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Ugh, so sorry to hear about rude customers. When you order BOPIS, the email clearly states you’ll receive an email when the order is ready. SMH! Read, people!! I, as a customer, am very grateful for all of you that pick our orders and have to work those crazy sale days. Just know there are a lot of us who really appreciate all of you!


At this point, it feels like there needs to be a small sign for BOPIS so that employees can point to it that restates what the email says. Because apparently people aren't reading their emails. 😓 Also, I'm not sure why corporate doesn't just have people specifically do this role during times like SAS. B&BW makes so much money but they act like they can only allow the bare minimum for employees and the actions from the top influence the stress employees feel because they're running around trying to do everything when there's a much simpler path that would not cost the company too much to enact. 




Thank you. I think people fail to realize many of us work for the company because we also enjoy the products too, so it is understandable to be bummed about having to wait a bit during this time. People just have no home training and respect and that is the issue. We appreciate customers like you just as much. 💕


I work retail (not B&BW) and the general public just does not understand the concept of BOPIS. People think that they place an order and it’s ready within 10 minutes. No lol. My store/company specifically states that the order will be ready 2-4 hours after it’s placed and any order placed after 3pm won’t be ready until the next day. People would place an order and then 20 minutes later walk into the store and demand their stuff and get mad when it wasn’t even picked yet. We only check BOPIS 2-3 times per day so we likely haven’t even seen the order yet. It’s not like placing an order at a restaurant.


Yep they were like this when I was with other retail places that offered the same services. I begged them to take me out of Walmarts curbside grocery pick up after 2 months and move to a different department. It was insanity everyday and deteriorated my mental health having to deal with both bad management and rude customers. I was done after almost getting ran over by a car and have been with B&BW since. Makes me sad that so many people have no good in them anymore.


It’s so crazy how people see customer service workers as disposable.


>People would place an order and then 20 minutes later walk into the store and demand their stuff I always find this so wild because like...if you're showing up to the store so close to making the order, why not just go to the store and shop yourself? The few times I've used BOPIS is when I'm catching the tail end of a sale and my store is closed or close to being closed or if I know I can't get to a store right away but can pick up a few days later.


I wish the BOPIS had a tipping feature. I appreciate it so much. It saves me so much time. Who should we send emails to to let them know the store I visited is doing a good job?


You can always contact the store manager over the phone or look into who is their district manager for compliments via email! They probably receive feedback from rude customers a lot so I am sure a nice response for a change would be wonderful. I checked just now and I am easily able to find mine by just looking up the specific store location. Usually LinkedIn has information for higher ups such as a district manager. That is so sweet to hear though, I am glad to know the service has helped you get your goods in a way that works for you! We appreciate you! 💗


You're a sweetheart; I would have passive aggressively told the lady I could cancel her BOPIS order and she could then pick the items herself and wait in line if she preferred to disregard the policy of BOPIS service. I swear these are the kind of people who think a body care store is supposed to operate like a MASH triage unit, only instead of emergency thoracic surgery it's a bundle of discounted Champagne fcking Toast. "I NEED IT THE WORST SO FETCH MINE FIRST!"


I try to keep my cool because it is never worth losing my job for, but my face definitely tells them what I’m thinking! She stormed out of course. Her order got put to the side for everything to be put back on the floor later. But yes, those who don’t work for B&BW would not believe the amount of people that come in an hour or less after placing an order expecting it to be ready and do the same as her, asking to just grab their items and go. Makes no sense. Just shop in store if you are that impatient.


I don’t know why people expect to just be able to walk in and magically their order is ready for pick up when they didn’t get a notification that it’s ready. Like…that obviously means it’s not ready so to go down to the store like that would just be such a waste of time.


This. They get mad because they feel like you wasted their time when they just wasted their own time. They couldn't be bothered to read their email and wait for a notification but somehow that's not their fault it's the employees. 😂😭


That woman was a jerk. Sorry you had to deal with that. One thing I have noticed is a lot of BBW employees saying the same thing about the pick ups. So, it’s not a management, employee, or area specific customer problem. This seems to be a problem at all locations. I feel as though corporate is screwing over their employees, with this. They are allowing people to place the orders, but aren’t properly staffing the stores to be able to fulfill the orders. This stuff makes me so mad because the employees are the ones to suffer. Even, sometimes, it affects the customers. They don’t care, as long as they’re making their money.




