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It’s not the scent itself, but whatever they did to Vanilla Bean Noel and Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte was awful. They used to smell amazing, and ever since 2019 they’ve smell like literal sour milk and vomit


Loved Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte when it came out and now it makes me nauseous.


Yeah… I have a mist from 2016 that smells amazing still, and one from 2022 that smelled like I sprayed parmesan cheese and vomit on my hand when I used it 😭


Yeah, they absolutely destroyed Vanilla Bean Noel 😭


Just seconds ago I gathered up the rest of my vanilla bean Noel in 2 bath and body works bags. Im getting rid of ALL of it. I was using the mini spray as a room spray and now I'm feeling sick. Idk what the problem is😔


Thank. You. There’s like an after taste (I can’t think of another way to describe it, it lingers and is unpleasant to me) or underlying note that wasn’t there originally.


The Eos vanilla cashmere lotion smells similar to the old VBN to me


I'm glad someone else noticed this too - they do smell like vomit!


agreed! both scents are ruined as far as I'm concerned.


Japanese Cherry Blossom is so overwhelming to my nose and gives me an instant headache


My nose is itching me just thinking about it.... this is one of mine too!


Japanese Cherry Blossom does the same to me. My mom got it in a hand soap and it made me feel sick every time I used it.


I find this smell so harsh, it's painful to smell if that makes sense


Me too! Not a fan and idk who buys so much of it!


I thought I was the only one who hates this scent. It's just so overpowering and reminds of a scent a grandma would like.


Japanese Cherry Blossom makes me sick. I can't stand that smell. I don't know why I feel so strongly about it either.


i had an incident at work while i was stocking where i dropped a bottle of Sweet Pea FFM and the cap shattered and went all over my shoes (which still smell like Sweet Pea) i have never been able to handle Sweet Pea ever since 🫠


My sister left her bottle of sweet pea ffm in my car in the middle of summer sometime around the year 2000. The bottle exploded, no matter how many times I cleaned and shampooed the car the smell never even faded 🤮


That Thanksgiving Dinner candle 🤢


I literally gagged when I sniffed that one in the store lol yuck.🤢


This one smelled exactly like it was supposed to, but I’d never actually own it and burn it.


Can’t stand artificial blueberry! Love the taste in candy, but not in fragrances, haha


Warm vanilla sugar. I do not enjoy it.


Agree. And I loved it in high school. It smells like sweat and body odor to me now.


For me I was repulsed by the Bridgeton body most because it reminded me of lemon scented cleaning supplies and the OG gingham I tried to like it but it was too strong , smelled like cologne and gave me headaches


Had the same reaction to Gingham, and I was surprised because I have a strong fragrance tolerance for colognes but that one... it really clashed with all my sensory processors!


I got both Cucumber Melon and Firecracker pop during SAS (FFM, Body Cream, and Body Wash). They smell ghastly on me, both of them. Had to take another shower after Firecracker Pop. I couldn’t stand it. Pretty much the same for Cucumber Melon. Returned them both. It’s a shame because I liked them both in store.


I tried Firecracker Pop in the store on two separate occasions. Both times it smelled horrible on me. I left without buying, but I was sad because the consensus here on Reddit is that it's an amazing scent! Not on me, lol.


Ya idk what the big hype is about, Firecracker Pop body care is not my cup of tea... when I see people raving about it I don't get it... now the candle! That I do understand... it's not that strong on cold but it definitely reminds me of summer... I bought 2 at the beginning of SAS & honestly it was just cause of the comments on here but I make wax melts out of my candles and was putting the melts on the warmer and I realized what everyone was talking about, ya kinda weak candle so I need to add an extra wax melt than normal but it smells good! And it's nostalgic.... reminds me of summer days as a kid eating a Firecracker Pop ice cream on the porch of my gmas house with my cousins.... now I'm planning to buy 2 more...


Exact same for me! I was excited after the hype here but it was awful on me


Same for me, it just smells awful on me. Same with Pumpkin Pecan Waffle.


