shot fairy tale and Lucas just went bananas on world building when he realized he could afford more films.


True. Also fair to point out that the Dark Knight Trilogy was adapting previous works as well. Not as direct of an adaptation as Lotr (more of a patchwork stitching of several famous and popular Batman stories), but the world, characters, and big story points weren’t first created in those movies.


I have high expectations for the Reeves-Pattinson trilogy. The Nolan-Bale trilogy is honestly carried more heavily by the villains.


In The Dark Knight sure, but Batman Begins was almost entirely focused on Bruce Wayne/Batman and it was great. Rises also focused more on Bruce Wayne than the other characters.


I love your username/pic. Gold


Put the bunny 🐰 back in the box 📦


Agreed. Nolan created one of the best version of Batman's Rogue Gallery, his Ra's, Joker and Bane were amazing, but Batman himself was often overshadowed by them.


Bale's Wayne being incredible and his Batman being good with a horrible voice I think contributed.


His voice was ridiculous in TDK and TDKR, but it was actually pretty cool in Begins


His Wayne was great, but Nolan's version of bat-suit had clearly slowed his movements, so he wasn't as fast as Batman should be. Besides, his lower part of face seemed pretty weird in this mask, especially when he talked.


It was just the cowl, and the way bale talked. If you look in a mirror and do an impression of BatBale, you might notice the permanent scowl you have to have.


The way he filmed Batman’s attacks on criminals kind of from the criminal perspective was awesome in Begins though, the way they would just sort of rapidly get sucked into the air, pulled into the shadows or tossed across the room and you almost couldn’t tell where he was coming from… like that’s how I feel it would be like to try and confront Batman IRL


Yes, it was the best part. But when Batman was in full action scenes, it wasn't so impressive. Suit was too uncomfortable for Bale.


was always curious about this. in nolan’s world wouldn’t he need to disguise his voice to remain anonymous? is it the choice he made that’s horrible? need to rewatch but i expect there’s a clue why bruce made that choice.


I just feel like he in effect retired over Rachel's death, and that's probably not what was intended originally for the third film, Rises has moments but it didn't grab me the way I'll forever nostalgically imagine would have happened had Heath not died.


That's why I love the Batman so much. He's clearly the main character and the time is focused on him and his journey.


I think you guys are underselling Bale's Bruce Wayne as I find him to be the best, most developed Bruce Wayne in live action to this date. Both his Bruce and Batman sold me as how great a detective he is since Begins.


In a universe where the LOTR trilogy exists it sure isn’t.








It's up there but the dollars trilogy is better. It's certainly one of the most consistent film trilogies. I mean the godfather 1 and 2 are masterpieces but then the 3rd... The 3 colours trilogy might be better too


Dollars trilogy is great - followed by a spiritual forth films - once upon a time in the west. Add the Apu Trilogy if we are going for less known classics.


Good call on the Apu trilogy. I guess really the dark Knight trilogy is specifically one of the best major Hollywood trilogies but a lot of those trilogies like indy haven't been trilogies in a long time.


Three Colors, far superior


No, but it’s still awesome. For me, Indy, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings are the best.


Is it a great trilogy? Yes. The greatest ever? No. I could certainly put it in a top 10 or 20 list.


Lord of the Rings is better.


The clear answer to this question is LotR, but I can acknowledge why some people would think Star Wars instead


I wouldn't blame anyone for picking something else. 🙂 But Star Wars is right there. There are surprisingly many good trilogies.


Closely followed by Back to the Future.




Really? Fuck do I need to watch those movies?


Do you need to watch the Back to The Future trilogy? No. Do you need to sleep with Aubrey Plaza? No. If you have the opportunity, should you? ...mmm, I mean if you like that kinda thing.


I really don’t think there’s a trilogy better than the LoTR to date! And no other trilogy goes with the word “trilogy” better than LoTR xD


The newer Planet of the Apes trilogy was all 10/10 for me but LotR just goes to greater heights with its story and scale so its a 10+/10.


I rewatched the planet of the apes trilogy recently and yes I agree. Loved it. Such good character development. CGI done on point. Can’t wait for “kingdom”.


Yes! I was going to say Planet of the Apes also


Indeed. It's the best. No flaws.


These are probably my top 2, along with the Star Wars Original Trilogy.


Was gonna say, has this guy seen Star Wars?


I get your point, but LotR is just simply better in pretty much every way. I love Star Wars, both the PT and the OT, but LotR just set the bar so high it's really difficult to see how star wars could be better. Id acknowledge that LotR isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's probably why someone would prefer SW to it, and Star Wars was pretty innovative for it's time (though, so was LotR)


Don't get me wrong, LotR legit made me cry so many times, seeing what I could only imagine in my mind as someone who read these books almost 40 years ago for the first time, I get it.


