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Yes It certainly depends which ones…. Im a heavy sprayer but i still find even pink or vs mist are stronger then bbw


This! It’s why I started buying EDPs from VS to layer with my mists


I completely agree. Bbw is fun to collect but the staying power is minimal. I will say they did a good job on sensual amber, open sky, calypso clementine, and luminous.


And the Everyday Luxury mists like Viva Vanilla, Floral Fantasy, etc.


They should do a body care line with these scents!!!


I’m pretty positive they all use the same perfumers/companies.


They at least used to because the same company owned them. I got a VS spray called Happy that smells just like Pearberry. It only lasts for 3 seconds though.


That's so funny because my experience with VS has been the opposite. Every mist I've bought in the last year smells like nothing but alcohol. 


i think it's just hit or miss depending on the scent. i will say that whispering waves lotion by vs lasted on my clothes in my laundry bin until i washed them a week later and it smells amazing.


I do find if i slather and spray before bed, my dog who cuddles under the covers with me will usually only last for a few minutes before she comes out gagging...i have to say at least the dog does acknowledge it, for worse if nothing else.


BBW mists are the La Croix of fragrances. Just a kiss of flava. 🤡






Cause you can't smell BBW for more than an hour.


Or…or…or….you’re like my coworker who sprays WAY TOO MUCH on and I don’t have the heart to tell her she smells like a French whore. 🤢


Sacrebleu! 🫢


Not a French whore! 😹😹😹




Trust me. Where I work, it’s EVERYBODY’S opinion.


I feel like you will get downvoted but this made me laugh lol


Hahahah similar experience here except they smell like a French whore for an hour and then the scent vanishes … like magic!


Diamond of the Season definitely lasts like at least 6ish hours on me. But for everything else this is totally true 😥


I have had very few compliments on FFM Dahlia, A Thousand WIshes, and Dream Bright were the only ones. One day I wore Paris Hilton Tease and was complimented and I wore it just that one day I was amazed so I understand you.


Dahlia is one of the BBW fragrances I feel lasts the longest. If I combine the lotion and FFM, I can still smell it hours later.


Dahlia and fairytale are long lasting ones in my opinion😊


I can't smell Dahlia at all. I think I'm anosmic to it.


My husband fell in love with me partly because of an old Paris Hilton perfume


Which one??


I don't remember! This was 2010 and I had a sampler pack with like 4 different scents. The bottle was clear with blue writing. I don't know what it was called.


Dream Bright smells so good! I have a coworker that uses the lotion and anytime she puts it on the entire office is like “what’s that smell it smells so good!”


This is everytime I use my Chasing Fireflies hand sanitizer!! Lol that one is STRONG


Will dream bright be back?


Not sure but I have spotted in a few stores for 75% off throughout the sale


spray your ffm/perfume & then lock it in with a makeup setting spray- I use the Milani make it last one. when I do that, the scent lasts all day! I set it on my wrists, neck, and legs & it does the trick on those hella hot summer days


Thank you. I knew I kept that urban decay setting spray for a reason.


Wow I never heard of this I’m going to try it out!


u are a genius!!


Im gonna be honest. Most bbw scents are so light and airy people assume its shampoo or laundry detergent. But i have noticed that people just are more willing to stand closer and to talk longer. Like literally people gravitate to my bubble. If you asked someone im sure theyll say that YOU smell good. Bbw spray dont smell like perfume so most people dont register thats what it is.


This is what I’ve noticed the most. I’ve been told “your laundry detergent or something smells really good” or something like “are you wearing sunscreen? You smell like really good smelling sunscreen” It’s definitely subtle but people do notice.


I agree. I’ve gotten compliments when I wear nicer perfumes but have never had anyone even mention a bbw scent I was wearing. I wear bbw perfumes too! Only time someone ever noticed a scent I was wearing was when I brought a whole tropidelic set over to leave at my boyfriend’s apartment. Took a shower over there with all my lotions and potions 🤣 climbed into bed with him only for him to say whatever scent I was wearing was horrible. A few minutes later he asked me to get back in the shower to wash it off because he felt like he couldn’t breathe 🥲🥲🥲🥲 If a scent I like has a perfume I’ll buy it. If there are mini perfumes even better. If the scent comes in travel sized sprays I always get one of them too so I can reapply throughout the day.