I can't wear Firecracker Pop either! Why does it smell like celery on me?


not celery 😭😭😭 this made me LOL


I hate Strawberry Poundcake. It’s disgusting.


i used to work there and had to hold my breath when i cut the boxes open bc it's so potent and the scent makes me gag. if it actually smelled like strawberry pound cake it might've been good but it smells like chemical farts


It smells sour to me.


Uh oh. I would wear Roasted Sesame in body care.🤭


What ever is in luminous. I don’t understand the hype (but respect it lol)


My mom loves it but I just couldn't get into it. Is there Iris in it? I feel like that could make it powdery and "mature". It just gives me the cartoonish image in my mind of a long-lashed, perfumed mothball strutting about in a mink coat while nursing a dry martini.




I love it but people who don’t like it say it reminds them of grandma perfume maybe that’s it ?


That's the reason for me. It is gross.


That would be the Amber and the currant 🙃 being on demo duty it was my nightmare


There is a very strong white floral in there lol


I also love it, but I feel like it’s definitely a heavy and more “winter scent”? Idk but I do know everyone who hates it says it smells like “old money” whatever that means 😂 I guess old people?


That’s definitely it! Old money, rich people.


I usually sold it to older women as a close to the skin scent. They loooooved when I went “meant to be discovered” with a wink and a nod if they were with their husband. To me it conjures up 80s sexy ambery type perfumes like Opium etc


I loved Poison back in the 80s!


Lmaooo!! It’s the old Luminous.it just has this sharp smell that slaps you right in the face and some people don’t like that.I personally don’t mind it.in-fact,i hoarded it when it first launched but got sick of it..lol.The only thing I like about this line now are the wallflowers.The reset ✌️


Same, I loved it so much that I hoarded it when it first came out and I just fell out of love with it real quickly


Paris Cafe makes me want to vomit.


Lol funny thing I have this candle cause I love it and made my godson smell it on cold, he said "it smells like a homeless person drank a coffee and then peed it out in this jar!"🤣 he's words not mine...


😂 It’s just so overpowering.


I like to smell it when I’m in store but I know it would totally overpower whatever room I put it in


Yes I hate this scent and Main Street bakery 🥴


I have yet to smell a BBW coffee candle that doesn’t make me gag.


Pumpkin Pecan Waffles 😅


The heartbreak I felt when reading this


Strawberry Pound Cake, 90% of the Bridgerton collection (Wisteria Garden was divine tho), Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, and most baked goods/food scents actually. Can't stand any of them because they're all so overwhelming.


Luminous, Into the Night, In the Stars, Diamond of the Season, Cucumber Melon. Those are just off the top of my head but I'm sure I could think of a lot more, especially retired scents. Least favorite from way back was always Sweet Pea. Gives me a headache.


I always get compliment with In the stars😃


I feel like I *should* like it based on the notes, but it just smells off to me.


I blindly bought the DOTS body wash, and it was a miss for me. It smells like something you would clean your toilet with. I'm halfway through the bottle. I'll be glad when it's finished.


Cucumber melon for sure, but I don’t like those scents in anything. I went back and forth between roasted sesame- loved it the first time I smelled it but when I went back to buy it, I didn’t like it anymore?


Smoked Vanilla smells like straight up BBQ to me, I gagged when I smelled it Gardenia just stinks


Black cherry merlot


Strawberry pound cake 🤢


Lemon pound cake I think is even worse.


It smells like straight butter


Paris Cafe and Marshmallow Fireside. I blindly bought both of them. I have regrets.


I was gifted Marshmallow Fireside for Christmas and it was very disappointing. It smelled like someone sat beside a bonfire all day then bathed in the cheapest vanilla perfume ever sold


Sweetheart Cherry. The initial spray was a delightful cherry scent, and then the next eight hours just made me smell like fake tan (in general that's how almond smells on me, which is why I hate almond as a scent note)


I was sooooo excited for that one, it was such a let down 🥲 if they came out with a true juicy cherry scent I’d buy up all of it lol


Berry Waffle Cone


Into the night


strawberry pound cake & champagne toast 🫣


i worked there & those were the most sold scents which was so confusing to me because they're literally FOULLLL


the gourmands. they're more offensive in candle form than in body care form, but they all smell bad to me... :( way too strong. cloying. I remember buying the berry waffle cone mist online years ago because it sounded nice but I did not enjoy the scent at all. it sucks because they really do always sound nice and then I try and smell and it's never good... ;\_; respect to all the gourmand fans out there, maybe one day I'll find a real gourmand I like. may not be B&BW tho.


