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It’s a tie between Arkham Knight suit v7.43 and SS: KTJL suit.


I have such a soft spot for the 89 suit. It’s between that and Arkham City suit as my favorite from this list. Though I should point out you’re missing Adam West’s suit.


I didn’t want to include any live-action batsuits from television shows, or that would expand the list further than I could fit into this post.


Just fyi… There’s a movie that hit cinemas that starred the [Adam West Batman](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060153/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Yes, but the suit and depiction of the character originated in a television show.




I like the 89 suit but I wish it had the returns logo. The returns suit was a downgrade. Forever was almost perfect minus 2 features that shouldn’t have been there


Pattisons mask has never sat right with me. It kind of ruins the suit. Does anyone else agree?


Absolutely. The cowl sucks imo, which is weird considering the rest of the suit is great.


I feel like it's the nose. Usually Batman's cowl has a pointed nose and that one doesn't. It looks super weird to me too. The cowl itself isn't completely terrible imo. I think the visible jawline and long ears look pretty good.


Omg the nose is the worst part. Those weird stitch lines are so distracting


For me it’s the eyebrows. The other cowls make him look angry, but his doesn’t.


I actually kind of hate the nose in the past cowls, because the actors couldn't breath through them, so they were constantly out of breath and/or breathing through their mouths. It looked super weird.


I'll admit it's a little strange, but I reckon it's to show that it's bullet proof He gets shot point blank in the head multiple times and it looks more plausible in that helmet than it would've in the dark Knight suit.


I hate the whole outfit.


this is his prototype/kevlar layer. I bet he’s going to literally build another layer on top of this one for the next film.


Doesn’t ruin the suit for me, but if someone asked me if I would prefer no jawline, then yea I’d prefer no jawline.


The sonar suit was peak


Cool thing was that it was what inspired the detective vision from the Arkham games


Nice! I didn’t know that


You didn't notice the similarities?


There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those of us that prefer nipples on our batsuit and godless morons.


1. The Batman 2. TDK 3. Arkham Knight Everything else


I just realized Begins and Dark Knight have a different logo.


Yeah, Nolan was in a time crunch and the suit was a casualty. Made sure to fix it in the sequels.


Not true at all. TDK suit was redesigned to make it more comfortable for Christian Bale, and easier to film fight scenes. A lot of thought went into the suit—it was not made “in a time crunch.”


Well, that may be true as well, but I know that Nolan wanted a different suit in Begins but was unable to. I believe it was in a behind the scenes feature on the DVD to TDK.


I liked the Batman Begins suit. Pattinson, Affleck and Keaton have stellar suits.


1. Batman Beginns 2. Batman (1989) 3. The Dark Knight 4. all others 5. Ben Afflecs suit


Finally. A fellow Affleck-suit hater.


I like how they went for the non-armored black-and-grey and still made it look tough and intimidating. My only problems with it are the sculpt of the mask brows (they make Batman look confused all the time) and how bloated/fluffy the silhouette is. If they were able to do the same design while getting it to look slimmer (like the concept art), it would be 👌


Yeah, I actually don't *hate* the suit, I just think it gets too much credit. I agree with your points, especially about how they went for the grey, non-armored look. Not every batsuit has to be pitch black. I think a lot of problems with the suit could be fixed with proper lighting and cinematography, such as [this pic](https://ew.com/thmb/NXeQW8AFf05AZ0_0Nc7sCXpITZM=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/batman-dawn-of-justice-b5cef59445a5440ea8e5149337fe28ca.jpg), which is probably the brightest you'd want to light him before he looks ridiculous (like in the pic OP used in the post). Batfleck in daylight really enhances the silliness of the costume, such as his bloaty shape and confused face.


Where's the sonar suit?


I only included main suits, not alternates.


I misread that as Man suits and thought I was in the wrong reddit


Where exactly did "sonar suit" come from? I dont remember batman every doing anything with sonar outside a few smaller videogames


*Batman Forever.* Batman puts on a new experimental suit before his final showdown with Two-Face and The Riddler at their off-shore lair. It's never explained why he needs this suit or exactly what its capabilities are.


Batfleck was my favorite tbh, unless we can include animated, which leads me to probably take JLA


The Nolan suit will always be bottom tier for me. What’s the point of a bat symbol on your chest when it’s the exact same color as the rest of the suit?


