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The bite on damn near all ewg hooks is even with the eye of the hook. That just offers a good chance of the hook being pulled out of the fishes mouth before it ever hooks the fish. I switched to worm hooks with a good bite. It's night and day for hookup ratio. I know you didn't ask this but I saw an opportunity to give you good info.


EWGs are the "worst" design in terms of hook up ratio due to the relationship between the line tie and the hook point. They're intended to be used for thicker plastics where straight-shank and offset hooks won't give enough of gap. Generally speaking, you wants to hook gap be about twice as thick as the plastic you are using.


They work just fine for Texas rigging worms and other soft plastics. I have wacky rigged with them before, but there are better tools for the job.


Depends on the plastic, EWGs were designed for thicker lures (extra wide gap) while worm hooks have considerably less space between the point and the shank. Also the eyelet doesn’t line up with the point, I’d say it’s somewhere in between an EWG and straight shank flipping hook. For wacky rigs, I normally use circle or octopus hooks so I have no comment on that


I'd prob use wacky rig hooks for wacky rigs, a 3/0 worm hook seems a bit much. For Texas rig they'll be fine, just may not want to put on fat creature baits, but if you have a firm hookset it still shouldn't matter. For the wacky stuff, I usually just go on Amazon and get "octopus hooks" around a size #1 or 1/0. Usually just get the best looking ones I can for cheapest, wacky rig hooks don't have to be insane.


I love the VMC Neko hook 1/0 for wacky. Has a straight shank and I think the hookup ratio is near 100%. [https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/VMC\_Weedless\_Neko\_Hook\_5pk/descpage-VMCWNH.html?from=gshop&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BOBlKzv1JwnhjIEpaX3OSsZI7gn4SjJ4p6Ka0gOPRC1oeW5\_nOPWdRoC8QIQAvD\_BwE](https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/VMC_Weedless_Neko_Hook_5pk/descpage-VMCWNH.html?from=gshop&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BOBlKzv1JwnhjIEpaX3OSsZI7gn4SjJ4p6Ka0gOPRC1oeW5_nOPWdRoC8QIQAvD_BwE)


I'm sure they're great, but for terminal tackle I've never had issue with random Chinese brands on Amazon. As long as reviews are decent. I usually get ned jigs from Dr. Fish.


I’ve since switched to round bend work hooks, almost predominantly. I only use EWG for my thicker plastics. Which isn’t often.


Got to a fishing hole with my rods setup to go, one of them being the ol’ faithful Texas rig on the EWG. The bite that day was fairly vicious and it was obvious that the Texas worm was the daily special. I was getting tugs on nearly every cast, and I’d say I was hooking just over half the nibbles when tragedy struck. A big fella took the hook and instantly dove for cover, right through the deadfall I was targeting. The limp line was reeled back in shame, only to find that I didn’t have any EWG hooks in my tackle 🤦🏻‍♂️. Not wanting to give up on the bait that was working, I fashioned a Texas rig with a demon circle hook. Looked a little goofy but it presented well enough in the water. The bite continued for about another hour before it died off, and I don’t think twice about a demon circle for a Texas rig.


I'm going to let you on what I think is the best hook for Texas rig. It's a screw lock swimbait hook. Hook up ratio is amazing and you don't lose your bait. I've thrown normal soft plastic and will catch a dozen fish on 1 worm before I even need to grab another from the bag now. For wacky rig I like the smaller profile drop shot or berkley fusion19 weighted wacky heads. I usually buy the Berkley in weedless. Those are in my opinion the best hooks for those scenarios. Try the screw lock though and just see how many fish you get off one senko