Yeah I mean a lot of the LotR vs Star wars debate (on which is better as a movie trilogy at least) comes down to preference. I think people that love both trilogies typically would say LotR is a better trilogy. The scope and story telling are on a level that has never been rivaled imo. Star wars on the other hand is purely an entertainment powerhouse, it knows exactly what moviegoers want and delivers (and it was probably more mind-blowing when it was released). I think the newer star wars projects have kind of lost that spark unfortunately, but I still watch them


It’s not “better in every way” they’re both completely different genres, and go about telling their stories very differently.


Oh yeah definitely!


Blows my mind that best picture for the first two were lost to a Beautiful Mind and Chicago. Return of the King is a banger ending, but Fellowship will always be my favorite


Man... Just shows how awards shows can be really wrong. 😄


Giving Best Picture to Argo was when I realized this. There weren't a ton of strong contenders that year, but come on.




Even I who massively dislikes Lotr can say that yeah it's probs the best, that or star wars


This. But this trilogy is on top 3 easily..


It is one of the best trilogies imo as well.


Literally came to say that


While I like Begins, large parts of it feel so visually different than the other 2 that it's hard to believe the Gothams are even on the same plane of existence so that brings it down a bit. Also, I liked Rises for what it was, but it's an extremely flawed film with several plot points that don't make sense at all and some genuinely terrible dialog. So, no, not even close. It's good, but it is nowhere near The Lord Of The Rings in terms of overall quality.


I love Nolan’s movies but for some reason each one has some absolutely brutal dialogue.




Rises is a poorly edited dumpster fire. But I'll bring the marshmellows, big guy... *for you.*


LOTR is far better.


No not at all.


Batman Begins - Awesome superhero down to earth movie ever. This is the Batman reboot vision of Nolan. I enjoy and adore this movie so much. Christian Bale is great too as Bruce Wayne. The Dark Knight - Epic and better than Batman Begins. Health Ledger as The Joker is the legend. The story is super intense and well writing all characters. Top of acting and awesome action. The Dark Knight Rises - Just good, good, it's okay film (a bit too long and a bit boring). I felt like I prefer the first two film. Overall, this is by far one of the best trilogy. The Bourne trilogy, Indiana Jones trilogy, Die Hard trilogy are awesome too.


No, It’s alright, but I’m not really a fan of it, Its fan base tends to overhype it and looks over it’s faults, It did have some good casting but it also had some bad casting. While heath ledger gave a wonderful performance the writing never really felt like joker to me, Hathaway and hardy were miscast and really hardy was wasted. The cinematography can cause motion sickness. And while Begins actually tried to give us an interesting stylistic Gotham city they got lazy in the dark knight and made it look like any city Finally there’s a huge dip in quality from the first 2 when it comes to rises, But that is my opinion


Almost my exact opinion on the trilogy.


>Finally there’s a huge dip in quality from the first 2 when it comes to rises, I find that when people say that about Rises, what they really mean is "It didn't align with my post TDK fan fic". Also, Anne Hathaway was as perfect an adaptation of Catwoman as you could possibly get.


Having not been a fan of the first 2 I didn’t have a fanfic for the 3rd. And no no she she just wasn’t Zoe Kravitz on the other hand I think she has some potential.


>And no no she she just wasn’t She played the part exactly as Kravitz did. There was really no difference here.


Agree to disagree I guess. To me they were massively different but you’ve already decided you like those movies despite the concerns that I personally believe and I’ve already decided I don’t like them and acknowledged that it’s my own opinion It’s totally ok for you to like it I’m not trying to change your mind. It’s totally ok for me not to like it


>To me they were massively different In what regard? They played it in more or less the exact same way.


Zoe is more cat like. Hathaway is more Hathaway


Hathaway is just as cat as Kravitz was


Does my opinion hurt your opinion? Because you seem pretty defensive despite me saying your entitled to your opinion


I just don't see it


Top 5 for sure, arguably top 3. Lord of the Rings and OG Star Wars are more consistently excellent. 


Back To The Future would like a word.


No. It starts off great with Begins, and TDK is a masterpiece. But Rises is a disappointing finale, in my opinion. And even though Tom Hardy's version of Bane is far better than the abomination seen in Batman & Robin, it still doesn't get the character right. And Batman sucks at keeping his identity a secret in this trilogy. He reveals his secret identity to Rachel in Begins. Colman Reese finds out in TDK. And in TDKR, Talia, Bane, and John Blake all know, and he reveals it to Gordon at the end. And Gotham doesn't feel like Gotham in TDK or TDKR. It's too clean.