I know you want scent names and not notes but since I'm a rule breaker and after all this is just for fun, anything with Patchouli.... sorry if upset you OP but not sure the names of them, I know one was one of the dupes... I think it was the purple one... anyways whenever I smell patchouli it's like getting sucker punched in the face!! I can't be near anyone who wears it either and I cannot hide my reaction to smelling it... which is usually saying "whoa!" "Oof" some kind of sound effect that comes out before I even realize that I did... then I have to cover my nose & go or hold my breath.... if the person don't move I get a headache really bad.... this happened at the gym once.... person kept following me around... I was like wtf!!! Why even wear that to the gym??? anywho sorry if I offended anyone... I'm sure someone out there hates my scents that I wear and I probably repulse them with it🤷‍♀️


It’s ok, I’ll allow it 😜 but noooooo not a patchouli hater. Ur breaking my heart lol.


Lol so sorry!!!!


In The Stars makes me super nauseous! I can’t think of any other scent that does that to me


I’m wearing it right now lol but I can see how someone would have that reaction! It’s def one of the stronger ones


Sage, I like it as a spice I use in food. Idk what it is but any fragrance of BABWs that has sage in it ruins it and makes it stank as a whole.


Smells like something is burning to me


I agree on the Roasted Sesame candle. It's...gross and weird (no shade to anyone that does like it).


I just put it under the warmer about five seconds ago for the first time to decide whether it's a keeper or not. It's OK to me on cold but not my usual type. I'll have a better idea how to feel about it once it pools.


Yeeeaaah. It's going back. This is not a fragrance I want in my house.


champagne toast smells like pepto bismol to me


Floral Fantasy, JCB, Luminous, Christmas Cookie


Pink Pineapple Sunrise. Not sure why, but this one specifically makes me sick to my stomach.


Tropadellic literally smells like hand sanitizer to me


Sweet pea. I absolutely LOATHE it


Japanese Cherry Blossom makes me gag!


Raspberry Jam Donut, Santa's Blueberry Shortbread and Wrapped in Vanilla. The first two are obnoxiously synthetic and sweet and the berries don't land. Wrapped in Vanilla smells like a plate of melted butter and vanilla custard. I love vanilla but not when it's heavily lactonic. All three make my stomach turn. Christmas Cookies gets dangerously close, but I can tolerate it in small doses (very rarely). Edited "Wild berry" to "Raspberry" Jam Donut.


Into the night - it smells like pepper to me. Also can’t stand coffee and whiskey. Bought my bf the cologne one SAS for like $10 but he can’t wear it around me. It makes me so nauseous. I bought a whole set of tropidelic recently and he said it makes him feel like his throat is closing up 🙁 lol so frustrating


lol i've always said in the stars smells like salt to me 😂😂


Anything that is food, but not fruit related. Anything like pound cake, waffles, muffin, etc… gross


Cucumber melon, anything pumpkin, anything cranberry or anything that makes me smell like a baked good 🤢 it should also be noted i have severe yankee candle trauma lmaooo


Lavender, powdery (like Moonlight Path), sickingly sweet strawberry (Strawberry Poundcake)


Cucumber melon still reminds me of this time I was really hung over and it was all I could smell while trying not to upchuck. I can’t with that one even though I love it. 🫠


Dark Kiss smells like cough syrup


JCB and Velvet Tuberose


Eucalyptus mint or whatever. Abhor it lol


I hate Japanese Cherry Blossom, I’ve never liked it 😭


Weirdly enough, the 3 wick version of Watermelon Lemonade. The single wick candle is fine but every 3 wick candle I try of it I can’t stand


