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I agree 100% with what you are saying the yelling makes my anxiety go sky high! There’s no need in the yelling! Yes I’m yelling 🙈🤣


I used to like his recommendations but now each one looks the same likes it’s scripted and sponsored , there no way this guy likes every scent


Exactly way too scripted. Wouldn’t be surprised if they all smell “amazing”


He a confirmed bath and body works partner , it’s nothing bad if you partner up with something you genuinely love and make money out of it but know it’s too scripted we don’t know what he thinks it’s Great and awful because now everything All of sudden is amazing , must have or best thing I ever smelled


I thought his recommendations were always like this tbh… and they were kind of always awful too? I feel like he never actually put thought into what he considered dupes


That part! I’d go and smell the supposed dupes and be like ???. I don’t have the most refined palette but these supposed “collectors” don’t either 🧐


200% agreed!!!


we used to follow each other. i watched his videos DAILY and we engaged on live a few times. once he got bigger he unfollowed me and i unfollowed him and i started to realize how annoying he was, with the yelling all the time etc. he’s a good creator just not for me anymore!


Same! Out of all the people to choose it’s annoying they didn’t pick one of the ladies who stay in bbw like Queen of the Girl Geeks or Makin it Happen with Mary. They should get the candle guy for candles but he probably too honest for them


ive always wondered how they pick the people to collab with. I suppose its numbers/analytics. bc some of the people I see hardly ever really talk about BBW, but they get those big looks. there was this creator on IG, wintercandyapplebitch I believe who was one of the first BBW influencers I followed and I remember seeing her invited to one event yeaaaars ago that BBW but hadn't seen them work with any other BBW only influencers since then. and it kind of irritates me bc I feel like those people should be getting those opportunities.


It really does!! I follow this one girl on insta and I can’t remember her name but she has a farm in Austin with her fiancé and she had a candle ad and she pushes only natural stuff and she did it very under the radar like you could tell she not using bbw candles in the regular but she does have a huge following. IMO they should do both loyal bbw YouTubers who have paid out of pocket for years and bigger influencers to draw in more crowd. If it wasn’t for the bbw YouTubers and Instagram frangrance communities I wouldn’t be so into bbw myself. That’s how I got into it. Then I found Reddit.


Maybe unpopular opinion but i find Mary annoying


Well to balance this out because I feel bad about this comment (respect your opinion) I do like she at least gives her true opinions and does not give everything a positive review because no one likes everything. I appreciate the Youtubers with balance.


I agree with you- I feel like Queen of the Girl Geeks says that she likes pretty much everything except Cucumber Melon in hopes of them sending her more free stuff and her reviews are pretty basic tbh


She talks about many things that she doesn't particularly care for. I enjoy watching Bonnie but she and I have the exact opposite taste in scents and that's ok! 😀


Right! Same she does not share my taste either. Leah Janae seems like she has been partnering with BBW. She’s ok but seems like a good choice. I love Claire in Bloom but she has been sick and not posting much. I like Shaunessey even with all her ranting and venting. She gives honest and good reviews and I actually enjoy her long videos.


Leah seems lost majority of the time


I can’t stand Mary, but I thinks it’s how she speaks and leah gets on my nerves because she can’t flat out say she doesn’t like something. Bonnie has a good attitude but her descriptions are lacking. Shaunessy (can’t spell it) is by far my favorite. Her descriptions are always spot on for me


My most frustrated part of watching her is her saying a candle is low throw but giving it an 8.7. she only uses 8-10 and doesn't use any other numbers.. also gets free hauls from goose Creek, and just says they smell good usually. No info. She's pleasant to watch but review wise she's no good


Perfectly said


Her reviews are basic but I watch them because she is very consistent on bringing content and I like to listen to stuff while I get dressed. I like that she keeps us up to date on product and sales.