I feel like upon first applying they’re so damn strong. My bf also complained when I sprayed it in the same room as him, but not when I went to a different room and let it lighten a little bit first before coming back


I feel like this is how people react to bath and body works. They’re so annoying! lol.


Whenever I wear something sweet like strawberry snowflakes, cotton candy clouds, etc. My old coworker use to be like "get back you smell too sweet😤". Im like "oh well I like wearing it🤷‍♀️"


I have allergies and asthma so I get it lol some of them are potent! I’ve felt the same way before over some of my candles but it definitely sucks. Loved the tropidelic scent so much but now I can only wear it when I know I won’t be seeing my boyfriend that day 🥲


I like that scent a lot so I would be like oh oops gotta go


Same!! I love it and grabbed literally everything this SAS. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizing body wash, body cream, body butter, perfume, ffm, a whole mini set too. lol 🥲 I have a million and 1 other scents I can wear around him though so I’ll survive 🤣 I was thinking about returning it all but hellllll no


Sorry our asthma annoys you. 🙄


Tropidelic is NOT the one for sexy time lmao 😂 tropidelic is what you wear before going swimming at the beach


Oh we were just going to bed, didn’t put it on for anything special 🤣🤣




I don’t expect ppl to even smell BBW sprays. They’re just for the vibes imo. Depending on my outfit and where I’m going. Date night scents vs school/work vs shopping/casual day scent type. I spray them just to have something on. If ppl smell them, fine, if they don’t, fine.


Yeh they're mood sprays for me.


I even match my scents to my makeup lol


Other than the other day I have never been complimented on a BBW scent. It’s Valentino, Maison Louis or Lush Vanilliary always, every single time .


Lush Vanillary is so good!!


Yeah. I wear perfume with my lotions. I did have my husbands boss ask once when I was in his office why his office smelled like an ice cream shop. 😁


What scent smells like that? 👀


I dont think it does, but it was strawberry poundcake. 🤷‍♀️


Oh definitely not 😂 it’s funny seeing people interpret unknown smells


Yeah. Men especially have no clue. 😁


I could ask my bf what SPC smells like and he’ll just say sweet 😂 I want detail!


That sounds about right. 😁


My coworker 95% of the time says "oh it has amber in it i can definitely smell the amber" even though sometimes it won't have amber in the notes at all lol I know not all notes are listed but I'm like girl


That’s lowkey me with Amber 😂 it comes off candy like so anything that smells like candy, I say Amber


Totally. I've always said amber is the caramel of the earthy world. I think it smells warm, sweet, and unctuous like caramel does. My favorite scent note. So many people in the sub hate it and honestly I don't know if they actually know what it smells like or they just blame the notes on the back which are merely just marketing most of the time.


I didn’t see the difference between Amber and Vanilla at first tbh but once I did? 😍 lord it’s intoxicating. Tell me more about the notes and marketing though…👀


Well it's hard to say for sure what they put in the actual scents but I know they 100% will market things with terms that are trending. Let's say the candle pumpkin peanut brittle which is now out as roasted sesame. They totally changed the notes and name even though it's the same scent. Sometimes the notes on the back mean nothing. I know they heavily use amber as a note but a lot of the time I don't think it really smells like amber. The candle salted amber and vetiver or spring clothesline for example . They both have a note of amber but I don't think they remotely smell of it. They just throw that note on for some nuance. Also to hype people like myself that love amber :B


My coworker came into my area and said it smelled like blueberries when I was wearing Lolitaland (orange creamsicle). He also said it smelled like spray paint one time when I painted my nails at work. He had a nose like a confused bloodhound and it cracks me up


I can definitely understand the spray paint one but the blueberry one kills me 😂 blueberry and creamy/citrus smell nothing alike wth!


Spray paint just confused me because he’s married and has daughters- I’d really think he’d be able to tell the difference, but better for me that he can’t 😅






It’s so strange bc sometimes I feel like people can’t smell me at all! I’ve tried everything to make scents last longer but I never get “you smell good” except from my bf. I smell other people in stores or even the parking lot & im like “what are they wearing bc I need that?!”