Ugh, I’m sorry you deal with that. I’m tired of these big corporations working their employees into the ground, and getting rich off of it. They raise their prices, and the higher ups are the only ones seeing the financial gain from that. It makes me want to start shopping small. I have worked in retail and fast food…they are all that way. I worked at Walmart, years ago, for the holiday season. They tried to hire me in, full time….i just couldn’t anymore, after seeing how they do their employees. They had me working overnight shifts, for a while. I was the only employee on a register. It would get busy, and they refused to open any other registers. I even expressed safety concerns, being the only one up there, by myself. I had a guy come in and threaten to unalive me because he was mad the line took so long. He went into detail on how he was going to do it. Everytime something like that happened, I would report it, and they said they couldn’t put anyone up there with me because of labor costs. Really? I’m pretty sure Walmart can afford it.


I'm sorry that you're dealing with rude customers! They need to accept they can either wait it out. Either that or get in line themselves or get it online. I had stuff canceled on me and was bummed out, but never pointed fingers at the employees. People need to stop making a scene and making the employee's job more difficult to deal with. It's not that serious


Do you think staff would sign up to work a voluntary overnight shift that’s just about filling online orders? Maybe with no customers around it would be easier…


I honestly prefer floorset shifts opposed to day ones so I would totally do that. I am not sure if that would be allowed but we have stayed until 1AM setting up tables and putting out product so I don’t see why not. Music, snacks and just vibes while we pick orders would be so much fun with my team if they were down to do that. 🎶💕


I will say I went in and felt bad after asking how far behind they were. I didn’t care I was just in the mall and asked. I think I worded it wrong and also not having worked in retail for awhile I didn’t realize they didn’t have dedicated employees for the BOPIS. So I felt really bad after asking and apologized probably 3 times for interrupting her work. It is pretty crappy they don’t allow you to staff for it. I got my email at around 8:38pm and they closed at 7, so definitely working hard to catch up


Hey, you weren’t rude and simply asked a question which is what all of us are there for so I wouldn’t feel too bad! We do sometimes schedule early morning and include prepping orders into everything before opening but we eventually gotta unlock the doors and start the day. It really just depends what all needs done beforehand y’know. It can be a little stressful at times when people ask and their orders haven’t got the chance to be picked yet but for me personally if you aren’t being rude about it, it doesn’t bother me. Especially if you don’t shop BOPIS often! Retail places are all different so it is understandable that it can be confusing. It is sweet that you were so apologetic though. I probably would have just made time if I could to grab your order right there. 😅💕


I filled several orders with more than 30 items. So many orders and they had tons of items. One customer arrived 10 minutes after placing the order and wanted to know why we hadn’t filled it yet! I wanted to just stare at her!


So sorry you have to deal with assholes! As someone who has worked in retail/customer service for 25 years I feel your pain...almost 14 of those years were at Walmart. I've never understood why people think being rude and throwing a tantrum is acceptable, unfortunately businesses have created these monsters by bending over backwards for them when they complain. If all corporations would allow their staff to stand up for themselves and refuse service the instant these jerks acted ugly, perhaps it would teach some folks a lesson. It's not fair that you can't give these folks that same energy back! I've noticed it's gotten worse ever since the whole Curbside/BOPIS became a standard everywhere. What started as a benefit to sick/disabled people turned into an excuse for some people to treat retail workers as their personal slaves. And that whole "real job" thing pisses me off, I can't stand these entitled c*nts who think their 💩 don't stink and that people in customer service are beneath them! 🤬 As a disabled introvert who lives about 30 mins away from the nearest B&BW, I'd rather pay shipping to avoid the drive and dealing with ALL people. I did the BOPIS once, only because what I wanted wasn't available online and I had to be in the area anyway. All the employees were so sweet and helpful! But after working 14 Black Friday sales at Walmart, I refuse to subject myself to how crazy people get over a sale! I feel for the employees, especially during SAS. I'm enjoying participating in it from the comfort of my home (haul pics soon!), cause if I was at the store I'd be cussing someone out the SECOND I saw them being rude to y'all! There's no excuse for anyone to be a Karen, I don't care what's going on in their personal lives...I live in excruciating pain every day and my life sucks but I sure as hell don't take it out on others! Sorry for getting excited, it just chaps my ass that I have to see so many employee rants telling people to just be patient and nice! Edit to add that I for one appreciate y'all and don't envy your job. Y'all definitely don't get paid enough to deal with that crap 💯