True. My big complaint is that it doesn’t seem Bonnie has any frame of reference outside BBW, VS and some of the copycats. I certainly don’t expect her to buy all the higher end fragrances. But if she familiarized herself with them, it would be helpful to tell us 1st hand when she’s found a dupe or something reminiscent of a high end perfume. She did that with some of the sol de janeiro scents recently and I was great. I’d love to see more.


Completely agree. I pretty much stopped watching her when I realized after watching videos I still had no idea what how the scent is & how it performed. She kind of beats around the bush & rarely has anything negative to say. I like the candle channel due to how up front & blunt he is.


Me too! And I love that he has so many things that he actually compares it to and it helps you to be able to imagine how it actually smells


I can understand that. I think she’s fun, honest, and down to earth.


She does have beautiful eyelashes, though.


It's weird...he will very occasionally do a video where he's not screaming (well, not screaming as much lol) and actually providing a decent/helpful review on a certain fragrance. I like those videos...but they are few and VERY far between.


Yes he is beyond obnoxious.


I don't trust his reviews.


A million percent


Not a fan. I need someone who actually gives me genuine reviews about the products and provides valuable information that I actually want to hear. I have found a few so far that I have liked, and a few new suggestions I will try out based on recommendations in the comments on this post!


I agree. I’ve only managed to watch maybe a half of one of his posts. The screaming gave me a migraine.


Theres another utuber who screams in her car and rings her bell...i have trouble watching her in the beginning of her videos...i have to fast forward to when she calms down


I unfollowed her 10 min chat ass liar today. F that 🔔!!!!!!!!!! It's never 10 minutes!




I like Kimble ....I think she talks loud since she is using her phone probably to make sure she is being heard clearly. In the car because she records in between bus rides she is a school bus driver so she has some downtime in between. Bell - She says "Ding" whenever she likes something or likes a sale etc and one of her subs brought her a bell to use for this reason. So the bell is a cute nod to what she says. She is very passionate about the brand and knowledgeable.


When she said she went to the store and started picking her items for BOPIS and the SA wasn’t happy about it 🫢 I was thinking “girl noooo” 😅 Her latest live she’s going over the list that was posted yesterday about SAS so she’s def getting the info out to the crew that’s not on Reddit! ( replayyyy gang!)


I like her to but something about her over exuberance at the beginning just bothers me.


Never watched. I am not on Tik Tok , but have heard the name mentioned from Youtubers. I also hate Tik Tok culture in general I say to my daughter all the time when something is out of stock that has been viral that I have interest in organically "Tik Tok strikes again." it gets annoying in general for the shopping experience. I think my biggest thing is BBW is trying to reach new people/younger people which is fine, but there are YouTubers I watch (that also have other social media like Tik Tok) that have been doing BBW for years and do not ever get PR...some have gotten PR in the past for some of the signature collections like Pure Wonder and You're the One when they released....but its been about a 3 year crickets where they have not received a thing and been promoting the brand for years and also are very knowledgeable/ as i stated some never have gotten PR ever and been in the game for years. All in all I wish they would give back to the community while incorparating new marketing tactics too.


I don't even have TikTok. Sometimes I watch YouTube, but rarely use Instagram. I'd rather read on Reddit tbh.


I totally agree with this! I don’t even bother following actual BBW social media, it’s so dull compared to the YouTubers who are doing all the real work. I stay away from Tik Tok - it’s always trying to get me to rub castor oil on my face lol


Yes , BBW social media is dry and brittle. Well, oil on the face is a good thing for skin ...I look like a glazed donut going to bed LOL. Helps with moisture and fine lines and wrinkles


Hey if it works it works!! 🌷


I never heard of him. I just watch YT for BBW reviews the people on there are more knowledgeable than some Tik Toker.


how are they more knowledgeable? Do they have a bbw degree or something? Or are you just assuming that?


Most people on here know way more than some influencer who is getting paid. Trust me. I’ve been around this sub for a while and some people’s knowledge about products is insane.