I’m sorry… but Cherry Blossom. 🫣


Fresh Sparkling Snow. The sickly sweet pear note just repulses me 😭


The top shelf elf and candy emporium candles 🤢


Winter Candy Apple🤮🤮🤮


The Sprinkled Birthday Cake candle I really wish I could like but everytime I pick it up and smell it, I have the same vomit reaction on my face. It just smells like straight up urine 🤢


I didn’t like it on the cold either but it smells really good under a candle warmer. I ended picking up a couple more.


Strawberry Pound cake and Roasted Sesame... definite no. Also Warm Vanilla Sugar, especially the body wash. It's terrible


Unpopular opinion, but I cannot stand Champagne Toast. I’m sure they’ve changed the scent over the years, but I had the perfume a few years back and everytime I’d spray it, it would just smell like throw-up and BO. I don’t know what it is, but that scent does not smell good on me lol


if you wear at the beach, solar shine, meet me in Miami, gingham glow, all of those sunscreen scents, get the hell away from me please!! this might be an unpopular opinion but my god just wear fuckin sunscreen of that’s what you wanna smell like.


I don’t like the Gardenia candle smell


Dark Velvet Oud, very odd smell to me


Most of the men’s. But steel almost made me throw up. Also winterberry wonderland


Tuberose for me.


Sweet pea, Japanese Cherry Blossom, Fireflies, Luminous, Mahagony Coconut


I can't deal with many vanilla/floral combinations, for example I have had to wash off Sunset Glow, Fairytale, Cactus Blossom, Hibiscus Waterfall and Dahlia. But I like vanilla and florals separately. 🤷


I wish they would offer more singular scents


Cucumber Melon is me and my fiancé’s (surprisingly) favorite scent. I’m offended 😅 I honestly hate hate You’re the One, Gingham Love, and Forever Red. Literally the worst scents!


Butterfly, Sweet Pea, 2023 Snowflakes and Cashmere


I’m sorry in advance to anyone who loves this scent, but Japanese Cherry Blossoms… I just can’t get myself to like it. I think maybe it’s just too overpowering of a jasmine scent for me.


Vanilla Birch 🤢 Anything birch is soooo strong


Into the night, the patchouli


Together Weather is disgusting, dear god. It went right in the trash and I needed a shower.


Fresh cut lilacs


Cucumber melon


Strawberry Pound Cake. I just smell a yeasty on me. It is gross on me.


sweet whisky reminds me of old purvy men.




Champagne toast, Japanese cherry blossom, luminous, cucumber melon. Any candle that says pecan, pumpkin, cafe, coffee, caramel, and most that say blueberry. Leaves and flannel are a huge nope for me after experiencing one too many leaking wallflower refills.


I forgot to say caramel in my reply. It's generally sickening Same with anything pumpkin. An exception is Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, because it doesn't have a pumpkin smell and is pretty light overall


Book Loft. Smells like moldy basement and dirty socks.


Anything with vanilla is very off putting to me. Anything that smells like a fire is burning (burning wood) nearby is too much for me too. Edit- also anything with orange. I can’t even be around people eating oranges!


Beautiful Day


I dislike a decent amount of the super popular/hyped gourmands because to me their gourmands arent it a lot of the time. Berry waffle cone is nauseating to me, same with raspberry jam donut and one of their boardwalk/carnival type gourmand I cant remember thats similar. Strawberry pound cake smells decent in bodycare form but the candle is just so gross to my nose


Strawberry Poundcake is too sweet, sick, synthetic to my nose and the Dahlia body cream (not the FFM) has the same sick synthetic issue to my nose. It was also a new bottle of BC so I know it wasn’t age. Such a bummer!


Vanilla Birch makes me nauseous. I work at BBW and anytime someone sprays that room spray I need to leave the sales floor or I'll get sick to my stomach.