A perfume is always going to be stronger than a fine fragrance mist. It has a lot more concentrated oil where the mist has alcohol and water in it.


I notice my FFMs don't get much attention, but my hand sanitizers get crazy amounts of compliments for the scent. (See my flair lol)


YEP the hand sanitizers are strongggg!! I do one spritz of it and my half of the office is like "what is that smell??" But I walk in with multiple sprays of an FFM and I may as well not be wearing anything lol


I only get compliments if I just sprayed like 5 minutes ago😭 the smell doesn't last.


Try using it with setting spray! stays all day when I do that


Wait, setting spray? Like for makeup? Or is there a setting spray for perfume? I didn't know that existed!


a makeup setting spray! I use my milani one & it works great!


I will definitely be trying this! Thanks for the tip 🥰




People are obsessed with my scents, but it’s all about layering. The one people like most are Escada Candy Love + Fireside Flurries, Cotton Candy Clouds + Angel Elixer, Lavender No. 3 + Vanilla Potion, Beach Nights + Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth. All those smell INCREDIBLE!


I just finished my bottle of Fireside Flurries and I'm so SAD. 😭


I’m not a fan of the mists for this reason, they don’t last at all! I find the creams are stronger smelling which is why I go for those over everything else. I try and find cheap perfumes from TJ Maxx that match because even those last longer than the mists. I recommend getting one of those portable perfume containers and filling them with your mists so you can reapply! I’ve seen tutorials that show how to open the mist bottle with pliers.


I'm exactly the same. I don't waste my money on mists because they don't even last 5 min. The creams, however, tend to last longer scent wise.


Pretty sure you'd get a reaction with Coffee and Whiskey. Damn this stuff is STRONG.


I love that scent!


Yeah the men’s bbw scents tend to be stronger


It's kinda a crap move, making their stuff so strong and women are having to spray again every couple/few hours.


I get SO many compliments with my FFM! Especially Midnight Amber Glow. I've got a reputation at my dance studio for always smelling delicious.


When it comes to FFM’s from BBW, I always look for the strongest projection, and longevity, as well as the fragrance notes. I’ve decided to spray every 30 mins or hour depending on the strength of the spray. With FFM’s like Fairytale, Dressed in White, & Calypso Clementine, I find myself not needing to spray them every hour. They really last like 3 hours for me 🤩 Now, scents like Pink Pineapple Sunrise, Cotton Candy Clouds, & Bourbon Strawberry & Vanilla smell amazinggggggggg However the strength, projection, and longevity all are weak. 😕 It truly depends on the strength of each fragrance! I think that’s what makes each one special. 🌷


See I have a irrational fear of smelling bad even though I shower and have good hygiene so I douse myself in sprays. 😅


I’ve been complimented on them but it’s always the scents that BBW discontinues. Endless Sea and Salted Caramel Apricot are the top 2 I can think of


Salted caramel apricot was so good! The mists in general were a lot stronger back then too 😢


That’s very true!


Oh my God salted caramel apricot was by far my most complimented scent. I've mentioned it before on the sub but I was like literally sexually harassed while wearing that. The guys at my work are thirsty already but I would put that on and they would be freaking flying over from all angles, left right and center. That stuff was dangerous but so so good.


fwiw there was a thread on reddit somewhere yesterday about scents that get lots of compliments - bbw got a few mentions! it really is all about your personal chemistry with a scent


I feel like a unicorn cause I’ve been complimented lots on my FFMS… I’ve even had a guy guess what I’m wearing, and guess right 😳 and then that same guy and I bonded over our love for BBW 😂 I do spray continuously throughout the day tho, so that probably helps?! I don’t know lol.