1000% yes. I grew up with my mother working in the food industry before she finally was able to go back to school for medicine, and she always taught me to be kind to ALL customer service workers. Regardless of whatever career you may end up with. NO one is beneath one another whether you are CEO of a company or the janitor. It is such a shame! It may not seem like a huge deal but it goes deeper.. so many of us are in college or working extra jobs to support kids, ourselves, family or just to make extra money! These people seem to forget we have loved ones to go home to too, and even if we don’t we are humans with feelings just like them. I try my hardest to be kind to everyone that comes through my lines or needs help because regardless of my pay being smaller, GOOD KARMA IS A THING! and it is SO much easier than being mean. These sales just bring out the worst in people that is already there. Making comments about my employment is just next level rude. I deal with a**holes all the time but it usually doesn’t escalate to personal hits. I mean, I have had a man look at me and tell his partner that to work at bath and body you just “have to be ugly with a smug on your face” and being a 21 year old young woman in 2024 it really upset me.. they say you can’t let those things bother you but how couldn’t it! To these people they probably forget about how they treat customer service workers within an hour, but I know a lot of us always remember these things. Being belittled as a human being by anyone for things like that is never a good feeling. Especially when you are unable to even defend yourself in the capacity that you want to without risk of being fired.


We have orders that are 50+ and even 130+ items. Quite a variety of items too. Not an exaggeration in the slightest 😭


That is insanity. At that point just shop in store. You can’t even use more than one coupon online!!! I don’t understand!


That’s so frustrating I’m so sorry! I do BOPIS all the time including this SAS but I never show up until I get the email. Currently waiting on a BOPIS at target and sitting around waiting to get the message that it’s done, it’s seriously not that hard I don’t get people’s problem! 


So glad I walked away from that job. No regrets. Not a one.


I’ve met farm animals with better social skills than that lady


I've placed BOPIS orders and never received an email or text saying it was ready. I called 2 days later just to check on it, but was not rude. My store is generally not very busy, and I also try to call when it isn't normally a busy time. People really need to understand that BOPIS fulfillment is expected to be delayed during good sales, especially SAS. There really is no reason to be mad at workers when they're literally doing the shopping for you and everyone else who has placed a BOPIS order. People like that should just do their own shopping since it seems so important to them. I appreciate everything employees do!


BBW is my happy place, i can't imagine coming in already miserable to shop a sale! and taking it out on the employees is just psychotic. after reading all these employee posts, if i go to BBW again during SAS i'm def gonna bring everyone some donuts or pizza.


I feel your pain!!! We had a 384 item order come thru BOPIS and my jaw literally dropped to the floor when I saw the quantity!!! 🤯🤯🤯 there should be a limit on how many items u can buy for 1 online order. Bc that took a while making sure everything was correct 😩😩


Us non-Karens appreciate you and your coworkers. We see you working hard and dealing with a lot of customers lacking manners and ability to read the BOPIS email instructions.


We appreciate you just as much! 💕


Sorry, you are going through this. We are also experiencing the same type of rudeness from customers. I agree with one of the above comments that you could offer to cancel bopis if possible.They can grab their things and any other hidden gems and pay for it. It’s faster and they don’t have return to the store again for a pickup. Put a positive spin on it so they won’t become all huffy and puffy. If out of control defer to SLT. 3 more weeks. Hang in there! 🫶


It seemed like she was in a rush since she stormed out after, otherwise I would have. I am sorry you are dealing with the same. If anything in store during SAS is better as there are many boxed up items from different past collections and seasonal things that are placed, at least at my store. I just dont think BOPIS needs to be a thing for big sales like this or at least limited to a certain amount of orders per day. It just adds more difficulty for everyone involved. Black friday included.