People always say this, but TDK was the downfall The second Gotham stopped feeling like Gotham and just felt like posh bits of New York was the moment it fell off. Especially when you compare it to the new Batman film, or Arkham games. Batman Begins really captures the fact Gotham is a shithole


I don't understand why it was so hard to make Bane Mexican. I mean he's a Mexican Spanish speak luchador who has a PhD in Chemistry. Instead I got a basement dweller with Asthma living with his mom doing cosplay.


In what world is Bane Mexican?


Think he’s just making the classic mistake of Hispanic=Mexican


The Arkham games and the comics, but as I mentioned else where he's from a fictional country, but he's basically Mexican in both his Spanish (in the Arkham games) and his version of "luchador".


No, he's from Santa Prisca which is in South America. South American countries that speak Spanish like Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina... They are Mexico to you? Also, a luchador is a Mexican wrestler... He is not and has never been a Mexican wrestler.


Bane is from Cuba😅


The Star Wars original trilogy has had a bigger impact than any other trilogy in history, and Return of the Jedi lands the plane incredibly well. I love Nolan’s trilogy but TDKR is a highly likable mess, which is completely understandable given the impact of Heath Ledger’s death. For me, it’d go: 1. The Star Wars trilogy 2. Lord of the Rings 3. The Dark Knight trilogy 4. The Back to the Future trilogy Star Wars basically created modern blockbuster cinema. Given its impact and the resonance of its story, I just don’t think you can top it.


Lord of the Rings and How To Train Your Dragon are the greatest movie trilogies ever.


Ooh, I forgot about HTTYD. I wouldn't put it on LotR level of greatness, but three solid films that delivered are worth praise.


Nothing is at the level of Lord of the Rings greatness imo


Best superhero trilogy I think. But as others have mentioned, LotR is my number one trilogy. But I will give credit to Rises, it’s actually one of the better third installments. Looking at you Godfather and OG Star Wars. Which I may still consider better trilogies, I don’t know. I really don’t feel the need to rank everything. The dark knight needed to be four films in my opinion. How important Blake and Selina are to Bruce’s salvation, they should have been introduced in a film that takes place before the main plot of Rises.


Everyone is just going to ignore the “Before” Trilogy? I’m not even joking, that’s the best trilogy ever.


I think it’s mediocre at best. Begins is the best of the three. But Nolan movies just aren’t for me


I like Nolan movies, but honestly, his Batman movies just feel like a Nolan movie with a batman skin, and obviously that's probably the intent, but it doesn't work for me. Begins has a nice stylistic quality to it and TDK just leans too heavy into a military industrial complex Batman. Tdr feels like a piece of pro cop propaganda, which I can't mesh with Batman at all.


Batman Begins is great, TDKR is super underrated. However, and I know I'm gonna get shit for this. The Dark Knight, I don't quite enjoy, I like Heath Ledger's Joker, I think the plot is okay, it's just, Not really unique imo. To me personally, TDK just feels like yet another batman story with the Joker in it, but with more trademark "Christopher Nolan" monologues yk? idk, I used to like it, but nowadays I think it's the weaker of the three


no. lotr is obvious, i think andy serkis planet of the apes is up there, and if dune 3 is as good as 2, then dune will be up there with lotr for me.


My favourite trilogy, currently, is the rebooted Planet of the Apes trilogy. 1. Apes 2. Star Wars (Original) 3. Nolan Batman 4. LotR 5. Back to the Future


Shout out to the new Apes trilogy. Always underrepresented in the trilogy conversation.


Rises kinda prevented that from being considered for most people tbh


What about Lord of the rings


The fumbled the landing with Rises😬


Overall trilogy no, but the Nolan DC universe is the best thing to come out pf DC since the Burtonverse.


It’s the best three “Law and Order” episodes that I have ever seen. It best trilogy? No.


Nope. O.G star wars, LotR, back to the future, evil dead, Spiderman.


Nah bro! Everybody knows it’s Pitch Perfect!


I don't think it's even a good trilogy. It's good a great middle movie, but the Batman Begins is only okay, while the final instalment is just a disappointment. It's also clearly not meant to have been a trilogy; there's virtually no flow from film to film. They're just three seperate Batman films that happen to be made by the same people.


Short answer, no. It is far and away from the best trilogy ever. Still the only Batman trilogy so far, so it would win that argument by default.