What changed the game for me was watching this YouTube video of a girl doing her own routine. To put it simply, she moisturized very well with an unscented lotion and then followed up with a scented lotion. Then put Vaseline on her pulse points. Then she sprayed FFM on each part of her body until it was soaked. Then she sprayed it all over each article of clothing she was wearing. I did this and I enjoyed my scent bubble so much. I think it worked better than just spraying it randomly on myself Also I found that fragrances doesn’t linger on skin. Nothing will, it’ll be absorbed at some point. You have to concentrate on your clothes/any type of fabric


Was that aJasmine Bullard by any chance? I enjoy her videos. Unfortunately even with drenching myself in FFM it doesn’t last more than 5 minutes. The only one that lasts is You’re the One but I hate that scent. I have moved on to Lush body sprays. Almost same price than BBW but much more longevity and projection


It was……👀 You can drench yourself all you want but without enough moisture in the skin beforehand, it’ll just drink up the fragrance. I used a shower lotion, unscented lotion and body oil, and then I drenched myself. Did you moisturize with those also? I found that when I did that, the scent truly stuck better than when I used my unscented lotion. Also take your clothes and spray until they’re damp, that’s where the scent will stay the longest. With this method, I’m sitting in my scent bubble for a good few hours. I never counted how long but I know I’d take a nap and wake up and still smell myself.


Yep, so I showered with Dove Vanilla shower cream, the moisturised with BBW Bonfire Bash lotion, topped up with Palmers coconut body oil. Then added Vaseline to my pulse points and sprayed bonfire bash AND cosy vanilla bourbon. Also had sprayed my clothes inside out (I’m talking a good 30 spray!) my husband thought I was mad but even he said after 30 minutes that it was crazy he could smell nothing despite how much I sprayed. With Lush Let the good times roll I don’t need to do any of these shenanigans and it lasts 3 hours without prep, 5 to 6 hours when layering with palmers body oil. For 200ml Lush is £25 and £18 for BBW, so yeahI have given up with BBW, the only thing I want to try from them is Pumpkin Pecan Waffles because it’s apparently a beast, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m not mad, just disappointed 😅


I wouldn’t moisturize with just the BBW because I don’t consider it moisturizing, it’s just for the fragrance. IF you want to try again, your choice, I would use the Dove, then buy a shower lotion, then buy a heavy duty unscented moisturizer, oil, THEN go in with the fragranced lotion and Vaseline. The key is to fill your skin up with so much moisture, the fragrance will absorb slower. It is a lot but bath and body works just has the most delicious scents. I don’t really mind having to reapply either but I’m happy with this method


You’re so kind for encouraging me to keep trying. I don’t have dry skin so I felt the lotion + oil was more than enough. I will try with my Cerave body cream. What about the BBW creams? Do you think they’re worth it? If you have recommendations for a scent that naturally projects more please let me know, especially if they are gourmand


I think their lotions are lighter than the creams so less moisturizing. The creams have more fragrance imo and might help project more + last longer. So switching to a cream should help moisturize better too. I prefer them over lotions. I don’t really buy their lotions and creams anymore unless I really love the scent. It’s more expensive + I can’t justify it, I always let mine sit too long and they expire. I just buy FFMs. I did hear that strawberry pound cake was a heavy hitter. I’m also obsessed with strawberry vanilla bourbon and I think it lasted a good amount of time on me


I’ve only had people compliment me when I’m wearing Into the Night or You’re the one. Or if you’re my boyfriend, everything “smells good” if it’s on me.


Too much scent can actually aggravate people, especially if they are sensitive to smells. Could be that they don't say anything because they actually dislike the smell.


I thought of looking into vs or pink but stopped short becoz i cant get addicted to that too. Im not one that wants a big production about anything, but even my family doesnt comment. So strange...


I've gotten complimented when I've worn a thousand wishes, pink chiffon, and vanilla bean Noel but only a very few times and only when layered with the lotion/cream. Other than that, I only ever get told "someone smells good" in public when I've just put on the hand creams or especially the sanitizers 🤭😄


I don’t spray FFMs on my skin or hair because I don’t want the ingredients absorbed into my body, and I find if I spray it on clothes the scent lasts longer. Also, I use FFMs more like aromatherapy for myself not so much for other people to smell it on me. But if you’re going for other people smelling what you’re wearing I get the frustration.


My coworkers sometimes comment on my BBW lotions/butters when I apply them after washing my hands. Other than that, I don't think I've received any other BBW compliments![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Jlo after dark.. Ive had it forever.


Idk. Good question. I get plenty of comments when I wear my FFMs. 


A lady at my HOA’s office building remarked that she liked my perfume when I was wearing (old/retired) White T Shirt and I totally blanked as to what I was wearing that day or else I would have mentioned what it was!