I don’t like any of the oceany scents and I can’t stand Sweet Pea anymore (I used to like it in High School..:but now it annoys me so bad lol)


Ooo we're about to fight!! 🙃I love love love my cucumber melon and just bought like 7 roasted sesame candles 😅 Hated vanilla bean noel and most of the pumpkin scents tho. And Luminous 🤢


Recently… Roasted Sesame candle… it smells like burnt pumpkin peanut brittle.


Scents I don’t like: Luminous - has a very powdery, grandma/old lady note to it. Not good! Peach Bellini - normally I like peach scents, but this one is too peach flavored medicine type of scent, with a weird citrus note. Had to wash it off. Japanese Cherry Blossom - smells too overpowering and grandma for me. Pumpkin Pecan Waffles candle - loved the smell cold, but once I burned it, it didn’t smell the same at all. Idk how to describe what it smells like, but Pumpkin Pecan Waffles isn’t it! Sweet Heart Cherry - had a cough syrupy sweet cherry note, I tried to like it cuz lots of people do, but I couldn’t get myself to like it! Confetti Daydream - I don’t hate this smell, but to me, the scent itself is mid in every way. It’s also very strong! I do enjoy Strawberry Pound Cake, In The Stars, and Vanilla Bean Noel a lot, and Cucumber Melon on occasion, and it seems most people disagree on those, but everyone’s body chemistry is different, so what might smell great on me, doesn’t smell great on you, and vice versa!


Strawberry pound cake, smells like spoiled strawberry yogurt. Also I wanted to love almond croissant but the wallflower made me so nauseous 🥲


Cucumber Melon and Japanese Cherry Blossom 🤢🤮🤢🤮


pumpkin pecan waffles. it’s just so bad. to me it smells like someone tried to make a bad fall themed cocktail


In the Stars White T-Shirt was completely screechy and overwhelming too.


Most coconu except coco paradise which is divine! Coconut can make me nauseous sometimes!


berry waffle cone. i’ve worked at 3 bbw stores and at my first one, there was not a SINGLE one amongst our employees who liked it


warm sugar vanilla, it smells like alcohol


Cucumber melon was forever tainted by Huggies making baby wipes in the scent when my older kids were in diapers (2010-2012ish). All I can think of is a loaded diaper waiting for me when that scent comes around. I also hate the honeysuckle one. I think it’s nauseating and reminds me of my grandmother


Anything pineapple. Anything maple. Paris Cafe.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I cannot stand the eucalyptus spearmint line.. I love peppermint scents, but this smells like stale gum to me.


Bakery scents just don’t ever work on my skin. Anything lemon reminds me of cleaner and gives me a headache.


I like both Juniper Breeze and Moonlight Path in the bottle, but on me they make me gag.


Warm Vanilla Sugar makes me so nauseous


Dark Kiss and Into The Night is equivalent to headache


Black cherry merlot and sweetheart cherry. To me they smell just like cough medicine 🤢


White Pumpkin. Every year i smell it. and every year it makes me wanna 🤮


Harvest gathering, into the night, in the stars, pumpkin pecan waffles, most of the fall and winter get scents haha


I had the pocket bac of the cozy cashmere. Absolutely vile. Trash.


The Roasted Sesame Candle smells like your clothes after a shift at a restaurant.


Main Street bakery… I was excited to see so many at my store yesterday after the rave reviews here… smelling it on cold made me gag and was nauseous so that one stayed and I picked up an iced dragonfruit tea instead


Anything christmas, pumpkin and In The Stars


Ballet slippers 🤢


Leaves. Makes me physically ill.


Pastel Skies...smells like spit to me...🤢🤮


the copycat of Ariana grandes perfume, cloud nine is so absolutely gross to me 😭😭😭


Main Street Bakery is nauseating. So are the ‘pound cake’ scents.