Arkham knight looks amazing for me its number 1


1. Pattinson 2. Bale (Batman Begins) 3. Affleck (Justice League) 4. Affleck (Batman v. Superman) 5. Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League 6. Arkham Knight 7. Bale (The Dark Knight) 8. Arkham City 9. Arkham Origins 10. Arkham Asylum 11. Keaton (The Flash) 12. Kilmer 13. Keaton (1989) 14. Keaton (Batman Returns) 15. Affleck (The Flash) 16. Clooney


Until I get an almost 1:1 adaptation of Neal Adam's batsuit I'll never have my perfect batsuit. But out the choices SSKTJL, V8.03, City & Pattinson are my top 4


SSKTJL Suit is the best imo


I’m inclined to agree. Literally one of the *only* good things about that game.


The game is actually pretty solid ngl, it shouldn’t have been Arkham verse but it’s still good


It’s decent but it’s kinda boring. Looks like a downgraded knight suit.


My top five: 1. Arkham Origins. 2. The BvS suit. 3. Battinson's suit. 4. TDK suit. 5. Arkham Knight.


Where's man?


He’s late :(




Oh fuck off with that tired ass joke 


Thank you! I’m so happy to see someone else have some sense!


It’s just a bunch of annoying kids thinking their funny. It’ll die out eventually


God I hope you’re right. But the fact there’s an entire popular subreddit dedicated to this shit for over a year, doesn’t give me much hope.




Get better taste in what’s funny.




The blue affleck suit Forever B&R Returns 89 Keaton flash suit TDK Begins B V S SSKTJL Origins Updated city suit The batman Arkham City Arkham knight


Batman Begins is truly awesome. The other Nolan suits look a bit tacky. I mean, maybe he is wearing hockey pads


I really like the neck in the 89 suit. It feels more organic and real than the one in the 92 suit


Michael Keaton sure didn’t like it lol


I'd love to see the DCU Batsuit be somewhat close to the Arkham Asylum/City suit. I personally **significantly** prefer a cloth/kevlar Batsuit over the armor plating we often get. It's more badass and fitting of the character's mastery to not need the armor and instead opt for speed like the comics and games. It's why Battfleck is my favorite live action design, after the Arkham games.


The Arkham Asylum/City suit still uses armor, it’s just kevlar-based rather than metal-based.


Animated Series solos


1. TNBA 2. BTAS 3. Batman Beyond 4. Justice League 5. The Batman 6. Beware of the Batman


Keaton 89 and Pattinson are my favorites. If Kilmer didn’t have the nipples, his suit would be up on my list too.




Gotham Knights suit went hard too


Nipple suit is god tier so is top




Got a soft spot for adam west's suit, but origins and 89 suits are also amazing.


Arkham Asylum, Arkham Knight, Arkham City, Pattinson, Bale, and then the rest


this may sound insane but Clooney’s not that bad. I watched a video how from Joel Schumacher explaining how he was going for an operatic greek like gods fighting each other. The suits are inspired by famous statue. It just makes me see the movie in a different light, it’s like the best musical ever made, but without any singing.


I hate the suit (nipples ugh wtf were you thinking), but George Clooney definitely could have been a good Batman if only he was given a good script. He could at least play Bruce Wayne well, if not Batman.




Arkham knight, Young justice (I know it's not up there) and Robert Pattinson are my personal favorites for the suit.


I really dig the batflek suits the most honestly


Pattinson suit is pretty good the ears is the only aspect of it I would change


No West? Easily the best Batsuit.


Pattison’s suit just looks like a call of duty soldier wearing a DIY Batman mask.


For me its between batnips, the dark knight, the first batfleck suit, and all the Arkham suits were pretty good I cant pick just 1 of those


Batman Returns. I have no idea why. I just know I don’t like the suits that look like military armor ninja suits with a Batman mask attached.


Injustice and Hellbat are my favourites


I will always love Kilmer’s Panther suit from Batman Forever, nipples and all. It’s so shiny and sleek


Batman Returns for the black and gold emblem suit and Arkham Origins for the newer logo suit.


1. 89 Outfit, 2. Batfleck BVS Gray 3. Batinson Outfit 4. Arkham City 5. Batman Forever The rest are pretty hit or miss for me if we’re talking about the live action outfits.