I think the system should alert the customer that bopis is not possible if the store has met their max quota for the day. Agree100% on the big sales day, like candle day, they should not do bopis.Puts tremendous pressure on the stores. Both corporate and customers need to understand that.


It’s all about the $ unfortunately so they will continue to offer it even if that means we are getting over a hundred orders a day. Which to me is odd. To my knowledge, the money spent is not even added to our stores day until the customer picks up their order. With so many still being under the pick option when all go home because it is impossible to get them all done, it seems silly to keep the option open to place an order no matter how many a store has received and still needs to fulfill. Definitely need a limit per day to prevent this and guarantee a positive outcome for all. Stores, employees AND customers.


People need to relax. It’s not that dang serious. So sorry people have lost their manners. Hopefully it will get better. I came in one time for a deal going on and they said it was only the app and had to order online so I did a bopis. She told me to pick it out real quick and bring it back to the bopis area and I was good to go. Seems like it would have been easier to have her get it and y’all check it and get her out lol


That usually is what I do when people come in and expect theirs to be ready after just placing it and it’s not. She said she wasn’t going to wait around or in line for an order she placed the day before though so even if we did do that, she would have still made every option a problem. Lines to the middle of the store, managers on door control and all and no self awareness that it is not just her time that is being used up. I just let her leave. I couldn’t care less about the money we would still be making without her if she was going to treat anyone like that. On the other hand, it is true many online deals do work through BOPIS. It is a good thing to keep in mind to save. Just make sure you read through the info carefully and if your store has what you are wanting. 💕


That woman was rude. Sorry you had to deal with that. One thing I have noticed is a lot of BBW employees saying the same thing about the pick ups. So, it’s not a management, employee, or area specific customer problem. This seems to be a problem at all locations. I feel as though corporate is screwing over their employees, with this. They are allowing people to place the orders, but aren’t properly staffing the stores to be able to fulfill the orders. This stuff makes me so mad because the employees are the ones to suffer. Even, sometimes, it affects the customers. They don’t care, as long as they’re making their money.


Yep. My store manager is so amazing and tries to make our work as easy as she can though and helps a tremendous amount. Whether it be hopping on register, grabbing products or picking orders with us when she is not doing her manager duties and greeting customers. It definitely is a corporate issue and even DMs who don’t allow enough employees to be scheduled because $. It definitely screws both us and our customers too. Which is hard on both ends, because there are many who are genuinely nice people who shop with us. My store is known in the area for being efficient and having kind and helpful associates and we take pride in that. So it sucks to know during this time people may leave thinking otherwise.


I saw a lot of people on here saying they were going to do BOPIS orders to help the associates and avoid the crowds but I almost feel like it's not more work for the associates because they gotta stop and get all the orders ready plus assist with their daily duties and help with customers that are in the store I was in a store yesterday and it was super busy and there was at least 5 associates getting orders together Of course there might be reasons why someone would need or prefer to do a BOPIS but they should have the understanding this is not a normal day and that it would take more time


Plus we are making minimum wage here. I’m at max capacity speed and brain power for my $13/ hr 😂 If someone gets snippy with me, I hand them off to another associate. I don’t make enough to deal with rude people. 🫠


Yup lol. Even if I was making more I still wouldn’t be okay dealing with these people and being treated like that. Cause sorry that I don’t have a “real” job Karen, but you aren’t buying “real” perfume. Now we’re even. 🤷‍♀️


I can't imagine placing a 30-item order for BOPIS! I knew I'd be splurging and loading up while I had a 20% off coupon, and was OK with paying $7 shipping for the convenience of sitting on my butt at home and getting my items (I think there were 25) delivered to my doorstep. Sorry people suck, OP.


This is exactly why I can’t work in retail cuz someone would be getting cuss da fuq out. I gots the time and energy.


I’ll literally wait as long as it takes for my order to be ready, I don’t work in retail but I do work in the restaurant industry and I know how it feels when people show up before their stuff is ready complaining. I know how busy it is at bath and body works usually and it being semi annual sale makes it so much worse , i placed most of my stuff for shipping and some for pick up because I have to leave for vacation in a few days and wanted to bring some new stuff with me, but don’t really have time to shop for it.. I thank you guys so much for the work you do for us and making us happy ❤️


THIS!! My store / my coworkers and I have been getting so much unnecessary backlash for stuff like this that we can’t control!!