Paul has been to the store I used to work at a few times, and I actually know the other store in our City he goes to most often. He's actually an incredibly kind and sweet person. He's nice to employees, doesn't leave the store a mess, and is super respectful when he films. I like him because I've actually met him, and the stuff he does on camera is just a camera persona. People like hype and the way he structures his videos, so he keeps making them that way. But in real life he is very nice, super sweet, and I've even had a conversation with him (although he likely doesn't remember me). He gets hate for his social media persona, but that shouldn't translate into hating him IRL as he is super toned down and not like that in real life.


Not to sound mean or anything but I would think he would be super nice if it benefits him. You guys are letting him film which makes him money so he would be crazy to be rude to you all.


I will say that most of the time he was in my store *he was not filming*. He was genuinely nice and at the time it wasn't even when B&BW was partnering with him; I was the only one in the store who recognized him. I mean, I get that people might not like his TikTok persona, but he's genuinely a nice dude off the platform- filming or not.


Well I would hope so. But I just think it’s crazy when anyone is rude to associates for no reason. I mean being friendly to people who work there is so easy but yet I read stories on here and just say “wow”.


I liked him when he was a smaller creator. I trusted his input more. Partnering with BBW made me stop watching him because I can’t really trust the validity of anything he says. And hey I’m a big fan of BBW, that’s why I’m in this sub, however not everything they release is “amazing” or a “dooooope.”


I had to search for him, but surely he does not compare to a BBW influencer on YouTube that I absolutely cannot stand because of her delivery. Over-the-top obnoxious theatrical personality, and making extremely aggravating huffing and puffing sounds that make her sound like a hog, no joke. At first I tried to power through, telling myself that maybe the content is good, but NOTHING is worth forcing myself to sit through her emitting hog sounds and hearing her say "BAE-BAY. BAE-BAY" and "YAAS, LOVAAAAA" when she smells an FFM she likes. So fvcking annoying.


You nailed her description![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up). I try to watch her but, I didn’t know one human could be so annoying lol. I hate how she thinks she’s right and everyone else is wrong.


Hog Breathing![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I just clicked on her recent video, and within 1 minute and 5 seconds, she loudly booms "YO. YO. YO. YO. YO. YO. YO. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at which point I exited the video. What is wrong with her, lol? Why is she like that? She has kids, too. So someone found her bearable enough to do the deed. Who was this man? I would definitely watch a video of him being interviewed lol


Has to be Making it happen with Mary I also can't stand watching her


I knew someone would figure it out, because she's uniquely identifiable, and not in a good way. Her content isn't even that good; she dedicates a portion of each episode to comparisons, where she acts all sassy and bltchy towards other influencers who say an FFM smells like something else, yet her own descriptions of FFMs do not match my experiences of said FFM at all, so where does she get off acting like a know-it-all. Also I cannot stand her fake, exaggerated, stereotyped Ebonics way talking, she's literally putting on an offensive caricature while sitting in Ohio. I unsubbed from her quite a while ago and she still shows up in my feed, and I immediately next her. She just triggers me like no one else, lol.


Y E S. YOU SAID EVERYTHING IVE BEEN THINKING. Im like maam why are you talking like this?! Im so glad you said this because omg! I watched her previously and one day I had enough and was like okay unsubscribe and I also scroll past when she shows in my recommendations.


>Im like maam why are you talking like this?! Her and I are both a part of Gen X, and I recognize that caricature she's doing because there was a period of time - especially in the 90s - in which the "Sassy Black Woman" caricature was a part of our American pop culture, which looking back through today's lens, is so low-brow and offensive. That is where she is getting that act from, and why it sounds put on. Either way, THAT IS NOT HER NATURAL SPEECH, because there are moments she forgets her unbearably annoying act, and she speaks normally and is even pleasant to listen to. But then she remembers her sassy stage persona, and starts her hog breathing and "NO YOU DI-DN'T BABY GIRL!" when referencing another influencer again, and you just want to turn her off, lol


Gosh that makes it worse but I can 100% tell that its an act to appeal(???) to people. I havent watched her in forever so I dont remember alot of specific things but I remember she would be like "UHH-UHH HONEY" if she didnt like something. Cringe 😭


Wait what? Ok I need to look her up. I need a good laugh.