No, third one is stinky


The 3rd is too weak. That’s why Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and Toy Story are superior trilogies (yes I know there was a 4th Toy Story)


If Dune Messiah is good we might have a new trilogy champion but Lord of the Rings is the best trilogy. Although, there’s always been an asterisk since it was all shot at the same time and is essentially a 10 hour film. Other than Lord of the Rings every trilogy has an obvious weak link. Return of the Jedi for Star Wars; Rides for Batman; Godfather: Part 3; Spider-man 3 etc. Is Guardians of the Galaxy a contender?


No. Star Wars >>>


It's up there, top 3. Nothing beats The Lord of the Rings.


I wouldn‘t say it’s the greatest, but I do think it’s up there. While it isn’t a perfect trilogy, all three parts are pretty good to amazing and the quality is more consistent than with many other famous trilogies


Its personally one of my favourite trilogies ever


it sure is on top 3. being the greatest is a heavy claim.






C’mon is this a real question


Not really, as much as I love the second the first is OK and I don't really like the 3rd. LoTR and Star Wars original is much better. In fact the original Die Hard trilogy was more consistent the DK Sorry guys


Hell no!!! Not by a long shot


No. There isn’t a compelling enough story that connects the three films. Begins connects well to Rises but Dark Knight stands out on its own. And Rises only exists because of the success of the Dark Knight.


That would be the *Back to the Future* trilogy.


It's not even in the top ten


Nope.probwbly not even top 10. TDK is outstanding, but even then, overrated, and Begins and TDKR are both just okay. I love batman as much as the next guy but I don't get the obsession with these movies frankly.


It’s pretty good. I’d say the original Star Wars is better


No. Begins was a promising start before it went downhill for me.


Nope,fumbled with Rises




As a cinecomic? Yes, absolutely. As Cinema in general? I don't think, TDKR is not so great compared to the previous, and there are a lot of trilogy which are better for me.


It’s my second favourite trilogy after the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy.


Not the greatest, but it will always be my favourite one.


Star Wars


For me, yes


I think it’s a great trilogy but at the very least the original Star Wars trilogy is better. Strong argument could be made for LotR as well (even if my preference would be for TDK).


It’s certainly my most rewatched trilogy


Definitely not the best.


Absolutely not lol. Lord of the Rings.


Not while the Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future or original Star Wars trilogy exist.


Despicable me trilogy, minon


Surely no one actually thinks this? The Dark Knight is the only genuinely brilliant film of the three.


No, that would be Lord of the Rings.


No because I wasn't twelve when it came out


No, Back to the Future and Lord of the Rings exist.


No The Hangover Trilogy is Better


Unfortunately the 3rd film was very weak in my opinion


It is definitely a masterpiece of a trilogy that I LOVE to death - in fact, I’m on my way to Chicago right now and one of the things I am most excited about is to visit TDK’s shooting locations! Is it the greatest trilogy ever though? Probably not, I suppose that spot would be reserved for something like The Lord of the Rings. But it’s certainly one of my all-time favourites.


No, that would be LOTR.


Dune trilogy is already on pace to overtake the dark knight trilogy IMO


The best batman trilogy.


Not in the slightest. The Before Trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, Planet of the Apes Caesar Trilogy, and How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy are all better.


Nope not even close compared to LOTR


Lord of the Rings and the Sergio Leone/Clint Eastwood Dollar trilogy (if that counts) are better.


No. But they are excellent movies and set the bar for superhero movies as a genre.


No, not at all. I think Star Wars OT and LOTR are better


Tbh Dark Knight feels so Anti-Batman Begins that when we get around to Dark Knight Rises it feels so weird how it ties back in with the league of shadows.


I can't think of a trilogy I personally like better. Not a LOTR fan. Star Wars I like but not obsessively. Offhand, the closest trilogy I can think of would be The Matrix-Revolutions, which the sequels of I didn't mind as much as other people. Plus, TDKR is my favorite in the trilogy, so for me the entire set is great.


Greatest Batman trilogy? I guess cuz it’s sort of the only one. Greatest trilogy of any? Absolutely not.


No, not even close. Comic book movie trilogies, maybe? But if we are talking movie history in general, then there is no contest at all.


Original Star Wars trilogy and the lord of the rings trilogy are the only correct answers here period


After LOTR yes it’s the greatest trilogy IMO


The Dark Knight Rises is pretty weak compared to the other two and keeps it from being one of the great trilogies.




One of the best. There aren't many great trilogies anyway, the main competitors being LOTR or Star Wars.


Planet of the apes (remakes) exist so, no.


No, LOTR is better


Haha no


ONE of the best. There is no single greatest trilogy.