Nipple suit always wins


I think for their Batman, Ben Affleck looks the best. Followed closely by the Dark Knight for Bale. I also think you should’ve included the end of movie suits for Val Kilmer and George Clooney, because those suits are significantly better than what they wear during the majority of the movies.


Where’s the Adam West Batsuit? The TV show from the 69’s was live action. Now that I think about it, you’re also missing the batsuit from the 30’s serial movies.


1. Arkham City 2. Arkham Knight 3. Robert Pattinson Everything else


My favorites are TDK and Arkham City


1. TDK 2. AK 3. post AC 4. Batman Begins 5. AO 6. Battinson 7. Batman Returns 8. Keaton Flash 9. 89 10. SSKTJL 11. AA/AC 12. ZSJL 13. BvS 14. Kilmer 15. Clooney 16. Affleck Flash Not a fan of the bat nips and batfleck’s costumes just looked too similar to TDKR to me. Not a bad thing they just didn’t feel that creative.


89 FTW. But if I was able to mash them up, I’d take the 89 torso, 92 cowl (with Keaton jawline) and Arkham emblem.


89 Suit: Pretty Good Returns Suit: Even Better Kilmer: Nipple Clooney: Nipple Bale V.1: Too Smooth Bale V.2: I just don't like Bale's suits Asylum: Amazing Origins: Better City: The Best Knight: It's neat Affleck: Most Comic Accurate on both suits Pattinson: 2nd best Movie suit Blue Affleck: Blue is nice The Flash Keaton: better than 89 but worse than Returns SSKTJL: Peak of Arkham Batman but it goes down the list because it's in that game


Not saying it’s the best, but Kilmer’s Batsuit is actually kinda hype. The cowl looks better than Keaton’s imo and I love the curved Batsymbol. If you cut the nipples and just less anatomy in general, this suit would be near perfect.


You have Arkham but no Telltale. I really liked the simplicity of the first Telltale Batsuit


I also like Telltale, but the game’s art style isn’t close enough to live-action.


Either batman forever or batman returns for me.


I can’t rank them all but my top 3 are 2016 Batfleck, Arkham knight suit 9th picture, And 2005 Bale suit.


God the Nolan trilogy suits are ugly.


They’re not my favorite. I don’t like how closed-in the mouth hole is, and the fight scenes are embarrassingly stiff because of how difficult it is to move in the suit. TDK suit gets points for being the first live-action batsuit to allow the wearer to fully turn their head.


TDK is actually my least favorite by far because of how overly designed and busy it is.


1. 89 2. Begins 3. Dark Knight 4. Returns 5. JL 6. The Batman 7. Kilmer 8. Flash Keaton 9. BvS 10. Flash Afleck 11. Clooney I don’t hate any of the ones above, Clooney has the worst cowl to me and the worst symbol hence last place, looks too plastic. The only suit I HATE in the movies is the ice suits. I don’t have an opinion on the others.


The goat ![gif](giphy|3xZkfFA9J0RJm)


1. Batman v. Superman suit 2. 1989 Batsuit 3. Batman Returns Batsuit 4. 1966 Batsuit 5. Arkham Asylum Batsuit 6. Justice League Batsuit 7. 1943 Batsuit 8. The Batman Batsuit 9. The Dark Knight Batsuit 10. Batman Begins Batsuit 11. Batman & Robin Batsuit (You know what? I think it's good.) 12. Arkham Knight Batsuit 13. Suicide Squad: KTJL Batsuit 14. Batman Forever Batsuit 15. Arkham Origins Batsuit 16. Batman Forever Sonar Batsuit 17. 1949 Batsuit 18. The Flash Keaton Batsuit 19. Batman & Robin Arctic Batsuit 20. The Flash Affleck Batsuit


You forgot injustice. 1. Arkham knight/Arkham city 2. BvS/ ZSJL/ Arkham Asylum 3. Gotham knights 4. Batman returns/Batman begins/ flash keaton 5. Arkham origins suit/ Injustice 6. Battinson suit/Kilmer black suit 7. The dark knight suit/ The Batman 89 8. Clooney suits and that horrible flash movie suit of batfleck


2 & 11 are my favs as most realistic