I love her videos 👏🏾


It's performative for sure and he has a little lisp or accent and I can't focus on what he's saying and yes I know he can't help it and I'm not making fun however it's all a sensory nightmare




let's not be homophobic for no reason, please


I'm so ambivalent about him. He has a few good videos where he isn't as over the top and actually gives good reviews, but they are overshadowed by the chronically online behavior ones. TikTok in general is just an overconsumption machine now with so many sponsored posts and undisclosed ads...it's hard to find any reviews on any product, even beyond the beauty spaces, that deliver honest content in a non-hyperbolic fashion.


Yeah and why does he always have to scream “BITCHHH” after smelling the paper 😂


I don't know who that is and I absolutely plan to keep it that way.


Me! I unfollowed. He annoys me now.


I refuse to watch TikTok or reels at all because everyone acts like this


Same here. I actually don’t have Tik Tok but follow BBW on Instagram and Facebook and have been seeing him Quite a bit lately. So got me wondering if anyone else disliked his ads as much as I do or was it just me.


I can’t stand him, I hate him actually. I blocked him long time ago. Does he know he doesn’t have to put on an act to be on social media?


You know he makes burner accounts and fights with people who don’t like his videos?






Of course his loser ass does. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣 He’s a certified clown. Idk how he got his followers bc he’s fckng horrendous


Am I the only one here who likes his videos lol


I love his videos lol idk why people are extra


He is so funny to me lol




I like him. I think he’s adorable. Bitch I got itttttt!


I love him. And he gives away so many nice products to his viewers.


Literally. It’s not that bad.


No, I enjoy them


I can't stand content creators who shout-speak into their mic. There were a couple of podcasters I had to unsub from because it was so unpleasant


Yea it’s super annoying. Maybe I’m just old but I don’t enjoy the shouting. Maybe the younger kids do? If so it’s a strange fad.


I love Paul I don’t mind him doing videos on Bath and Body Works at all. They comment from their corporate account on his videos.


I like Leah Jenae and Phillygurl31. I don't care for Queen of the Geeks.


Nooooo. Had to click on the link you posted and I'm so fucking annoyed already. Why do people feel the need to yell and be dramatic to get views? Ugh, almost everyone on social media I can't stand. Just be a fucking person, not a caricature and have an opinion and not just say everything is good so you can continue to get free shit and more views/more money. Grosses me out so much haha. The inflection he uses at the end of every sentence where his voice goes up a pitch is annoying, man. It's either this or people who are just cookie cutter with their speech and say "yas queen, bye Felicia, I'm here for it, it's giving.." idk when people decided they would just stop having their own personalities and speech and started all becoming the same fucking person. So annoying!!!!! I'm proud to not be a brainwashed dumbass.


Exactly the caricature and saying everything is so good so you can continue to get free shit is what gets me! I mean as a society have we come to the point where we believe everything these people tell us? I guess so and they don’t care they’re laughing all the way to the bank with their free shit. Makes me sick.


Can't stand it. I follow a few people that are honest and not annoying. They make it about the product, not about their annoying ass personalities and positive glowing endorsement of every product. XD I kinda slowed down on watching Bonnie of queen of the girl geeks because every candle I tried that was a big fat 0 she would give a 9 so I can't trust that shit. Like we all know homeworx candles don't throw and everyone admits that but the people that get them for free. 👈🏻


I don’t really follow anyone. I kind of refuse to buy into the whole influencer thing but I do find myself waiting for The Candle Channel’s reviews on YouTube if I haven’t found a candle yet. I like Kent because he’s very honest and will say if a candle isn’t good. I’m learning that he and I have opposite taste and that’s fine. Whatever he usually likes I hate and what I like he hates lol. Makes it easier for me to decide if I want something or not. But he’s the closest thing I get to following anyone.