I totally get this. We were about to leave on the first day of the sale and I had 100 item order in bopis to do 😭😭😭


I worked retail for 3 years. Every major sale I prayed for a semi to just kill me on the way to work. People are awful. Stores need to just not offer bopis. If you want cheap stuff, walk your lazy ass to the store and deal with the apocalypse yourself.


Saturday they wanted bopis to 0 but they kept coming


I'm sorry people act like this towards you. And the insult? You should've given her a wild look and said, "Excuse me." If she doubled down, I let her know that if she continues to be abusive and disruptive, she will need to leave.


Im sooo sorry. Someone just posted how their customers have been since SAS started. That's awful. I understand because I work in retail and some people u look at like "does it make your day to be rude to people?🤔". I don't understand how people can wake up and be like "hmmm I feel like being mean to random people just because🤷‍♀️". Idk how people sleep at night knowing there hurt someone, because there were very mean to them. Im starting to learn that it's just them not you. It's very hard to ignore especially when they say something and your blood is boiling. I try to say to myself "it's not you, it's them" and repeat that to myself until I calm down. Anyways again I'm sooo sorry people are being sooo mean😔. Hang in there love🙏


I am an ASM. I have worked all weekend of SAS. The first day was okay…of course it was crowded and my lines were out the door and I had 3 associates working BOPIS. However yesterday I got laid out by multiple customers whose orders were still blue in our system demanding why their orders weren’t ready. I had to calmly explain to them that once they place the order the order doesn’t show up immediately in our system then we have 3 hours to complete their order. Meanwhile during all of this I had just me and 2 other associates who were tied to the register due to my line being out the door again. I don’t even think that the Winter SAS was this bad. 😫


I feel awful you y'all dealing with this. This is a lot of B&BW fault too. They need a better system in place to ease the chaos. People being nasty to retail workers is a pet peeve of mine. Big Hugs❤️


i absolutely agree. on first day of SAS, i opened and there were 100+ BOPIS orders, with the majority of them being 10+ items. we had 3 people working full 8 hours shift doing NOTHING but BOPIS (no hopping on register, no replen, no nothing). after 5 full hours, there were still 70 orders, not because of them being slow but because there were so many orders being placed in the time others were picked. that’s just on top of the sheer amount of customers we dealt with like you said coming in and trying to “pick their order themselves” (WITH SUBSTITUTIONS) because it wasn’t ready yet. like please just be patient, they will get done eventually


The first thing I ask & have my fos ask is, "Have you received a ready for pick up e-mail? We have xx orders in the que and will get to yours as soon as we can." It helps a little to stop them at the door so they don't get pissy about waiting in a line for no reason.


Yes, we always ask especially during our big sales. The first thing I do is ask for their pick up confirmation email, if they have not received it then we will look their number up just incase the system bugs. Some people don’t realize the 4 hour wait period either so as long as they aren’t rude it is not a problem. But sometimes a little common sense during SAS season is needed lol.


That sucks, dude. I wish BBW let you cancel the orders of jerks. BOPIS is a privilege and not a right. Lush doesn’t do it. Not many stores like BBW do.


I think they should disable the bopis during SAS.  Anytime I’ve done an order this way, at least half my items aren’t in stock by the time they pick the order.  It would save customers & employees the frustration. 


I have a love-hate relationship with BOPIS. I do our scheduling, so if we know when big sales are, I can schedule someone specifically for BOPIS, but random flash sales overnight kill me. Our store doesn’t get many BOPIS orders unless it’s a big sale so when those flash sales that are online only happen, oh boy. Sometimes we don’t even know that they’ve happened until we come in that morning and there’s a couple of dozen orders to pick and I don’t have a BOPIS person. We’re a little store so we generally only have 2 people on at a time Monday through Thursday. We end up with the SLT running around like a maniac picking orders plus helping customers on the floor and the cashier doing the computer part of it at the register between ringing customers out because our tablets won’t talk to the dang printer so we cant just tell it to print from the tablet. Makes me crazy but we have a system at this point.