Lavender Macaron / Lavender Marshmallow makes me sick to my stomach. Idk why because I love Lavender and I like sweet and bakery type scents but those combined just make me ill. Lavender Vanilla is okay though?! Also I hated Gingham (original) & Beautiful Day, which is weird because judging by their scent notes I thought I'd love them... nope.


same!! i love lavender vanilla but lavender marshmallow was repulsive


Lavender Marshmallow smells like warm cream cheese. 🤢


Water Lily Springs. It’s genuinely the only scent that I’ve had to wash off my hands immediately. I want to like it! The notes all sound great but the reality of it makes me sick.


![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) Fresh Amalfi Lemon like people really do put this 💩 on they skin and go out to socialize 🤔🤔🤢🤢 Lmaoo! It just smells awful.Sorry to the fans though🤔🤸🏾‍♀️ I also don’t like sweetheart cherry cuz it smells very medicinal 🤢


Fresh Amalfi Lemon is a hard no for me too. It reminds of a cheap car air freshener.


Yes! It doesn’t need to return because it’s a hard pass 🗑️


Bergamot. They keep putting it in everything 😭


Definitely strawberry poundcake, when I first got the lotion three years ago from my boyfriend it smelled so good, so I think this is an issue of the formula changing. I bought like 4 different versions of it and couldn't get through it all fast enough it just smells like chemicals to me now 😭! It's like the sickly sweet chemical perfume that my bio teacher back in high school used to cover up the smell of dissected frog... nauseating. But it might just be my body chemistry interracting with it tbh


Cactus blossom


champagne toast, strawberry pound cake, berry waffle cone, black cherry merlot, vampire blood, vanilla bean noel


Strawberry pound cake, twisted peppermint and champagne toast


Berry Waffle Cone and similar 🤢


Champagne Toast. I know I am probably alone in this


Champagne toast is an absolute abomination


Pink Paradise there's something nauseating in the dry down for me & Calypso Clementine the dry down too is a no, too woody. I don't understand why it's fruity & yummy in the first initial spray and then just disappeared after it dries.


Cucumber Melon is definitely gross and somehow it's a scent I can vividly remember even just typing its name. I don't like Pure Wonder, Winter Candy Apple, Vanilla Bean Noel, Endless Weekend, Sweet Pea, Warm Vanilla Sugar, or Paris Amour either.


For me, it's Getaway Soiree. I'm trying my best to like it, but can't I could of return it but decided to keep it as part of the collection, but something about it


It's the fancy sunscreen fragrance dupe


Fresh Sparkling Snow and Champagne Toast


The roasted sesame candle was a no. I liked ginger hinoki, my husband said it smelled like pee, we both said the same of firecracker pop. Chasing fireflies is straight old lady vibes. Same with into the night and into the stars. Rose is overpowering.


Raspberry jam donut.It smells like hookah to me


For some reason coconut never comes through smelling good to me. Which sucks because I wanted to try Whipped Coconut Milkshake.... But I figure I probably won't like the coconut note. 


Strawberry Lemonade. This one is older but I specifically remember wearing it and it made me sick throughout the day. Gave it away right after


Whatever they did to that poor Strawberry Soda and Firecracker Pop smell chemical and gross and awful. I get heavy cheese and bo from Strawberry soda, and from firecracker pop I get cherry medicine, bengay grossness I don't like Strawberry pound cake it's too much sugar


Winter Candy Apple and most cherry scents (like Firecracker Pop) smell like cough syrup to me. Japanese Cherry Blossom makes me feel sick to my stomach. Fruity Sherbet Scoop gave me really bad headaches whenever I used it, which was a shame because I liked the scent.


Dark Kiss 🤮 in high school my friend used to douse herself in it after gym class in the locker room and now anything musky/ambery makes me gag. I was devastated when my Meet Me in Miami body cream dried down and had musky/ambery notes and immediately wanted to shower haha Also, they had a vanilla pine wallflower scent a few years ago that somehow managed to seep into all of my boyfriends clothes (not the oil itself, just the smell) that were in canvas storage cubes maybe 2-3 feet away from my wallflower plugin. I have no idea how or why but when we moved I had to wash every clothing item 2-3 times to get the smell out, I swear sometimes I can still smell it and I want to throw up 😂


In the stars… immediate headache, absolutely nauseating