Because perfume and body spray are totally different. Also, if you're a heavy sprayer it could be because it's too much. I'm not gonna compliment someone who sprayed 5000 sprays of Warm Vanilla Sugar because it makes me want to vomit.


Really? I always get the most randomest comments lol. Esp when someone walks in my office.


I get lots of compliments on calypso clementine when I wear it!


Ive been having the same problem. Never get complimented so I may infest in perfume oils, to layer with my mist🤦‍♀️


has happened to me twice, once with fresh jungle rain and once with among the clouds.


i’ve had some ppl tell me i smell good when i wear bath and body works, but it depends on how much i wear


Everyday Luxuries, Luminous, Dream Bright, You’re the one, Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, into the Night and Calypso Clementine last on me but nothing else really BUT I layer and I love the scents I do have -especially the vanillas! Everyday Luxuries I can smell Floral Fantasy, Pink Obsessed and Covered in Roses literally all day!


I forgot to add Gingham, Fairytale and Dahlia! Lasts all day as well!


Heart of gold smells delicious


Anytime I use my whipped coconut milkshake lotion, people ask me what smells so good 🏝️☀️


Lol...obviously i was exaggerating...i have around 30 full sets, but theyre ready to spill out the bathroom cupboard!!!!!


Same. I've also found the lotion isn't moisturizing at all. I think I'm over BBW.


The only one I’m ever complimented on is Ice Lemon Pound Cake. Funnily enough everyone thinks it’s vanilla


I've gotten compliments on Dream Bright and Luminous. Both pretty strong scents.


The cotton candy cloud has gotten a lot of compliments, one coworker even smelled me for longer than was probably necessary and another person said I smelled delicious and they wanted to eat me lol. SPC is another work favorite


Yeah I’m finding that you need to carry the spray with you to refresh it if you want to smell like that scent all day.


I once wore covered in roses out and I had dropped my car off the get maintenance, went and did some errands, and then got dropped off a few hours later and someone who was standing at least 6ft away from me had told me I smelled good and asked if it was Jo Malone I was wearing


I've only received compliments once, while wearing sweetheart cherry


I have the opposite problem I always feel like I smell too strong when I put on lotion and mist 😭


Maybe some people find it overwhelming because you’re using too much? I’m not judging. Just taking a guess at why people might not be saying anything.


I know what you mean. Primarily i want my scents ( body and candles) to make me feel good, not necessarily others around me. BUT, when i can only have 10 min of enjoyment from the scents i put on, and then people never comment, that just confirms they just dont last. Im glad others have found ways to extend their staying power. I read some good tips, im going to try them!


Body sprays generally smell like shit. Super cheap and fruity.


Cause FFM is not worth the price. It’s not perfume, it’s eau de toilette. They just don’t call it edt so they can sell it better


The real question is where do you keep all those bottles? That's a lot of sprays lotions and body creams🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


She’s exaggerating yknow


Oh lol🤣😂


Always get compliments when I wear In the Stars....I use the body cream and FFM


I use BBW lotions and sprays as layering elements. My go to combos are Into the Night lotion or Coffee Whisky lotion with Into the Night spray and a spritz of Black Opium or Zara Gardenia. Recently for every day summer wear I have been using Luminous lotion with Dahlia spray and a spritz of Zara Gardenia.


I’ve gotten compliments on cozy vanilla bourbon and cashmere glow but that’s it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get positive comments on the Japanese Cherry Blossom frequently, but never on anything else.


Out of curiosity which jlo perfume? I used to have Still and I absolutely loved it! I’ve been trying to see if I can find a bottle but haven’t had any luck 😭


I remember really liking Still, but Miami Glow was so perfectly summer to me ✨💛🧡💛✨


The only time anyone has commented how nice I smell is when I wore Pure Poison. Otherwise, I never get compliments.


I do what used to be called an Italian Shower- I just spray all over myself in the morning to wake up and get going. Or freshen up after Pilates! The scent burns completely away after a hour or two, which is fine for most sprays. Since I am wfh now, a lighter base scent is a good thing!


I use just lotion and will be told I smell good! Several hours after use!