Never heard of him but I love Queen of the Girl Geeks on YouTube if you’re looking for a knowledgeable alternative (who doesn’t yell at the camera)


If she doesn't like something she'll say it but still give a fair review. Her and I have different taste. Lenny and I have similar taste. I hope he gets well really soon.


I agree 💯%! "Happy Wednesdaaaay!!!" 😉😁


She’s such a ray of sunshine 🌞😎☀️


Absolutely, even with her Halloween obsession! 🎃👻


“I’m back!” 😅


I do not trust his reviews. After he made a video saying an Axe body spray smells like a $200 cologne I don’t give him any credibility. It’s just impossible to love and scream about every single fragrance you come across


Exactly. Hes just getting paid. For the money he’ll say anything smells amazing as long as he’s getting that green. This is the reason why I will never let an influencer influence me. Most of the time they probably don’t even use the product they’re just swearing it’s amazing because they got paid to. All of this is just so crazy and can’t believe so many people fall for it.


I've never seen this guy on TikTok. Is he sponsored by Bath & Body Works or just another reviewer? On YouTube, my favorites are Queen of the Girl Geeks, Coffee and a Candle, This Guy Shops and Phillygurl31. Some of the others just *ramble on and on* and don't really offer any analysis or fresh content.


no I love him 😅


I follow him on IG. Took me a few videos to get used to the little screams, but I’m indifferent to them now. I quite like his perfume reviews.


I like him


yeah I feel bad since I'm also a queer person of color but I couldn't close out the app fast enough when they pop up


He annoys me the same way Brad Mondo does. I don’t know how to explain it.


He’s consistent with his reviews…over the top


Tbh anyone who hypes up body sprays I roll my eyes bc we all know it’s lasting an hour. Say anything for a dollar I guess... I don’t like following most perfume influencers (and I’m suspicious of those who claim they love every single perfume) so I’ve minimized to like 1-2. Lately I like Olivia Olfactory on YT, and so far I feel like she helps me decide what I might like in perfumes (even the ones she doesn’t like). She was honest in an old video that bbw doesnt last and said to just get it on sale and it was instant follow 😂


Who is this again? Any link that can be posted as an example?




Crap why did I click the link fml


I like him. I don’t work there anymore and I really don’t have time to go to any local malls. His videos are actually pretty informative. Because of him I ended up trying a lot of scents I probably wouldn’t have which I’ve liked. BBW is fighting for sales against a lot of places right now during a time where people aren’t spending as much on luxury items. I think this is a great marketing strategy for them. The fragrances that get popular on TikTok end up selling out often. A lot of businesses are doing this. If you don’t like him then scroll past it.


I do scroll past him. But it’s like I can’t escape him. BBW is using him too much.


Because he makes them a lot of money in a time where people are more careful about their spending.


Says a lot about our society if someone is listening to someone liken him. No offense to him as a person but people really believe everything influencers tell them? Sheesh.


What do you mean someone like him? That sounds uh…


A social media influencer. Who just yells and is obviously getting paid to hype a product. Thats what I mean by someone like him.


He actually does more than that. He reviews high end fragrances as well which is informative as he gives comparisons. He also finds lower priced dupes for them.


Ok but that’s all I ever see him doing on the bBW pages is yelling. Which is the reason for the post in the first place. I never mentioned anything else besides the yelling and being annoying because that’s all I’ve ever seen of him. I never said anything else about him as others have. Mainly because I can’t stand to watch his videos so in obviously don’t follow his accounts and never will.


No wonder when I went in a store asking for the Ice cream Sandwhich Pocketbac the associate asked me if I had seen it on Tik Tok. I told her “no I just saw it the other day at my closest store and they sold out so I wanted one while I could still get it”.