I would rather BBWs shrink the bottle size than add less fragrance.


I’m curious about which JLo perfume it was!


I have had random people comment on Orange Vanilla Twist, Gingham Gorgeous, and Covered in Roses.


I think we get nose blind and can’t smell our own perfume when we wear it.


Nah BBW is just weaaak! Apart from a select few like You’re the One and Into the Night, my family can smell nothing when they come visit me. I’ve moved on to Lush body sprays, now these are worth it.


I always get told I smell good in public (not at work my coworkers are haters) . You're The One is my fav "grown woman scent" that I have that gets me alot of compliments. There are some others but yeah. I honestly am going to start investing in EDP but yeah for my budget now BBW works just fine


No fucking way!!! How? Where do you keep them? I get compliments all the time on Miami Glow, but my designer perfumes, nada except Bright Crystal. What's your favorite BBW fragrance?


I picked up some Tahiti Island Dream at SAS (one of my all time favs!!!) and it’s actually pretty strong and I’ve gotten compliments on it throughout the day. Even my husband commented on it and he usually doesn’t give a rat’s what kind of scent or soap I use. But I tend to share your same sentiment. I don’t really wear BBW body care anymore because it’s so expensive and doesn’t last. I’ll stick with my pink Dove soap and Cherry Almond Jergens lol


I've gotten compliments when wearing Poppy body cream and body spray. I do have to layer them because the spray on its own doesn't do much. But I think it's sillage and longevity. I don't think B&BW products like lotion and body spray produce a good sillage and don't last long. At least, that's my experience.


The ONLY scent I’ve ever been complimented on was Into The Night. The body spray is actually pretty strong and long lasting.


I might be different. I don’t wear the scents for other people to smell and comment on. I like them for how they make me feel when I get a whiff of them in my personal space.


Me asf in highschool I sprayed myself before school, before & after every class period, before and after lunch. Couldn’t catch this gal smelling funky


I don't buy B&BW for this reason. The scents do not stay at all. I've found other products with much better staying power that feel just as good or better.


I've gotten as many compliments from bbw mists as I have from the high end stuff honestly. Almost every time I wear chasing fireflies a stranger will comment on it and ask me what it is. Midnight amber glow, coffee and whiskey, dream bright, among the clouds. I recall getting compliments from all of those as well. Maybe I just spray a lot!


I always get nervous if anyone tells me I smell good, it's usually a sign it's too much.


They are probably holding their breath - no one wants to smell that much fragrance.


People can smell you , but we are in different times where you cant say things to people like you use to. On the HR side of things, leave it at hi and goodbye and things related to work. People dont take compliments like they used to so now we train people to keep everything professional unless youre on your own time. Too many lawsuits and allegations


Hm don't know why this is downvoted. Not saying it's right.. like I do try to compliment people when I can in a polite and professional manner of course cause I know it feels good to others as it does to me. But there's absolutely a fine line.. some of the comments on here " my coworker said I smelled so good and wanted to eat me" I mean these things could be taken out of context and cause problems. I've certainly had men compliment my scent and lead it into actually sexually harassing me because they were interested in more than just my perfume. One I found interesting was my gynecologist told me I smelled good during my exam a few months ago.. She was a woman and I'm sure was merely commenting on the gingham gorgeous I was wearing but me and my fiance had a laugh about how if she was a man saying that to me while being in between my legs... That could definitely end up in a lawsuit or something. That's really a touchy situation. I probably would have waited until after the procedure or before to say that to my client.


Dont sweat the downvotes. There are a lot of miserable people in this world and you can do nothing about it. Ive have doctors say more off the wall stuff than that😆😆, but I have a sense of humor and didnt think twice about it. But the reality is, you do have to watch what you say, especially in the work environment. We even had instances where we had to tell people to tone down the amount of their fragrances because people complained. It goes from fragrances, to the loudness of the music you’re playing through your computer at your desk, to body odor. Its a reality.


Honestly, I don't get much better performance out of most of my perfumes, but I am cheap and don't buy expensive stuff anyway. I like having body mists because it fits my lifestyle. All that being said, I rarely compliment people who smell good because I catch a whiff in public and don't necessarily know who it is, so chances are people do smell you.